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Jan 2020 · 163
This is not a poem
Krison Jan 2020
I've been a drunk for twenty years.
I buried the dead and rise each day.
I lie, I steal my self away.
Under all my greedy love.

I am so old with my reget.
So much older with my past.
Bought with gallons of the beer.
So intimate my fret.

To melt here all alone.
In the mire of muck and murk.
I beg command of lights command.
To dare the stein its foam.
Jul 2019 · 253
The ant and lion.
Krison Jul 2019
I fell and then asunder.
To dreams of dreariness.
Through this world of light I blunder,
Under it's awful sun.

That singed my back with crease and crack
And slapped my pallid face.
To sluggishly descend my form
tattoo and debase.

So slowly sear with blister bare
And on a cruel light binge.
And shuffle to oasis
To seek the deserts fringe.

With foot steps so determined
As I beg to nap.
To see the stars and next a day
With pain to be my map.

Of the heat
Did Solomon speak,
"walk or be you dead"!

With object clear and prospect grave
without the time for dread.

So shrill the voice that said it clear
0f the prospect, dark decay.
And from this valley ever dry
I do now walk away.

You wander through a sandy grave
with headstones made of dunes.
And cheaply bought are runes of pain
In an arid doom.

So i walked
And so i walk.

With light above that mocks.

My face to shade of grey of this
As I melt beneath the sun.
With skin of white to black and ash
And stride became a run.

My measured fear with loss so near evaporated soon.
No face to palm at heats alarm
At this my wall of backing.

So bid farewell to scarab sneer
with haste in lands of folly.
Or ever thirst of water dear
while waiting near a well.
And be as me on the hottest day
with a cup of hazard.

To flip a coin and part a wave
In oceans made of glass.
And dream again
with what was done
now firmly in the past.
May 2019 · 203
i love you all
Krison May 2019
What does lead taste like?

Is it a sour cancer.
a sweat burn
a heart that sees another
but walks to it own tune
and never lives a life of another
the pause within a beat
at heart that stops
and quiivers

lead is made from time
beyond the shimmer of the
ore its home is uranium
and what it became was fuel
we were met with us the consequence
of indifferent isolation
when edison said no to darkness
and almost pulled a stone from a calloused hand
and then to doom and all destruction
a silent death
our almost lost ego
to our isolation we went

by rules, its learned
from young earth, the sum of ourselves
are the cooperation of parts
tthe warming of newer hearths
and resignation of all isolations.

be it value
by it valor
by the venue of the
now the consequence of open boxes
did we we become culpable.

be you a mighty thing
that owns all of creation
station of the master's word
destroyer and disaster
and the fondest memory i will ever have

with every deed small  unseen
forgotten in a second
discarded and forgotten

yell, hell.
yell hell
I'll see you there.
we do this with abandon

and i will always have your back

I have this hope
to  reaching out
I have for you all
a dollop of compassion now
is ferryman naught sought

because it was when we were children and you said can i be your friend

and i said yes
May 2019 · 203
Krison May 2019
what am I?

it carries much weight
but not of the world
but of it's scaffold
to the glimpsing of worlds

it's nails are not bent
it's foundation not beauty
to forward a purpose
in hurry it's duty

holds paint
at low hight
with seldom seen
with the killing of dogs
and runs from its tracks

it runs past it's brother
trapped in a box
to showcase it's house
of plastic and leather

it moves to new houses
with changing of weather
and into a mouth you dare never ever.
Apr 2019 · 437
Krison Apr 2019
I had a date with death today.
She called," I'll see you now".
I'd not replied to this a debt,
so bartered with tomorrow.

It wasn't fear of oath of I owe
To the gruesome, of the nether
The morning mock or sneer at end
Of the contract both we signed

I know I'll rest within the after
I was born before the dawn
When stars collapsed and coalesced before all gravity

So shakey yet not ounce of fear
To the leasons reprimand
I walk into it joyfully
This parting I now own

My balance due at end of day
Was a bodies test of time
To daily always disregard
But, finely printed line

So fury struck at end of clock
The hour of amend
Time stood static
Of it's self
At the peering of my end

So I did not speak it's name
Too common on all tounge
By coward act yet full aware
False principle undone

But still It came and as i begged
For maybe one more day
Did i also pray the sun
would die upon this day
Apr 2019 · 595
Krison Apr 2019
It the fox to find a den
The raven to a bow it's home
The shrew to dig into the earth
And the trout to freeze below

The ice the snow
The months from sun
With peace i make the dark
And dark so early every day
Drawn and ugly grey

Be it by a God the hazy
Still waking to the lazy
Of the so much he to do
But mostly very little

