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Dec 2020 · 59
Kristen Dec 2020
You deserve all the pretty words in the world
but when I try to write
my hand can't form the feelings
and when I try to speak
my tongue is dead in my mouth

I'd tell you with my eyes
but it's too dark to see
space and time stretch further,
and my heart freezes,
cold as the air outside

cold that you cannot feel

Rivers frozen in the heart
will not flow feelings to the page
I'll wait for spring,
the sun to rise,
again to see your face
Dec 2020 · 79
Kristen Dec 2020
The words I want to say
Are dead in my chest
A weight in my mouth

Instead I just stare
Is it to cliché
To say that the world falls away
When I look at you?


You sing under your breath
I can't make out the words
You notice me staring


      I love that about you

"You have an amazing voice."

      how do you love someone
      who doesn't believe in love
Nov 2020 · 133
Pink Skies
Kristen Nov 2020
I watched the sunrise yesterday
It happened completely by chance
I walked down the stairs to get food
And gave the front windows a glance

And the sky that day was so pretty
All colorful, pink, orange, and blue
It made me reach out to my grandma
So that she could go see it too

I used to search for the grand
Memories, an adventure to last
Something that I'll recall quickly
When I try to remember the past

But lately my worldview has switched
And it's not a terrible thing
Big moments are great, but I think the small
Is what makes life worth living

I'm thankful for moments between memories
The ones that will often surprise
I'm thankful for life, and to live it
For love, and a pretty pink sky

— The End —