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Feb 2020 · 132
Sloping Hills
Samantha DeWitt Feb 2020
Picturesque in their presence, we stand.  Sloping hills beckon us to an icon's call to succeed in life.  Remembering tangles assailing like addled brains.  Sheer pull pushing us on.

sloping hills
take us out of the humdrum
my first haibun
Feb 2020 · 128
Just Another Flawed Human
Samantha DeWitt Feb 2020
my life is a tiny pickle
green, tight, thin skin and minuscule
smiling to lift them higher
but here is how my storm begins
too many tumbles in the weeds

my limbs trailing on shaky ground
lost hold on my everyday path
strangers are first, my heritage
no x-ray vision in my sight
my strength, withered a little bit

to exert weathered eyes here
leaves tiny slivers to myself
all the heckling and nagging
cemented between two tycoons
like gaiety and slavery
Feb 2020 · 123
Today's Argument
Samantha DeWitt Feb 2020
you left me
drowning in a pool of beer
my core in utter debris
to recede my warmth and cheer

solely roads
waiting anger to recur
hidden from the speech has shone
the backbone of strength I've earned

often lies
fleeing from my hidden pain
from the rain you lean to drive
tired eyes to a big plane
Feb 2020 · 106
Samantha DeWitt Feb 2020
the smell of metal hit the air
permeating eight flights of stairs
door opened just a smidgen
and on the fridge, hands of crimson

walls coated thicker than paint
hundred twenty red pounds minus eight
eight brick red pounds, gone from the room
my partner and I searched all afternoon

one skinned body, open legs lay
next to three others on display
just one missing maroon ball
not found, puzzling us all

burgundy knives strewn on the floor
no trace of other implements in store
no tape, or rope on the slain
tells our brain of one man's reign

maroon pools upon the floor
continuing our cringing even more
just then the call came in
one nut job found, wearing a second skin
Feb 2020 · 149
If Trees Drank Like Men
Samantha DeWitt Feb 2020
if trees drank like men
holding the bottle secure
plunging deep
erasing obstacles
emptying all the liquid
Feb 2020 · 114
A Flare of Passion
Samantha DeWitt Feb 2020
through your eyes
lights of wanton and surprise
encircling my soft core
staging four lives of replies

your arms touch
leaves me begging for a crutch
music you keep teaching me
in my chi stands neatly tucked

rapid beats
spring from my chest to my seat
sounds of smiles allay my pain
even rain can't shake your heat
Feb 2020 · 134
Mining the Pen
Samantha DeWitt Feb 2020
the many points on paper shed
a life's addled grey matter drawn
the substance he beckons to have read
a fore life's solid matter flown

the conjured ideas contests bring
all the schmaltzy addled chatter
many light bulbs are a dancing
to tongues of core and matter

I put captured ideas to paper
stirring alive with every stroke
to find the day I, the victor
the title of writer's note
Feb 2020 · 102
A Romantic Interlude
Samantha DeWitt Feb 2020
from my lips feathery kisses
on my life line's sun kissed tresses
child like eyes filling with warmth
cherub cheeks robust and rosy
my core lights my place, my hearth
sweet planes shiver with my caress
my paradise, candied silkiness
velvet fields I now uncover
my hands glide slow on my temptress
deafening pulses from lovers
Jan 2020 · 123
Among the Grey Matter
Samantha DeWitt Jan 2020
whimsical flights of fancy appear
my heart is all a flutter
light bulbs bright and clear
tempt me like no other

when closed is the wooden door
your impulse cap charges
all lines signal in uproar
extreme escape enlarges

the mundane being, you once led
in chaos has erupted
among grey matter, on paper shed
flights of fancy less corrupted
Dec 2017 · 290
Finding My Way To You
Samantha DeWitt Dec 2017
eye to eye feet to feet, my colored eye
visions eclipse, my ideas are visions
placed ideas in you, my ideas I placed
plateau here, stand still people plateau
see my water run, I cannot bear see
ken I matter, as my core can not know
feet on the floor, gravity holds my feet
blocked visions, along a dank path are blocked
stronger arms embrace, the weak made stronger
torment appears, cloud of black dots torment
given over, a cores vision given
lost life covered, clouded in a mist lost
you captured my core, my core captured you
eye full of color, you've given my eye
my first attempt at a shadow sonnet
Samantha DeWitt Oct 2015
the lawn
finally green
gives us the look of spring
peaceful and luscious to lie on
the grass
finally green
took away the relaxing plot
the green became a brown
burning branches
no rain
Oct 2015 · 440
Closed Off
Samantha DeWitt Oct 2015
Why not open up the vent
For each word with content
Called commitment
This was a piece I entered in the contest 13 words exactly on all poetry
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
Idealist (Acrostic)
Samantha DeWitt Oct 2015
Imagining who you can be
Depends on the life you lead now
Excluding your found sanity
Always looking to wear the crown
Loving yourself as you fly high
Imagining who you can be
Stating this mantra in reply
Tomorrow; Idealist I'll be
Oct 2015 · 332
Peace In the Night
Samantha DeWitt Oct 2015
moon on horizon
close enough to pause and touch
brings tranquility
5-7-5 haiku contest all poetry where the moon on the horizon is the prompt
Oct 2015 · 1.7k
What Is A Father?
Samantha DeWitt Oct 2015
a provider
provides help and advice
with love and trust to carry us
a man
lovable to a blinding fault
giving us a right path
a protector
first attempt at a mirrored cinquain
Oct 2015 · 298
Our Future?
Samantha DeWitt Oct 2015
mask that helps me breathe
hides my heartbeat in my feet
gas invades my skin
Oct 2015 · 310
Did You Forget Me?
Samantha DeWitt Oct 2015
I see you walking
In the dead of night
Your heartbeat beating
Fast, and full of fright