But with the will to follow through

To makeing him a a man
And man to make a flame of such
of Oppenheimer's warning

I have now become as death
And the cool of Earth's command

So to cooling was to warmth
The march into the spring

The step into the light
The blossoms april brings

The waking of the things that sprout
The children of a forest Stout

Pine and oak speak to each other
But of this work god i do doubt
Apr 2019 · 261
Be us Braves
Krison Apr 2019
Going home is never hard
Its the road that walks away
From all the hope of what you thought
You were until this day

Roaming is unusual
Strange and filled with strife
Thats why its called
Not the Piper o so pied

Half measure be a curse
For each color counter each

Be it purple of the regal
Or the brown of coffer breached

Yet life is of the now
In the mirror see it so
Walk away now you young man
You have such seeds to sow

Alone so be us stronger
Be strong in face of this
Or fault if you so disregard
Of Eden and it's bliss.
I wrote this to me.
Apr 2019 · 288
New worlds
Krison Apr 2019
Blossoms of the sea
Made Stout of all there yearning for light
Things of wings under waves of

Crawl he said

Up the beach and through the stones
The pebbles underfoot.

Walk be tall
Savannah new and blazing sun
Fruit from Eden nurishing.

Gaze in wonder and
Wander .
Apr 2019 · 282
Krison Apr 2019
Where did you go when i saw you yesterday?

Why did you run?

I left, and the angles of the hall proceeded you.

All i was left with, was your shadow.

It danced in the hallway and i chased.

Where did you go?
Apr 2019 · 1.3k
The Helical Stairs
Krison Apr 2019
The land of death and panic,
is ruled by rage and havoc.
Worthy courage brought to heel,
by thoughts of seething anger.

This land is populated,
by all who went in violence.
Upon there way to head stone farm,
with strange a crop to harvest.

With a yield that parallels,
the seeds they buried so.
Into spring and out snow
the ****** seasons go.

So out into the moonlight,
and far from divine light
Forever into darkness a reflection in the night.

Is manner ours, with cost of sin.
Of what we daily do.

To gate so sealed,
with sin now weighed,
Of things we can't undo.
Inspired by Dante's inferno.
Mar 2019 · 289
Krison Mar 2019
Over the hill of every hope,
to the village of the nothing.
To a road of quicking,
a path you dare to follow

Were you so crass
With little class .
Shallow shame, so fostering.

Of the will you not dismiss, the destiny of being.

That then to your reflection,
and chance of your disection.

All the gutteral with a hate of no regection.

Made by fault of euberis in youth and then to age.

All the hope of right or wrong
that you be worthy sage.

For all that venture inward
emerge so cleansed of rage.

With a scream so heavenly
and heavy heart to guage

But mine is very light
I'm of all restraint.
I build my walls of love,
and of nothing dare thee taint.

For you I love the most
the other in my skin.

I will ever foster this,
And drown you in my sin.

And so i say goodbye
And see you claw at me
I am of the sentry
That will never devil free.
Mar 2019 · 339
Tossed salad
Krison Mar 2019
Yes she was perfect
Her eyes held the burning self-destructive

We would be as oil and vinegar
Savory and sour

It is of only shaking that I and her could be
For only a moment in time.

That is all I'll ever ask
Then go about our ways.
Mar 2019 · 438
Krison Mar 2019
I want to think  abount  the smuge on my refrigerator
and a **** in an empty elevator


To the deep and tangle of wood.
Of cackle and of croak.
Find me left of no regrets uncloaked  with singe and smoke.

The sun unsean and far from sight
this ever dark of night.

So too shiver and of faint,
did the woods enease, envoke.

The firey hate I have of all
that I ever stoke.

So  to light, or rather

The hope eternal night.
This feeling is of a drearyness.
So to other worlds alight.

So within this swamp of soot
and eyes too break of day.
Focused only for the dark,
that of yesterday.

Be the light unnatural,
Be it weeping willows.

Is the place to find me now,
I hope your dance can follow.

So forward, forward,
through the muck.
while we sink together.

An anger that we hope to shed,
this our common tether.

So upon our doorstep,
us of little faith

that we might to hold the hate
is foolishness awry
for anger is the tempest
and cleansing of our homes

for the mind is but a fabric
and the blood of God the dye

these wonders make a fool of me
andme to jest about

so could I find I better time
to worlds of lesser shake.

but cowards are around
and shimmer like a snake

I'm of a universe
I do not have a stake

So would I to a different path
that of less mistake.

this I cannot know
the wind will tell you so

it is of a place
we might never, ever go.

so tell me then .As you tire.
I write with toungh in cheek, but never
of a charlitin and never of a lier
and with the passing of your time.
you never paid a cent.
but think It funny of your mind
that I often pay to rent.
Mar 2019 · 345
The storm
Krison Mar 2019
The beach is draped with moonlight,
and the horizon is of dance.

