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Kristine Apr 2011
I am the instigator.

I ruin things. I ruin everything.
"Some people just want to watch the world burn." Well,
I am the fire-starter.
Sit back and enjoy the art
this burning world
I made.
I tore it to the ground.
And just like that-
up in flames.

And out of these ruins
comes something beautiful,
like a phoenix.
A fresh start.
Beauty born from ugliness.
I never knew this
would happen
when I struck the match.
It was just luck.

There is hope
for the broken
to be fixed.
The regretful
to redeem.

I was shown
I can be a better person
with sulfur.

It was all a mistake.
It's always a mistake.

But from those mistakes
is fashioned a lesson
a learning
a new beginning.

I am better
than the last me.
Kristine Apr 2011
This is not loneliness.
This is alone.

This is solitary solitude
Singular and redundant.

It is not sad
nor is it content.
This just is.

It is the ability to talk
but never say.
The ability to touch
but not feel.

This is not anything bad.
This just is.
Kristine Apr 2011
There are canyons in my arms.
You don’t see them very well right now because they are old and filled with dark tissue.

But I remember when they were fresh and new.

The river ran red and dripped drop drip.

Look at how the canyon goes all the way down.
It has branches.
They sting like hell.

But it feels worth it.

Wake up to white.
White yells and screams.
White questions,
white answers.
Sterile lies.
The canyons are covered by white.

Now they are gone.

Only a shadow remains.
Kristine Apr 2011
It will be like a whisper
of something familiar.
But you can never put your finger on it,
if it has been heard before
or correctly.

Over time, it will be wished
that it was written by yourself
because those words, profound and secret,
they feel so real.
You want them to burn into your skin,
but they’ve already burned unto my tongue.

You’ll want to touch the screen
as if it were me
and ask
how I can do this
to you,
to me.
Ask how I can breathe
how I can think
when this is mine
when it should be the world’s.

I will apologize
all nice and polite.
I will selfishly hide
my little thoughts.
Kristine Apr 2011
These panes of glass,

they’re broken and


with the blood of our brothers.

The ones who have fallen into

the depths of temptation.

I intend to join them.
Kristine Apr 2011
I am the instigator.

I ruin things. I ruin everything.
"Some people just want to watch the world burn." Well,
I am the fire-starter.
Sit back and enjoy the art
this burning world
I made.
I tore it to the ground.
And just like that-
up in flames.

And out of these ruins
comes something beautiful,
like a phoenix.
A fresh start.
Beauty born from ugliness.
I never knew this
would happen
when I struck the match.
It was just luck.

There is hope
for the broken
to be fixed.
The regretful
to redeem.

I was shown
I can be a better person
with sulfur.

It was all a mistake.
It's always a mistake.

But from those mistakes
is fashioned a lesson
a learning
a new beginning.

I am better
than the last me.

— The End —