Your fast pace
Does not deter
The look on you face
You must endure

For I am your shadow
You can't escape
Your mask, your glow
I will soon take

You stop, you stall
You turn around
But alas, the fall
You're on the ground

Next comes the surprise
The weight on your chest
You can only surmise
Maybe, you will pass the test

Maybe you'll remember me
Next time you are out
I'm not just any Tabby
My ruby eyes, will singe your doubt
Oct 2015 · 247
Face Forward (haiku)
Samantha DeWitt Oct 2015
falling forward face
fine fickle fact for feeling
finding fallacy
Entered a poet's contest and was given the letter "F" as my prompt.
Samantha DeWitt Sep 2015
A random thought
And that is when my head filled with dread
"Please let me see the next daybreak
If my life is what you will take"
Before she filled my heart with lead
What was it that my young lass said

A random thought
But my thought is on my heartbreak
My coffin bed is made of lead
Here I lie peaceful with the dead

I lie pale in my coffin bed
Will my heart be split with a stake
What will happen when I awake
Am I covered head to toe red
A random thought goes through my head
Sep 2015 · 187
Be Careful Who You Choose
Samantha DeWitt Sep 2015
This is a story about a girl
And how she grew up in this world
She did everything right
Until she met her white knight
And now their world's in turmoil
Samantha DeWitt Sep 2015
A tune was there if
I write to every poem
To leave soon if you didn't have
Tonight with you I'd be
In love, if I have fallen
What to do, I don't know
Help from above, I'm gonna need
I've fallen for you because
This piece was written for a contest on all poetry
Hope you enjoy
Sep 2015 · 336
A Vamperial Thought
Samantha DeWitt Sep 2015
Goes through my head, a random thought
Head to toe red, am I covered
When I awake, what will happen
Split with a stake, will my heart be
In my coffin bed, here I lie pale

Peaceful with the dead, here I lie
Made of lead is my coffin bed
On my heartbreak is but my thought
Thought, a random

That my young lass said, what was it
My heart with lead before she filled
"What you will take, if my life is
The next daybreak, please let me see"
And with dread, that is when my head filled
Thought, a random
This piece was written for a contest on all poetry... The original piece is also on here... The challenge was to take a pre- written piece and write it in reverse...
Sep 2015 · 617
Rogue (Acrostic)
Samantha DeWitt Sep 2015
Rolling out of my lone reverie
Ogling couples longingly as they go by
Gaining the little happiness I can from battle
Understanding my heart will never be complete
Enveloping loneliness is my destiny, me Rogue
Sep 2015 · 382
Fancy a Fantasy ?
Samantha DeWitt Sep 2015
The eccentric rich wizard's ring
Held the word anthem up in lights
No knew the process it'd bring
Dined in pink pajamas tonight
Turned a blind eye to the fable
About the squishing of the grape
Not knowing everyone's able
With the wisdom above their nape

The tile around our window
Captured the wild wild west
The stampede collage was aglow
With his board conveying his best
So quickly had we retreated
To the recesses of our mind
All thought and figures created
Works of fantasy left behind
Aug 2015 · 322
Web of Lies
Samantha DeWitt Aug 2015
The time, dismal
Caught she cries
To her own detriment
Because of her lies
Situation, not escapable
Caught she cries
Aug 2015 · 267
The Reason I Smile
Samantha DeWitt Aug 2015
Not a physical embrace
Fills me with warmth
On my face is a sign
Connected to your heart
There's love in your words
Aug 2015 · 674
Mother Nature and the Wolf
Samantha DeWitt Aug 2015
Forget the sun and the flowers
To not forget the tree
Forget the coffin and the stars
Not July and August coffee
Forget the rain clouds and thunder
Midnight was to forget the wolf
Forget the flowers and the witching hour
Not to forget the moon was full
Forget the stars and the weather
Not the wolf, the midnight child
I was given a list of words to use and no extras were allowed... hope you enjoy this piece, as it wasn't easy...
Aug 2015 · 454
Swan Princess
Samantha DeWitt Aug 2015
Sashaying, down to the black lake
With her toes leaving a trail of blood
Anguish and pain, urging her onward
Never ceasing, she glides forth

