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KSK Aug 2013
The First Time I saw you, you were in the shower.
     At a party in a former schoolhouse
          and I didn't even ask your name.
The First Time we talked was on facebook.
     You were planning a trip to Long Beach
         and I Just Wanted To Get Away
The First Time we met was at a gas station.
      I got in the back seat of your car
           And was with you for the next 55 hours
The First Time we kissed was in the back of a Toyota.
     After a day spent at the river
          and a night of fireworks,and tickle fights.
The First Time I wanted to say I love you was on my birthday.
     We climbed up a waterfall
          but To Me It Was So Much More
The First time I Said I Love You Was At A Concert
     Only A month after I First Met You
          And I Wish I'd Said It Sooner.
KSK Aug 2013
It was more than just a bunch of dancing kids and crazy clothes.
It was a place where I could feel the good vibes of the people around me. A place where when you looked throughout the crowd all you could see were smiling faces.
It was a place where people came together, a place where everybody felt welcomed.
It was a place to escape your problems and a place to simply enjoy being alive.
KSK Jul 2013
with lack of motivation
Leading you towards devastation
Favorite song on the radio station
Not really caring about any education
Instead daydreaming with a vivid imagination
Wanting to go on an all inclusive 3 week vacation
Taking a 30 minute break for some much needed meditation
Rhyming this many words to make a poem takes too much dedication
I really did write this so I'll put a personal problem in for some further verification
Thats my poem on Procrastination
*Sorry Its Late
KSK Jul 2013
A Cop Once Asked Me Why I Had A Camera.
I Replied, "I Like To Take Pictures".
That Same Cop Asked Me Why I Was Shaking So Much.
I Replied, "I'm Talking To A Cop".
Alot Of Cops Have Asked Me," Why Do You Think I Pulled You Over.
"I Was Driving A Bit To Fast", Was A Common Response.
At A Party Cops Asked Everybody to Get Out Of The Room I Was In.
I Pretended To Be Asleep And They Left...
Only to Come Back A Few Minutes Later, Shine A Light In My Face And Say Something Like " If You Don't Get Up Now You Will End Up In Jail."
I Got Up.
and as our parents were on their way to pick us up
My friends and I sat in silence on the living room couch
Was the first time I ever asked a cop a question
"Is It Drunk Driving If I Coast My Truck Into The Driveway?"
he replied but my question remained unanswered.
i started this as a poem and then i just made it more for my memories... but it shall stay up here...

— The End —