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Kriss Truelove Nov 2015
Can you put me out of my misery?

With each waking moment i fall deeper and deeper, can you put me out of my misery?

With every false embrace and changing light, can you put me out of my misery?

With ever godless day and infernal night, can you put me out of my misery?

With my shelter collapsing  and my fears coming near can you put me out of my misery?

With one fatal sweep, can it be over?
With one quick action can this end?
With one ******* instant can everything just be gone...

Why wont you put me out of my misery?

Why must i go on with this misery?
Why must my sole be bound to these mortal woes?


483 · Feb 2015
Kriss Truelove Feb 2015
Hope. What is hope?

Some may say hope can be defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

Others may see it as excuse to keep doing something that makes no sense.

But, there are some that define hope as something else,
something far different for that of expectation

You see, hope is not a physical substance that can be obtained

It is earned

It is earned through work, hard work
It is earned through tears, many tears
It is earned though love, unending love

For me, I see hope as the light at the end of the tunnel
But I also see it as the preacher that pays me my last respects

Its the cool breeze that made us hold each other close that day on the pear
But its also the wind that blew the leaves from trees

But yet, still here you and I remain
Hoping for the future
Hoping that you and I will work

But my dear, maybe its time to give up on hope
Maybe its time to start going on something a little more prevalent

We shoot for the stars
why not dream like them eh?

Our heads are in the clouds already,
and Alpha Centauri is only but  4.37 light years away :)

Now ill ask you again, what is hope? You tell me
388 · Feb 2015
Kriss Truelove Feb 2015
"Here they come to take me away" you said
I clung to you as hard as I could
ready to go with you

You say "they are here to take me home"
My grasp of you only tightens

"What are we?" spills from your lips
To this I say "I'm not sure"

"What's the reason we are here?"
To this again I say, "I do not know"

"Why are we so different?" Escapes with a wince
To this I reply, "Why are we different?"

Why are we different?

Is it because of our moods towards others? Our persoanl ambitions? Our tastes in the arts? Our human physique?

ahhhh that must be it

our human physique

that which connects us to everyone else in this place
this world consumed with unknowns

We are not of this world

No one can understand us because they are not like us
They are not advanced
They merely see what is on the outside

While we see what is inside
While we see what our true image is

This world is cruel my dear
But having you beside me will hold us together
until they actually come to get us
374 · Feb 2015
Kriss Truelove Feb 2015
Babies here! Babies there! Babies everywhere!!!!
Our lives are full of the patter of little feet!

Except...Except in the place that matters most to us
Except in our own house

But something has changed today
A new little friend has entered our world

She is but a wee babe, no more than the age  3
She walks on her feet, and enquirers about even the littlest of things
And now here she is, interwoven into my life

A baby you say!

Well that's just what you wanted yes??

Yes my love, that is what I want. A baby in my house

But you see

its not our baby that walks the halls and looks to us for care
it is but another figment that will tug at our heart stings

No baby will be as perfect as our own
No baby can amount to what it will be when you and I have ours

And as we sit here, trapped in these things they call bodies  
We can help but revile in the fact that we cannot have our own...

Our own little one to hold in our arms
Our own bundle of joy to cry over
Our own baby to nurture and watch grow

Well, that is, not yet at least

— The End —