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Aug 2019 · 511
Sleeping with Inspiration
I pull out words
As if they were

Exposing the gummy center
And tarred lies

The extraction leaves some

Empty socket waiting to be
Its other half

Can lethargic scribbles
On a porcelain
Lift this leaden heart
To dance to a swifter

Maybe tomorrow,
But not Today.

So don't focus on results
Instead train yourself to

**** these thoughts,
I'll rest this weary

Inspiration may be
Sound asleep in my
Aug 2019 · 359
A voice made of Crass
I wish I could wake up
In a display case

No wood but my
Nothing wet but my
Smooth Razor-******

No searching
For caverns
To plunder
No caves to protect
From thieves
Gone asunder

I wish my canvas was blank
Androgynous beauty
A creation of

But I think I used to have a voice

Characters danced in my esophagus
And played my cords
Like a

They shouted on a
And longed for the

But struggled against
My front

After years of neglect,
Too cruel to forget
And too torturous again
To repeat

They forwent their "adieus"
But muttered "**** yous"
As they went to turn tricks
Down the street
Aug 2019 · 295
I learned to listen
By playing your
On repeat

By lapping the taste
That your anger
Morphs into when
Under a sheet

Tonight, tonight,
This rumble won't
Take place in
The street

Rocket in your pocket,
Shark boy, little Jet,
Do you feel pretty?
Or have I not relieved
You yet?

Now something's coming,
Checkmate, game and set,
But maybe you'll indulge me
With one last cigarette?

Boy, Boy,
Crazy with regret,
Let's sing a song to conjure
The evening that we met

How suddenly my name
Became a sweet refrain
That you could not

It's only you,
Everything I'll ever be,
Don't matter if you're tired,
Come refresh yourself in
Ode to west side story
Aug 2014 · 903
The Locusts Ate my Dreams
I've felt my fingers
withered to the core.
Wet chalk on a broken blackboard;
my words powdery prints
yearning for
a string of thoughts
that doesn't screech at night,
or that age old rhyme
that would surely make
the worst of my burdens

Yet words that held no meaning,
leave me empty once transposed
from their coddled womb of inspiration,
to confined sentences in rows.

A thousand locusts inciting
itching urges
to scratch my mind across
a page,
but try as hard as I may
my rhymes betray
my age.
No wisdom pours
from out my lips, nor
that is deep.
For all I ever held
with any depth,
I've dwindled in
my sleep.

Despite my clingy nature,
and as unlikely as it seems,
I swear to You,
those **** locusts
ate my dreams.
Jan 2014 · 864
Dirty Slumber
I've slumbered
through the innocence
of my youth
and the resulting indulgence
left me dry

Since then
I've drowned in non-sense
and bathed
in pool after pool
of white lie;

allowed your eyes
to send bone-chilling waves
down my spine,
with the reckless risk
they imply

and though unwanted
deaden my gaze with doubt,
to the grasp of your
I'll comply
First work in a while, just went through a huge writers block, so comments would be greatly appreciated.
Aug 2013 · 1.8k
Creature in the Mirror
One more shot,
I thought.
It won’t make a difference,
just one more drink.
I stumbled to the table containing a small assortment of poisons.
Not much to chose from, but so many possibilities lie at the bottom of each bottle;
snakes in the grass
(which one will bite tonight?)
A little liquid courage here,
a shot of lust there,
and a floor full of regret and humiliation the next day.
The latter, I know, is guaranteed.
Although from the sound of the debate between
my lunch and my vice that
seems to be reaching a crescendo, that is, all the way up
my throat,
it seems “the next day”
had decided to come early.
Running to the bathroom,
party-goers splitting before me like the Red Sea for Moses
as they saw the look on my face;
(I almost made it this time, too.)
With shame all over my shirt
I reached for the toilet,
(arms outstretched like salvation was possible,)
and hit my head on the pristine porcelain plateau before me.
A killer ache ran through my head,
starting at the initial wound and seeping into the rest of my mind,
clearing my fuzzy brain if only for a second.
As I rest my head on my bitter-sweet friend,
rooted to the pipes below the ground
with no choice but to bear my burden,
I stared into the eyes of the
creature in the mirror.

(It knew that I knew that it knew that I was nothing.)

I closed my eyes,
if only to see something other than this being that demanded to be called Me,
undeserving of the title once bestowed upon a
little girl
with strong convictions.