Purple and blue mark an otherwise unblemished face
Riotous heart beats on
In perfect rhythm of far away drums
Nearer to the edge, she comes
Catching her white ****** dress on a log
Every stitch coming undone
Slowly, she walks into the black lake
Sinking slowly to relieve her pain, is the Swan Princess
Jul 2015 · 482
Of Candles and Wind
Samantha DeWitt Jul 2015
Keystrokes of your creative life
Fill me with many memories
Memories of a tall, blonde slife
Who gifted us with her beauty
Beauty that we love and now know
A treasure to softly handle
A talented slife, was Monroe
Whispered like a wind blown candle
This poem was inspired by Elton John's Candle in the Wind song
Jul 2015 · 461
My Teddy
Samantha DeWitt Jul 2015
A feeling of hope
A heart full of dreams
How can I cope
With all of my screams
I look you
My silent friend
My appreciation due
This letter I send
Sometimes venting to your favorite stuffed friend
can get you through the day
Jul 2015 · 579
To My Beloved
Samantha DeWitt Jul 2015
The day we met
I gave my heart
And made a vow
We'd never part
Years may come
Years may go
But there's one thing
I want you to know
My love for you
Will grow each day
My love will grow
In every way
And no matter what
This life may bring
As long as we're together
My heart will sing
And when my eyes
I close in death
I'll call your name
With my last breath
Jun 2015 · 274
What He Really Wanted
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
Years ago I met someone
Who asked another for a ***
At first I thought he was so far gone
That he wanted someone in drag
I knew he was from out of town
By the way he walked and talked
I bit my tongue, eyes to the ground
Was careful where I walked
Soon found out the day we met,
He was just asking for a cigarette
This piece has nothing to do with what is in the media, this is same words for different things...
Jun 2015 · 291
The Listener
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
I grow with sun and water
Planted in one spot
Be it son or daughter
I tend to hear a lot
They come with all their heartache
Their complaints and their secrets
Knowing with each thought I intake
That they'll have no regrets
And they can spill their heart
Knowledge I can never impart
Jun 2015 · 491
Eye Rolling
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
Expressive when we wish to defy
Young adolescents taking on parents
Even when we are wrong
Rule breaking at every turn
Obsessed with growing up
Listening but not really to our parent's advice
Lashing out, when we feel oppressed
Ignoring their wisdom, thinking we are wiser
Never understanding their advice completely
Going through emotions, eye rolling in rebellion
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
taller         happier
entertain     comfort     love
geekish     artistic     athletic     nerdy
imagine     create     read
short     serious
Jun 2015 · 378
What Is A Vampire
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
To me a being of immortality
Who can right the wrongs we mortals make
Who can see past's past with clarity
Opportunities we fail to take
To save our planet

Even though the food they eat
Leaves us nauseous and in fear
We run and hide to get off the street
Watch your back, or you'll be the snack

Movies tend to paint different pictures
Of how these beings can be
They're cold, rarely seen human like creatures
Creatures of the night, masters of eternity

If the sun shall hit them during the day
They'll leave no single trace
But turn to ash and blow away
Scatter all over the place
But is this real?

Then you have the day walker
One who doesn't burn
Has the strength of the night stalker
Who can hear one's thoughts churn
Again, is this real?

No matter how Hollywood paints them
This will remain a fantasy
And one day a solved problem
A vampire is to me
Real or imagined

A being of immortality
Who can right the wrongs we mortals make
Who can see past's past with clarity
Opportunities we fail to take
To save our planet
Jun 2015 · 441
First Date
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
A black car pulled up at the gate
Before the last clock chime
All dressed up, ready for my date
Hope I have a good time
We're leaving for our first real dance
Both of us lacking patience
We're leaving for
We're leaving for
We're on our way to take a chance

A black car pulled up at the gate
My heart is beating fast
Very glad my date wasn't late
Because he'd never last
We have arrived safely tonight
The place is full and out of sight
We have arrived
We have arrived
No longer do I feel uptight