The ocean is the mirror,
that supposes trance at glance.

So on its glassy surface
are boats that chance the time.
To let us spend the meter
with it's bounty so sublime.

Through a wake to carry on
the wave that snares and tears.

Over, and about the hull that might  
to crest it's ****** deck.
Yet in course with shore insight
with overflowing stores.

But, to capsize, waiver,
with the cracking of a linking.

And down into the tempest,
and now the shallow sinking.

It's hull was made to ride the waves
it's hull's now of the drinking.
Of the ocean numerous
and waves unfathomable.

This water so undrinkable
that crests above the bow.
Is the shock of all aboard
That dared to weather through.

The vast expansion of the earth.
Immense but measurable.

So to all a salty dog
who might drown fathoms full.
We're to see it then at late.
The haste alarm so cruel.

Then might awake, the many dead,
and think there follies through.
For inky is there just reward,
and forgiveness given few.

This there sentence sacrosanct,
and of what they dare to do.

Is the nothing of the definite,
while in congress of the blue.
This was somewhat inspired by Lawrence Sargent Hall's, The Ledge.
Feb 2019 · 321
Krison Feb 2019
Henceforth i shall be known to all as doom.

The fire that cracks the brick.
The destiny of clay.
The concussions to a crack,
that where homes, but yesterday.

Mighty are all who hold at bay,
the songs that are tomorrow.
Mighty all who come this way,
for they find only sorrow.

Into the sea, off cliffs of peril.
They who destine too,
all of the not of knowing.

Those, the reckless few.

For I the horror that they meet,
with my opened arms.
Will disarm, the hope of then,
and relent to just resolve.

So on a knee to all i am
and find my name be time.

You ask for form, my face is such, while both my hands align.
Jan 2019 · 162
Krison Jan 2019
Something beautiful
Something shame
Little death
A soul to rein

All the sadness
Loss and gain

The moments happy
The cuts off pain

Youth untangles
the fear we never
Knew could  be
Of all of ever
And wrenchind
And oh severe
Leaves us  slivers
Of our selves

That makes the tragedy

To make us Bind our cuts

All the Worthy

To fight
Dec 2018 · 269
La petite mort
Krison Dec 2018
The veins in your arms explode with the burn of a seizures grip
And the grimace on your face
Is all the grace of pain
The convulsions that proceed a stain to make a rug be stuck.

You feel the shake and quiver.

Convulse while you deliver.

All the tiny deaths.
Nov 2018 · 1.8k
The heart of sand.
Krison Nov 2018
It was of the sand,
That found for me to stake upon this gamble of a purpose.
To onward journey, stout of heart, within it lines to draw and part
and dedicate my time to all that live and then depart.

And subjugate the sin of wait.
Dare i chance alignment.
To spite the constant vein of me.
That of constant bye.

For it was within the sands.
That truth illuminated
Divining is of destruct and of grand endeavor.
Those were lessons I to learn.
Yet warnings seen, but not to heed.

So to venture bold, embark.

Here I found myself about, a place that i not know.
Lacking proper courtesy that guides the proper tongue.
At a time of caving doubt in youth while throwing caution.
Such foolishness and acts so grave with naivete.

So of this, my letting go and future now to grasp.
Then of me to newer name and shed of me my past.

That led me to a village, shambled as it small.
Oh so sharp in all contrast,
To all i'd ever known.

And then to her so small of frame
with trouble trembling.

Did I find, i've much of want and more to givings be.

The hope I find within her eyes.
Those burning eyes aglow.
Yet shaking did i look to see, the grief she held alone.

For she with nails so black and pained
with eyes of sapphires ancient flame.
Screamed, "anne nerde"?

To this I said within my lip.
My English voice that caused such shock.
"hello", and then ,"who, you"?

And puzzled as i've not the faintest
slight that cause her hate
and run away and then dismiss
or understanding me.

That left me to the mighty awe, and my stupidity.

"Am i the image of the anger, she must see everyday,
A reminder there's tomorrow, or of horrors yesterday"?

Faintly nothing can be had, so i had chanced hello.
This is me and who are you.
And her away to go.
So i was lost to all the why,
and all who heard it so.

Then to suspect, short of counsel and left of reason why.
I shatter peace with solace small and and watch you drain your eye.

So to all that spun around
with jaws so slack with shock.
Made of this a curse and huddle?
Of what, they they took of stock?