A girl with
aspirations and hope,
not this abomination in the mirror,
(never meant to be this.)

I closed my eyes harder,
feeling the strain on my pupils,
wishing the nausea away and calling forth colours.
Bright blues,
radiant reds,
and opulent oranges.
Tunnels twisting and turning into each other,
hues and shades I had only dreamt before.

Sure it hurts your eyes, but it’s worth it.
I could never reach the end of the
recurring green tunnel,
not since I was a little girl
at the meetings shutting my eyes real tight at prayer time.
Letting the colours wash over my vision,
my own words to god
at an age where words are few and insignificant,
visuals ruling over all.
If it’s beautiful and eye-catching it must be good, I had reasoned.
(I didn't grow out of that mind frame in time.)


The sound should have brought me back to the present, but instead I dove head first into that frustrating, never-ending dull green.

When I opened my eyes, I was 8 again, -

-alone in the dark.
With the absence of the cheerful sound of the Flinstones
that emanated from my television 5 minutes ago,
everything seems so loud.

The silence closes around me,
a dark cloak of anxiety and childish fears,
digging icy fangs deeper into my subconscious,
turning shadows into evil spirits
and running ghostly fingers down my spine.

I get up to see what made the noise before,
the one that shattered.
Each step is torture,
with every one I am more certain
that I will feel a tight grip on my ankle,
as the ghoulish monsters bring me
under the bed
to devour me
asking me
if I’d like to know how
I taste
in their voices that drip
with slime.

But no monsters claw at me tonight from under my bed,
for they are already waiting,
on the couch.
I approach him cautiously,
a man stripped down to barely nothing,
splayed out on a cheap upholstery island surrounded by shards of glass.
I do not know this man,
only the body he parades around in.
He makes deep, scary noises, far beyond regular snoring.
Something has possessed my father.

I try desperately to shake it out of him,
yelling “please, please wake up!”
But he won't.
Instead he responds by throwing his teeth out at me
and wetting the only piece of clothing
that he bothers to keep on.
I was lucky he wore anything at all this time.

Crying I run to the bathroom,
run the hot water and let it run over my hands.
Blistering hot.
My tiny hands are turning a lobster red,
but the fear seems to rush out of my every pore
and into the rushing water,
and I feel some peace return to my chaotic state.
I feel clean.

“Where does my money even go?”
he yells,
right before he shows me
what the ******* represents,
“Look at you, you’re so *****.”
This is when the monster that hides
within his bottles begins to come out,
after it makes him
throw things
and before
it put him to sleep.

I sit on the floor and cry, pressing my eyes so as to distract myself from the fear that keeps clawing its way up my throat.


My heart forgets its size and tries to evacuate through my mouth, and I realize there is someone coming to the door and god don’t let it be the monster, please god. I open my eyes-

And there's the monster,
staring back at me,
in the mirror where I’d left it.
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Aug 2013 · 787
Who needs a V?
Fingers dry as chalk

ignoring the tear soaked

who needs a V?

I do,
He telepathically
As he tells me that he
loVes me
in a tear soaked string of lies
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
The Old Serpents Door
I can’t breathe right anymore,
Ever since I've found myself
Beating down the Devils door.

“Beelzebub, Satan!
Let me in
I can’t keep running,
Father of Sin”

I can’t feel my feet touch the ground,
I’m only aware
Of this insane
ripping sound.

Looking up to the sky
I can’t help but cry,
“Lucifer what have you done
It seems heaven’s run dry!”

“Oh no, you Old Serpent!
I’m afraid my insides are out,
How can I proceed
With my intestines strewn about?”

I can not take this,
My head is pounding,
Every sound resounding,
This head ache is a killer.
I only complain
About this tension in my brain,
Since for organs
I've already found a Filler.

As the ground cackles open,
(“Look who finally answered the door!
Antichrist, you Tempter, did you not hear me knocking before?”)
I see one small problem,
A phantom tickle, a teasing *****,
For in all of my life
I've never been this famished, that I can assure!

The world into my now vacuous
Gaping hole of a stomach,
A true bottomless pit.
For I will not leave this life
With nothing to show for it!

No more stars, I will keep them for myself,
let the moon shine it's dull light
in the spotlight,
with no one to share it's empty stage.

And maybe now,
Converter of Angels,
With the universe stored safely
Within the wormhole in my body,
My gaping wound,
Personification of ******,
Maybe now,
With Star-Filled-Guts
I will shine again.

