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Feb 2014 · 439
Let's Be Real
Krista Richards Feb 2014
Lets Be Real

You reflecting me reflecting you...

I see the possibilities
The synchronicities

Each kiss a sign of what could be
Between you & me

I struggle with the urge to jump in heart first
Remembering the last time
And how much it hurt

When he turned out to be human
& I found out I was human too

Nothing we could do...

But play out our hands
& now this is where we stand..
Not lovers but friends

And I will always love him...

Loving is easy
When you look and see
the creator & creation in everyone...
In every daughter & every son...

It's really not hard...

So, that's not what I'm after...
not these days

So, what... ?
Of course I could fall for you...
& you for me...
and maybe we will...  
Head followed by feet ...

As we lead...with our hearts ...
And let our souls

That's a given.

What I wanna know is...


At the core of you...

& are you someone I wanna spend my days with...??

And is who I am someone you wanna spend your nights with?

Cuz lets be real...

Falling in love is a cake walk...

Cultivating true love & relationship...

That's the tricky part...
Feb 2014 · 310
The Ocean of My Love
Krista Richards Feb 2014
The depths of the ocean of my love...

Could hold all the tears that were ever cried...
Figured it would be fun to start a group poem... feel free to add a line or two...  :) <3
Krista Richards Feb 2014
Fists clenched in the night
As sleep affords dreams

That tell of a love I have yet to fully taste
Like a promise he never made

I cannot hope to feel his love
Though the depths of me cry out
For his perfect touch

For what's truly mine, I shall not fight
I've learned to never hold on too tight

To the wishing of a thing one does not hold
I dare not be so bold
As to assume this love I feel
Could turn out to be the real deal

So I'll just laugh & play along
And we'll hum & sing a new song

I don't have to know for true
For now, we'll just do what we do

His hand
My hand
His lips
My kiss
All night
He holds
Me close
Like this
Jan 2014 · 443
I Sigh
Krista Richards Jan 2014
I Sigh…

Could any pair of eyes be more perfect…

I gaze into you and time disappears

Leaving us hanging on the outskirts

Of a love that threatens to consume

I cannot claim to understand this

Swimming in my sea of thoughts

They drown me...

And I am left with my naked emotion for you my love

Pure and innocent

Beckoning you nearer to me…

Hanging on words spoken

My ears dance at the sound of your voice

My body melts beneath your touch

Inside I beg for more...

I sigh………

Knowing I cannot have.

I accept that I get to take tiny sips of you...

Though I want to drink you



With abandon...

What I wouldn't give

To know you inside and out

Touch the very heart of you

Breath you…

As you breath me…

Slowly tracing your body

Hands memorizing each freckle

Every single scar

Perfectly imperfect

I would love you just as you are

Sigh with me my eternal lover

Cry with me in this struggle

Against flesh

Against circumstance…

As we search for the answers

Pray for just one more sign

Like we need one…

Has anything ever been more clear?

Than the pull between your soul

And mine?

Sinking deep into my angst tonight, love…

I sigh…
Jan 2014 · 418
I Love You
Krista Richards Jan 2014
Every cell in my body screams

I love you

I can feel it sweeping from my toes
As the wave of energy reaches my heart
I feel I could explode
Tears well in my eyes
And fall helplessly down each side of my face
And I begin to whisper in the dark

I love you
I love you
I love you

I will love you so completely
So perfectly, all of you, just as you are
For all eternity
With a love that's deep and strong
Your name my favorite song
Passion dripping from each kiss
Forever in my fingertips
As close to you as I can be
Adoring you eternally
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Love Warrior
Krista Richards Jan 2014
Words spill effortlessly from your perfect mouth...

And I catch myself wishing I could lick them from you...

It's no wonder...


Light a fire in hearts when rooms spin...

Like a carnival ride ...
I never could hide...
from the likes of a deep feeling love warrior dressed in stripes
Telling of battles fought ...

Not always won...
But always well played...

And as you blink away a happy tear...
Makes me wanna serenade you to sleep every night for infinity...
Jan 2014 · 370
Shall We Burn
Krista Richards Jan 2014
The spark between
Invites a dream
That I can't seem to hold onto past waking...

The depths of this
Holds promise and possibility beyond the wildest of imaginings
Rooted in the simplest of things

As we wade into the shallows...
Close to the shore that would save us...
Each inch a double dog dare...
We draw closer to the inevitable waves and unknowns of the deep
How far does the courage hold aim to pull...

Your feet?
My feet?
Your heart?
My heart?

Another moment...
We shall see...

Drawn by the infinite glory that may float just over the horizon...
Or find there is nothing there but more of the flotsam and jetsam we've always encountered on our journeys to the deep...

Another prize set inside the mouth of a dragon...

Shall we burn?

— The End —