They must be of the panic.
They must be many dead
And this is now my crucible
and now i know there dread?

" How dare i cause such great alarm? in such fleeting passing
" i said hello, only hello
and then, but"who are you"?.

All but mine
All faces white blood.

And then the moment shock!

For then i heard, "olu"!!!

"For I said, hello and who ," but she heard only death.

And forgiveness in this place
Was shown not least the trace.

Awaken this, the anger, rage  the mighty great temult.

For announced by all around  
"You utter with most care.

This place if of the teetering
and none dare hear dispair."

So please a caution with your greeting.
For broken hearts here tear

And the tokens of your kindness,
Can be swallowed up in here
Its brought to doom, this little girl by violence and it's snare
Was brought to this, by fault of tounge
bignine and shambled care.

Then better us
To purse a lip
And hope the slight be small,
The reaping can be had
But never excise fault
It is of divinty
So pray we judgment halt.
This is of the manner known
Yet are still unseen

For all the slights be large or small
None are are fully owned

And All the workings good of heart
Must be done 
and done discreet.
some of this is in turkish
Nov 2018 · 545
My strange love.
Krison Nov 2018
Did you hear the boom?
Then quite, calm, to tragedy.
The comings of the gloom.

I might mistake the sound of it,
the concussions are so low,
they are little, peice by peice
until the hammer drops.

Mighty us to revil in and then to shelter hide.

Is this, but of the meddling of
what we have to show.
All the workings of a peace
with no regard to then.

Yet, out so loudly do we go.
When silent did we make our voice.

The railing we suspend.

It was a bomb, that brought to heel.
The world we wish to never know
A mushroom that lights the sky.
Away, away we go.

So You and I have heard the sound,
A telling noise that is but brief.
The shock so imminent.

The world that's at its precipice.
And we do look away.

So decision.
Life revision or to crumbling.
That might then stop the lazy tears
and postponing of these things.

That it is always of the now,
And of our lives to cherish.
Without the foresight of the past
Is future never known.

Yet, you and I can change the land,
and keep the world we have.
Or might to burn within the sun's
Reactive gifted glow.
Nov 2018 · 768
Urban blight
Krison Nov 2018
I dare you drive your car.

I'll walk between the crosswalk lines and bare the weight of all the lights and corners of the street.

The road is ground, ash and dust and still the dead can beat, there heavy hearts on souls of steel and never see what barrels down, but look to left and right.

So can you see the signs stamped
go? and stop, and find they mop you up.

From the road, they pack you up and weigh the load, with measure of your weight, with violence free.

So I doubt you ever will, allow your blood to spill.

But never will you know the cold.
Fruition at it's pace.

That in each turn see a door
without a mark,
to warn you halt.

Behind the the truth is stark.

It might be, that you have heart
and fear not cowards dread.

If of trial or not of trial, no courage and be dead.

So inturn be ground to black
the burnt and paved and lost.
Those with station ever grave,
and cross your heart intact.

For all is only constant,
Yet all the roads repeat.

With, of this the nothing.
Though we have the shapes.

Squares for stores,
Circles round,
That of destined loss.

Hope suspended,
reprimand, light house roundabouts.

That heavy air unbreathable,
And acts on ground conceivable,
Until the light you bend.

But yet we strive to different shines.
Those of different lamps.
Cramps of youth
Yearning now to smile at us, back .

For it was us in tiny rooms
destined to the sky.

The guile lost, with hope to find your foolishness intact.

If not of them and only you
Trails for them you make.

A road of trials, tribulations , so don't retract one act.

For such is shame.
The needling.
To never chance, the why.

That the hope might
Be there still
For daily do we lie.

That it is to the woods,
And oceans reasonings.

This our dusk with glimmer, gleam.
Our making's of a dream.
Nov 2018 · 2.4k
Krison Nov 2018
I would so give a ****,
I'd give you all my time.
I'd give of you my pocket,
quarters, nickles, dimes.

I'd tell you that I care.
Ideas and conversations.

So we can,
but split our hairs.
Ours is but imagine.

But it really doesn't matter
No one really cares.

For you can, but tell a truth.

Or lie with purple die.

A drug that made me
See the truth.

The rot upon the rye.

They can call.
Come now,
Be us,
The rust of sicophants .

With love of self
Such self romance.