The fiery sparks of hell
Will be no match for the likes of me,
For all who dare look
Will be blinded instantly.
I’ll be so incandescent
You’ll see me from afar
For haven’t you heard, Fallen Angel?
I’m Hell’s North Star.
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Aug 2013 · 914
Humor Me.
Tell me anything,
Anything but Reality.

Tell me I’m not made of skin and bones.
Humor me.

Tell me it’s not flesh
That you see
It is a rare substance
Made to hold a mass of creativity

Tell me I do not breathe,
My vitality, air does not sustain.
It is only pulled in constantly
To give rhythm to my brain.

Tell me my heart does not beat
That the pounding only
From a billion butterfly feet.

Tell me I do not bleed
That what pours out
of my veins
Is only liquid speed.

Tell me I do not fear
That it’s only a mechanical
Or a malfunctioning gear.

Tell me I do not cry
That the moon simply controls
the water
That spills out from my eye.

Tell me I’m not helpless
That my emotions do not reign
Tell me I’m not vulnerable
That an illusion is all pain.

Tell me Love
I’ll never miss
That the cobwebs of my heart
Can be whispered gone by a single kiss

Tell me I’m the One,
That such a thing is real
Tell me that the sun
Rises at my will

Tell me I am constant
Always on your mind
That another girl like me
Is impossible to find.

Tell me there’s this puzzle
And only I can fit
That I’ll always hold some part of you
At least a little bit

Tell me I’m indispensable.
That no one can take my place
That you’ll never let yourself forget
The details of my face.

And if it’s not too much to ask
Tell me one last lie
Tell me I’m immortal
Until the day I die.
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Forget what they told me.
Forget what they say.
I've just got to keep reminding myself that...well that it doesn't matter.
They don't matter. They don't even know me.
How dare they look at me like they know why I do the things I do?
Like I'm uncomplicated?
I am so diverse and different they can't even begin to comprehend why do they put me in a box, stick a label on me and expect me to stay there, not to break free?
But I need to be free, I need to explode from the box and jump out yelling
HA! you can't confine me!
I'll grow wings and fly out into the sky, becoming one with the birds and mixing with the colors that the rainbow makes when it eats the rain.
Cannibalistic and beautiful, and everything in between, relishing in the fact that it just IS!
I'll float and I'll drift and I'll be everything you never thought I could be.
I'll be a mix of contradictions and a perfect personification of my own personal irony. Exactly what I am or who I am doesn't matter, what I've been or who I was it's all the past in the present, it's all meaningless.
What matters is me now, drifting...drifting slowly on a feather, holding my heart and my insides on the outside for the world to see,
no more walls!
Just exposure, the most pure kind. Just a complete annihilation of all the walls I built, all the walls I built because of their intruding gazes and reproving eyes.
Everything about them filled with hate and contempt, not willing to accept. Well I accept me...ill learn to accept me once I'm drifting, once I'm floating.
When I'm away.
Far far away, above the clouds, and my head is filled with smoke, because my world is filled with haze...
but never have I felt so clearly, seen so clearly and been so clearly.
And as I burst into the craziest tears I've ever smiled,
I rain upon the world below me!
...but I'm drifting lower...
and I'm not coming back up.
But next time, next time I'll be up again, next time ill burst out of the box and next time! yes, next time! I'll burn that wretched box and never return!
...And they'll miss me for they'll see me drifting in the sky and wish they could reach the stars like i have...
But they won't, because they can't, for up here, this is my world.
One i will not share,
don't want to share
for I have made it my own.

But for now, for now I'm back, with my feet on the ground...
I'm slowly drifting back,
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Aug 2013 · 1.5k
All Hail Mia
Kick me
Eat me
Laugh me
Impale me

I am dust
And smoke
I am mere fragments of who
She used to be
I have assumed to be
This body which
I am using
And abusing
With my purges
And my urges

Because nothing is perfect
But regret, ah regret
Now that I can feast upon
And Lost faith?
Now that is just a buffet of emotion
That was once good but is now discarded
Thrown away like your empty stomach and your yellowing fingers
AH and the remembrance of HIS fingers.
The way no matter how hard you try,
His touch still lingers
All the way up your thighs.
You can’t escape it; for you didn’t escape it then now did you?
You didn’t even scream!
You LET him ****** your mind
And pulverize your childhood
With one hand! You LET him give you years of disgrace
And an unrelenting NEED for cleanliness
For purity that can never be found!
So you scrub and you rub
Your hands till their red,
Why not give up and leave your mind
To me instead?

