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A voyeuristic view through the windows of happy friends
is not nourishment enough for this poet's heart
and does not sate this dreamer's hungry soul

before this spirit journeys on
i'd like to know what it is like
to be loved from the inside out

those delicate strings,
that haunting duet,
of love not bound by fear

i'd like to know love
from the inside out
and not from the outside in

that stuff of dreams,
(yet real i've seen)
that one true union of souls

it's honeyed nectar taste
would be sweet upon my lips
and those delicate strings,
tender music to my soul.

oh muse, you take me too far
i must leave off
before i break this tender heart
and having been turned inside out
i fly completely


--bruised orange
 Oct 2011 Kristi Brantley
A Allen
Is this what your mind perceived?
A world so fragile;
So desolate.
This utopia you dreamt of,
Wrote down every fragment;
Every detail.
It was planned so perfectly.
Now your dreams
Have been washed away.
By the waves you thought
Would bring you joy.

— The End —