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Feb 2015 · 376
Kristen Marks Feb 2015
Laying here with you now
The world so distant outside
Watching your chest slowly swelling, then expelling
The stale air of your bedroom
Suddenly all the words
That fell from the lips of the greatest poets
about the sweetest of loves
Come rushing to my mind
Breeding new life inside my own
I didn't understand them before
But I do now.
Sep 2014 · 517
Kristen Marks Sep 2014
Darling, you have shown me
The light and colors of love
If this world was so cruel
As to keep me from you
And our eyes never met
Our hands never touched
My soul could not have fathomed
The peacefulness it found
In the still mornings
Drifting in an out
Aug 2014 · 397
June 2005
Kristen Marks Aug 2014
I remember bleeding
From the skin of both my knees
I was still so young then,
Looking up at you
whispering "please"

I got in your way, you said
The basement floor broke my fall
You put your face so close to mine
Your pores exuded alcohol

I remember my best friends questions
And the lies that I would tell
I'll never forget what a coward you are
I hope you burn in hell
Aug 2014 · 411
How do you do it?
Kristen Marks Aug 2014
How do you do it?
You paralyze me
You stop me from moving
So passionately

Do you think it's coincidence
That my eyes fix on yours
No matter the distance
I fall for your lures

Is this all written down
In a script I've not read
Is there something I'm missing
That just exists in my head?

Perhaps it's all me, and not very much you
Do you know what I'm saying?
Or do you feel it too?
Aug 2014 · 346
Kristen Marks Aug 2014
I wish you could have loved me then
Before our time was through
Before you found another me
And I another you
Aug 2014 · 358
Kristen Marks Aug 2014
There is a bird perched inside this calcified frame.
It sits in the dark, in place of the heart
Where it once sang the sweetest of songs
But now it's grown old
It's flight privileges sold
To the monster who clipped it's wings
Kristen Marks Aug 2014
I am the sun and you are the sea
I'm drawn without warning
To the reflection of me

I shine over you for all of my days
Watching you, yearning
For your affectionate gaze

But your depths are too distant,
You are too dark and cold
My warmth cannot reach you
No matter how bold

I am trapped on your surface
You hold me tight to your waves
I try to escape you
But my walls simply cave

And so still I rise every morning
And look down at your shore
You're a beautiful sight
But I wish for much more

— The End —