You are not strong
You are not bold
Always doing whatever you’re told!
You think I’m ruining you?
I’m helping you, helping you go exactly
Where you should’ve gone the minute you betrayed yourself
By not helping yourself.

So you see
I’m here because
You can’t face a mirror
You can’t face your own TOUCH
There’s just so much
I can watch without recoiling in disgust
You make me sick!
So ill make you sick.

And now you see,
I am everywhere inside you
Let me invade you
It shouldn’t be so hard
You’ve been stepped on before,
On that day,
And it seems only fair
You should leave this world
In the very same way.
Because your gravestone is marked all
That’s needed is your final date
Don’t try and deny it
You know it’s too late.

You can’t hide your despise
For all you see
Behind the redness of your eyes
Does that scare you?
It should
I’ve done everything
All that I could
To lead you here.
For you hold TOO MUCH fear.
And that’s not acceptable.
That’s what makes you so forgettable.

So you see,
Everyone knows
They know you’re a coward
And they see right through you.

So ill smoke this body
And pop it
And blister it
And cut it
And mutilate
And supply it
Yet never satisfy it
But I will always comply
To my will
And I will purge every ounce of you that is left
Until there’s nothing left.

Ill throw you into the gutter,
Where you will splatter
And eventually...
Yes eventually the whole of you will be reconciled
Flushed down the same way your life went,
Because this is where you belong

It shouldn’t be very long
Your time is up

All hail Mia!
A bitter expulsion of all my negative feelings during  my stint with Bulimia. Felt the need to personify the disease, in order to realize what it was doing to my perspective of myself..
Anyways, meant to be satirical to a certain extent.
This is an old poem from a couple of years back, but I felt that it shouldn't be modified. The feelings were too real.
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Aug 2013 · 857
My words are not concrete
I’m upset,

there is much I want to say,
want to explain.
But I can’t explain

anything with words,
I can’t explain

with thoughts
or beautifully stitched sentences,
twisting and turning and etching
until they become something recognizable,
something special.

But words are just dressed up;
at the core they are interchangeable.

Nothing is concrete about words,
nothing unless you count the
tic tic-tic-tic
of the key board,
lulling my frantic mind to rest.

Nothing concrete,
words are never concrete.

But actions,
you can’t dismember them into something else.

What you do,
you did,
and you can’t undo it.

So no matter how many words you write to me,
no mater how much I reply,
no matter how much your silence bears down on me,
I just recall actions.

Because words mean nothing,
truly they don’t,

                                       except my words did.

I know everyone can say this,
for again these are only words,
except they are at the core,
concrete in some way.

Although words never are,
believe that mine,
and only mine,

Because maybe in this world,
this world where everyone
manipulates and twists words,
maybe for every person,
there is one person in the world who,
for all their misleading words,
will never mislead you.

They will never twist,
or dismember their words;
they will show you with actions and smiles,
and with their eyes,
that they mean everything.
And it
will turn all their words into concrete,
into fact,
into not only words
but actions
in themselves.

Promises in every word,

untold promises,

but there none the less.

I promise you I mean it all,
for I can’t fake sleepless nights
and the way that my heart shatters,
almost literally by the feel,
when I wake up to me,

                                                               ­        only me.

I can’t explain how it feels,
to wonder if it ever occurs to you too,
knowing that it has and still does,
it must.
Because maybe if you believe in my words enough,
and if I bear through silence,
heavy and mind numbing,
then maybe we can prove our words concrete one day.

I honestly wish for that day,
every first star I see in the sky,
every dandelion,
every 11:11 strike of the clock,

is thrown out into whatever is out there,
whatever ocean of wishes.

Maybe even the ocean we were on,
maybe we even sailed right over it.

Maybe it’s so big,
that only a lucky few get picked from it,
an ocean so vast and full of hope. ..
I’m almost sure that’s where we sailed.

Or maybe not.
But we were lucky once,
I believe it can happen again.
I believe I can see you again.
I believe.
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Bubble Breath Itch
Clumped claws
of supressed dirt
reach from
sunken ships
filled to the
brim with swollen
tongues and
with the bubbling breath
of voices drowned
in death
clinging to my
every step;
soiled bubble gum,
like mosquito bites on
my scalp..