For philistines don't cry.
Oct 2018 · 492
Old friends
Krison Oct 2018
How of you to look at me
And only see a retch
How is it you think me dumb
And dare to make amends
For the things you made me feel
And would not to attest

How is that you have a voice
And yet dare silence me

The smile on you face is false
and full of dreariness
How is it to be so cruel
With all your false incense

We were born of different cords
Lines of changing thought
The world that we we're given
passions cold and hot

So never can we reconcile
all of our daily slights
As both we find each other
Banter wrong and right

So are we, to giving up the things
We thought we'd be
Are now but only
Loosened  hearts
And minds so taut
And Rough
Oct 2018 · 851
Sun dogs.
Krison Oct 2018
Light awakens,
shakes and beckons,
Come and see my shine.

I pierce the dusk,
away the dark .
For shadows pay no mind.

For the green does call me so
"I've seen"!,  unchain my glow.

This the maker of the grain.
That dictates heat in rain.
The day within the fog.
The loss within the gain.

For you cannot drain
the sun .
You cannot cause it pain.

For it is yule that's burned to death,
The dusk to make the dawn.
And never can you stare in awe,
At it, such blaring might.

Unless it be, by nightly stars,
When it allows you sight.
Seen from all it's children,

Europa, earth and mars.
Oct 2018 · 413
the white pages
Krison Oct 2018
The palette, that on, i draw stories.
Some of there.
Some of now.
Mostly tales of then.
Belong to all who feel and smear
there hearts upon the blank.

That, what's penned.
Is much the tell, and tale,
Of what we wish to be.
Why and now, do we write
of anger hope and love?

Is it respite from worlds of ours,
and only truth there is.

That this be this, just only this.
And that it cause us fright?

The mirror of within.

With all of this, we claim despair,
object and yet we write.

Of how we think the world should be.
Or what to change within.

Should we be the
abject hate?
Avarice and sin.

But with every line,
the rage is whittled down.
The drumming of the keyboard.
and paralleled white sound.
That on this page now does exist,

A pure and distilled soul.

So less than gray
and more than black

longer just a hole.
thank you hello and all of you that write.
Oct 2018 · 192
Krison Oct 2018
I was caught by an unseen eye
In all the infinite.

That forced my gaze too see the truth, and with rapture I was caught.

In all this violent passion
I never was afraid.
That I might
meet you again
In another time.

When the ground was made of glass.
Full to tease it's brim.

Never to relinquish faith
The hope it placed within.
The years ago when children
with foolishness and whim.

Caused a trembling hope regardless
On it's jagged edge.
Those world's I've yet to meet.

The world seen from a ledge.
places that I did come from.
A world to make, me flesh.

distant dream,
that  soon to see.

None from all,  and ever made
That went, could feel a loss,
could claim or then attest
they know of there trevail.

So I wake,
And then I sleep,

Awake, And sleep.

The memory, that was.

Of the early reconning.

The time I thought my life
was yours.
Those times of early thought.
Without the choice for chancing.
With time in life, our lot.
I think sometimes, that I was here before.
Oct 2018 · 1.4k
The big F U
Krison Oct 2018
I have no time for politics,
talkings heads,
heads of state,
stately hats,
manly gaites.

And on, and on, and on.

With resent for only money,
those jokes so half *** funny,
and sad sack bleeding harts.

Dime store smarts
and trollop tarts,
that do not claim there farts.

Yet i hear were full of ****!

So i've no patience for.....

The hiding of the gore.
The hit and run
the watered down
fake news we abore.

And mostly i've no time,
so I will make a ryme.

For the outside is a gauntlet.
And with pen i post my crime.

So lock me up,
I'm but a blip.
The news will sup and Sip,
and **** there heads
with lock and step.

And find my hate for all.

They are cheating of there proof,
and I have had enough.
Not enough for giving up,
enough for that i tried.

I did,
you see,
It wasn't me,
But you that made this mess.

I only watched.
I only cared.

And now I've little less.

To your regard,
The mass ******.
Of all that could be swell.

It was your head
That doubled size.

And I hope ya burn in hell.
Oct 2018 · 167
The sticky dark
Krison Oct 2018
The failing flight
Of tribulation
the half fight of a gradient
That dip in

The Little times of hurt

It, the road
It speaks

"Come and find us free".
"You be only half the way"!

For that is of it's course

But this pray I never be
The loss of rage
I've cleared a Path

An unobstructed trail
That I might to follow
Yet stubborn I to head
Lessons trepination holds

With least regard to caution

So lock and step, to and fro
Let it be and such it was
On tip of toe I follow

So mighty a callus made to faulter
By the glass that cuts the

This is my mighty reconning

Yet i still to follow

With no regard to Pain
is a pact
I dare not shake

I've That Path and Pain

With pity not to know.

So, Pity for tomorrow
While on and on i go.