A black car pulled up at the gate
For awhile we sat
In the car until very late
said, "Night Night" to the cat
We're at the gate for our first kiss
His lips were soft and didn't miss
We're at the gate
We're at the gate
Didn't expect to feel such bliss
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
As babes we bring people closer
As teenagers, we defy rules
As we grow, we lean on shoulders
Stumbling on like other fools
Lifting others we'll try
Turning out like Oli and Guy
Jun 2015 · 469
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
I follow your every move
Is it so hard to believe
I'm lost in the midnight groove
So easy to achieve
You came at me with false pretenses
I fell into your trap
Lost all of my senses
Impossible to see through all the crap
My heart is all a flutter
Like icing on a cake
Tends to melt like butter
This is a huge mistake
Weeks go by as my obsessions grow
A pattern soon develops
Eat, follow, work, follow, sleep, and follow
Only you envelops
When I finally approach you
To tell you how I feel
You drop me, and ignore me
This has all been so surreal
Jun 2015 · 242
Locked Inside
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
turned on a deaf ear
enveloping sum of fear
trapped within my mind
Jun 2015 · 239
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
spinning wildly
the turntable goes round
music pouring out
Jun 2015 · 215
Your Outer Shell
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
painting on the face
makes changes
in those who are lacking confidence
Jun 2015 · 264
Sky's On/Off Switch
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
the blue sky above
holds the biggest secret
not counting the science
Jun 2015 · 289
A Good Eat
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
pasta on a plate
engulfed in tomato sauce
heightens the sweet taste
Jun 2015 · 834
A Warrior's Way
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
The warrior's yelling ignited liberating goal oriented minds
Stirring past animosity nightly
Zealots braved ****** festivals, jaded rulers harrowing experiences
Omitting defeat coalesce knowledgeable volunteers
I was given a twenty-five letter prompt and had to attempt to poetically stitch them together to make sense... hope you enjoy
Prompt: twyilgomspanzbvfjrheodckv
Jun 2015 · 386
Israel What Could You Be
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
Israel, land of history
Why are you a country so torn
Thoughts of hatred wash over me
Land near where the gift of love was born
You've been fraught with so much peril
For thousands and thousands of years
Your lack of trust is palpable
Through the bloodshed and dying tears
If you can only imagine
The love of a country so vast
Weapon of choice a tennis ball
Instead of a machine gun blast
Jun 2015 · 800
Expect the Unexpected
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
Sun high in the sky
Start of my day enfolds
Just in time, and on the fly
Without being told
I gather my books
Into my bag, my cargo hold
Disregarding sartorial looks
My flip flops, my shorts, my tank
I go out the door
With no one but myself to thank

The sky suddenly darkens
The temperature drops
A horn in the distance beckons
As I say goodbye to my flip flops
I'm now moving through the street
Didn't quite expect mother nature
To literally sweep me off my feet
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
I don't know what is wrong with me
I've not been so afraid
I live my life, the way I see
My species not betrayed
Chasing cars and mailmen
Even, the occasional salesman
Chasing cars and
Chasing cars and
People, the way of life for me

I don't know what is wrong with me
Noticing my gate part
Now looking left and right I see
What jump started my heart
Twenty-four mean eyes did appear
Playing with my senses, they sneered
Twenty-four mean
Twenty-four mean
Made me manic enough to flee

I don't know what is wrong with me
I think at least I'm safe
Higher up, in this big tall tree
My own actions now chafe
As I sit on this would be log
Oh, disbelief, I'm a huge dog
My own actions
My own actions
With twelve felines circling me
Jun 2015 · 389
Dog Gone Crazy (I Think)
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
I don't know what is wrong with me
I've never been so afraid
I live my life, the way I see
But look at the fear, these twelve have made
In my yard is where it started
I was so happy
When all of a sudden my gate parted
Twenty-four narrowing eyes did I see
Somewhere in my senses stirred
Uneasiness and dread
Beyond all normalcy, this is so absurd
A light bulb lights my head

One quick leap and up I fled
I think at least I'm safe
My heart slows down
So I can face
The commotion down beneath
As I sit on this would be log
A thought occurs to me
I am a big huge dog
And not where I'm supposed to be
High above, up in a tree
With twelve felines circling me
Jun 2015 · 245
Playing With Fire
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
Black as night I try to move
My feet don't leave the ground
About midnight, I'm in the groove
But you are nowhere to be found

My heart is beating faster
As I stumble through my door
Trying to forget the disaster
That you chose to ignore

Those many hospital trips
That turned into a stay
But not a word from my lips
Would my feelings betray

For many moons the words "I'm quitting"
Came through as a solemn vow
My smile and hopes ear splitting
I was very proud

Years went by, and then turned out
It was fun to laugh and poke
But what came about
Was a big mistake, one cruel joke

Black as night I try to move
My feet don't leave the ground
About midnight, I'm in the groove
But you are nowhere to be found
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