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 Mar 2013 Krishna-Marie
Tori G
 Mar 2013 Krishna-Marie
Tori G
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Life's a *****,
And so are you.
The author of this poem is my wonderful brother Gregory Gray.  (:
I hung mistletoe
I heard you were in town
visiting your parents,
or something.
I cleaned my house
and I shaved
and I bought three packs of cigarettes.
I sat in my room,
by the phone,
smoking cigarettes,
waiting for you to call.
4 packs,
and two days later you did
and I picked up
before the first ring ended.
And the second I heard your voice say "hello"
I hung up.
A gentle touch as such returned
the canyon walls carved into our fingertips mingle
and try to make sense of the gentle collision
by dancing

to learn eachothers handsteps of course
intertwining limbs before intertwining thoughts
by intertwining thoughts through intertwining limbs
only as intertwined as two outstretched fingertips can be
until they break the gentle waltz
and remain still
figuring whether the dance shall remain slow
or will the heartbeat quicken into a tango
or something new and in-between
and teasing reciprocation
only to pull back just enough to slowly motion
into a sweet caress
then they chase spatial awareness around every finger print
engulfing every nerve and muscle
every spasm of the hand is nursed by the other
till they can dance again
upon eachothers palms
Sweet dimness of her loosened hair’s downfall
About thy face; her sweet hands round thy head
In gracious fostering union garlanded,
Her tremulous smiles, her glances’ sweet recall
Of love; her murmuring sighs memorial;
Her mouth’s culled sweetness by thy kisses shed
On cheeks and neck and eyelids, and so led
Back to her mouth which answers there for all:—

What sweeter than these things, except the thing
In lacking which all these would lose their sweet:—
The confident heart’s still fervour: the swift beat
And soft subsidence of the spirit’s wing,
Then when it feels, in cloud—girt wayfaring,
The breath of kindred plumes against its feet?
 Oct 2012 Krishna-Marie
A place filled with good vibes
People singing dancing, enjoying their lives
There i am standing amongst them,
One of them, free of worries and care

Friends and family celebrating life,
Singing, dancing, clapping their hands,
Happy with me, happy for me,
The way I am happy for them

A beautiful girl almost an angel,
Bright blue eyes looking right through me,
A touch so divine feels like heaven,
Truthful words filled with beautiful lies

I take a sip from my glass,
I follow her towards a light,
I hear a bell ring, sounds like reality,
I wake up.


— The End —