Mighty thee my Foolishness that make for me a bed lies

Never to me, with truth in hand
Discarded and unwanted
Recourse for only the unclean desperation born of fears

The wailing of the things once

With a will of darked tone.
Sep 2018 · 875
Caution, us.
Krison Sep 2018
Of my flesh, the trip , the pressure.

The rug, the rash, the knee,  the kiss.

The sigh and solemn bliss.

And want for all of this, when I am only clay.

At the earliest moments
Of time.

The yester, yesterday.

So now I'll recollect,
forwarned narrow sight.
And see the blood, the fear,
the risk.
And count my every slight

For many years I threaded needles,
Dictating a yarn.

Spun of lies with silent cries,
And desicated eyes.

That found me full of nothing,
And emptiness the proof.

A bully to
you and me
The hope filled forfeit truth.

For this is fight, and nothing more with waning of our youth.

The endless pool of doing, with weary broken back.

For selfishly we hobble,
When steel we find us lack.

So on to the future.

With souls, we nought to the rack.

It best we set our sights to then,
And never stray the track.
Sep 2018 · 453
Krison Sep 2018
Allow me to ruminate

I'll digest the cud.
While we chew the fat.
In the darkened woods.
Of what we shouldn't at.

Of a thing so wrong.
That we now lay to rest.

With shovel in my hand.
And course i see as best.

So I light a simple lamp.
And quite be my sound.

The guilt is in my heart.
And blood upon my hand.

Do all that i see fit.
Nore wash away the stains.
Of ownership, desire,

And newfound growing pains.

With such a different world.
So different in the calm.

When you can be a god,
And make the world obey.
Aug 2018 · 196
Jul 2018 · 2.1k
Krison Jul 2018
He who stands for something is prone to prejudice.
He who is prone to prejudice
Is quick to act
He who is quick to act
Is ultimately destined to folly.

For it's said "He who stands for nothing".
"Falls for anything".

So, with breath held
And careful consideration
Ask yourself.

"What do you stand for"?

Is it natural design.
that your action is not of your

So much control, smacks of huberis.

Like a stubbed toe
On the best of days.
Jul 2018 · 172
Jul 2018 · 246
Krison Jul 2018
To a hew of dark of Green
To a hue of red

Those of timber
Stout of frame

Lay down there leafy bed

For the cold
Is sleepy day
And black of night
The sleep

Have they yearning
For the light
That daily
They upright
Jul 2018 · 652
Growing up.
Krison Jul 2018
I am the black and white.
All the violence that exists.
The fight in you, or flight of them.

The heat that blood implied.

So never did I think my hate,
would fashion itself well.
Shake me with my soul to slip,
to loose let claret drip.

That kept within a box,
with transparent chains.
Fixed to glassy walls,
hitched with failing reins.

Is my own eye through wich I see
rebirth upon repass.

For this anger does ablige.
This tunnel of no light.
With not a chance i find thee love
As darkness does amass

For pity has not voice in me.
Quarrel or appall.
The child has now gone away,
So up and down i fall.

For If I choose want of greed
The better unto me.
And time much better spent
With all such reapings heed.

So is it then a soul undone?
Most do find it bent.

"my own will'', my choosing time!
With furies made to vent.

thoses yearning  hearts will never do.

They will often sink.

Slink away with time,
And dance to there own tune.

"So Would I then find thee well"?
After this our play.
Wish thee hell and hope again
We meet another day

so to then, you never find
a broken  warreng heart
Will  i find, ii put my hate
Black as coal and unforgiving,

The thought of you,
The good with flaw,

The me who cannot stay.

Is not the man I wish to be,
And ever cast away.
Jun 2018 · 1.3k
Krison Jun 2018
We may Sink.
We may choose
To walk on muddy works

Of choice of our design
Of foot step then upon to us
The foolish path to be

To find us fall in line
With inch and huberis

The easy road
On bridge of backs

And dance to others chimes

But fear can never dictate all
It has no power so

So find us left to no regard
For hate it does burn slow

To self and all that do surround.
And you the least of all so mad

I would so let it go

So laugh at him the emperor
The fool of many skins
The one who owns so much
But never of his sins

And do not sink, no more my friend
The earth will have it's end

Owning of its steedy legs,
Reliable and sure
with length
And breth and gait
It's cleansing fire pure

So malleable are we
And reslient is the cause to wail
At all of misery

Us the fraught and faulty free
The ones who rail against
The lies
We nought to ever be
My knuckles might be a little less flat.
Jun 2018 · 249
The way home.
Krison Jun 2018
On sidewalks find my feet.
Do I follow quickened beat.
Of  haste to free myself of them.

All the dreary numb.

That lack of sound
drown pain of ground .
And nightly free abate.