They itch
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Jul 2013 · 363
I can't wait
I can't wait to live
so I do,
Yet i can't wait to die
but I do.
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Jul 2013 · 584
Insomniac Delirium
Kiss my cheek
go slaughter some sheep
I don't care
just get me to sleep
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Jul 2013 · 3.7k
Emotional Juxtaposition
is more cruel
in juxtaposition to
than Sorrow
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
15 stories higher
On my 15th story balcony
the view constantly captures my eye
the city lights reflected
like factories
in the sky

Can you see me now, mom
like a beacon in the night?
or does it pain you to see
I lost my way
and made it right?

On my 15th story balcony
if I lean out to the left
I see a home thats home no more
on the south shore
that I left

Mother, I can see you
on the couch where you
bear your load
of children who outgrow you
and a husband on the road

But its hailing mommy,
Can you see?
Things have gotten rough and you can call my bluff..
i still need you
so set me free

I guess what I'm saying
is I have no plan of straying
from what I've chosen for myself...
but that ache that you feel
i can tell you its real;
you can see it displayed on my shelf

It plucks at my heart strings
every day
a bittersweet lullaby
of what my youth knew
only yesterday
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
May 2013 · 847
Dissipated Delusions
I tried as best i could
to call forth
even the vague whisper of a memory

(like words that only reach the
back of your tongue,
a phantom thought
on the tip of remembrance
above the abyss of
a deeply buried past)

but even those shadows seemed to hide
in the deepest recesses of my subconscious;
teasing thoughts
that played with my conception
of reality
saunter no more
about this playground,
the landscape for my most wild
and torrid fantasies:
my imagination.

For it seems,
without the light touch
of times past,
this darkness,
that i feel
must have resided in me
since the beginning of time,
would never again lift
its heavy shroud
upon my soul
for the much needed
moments of peace this allowed me.

Despair permeated each particle of air I inhaled,
for who am I
if the whole of me
remains intact
only in the scattered minds
of those whose faces
no longer inhabit my dreams?

Truly, I believe the nightmares of this paranoid mind
have succumbed to reality

                                                       ­ for i fear I have, at last, become nothing,
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Above the wanderers footsteps
I soar

                                                      does he see me, can he see?
Were he to look beyond
                                                          ­          Himself
perhaps he would steal

a glance of truth

                                                reflected­ like gold upon my wings

but he shrouds himself with
thorny leaves of pine
and the shadow ridden caves of his              home
will never be neighbor to                               mine

and as the wind ruffles my feathers
                                                        ­   can he feel it?
no, not like me

with all his trekking and searching he
has not yet learned to
let life's whispering breath
                                            lift his weathered feet
                                                            ­                    to higher depth.
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
May 2013 · 765
I am not a Poem
I am not a
why analyze my curves and
My living lead saunters
across the page
But its spray
does not spell
While metaphorical spiders chew smiles like
grinning similes,
my heart spews skillful
But I am not a Poem,
I do not parade as such,
rather consider me as a passing thought
and even that may be too much
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
May 2013 · 508
Temporal Atrophy
Slowly, Slowly
Time trickles by
like hot sand atop the sunken chests
of the ****** about to die
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
May 2013 · 784
They used their best
I try and try
but no success,
I truly think I've used my best
of all my gifted creativity

on a counter-productive advancement ploy
vaguely disguised as a replacement for joy

But you see the industry
looks fondly
on a paper that solely
you sold you soul and imagination
to teachers guidelines and
a heartless administration.
Cookie-cutter cinema class
excluding geniuses who
changed the past,
with controversial means no less,
I truly think they did their
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
May 2013 · 592
isochronous revolution
Time is a vortex
turning into its pinnacle
the moment of now,
not linear,
but cyclical

I live for the now,
the present
for my experiences
that i pre-sent

The blue eternity of my soul
turning in on itself
no longer striving for money
just supplying a common wealth

I'm lost
but may be resurrected
If I can find it
in me to admit
i'm beyond

and your Hold
on me, ya, I'll lift it
as long as this rebel yell
keeps the embers lit
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
May 2013 · 1.4k
Galaxy Eyes
I've seen my
path in the
haphazardly strewn hazel
galaxy, enveloping your
ocean black pinpoint
streaking your opulent,
iridescent irises
with whimsical
stars from years ago,
dead by the
time they grace
my gaze
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
May 2013 · 941
Can you even feel this?
I'll crush my heart
until the coals
turn to diamond blood
for you
the tattered remains
glow in the
silent desperation
my debris runs to
choke me
and I'll never feel again
colors creeping on my
as blue as my eyes were
you spoke softly
of sultry summers
silhouetted by the shadows,
midnight liquid curves,
of misty
moonlight dancers
Entrancing my soul
with an echo
of a promise
but it caught
in your throat and
brought bile-filled bite
to your kiss

