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Kristin Savage Feb 2010
Sweet little lullaby
whispered in my ear
soothing words embrace
I have nothing to fear.

Lovely little mumbles
beautiful to the tenth degree
you, yourself are lovely
you are what i need.

My heartbeat flutters
as your hand follows my sides
sensations that I love,
Keep it all on time.

Soothing hands,
gentle touch
fiery passion
its not just lust.

Hopeful eyes
eager for what in store
Passion inclines,
as our temptation soars.

Sweet little lullaby
careful not to wake.
I'm in a trance,
it's something that can not be faked.
Kristin Savage Feb 2010
How completely appropriate.
Love brought to this name.
When hate is more endearing;
it brings more fame.

Hopeless little imbecile
gossip as it comes.
mind your own business
you dumb little one.

Greedy moocher
finally gone away
grubby tiny paws,
which cause a lot of pain.

Insecure high school monarchy
"set" to rule a world.
Little did they know,
they were lost and insecure.

"Almighty" and "un-merciless"
When they are the ones to be judged.

"Pretty" little menace
personalities which need to be hid
uglier than a platypus mixed with a humongous pig.

Lovely little *******
I tire of all the fuss.
When will you grow up?
When shall you bee done?

Trial and error
Falsified life
The mistake was you breathing,
Now die along with all of your failed lies.
Kristin Savage Feb 2010
I scream your name silently,
vying for you to notice .

Listening carefully,
observing and applying
hoping to see what you are wanting.

could i be the one who is good for you?
the right one?
the one to keep it all smooth?

when the going gets rough,
the rough gets you going
would i be the one to set you free?

imagining what it would be like
to just caress your face

knowing your name
gets me through the day

high from the small spoken word
that gave me such a rush.

foolishness gets in the way
when i try to talk
little old me trying to have some fun.

your beautiful soul
shines through your eyes
such purness
such love
they hypnotize

living each day with you not in my life
makes me feel terrified and scared.

peaceful little soul
so young
so free

Kiss me dear,
this time for real.
Kristin Savage Feb 2010
Beautiful desire
Peaceful and pure
Lovely magic
(You're my) Fiery sinner

Bound to please
(Just so) Instantly
Personality so strong
Nothing could go wrong

Peaceful soul
Beautiful and true.
Lovely madness
Sincere and moved.

Kisses so delicious
Soothing shallow touch
Losing all control
As our worlds collide into one.

Fearful lover
Scared of being hurt
Seductive smile
And charming touch
Blank stares
A gentle rush.

Our goodbyes are always a hello
Must have seen my thought following
So close

The closer we are
Gentler fire,
You are my beautiful desire.
Kristin Savage Feb 2010
Panic errupts
As my composure disappears.
False accusations;
the end draws near.

Such a beautiful soul;
You're simply pure.
A smile on your face,
So dangerous,
It's scary.

Distance so deadly
Meaning obstained
Treachous preditors
Prance on my terrain.

Manipulative beings
endanger your existance
As I sit and pray
For your beautiful and safe return.

Menacing followers
Pry as we fight
Soul filled with sorrow,
It all happened that night.

Cries of despair
Rip from my soul.
All emotions gone a wry,
your fate's been decided.

One slippery mistake
And you are easily gone.
Stay close to me baby,
Everything as feared,
Went wrong.
Kristin Savage Feb 2010
Sickening faith in someone fails.
A new hope regained;
When distance is abstained.

Hell is the Heaven you have been seeking
While restless souls ascend from their graves
Peaceful fires erupt with sorrow
Your love is the only thing to blame.

Despising heart,
Fueled by torture.
But each minute death gets closer.
My lessening heartbeat starts to subside.
My soul departed.
You find me dead.
I'm missing the heart that you once held.
Keep me close as i descend to the heaven I call hell.
Kristin Savage Feb 2010
ever feel alone even when someones there ?
Thats how i feel everyday of my life .
and theres nothing that can be done.

It *****, like most things in this life .
Friendships, Love, ***, and just anything in general .

How can it be possible to be alone, when you are with someone constantly ?
How can it be possible to care for someone so much, but still feel the emptiness that you have always felt ?
How is it possible that everything is "just fine" but really you are deeply screaming inside as in a cry for help ?
How can everything just ****, and not go your way ?
How can everyone try to help you in anyway possible, but none of their solutions do anything for you ?

I wish there was a way to know the answers .
I wish there was a way that this feeling can just disappear .
I wish I just had the happiness that everyone else feels .
I wish I could be the girl that can just look at a simple thing and just smile .

But those times never come.
Never have, never will .

Everything is completely hopeless .
Everything is a lost cause .
Life, Love, and Happiness .
All lost in the shuffle .
Gone before the 19th century even hit .

Everything has been done before.
Everything has been pondered before.
Nothing is new, and nothing can be new.
It's nearly impossible for something to be new now-a-days.

I wish things were normal .
But thats even a lie,
because if they were,
everything would be even more boring than it is now.

Everything is an endless cycle.
Romance taught by movies,
Jokes, written and displayed on t.v. shows .
It all just gets recycled every generation .
Nothing is new. Nothing can ever be new.

So why can't we just think of something to be new ?
I'm sure what i am writing isnt anything new at all .
In fact i know its not .
There are plenty of young people in the world who think the same way,
do the same things,
Live their lives just like me .

It ***** . It honestly does.
So **** it all .
I am completely done.
Im not going to try anymore.
theres no point in it.

I can't make a difference,
no matter how many people say that I can .
Its all just lies.
I am one small person in this large world .
One thing I say,
for example this,
will do nothing .

So **** it all .
Like i stated above .
I am done .

— The End —