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Nov 2011 · 393
Angel in the Night
Krystina Durfee Nov 2011
I see you there.
Sitting by yourself in the dark.
I bet you're very lonely and cold there.
On that bench in South End Park.
Why are you sitting there?
Is that where the point on your map marked?
I don't like being here.
I'm afraid of the dark myself.
It terrifies me... a lot.
I get paranoid when I'm alone in the dark.
I feel eyes on me, I hear lots of sounds I didn't hear before.
Is it bad of me to want to sit by you, stranger?
To just keep you company for a while because I know what it's like in the dark?
I could be your angel in the night.
Someone that you can just talk to about life before you move on.
Someone to let you know that someone out there loves you and misses you.
Someone wants you to come back home.
Someone wonders about where you've been.
Go home to your loved ones, stranger.
For this angel in the night, has saved you from dispair.
Nov 2011 · 589
Krystina Durfee Nov 2011
Dear Far Away Love,
There you go again.
Walking by me without even a glance.
I notice that you don't have any interest.
But I still admire you from a far.
I won't dare approach you.
For fear of rejection.
I've been waiting on you to notice me.
Time after time, I stare at your face as you pass me.
You walk with such a specific flow of movements.
Your smile brightens the room.
Your eyes are the perfect shade.
You seem to like the way she walks, talks, exists.
You pay her more attention then you should.
She will break you.
I fear there's nothing I can say.
For the sake of starting another quarrel.
Oh, how I hate the way you look at her.
She has a beautiful name, as I am nameless to you.
We've been around each other before, without you thinking of her.
Only of me and what you needed.
I was your everything... until she took your from me.
That is what I dispise about her.
The point of view that you used on me.
You spoke sweet nothings to me.
I took them to heart... foolish girl I was.
For now, I feel this way for another.
Now, this one is perfect for me.
Everytime I see him, he looks back.
He pays no attention to the other women.
I'm the only one in his sights.
The only one who will stick by me.
You're lost something.
Something you should od held onto.
For this one... I am perfectly imperfect.
I deserve him.
I love him.. he loves me.
We are meant to be.
Sorry for your loss.
But you'll regret losing me.
I promise.
Nov 2011 · 906
Krystina Durfee Nov 2011
Tick tick tick.
Hear it?
The clock... ticking.
Ticking like a time bomb about to go off.
Your heartbeat is also like the ticking.
Bumo bump bump.
Let the beat take your heart to another melody.
Spin to the beat.
Spin faster, faster, FASTER!
Spin your mind into another demention.
Let your mind wander.
Your mind control is working.
Controlling my body with your hands.
Like a puppet amoung the strings.
Your flaws are my view of perfection.
My flaws are my only destruction.
The eyes are the windows to the soul.
I see my heart beating out of my chest.
Can you hear it?
Bump bump bump.
Can you smell the fear?
I can feel your eyes on me.
They are piercing my skin like needles.
I try to speak, but my throat is dry.
My heart is racing fast, faster, faster!
I see your face in my dreams.
Your eyes of pure sky blue.
They see into my soul, taking me under control.
My body goes cold.
I can hear nothing but my heartbeat in my ears.
Then you speak, little words.
In that tone of voice that freezes my heart and makes time stop.
My body goes cold, and I freeze in place.
I wait for you to approach me.
I wait, and wait... and wait.
Finally it hits me.
I've gone crazy...
I've started seeing things...
Those night terrors again.
I awake, dripping in sweat and panting.
I say to myself, "Those **** night terrors again."
Then I hear the voice again...
"You're not alone, you're just as heartless as I."

— The End —