Can you even feel this?
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
May 2013 · 3.1k
The minute I set foot in the place,
a rush of emotion overwhelmed me,
every new one a contradiction of the next.
Friendly. Hostile.
This place was everything and nothing all at once,
my mind could not comprehend it
and my heart shied from my sleeve.
“Nice to see you again.” Familiar strangers greeted me with at the door,
smiling faces with something different in their eyes,
the teeth echoed there but with an underlying undertone.
Naively I wished to see love, and somewhere I did.
Not love, I reminded myself,
conditional love.
Not the same thing,
not one bit.
I gathered strength.
I crossed the entrance into the main part of the building
and immediately wanted to turn around and run.
I’d been in churches before,
been amazed at first by their beautiful decor,
high ceilings and the way the priests
convincing voice traveled through the room.
But just as quickly as I had noticed the beauty, I noticed what it
cheaply concealed with crayola carvings
and thrift-store folk-lore.
I saw through the supposed messenger of God
and the way his dramatic gestures
and loud attire
drew attention unto himself rather than the message,
that his words were the unfolding of a play,
merely theatrical.
Most of all I noticed the absence of the very thing said to be celebrated in this place,
this building said to be its home.
I recoiled in my seat instinctively,
not from the collection plate,
but from the absence of god.
But this was like no church I’d been in, not really a church at all.
The decorations simple, bright but not gaudy,
the preachers many and seemingly without a need for individual importance. Chairs in rows, comfortable but not overly so,
instead of the wooden pews.
Hues of serenity hug the walls, warmth hovers.
This place, where I’d learned, conquered, crushed, played, cried, mourned.
The images seared.
Every one of these people served as mothers and fathers of sorts,
referring to me as their sister,
making me feel so included that they became part of me,
A family, a growth, a friend, a tumor.
They locked themselves in my every cell,
rooted in my genes.
The blame a disagreement, the loss a limb.

And there she was,
the Queen of the Faithful,
dragging my severed limb behind her as she is warmly welcomed by my family,
into my home.
They flock her with smiles and love,
pure love,
although still conditional,
there are no lies in those eyes.
They cherish their own,
shun the rest,
and she will always be one of them, she was born to play this role.
And she smiles with the same teeth she sank into my gut when she threw me away,
grin stained with my blood.
Had she ever really loved me,
were we ever truly friends, so close as to honestly be pronounced sisters?
Yes, only conditionally.
I miss her,
but the Queen must not mix with the world,
a world I now belong to fully.

Does she bear any of the responsibility
for my retreat into
the dark abyss I had always been warned about,
the sins that seemed as sweet as sugar,
as sultry as silk?
Or was my dwindling self-control and my secret,
impulsive longing for the unknown too strong,
a spiritual suicide waiting to happen?
Rejection lead me astray,
and the world showed me belonging of a different sort.
A place my spontaneity could dig its claws into,
somewhere my talents could be used.
As I sit in the room and look towards her,
meeting her eyes, I instinctively look down,
guilty for daring to look at her.
The Slave of Indulgence staring down the Queen of Purity?
It is unacceptable.
This sign of defeat so unlike me,
but my minds been misty on the subject of self as of late.

The one thing on my mind throughout this meeting of worshipers is not god, but of this:
Is the Queen burdened by the ****** limb,
as the Slave is left empty without it?
Forever Draining and
Forever Straining.
No relief.