In step abound of all so fleet
That of my ear does fight to greet
To cause my gait to quicken so
And find my thoughts so easy go.

To a room of my own mind
A place no map can find.

The silence against the churning road.
That hyme in me that is abode.

So nightly I Intern to keep,
The dreams i find within my sleep.
My quit and quiet, little place,
And only peace I know.
Jun 2018 · 237
Krison Jun 2018
As the seasons change, repeat and then renew.
Gardens, field and wood resign.
To all the hand that till the land.
That mold and turn the ground.

With picture, paint, verse and song.
Who draw and sing of you.

So loud a voice and many praise,
Against the crop you grow and raze,
Out of blackened Earth.

We never find us why.
To chance the perfect hyme.
Of the perfect birth of you, drawn with perfect dye.
May 2018 · 246
Days of the week
Krison May 2018
ya ever wonder why
with monday in your face
you dread the day  until it ends
with a weekend to erase

that tuesday be the uphill fight
from dawn untill the night

with heavy head into a bed to make
that fight ignight

the steel that wakes again
the bure thats in your side
so fall asleep
in dreams you leap
and over the hill you ride

for wednesday the beast that  bucks
the other with two backs
with caution and chance it racks
you of what to do

So fester in a room

or find



for thursday

the libertine

finds the trumpet call

for chance will take the place

of sound resolve
as thoughts disolve
into plastic cups

but this is only now and you are mostly spent
with fried a mind
And lost of time with honest days to mend


the work was ease
So down into the drink
And the beauty of the nap
With pearls upon her back
And my arms to March upon
For needles make a track.

Is all i want
Is all i hunt
The girl
And mostly

and never of regret

With thunder in my head
my closest friend my bed
And wake my face so red

for my Sunday
Is the day
i die

And monday the reason why.
May 2018 · 688
The work.
Krison May 2018
I wander all my days
Through the past of youth,  
Into the years of me a kid
And bleat with humor
At the death, that I can only be

And stumbled on a simple truth

That I am only man
Of justly thought

as i ever thought I'd be

To kick the habit and drown the pain
Of all of  course and just of course

And pushed the dark away.

So turn my gaze to now
to nevermind the past

For the cool and calm
is now my just design

For age now has awoken
And time has thusly spoken
and now i owe  to he

The change
The strange
Of what I saw

And that I will to be

In between the this and that
Of what I hope awaits

wanders chances
Hopes and ponders

Is the child
fool and free

So to the dark I gaze
The pool of empty time

That calls
Come now
I made the then
I see and do admire

And Not, a moment waist

For I am home again

where I did come

Of you no face

You of  never  age
And forever No, to rage

Made of dieing stars

From places not of mortal pain

Where the sun

has no domain

And the pulse and pressure in your chest
Tells you that is true
That the sky will never darken
With a  fight to now renew

So Do then ask again
Now Into the dark

That all the happy that you feel
With all the greivous pain

Do  you still  walk
with muscles spent

Twards dawn
To die again.
May 2018 · 232
Again and again.
Krison May 2018
Drip the hapless loves

wardens of there hearts
With chainmaled solitude

With countess
Years apart

Of sperate time
And space

Renuned resolved

For there match

Dispatch the the dark
From each a life

The memory
And strife

With homes of lesser name
Of no to fortune
No to gain
With heavens rule of Fame

And Only Sparks they see

With Every little glance

The object
Of the deep

There One
There love

The beautiful

Be Together fight and free.
Apr 2018 · 240
92 choices
Krison Apr 2018
Rumblings of a barrel
Free men pay with blood
The price in ounces of lead
At the end of a dragons tail

As I am death and such decay
With my changing birth
With mirth that must abide
In endless years to hide

So shroud my light that at my dawn
I cover all the sky
And lay in wait
With all below
as I will wait to die

For time can only change
In the violent and the strange
For Yama, does now find us so
With all the earth refined

For in the few and moments passed
Kokopellie make it new

As all of us and all of them
scream into the sun

For this,
the fearing stout
Rebel attack and mount
the grounds inhabitants
For violent be our sort

Do Picket at the cosmo light
With heavens hells command

Find us now again
To the sky we peer
As queer it be the open vail
That looks to see us small

For racked with pain
Us that feign
With gun and god in hand
Just a reminder that the lead in our guns comes from the uranium in our atomic bombs. Strange coincidence...
Mar 2018 · 299
The up and down.
Krison Mar 2018
With wings
And Zephyr pull,
Out of tumult and solitude,
make us fly to greener climes.

The yearning​ of the
The loss of cold
That makes us wander so.

Those battered wings that
make us fledglings,
and faulter up on high.