And that’s it.
They announce it.
I’m cast out, rejected, excommunicated, disfellowshipped, forgotten.
I walk out, out of the door, the parking lot.
Out of the search-light, the prison, the circle, the family. Out of their lives.
I run, lungs tangled dusty plastic bags,
heart begging to collapse.
My body always screams, curses, whines, ******* when I use it.
So I abuse it.
I crawl, I claw, I fly down the street.
To a bench, an oasis, a shelter.
I roll, I light, I exhale.
I wonder what they would think of me now.
I pop, I grind, I inhale.
I see in numbers and feel in colors,
the world equals nothing and my corpus is pumped with cold, black, but I don’t care.
Because the world is uncaring and cruel and the Arcadia promised to me, the one that heals, has marked me unfit. So I quit.
What is it you want, why is it I’m here? Does God love us all, or thrive on our fear?
Whatever is out there, here my plea.
No more illusions or tricks of the eye, show me, unmask reality, strip its disguise.
Flames, smoke, and nothing.
I see me, and my sanity,
and the universe speaks back,
Originally a short story, i thought it'd be nice to share anyways. Comments appreciated
                                                  Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
I guess I might have lied
when I swore
to forget
that the price of freedom is
a *****
we've misleadingly named

and I think I
must have meant it
when I cleverly defied,
"Your gods voice is most deceiving
and his fountains are all dry!"
But I may have stretched
the truth
the moment that I said
I wouldn't miss your presence
until they pronounced you

And as my life unfolds me
a broken stream of starts
it tickles my heart oddly
to know your days grow gray
as mine begin to
But maybe I still see you
in the corner of my mind
and your whispered wisdom
from the past
sneaks in from time to time

Umbilical chains
rooted in nostalgia
tether us to this weight
but maybe mutual understanding
will not evolve too late
And though you are my
the skies my spirit found
but how I wish that
you could see
this high above the ground.
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Nov 2012 · 2.8k
The True Tip of my Tongue,
(Enchanted Bronchial Tree),
holding out the
Cavern of Soft Sultry Silhouettes
that hug the walls.
Clinging to their influence able nature,
tendency to allow pink purity
to fall
to the black blistering blasphemy
of *****-watered bongs.
Inhaling the Damnation of god
And Magic Meal of
Those residing in Gehenna,
And those scouring the pearly whites of
heaven for their 72 ******
***** Calls.
The desperate stench
Of religion
crawling down
my needy trachea
to attach its
sticky suction cup sermons,
trying to trick
My larynx into
Hail Mary’s.
Hoping repetition
will etch it into
our subconscious
like a gravestone
set in stone.
So repent,
saunter back into your pen little sheep.
False Anarchic Prophet,
Pretend Goat.
Throw your brain back into the box,
The Individuality Dishwasher,
They built for your mind from the
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Nov 2012 · 1.1k
Watching half the smoke
I blow
Drift out of the open window
The stragglers
Sweep and slide
The daffodil walls
Of the space I abide
The Spiritual Stoners
Of the Atmospheric
Guild world wide
Dancing daintily
Across my forcibly feminine
For everywhere I lay nomadic root
Is only a U-turn
Or Do-Not-Park
I’m living on Baltic
While the coughed up lung
I chocked out holds out Beelzebub’s
Idea of a promise
For Park Place
Or Boardwalk
Somewhere the hands of
Aren't mounted on a clock
A room where the
Induced stupor isn't the
Only thing
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
Nov 2011 · 1.5k
Anarchic Balance
I am nothing, nothing but oblivion,
a vast emptiness within a breathing host.
If you were to rip me open,
cut me down the middle,
crank apart my ribs,
there would only be a numb void.
Maybe the world would be inhaled
into my stomach,
for me to regurgitate,
stripped of all it's essential beauty.
No more stars, I will keep them for myself,
let the moon shine it's dull light
in the spotlight, with no one to share it's empty
Let the sky be dumbfounded with loss
and void of illumination,
and maybe with star-filled guts
I will shine again.
Everything I am,
everything i touch,
is robbed of love and joy,
for I am nothing but an afterthought
left by the shadow of death.
I'm surprised I can be seen at all,
for I am transparent to myself.
My dreams and goals seem a whisper
from the past,
warm and inviting,
their words tickling my ears
with skeletal promises,
concrete at the touch, but
with no deeper substance.
Filthy liar, tease.
I reach and grasp and tear my limbs,
praying to feel even the vague
memory of hope upon my fingertips.
I long for escape,
escape from an insomniacs dream,
the lines of reality and ficiton blurred into one,
for only nightmares and goblins await me
in my bed of anvil pillows and maggot ridden matresses.
for even the stroke of my pencil,
once so lively as it romanced me into a verse,
paints a tragedy.

But mostly,I want to fly into the night sky and explode,
burdening the world with all the negativity I've gathered over the years.
And release all the beauty and potential I've stolen and hidden away.
With the anarchy that is my psyche, I will restore balance.
I am everything.
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette

— The End —