That cause for us to crash again
into the burning snow.

Yet with a burning need
To melt the frozen rock.

Is mettle of our will,
and of the earth to shake.

So alight again
with fierce and needed flailing,

full of wondering.

Become a force.
Of fight or flight,
no longer,
only thing.
More than sum of it, it's parts
and wary be your sting.

That wakes from you dispaire,
that dark remains and reigns,
with all the sun to fear.

With all against we ever fight, with forever death of night.
Mar 2018 · 181
Krison Mar 2018
The guise of death
Can not stop the burn
Can not stop The yearn
For what may lie ahead
But shadows us each
Temps and tramples on
The want of getting out
The silence of the shout

So scream
And scream
To the heavens up above

With poise and presence
That your broken form may shout.
Mar 2018 · 182
Krison Mar 2018
Hear the echos
Of the drip
Of wrist
And salty eyes

For they ever will remind

Of all that die
who came before
Those shadows that we find.

Doubt the colors
They we wrought
So red to drain
In vain of hope
And chance we to anew

Of a Constant stain
There that ever was

The passing of a few

That make us ghosts
Unformed inblazed
With all and ever true

So this my wretched
Racted and weary Broken bleeding heart
Is now my place of the alone

And now my place to start

To mend a broken me
That tore away my vanity with pain now to dismiss.
And on your​ Lips
To find for me
a place to plant a kiss.

Or wait and pull
From out my hate
A place for us to meet

And find within the desperate past
The heavy hearts we rung

So let us find we meet
In a place alone

Where not a heart can live
And be us suicides.
Mar 2018 · 194
Yellow eyes.
Krison Mar 2018
She so small,
That hunts.
The things on ground that crawl,
In briar patch, and up to wood,
Of things that hide in trees.

Of leaf and branch,
And twisting vines.
Of all such covered
In gall.

With they, so small of feet.
Run with panic and fret.
Run from her,
From fang and claw.
Lest they be her meal.

Those things for her to meet,
With quickened beat.
To underground
And find the sound,


And never of her match.

Of then defeat and her to eat,
Of mouse and squirrel​ dispatch.

Of everything that moves,
And everything she catch.

To every bow, and down to grass,
With eyes that seem of glass.
That holds your gaze.
Until you see.
With last of breath
You gasp.
Feb 2018 · 221
Chance of hope.
Krison Feb 2018
There is dark inside.
For happiness has lied.
But, take it's leave,
while hopes concede,
with time, of us to bide.

Such is of its place.
With life and flesh debase.
Make light of none,
with parting sun,
the desperate to erase.

So go with key in hand.
And heart inside a tomb.
To steel away, from hearth and past,

in past no longer stay.

With listlessness​,
to find a match.

To claim,
and, make away.

To make a hope,
the common tongue,
we speak of everyday.
Feb 2018 · 293
Krison Feb 2018
As to which my sense erase
My body does debase
With will and truth to face

My mass in leage with
Sense of flesh
desrire I debase

To rid the foul
Of my soul that
At Present holds me now

For Keen of heart to things I thought

I thought of Worthy cause

For Family gone and

caused my heart to pause

Why the gone
The life and shock
Of all I've ever known

For i the wretch
That's holds it grip
With pasts to ever long
If I could go back I would never make the mistakes I made. So now I'm stuck here.
Feb 2018 · 202
Krison Feb 2018
the dragonflies went south
away to hotter climes
to warm of air
with mighty wings
and unto clearer skies

where a dragon might
and float above alone
in never ending skies
away to shine and flutter wings
to make a wind its name

and find abandonded dragon lair

with ever weathed wing
with wind to ride and sing
trivaile of small and tempest call
of all such small a thing.
Jan 2018 · 196
Krison Jan 2018
Hi, i was away
I said I'd stay
But still I went anyway​


I Went away
For a Will and while
Begin again
And Only for,
Only for today

I laughed
I laughed
A little while



But Only for today
Because your here
To watch me walk
And Watch me walk away
Dec 2017 · 223
Monsters and gods
Krison Dec 2017
He was a man.
Short of love and drawn to strife,
And none to senses find.

He to sort and sell his life.

Early in his dawn.

Mostly man and more of tears,
Yet born without a heart.

Of what was thought?
Of others nought

With Emotions,
Never near!

For he was cold,
And never bold.
But fought  for he to try.

The valiance of a man to see.
And grapple with to be...

With ego, ether, earth and
and now free..

So he exact, and rectify
the the pain
they caused on he.
With shallow pause
And much of cause
To find them misery.

And lent his heart to
To make all heaven see.
That it is both
The right and wrong.
That caused a pain to be.
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