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Silence is blind
Silence is deaf
dark and scary
just a long tunnel
with no light in the end
longer you resist
longer you suffer
deeper it sits within
light appears
Silence becomes noisy
Silence becomes beautiful
a bunch of sounds within without
world is filled with colors
strangers become unsaid stories
world is like a walking movie
heart prevails as a narrator
Silence is just Silence
not dark but bright

Heart is the key to all
a key to hope
a key to dream
a key to love
a key to courage
a key to all
it needs a key on its own

You broke my heart
Even before you touched me
You broke my heart
Even before you changed
You broke my heart
Even before you could love me
You broke my heart
Even before you let me love you
You broke my heart
Even before you guarded it
And you broke my heart
And I let you break it

You don´t even know,
how you are wrapped in my words.
You don´t even know,
how you are entangled in my life.
You don´t even know,
how my heart still finds a way to live with you
while you don´t even exist anymore.

I knew it was gonna be hard one
yet i didn't see it coming
I watched some emotional drama
knowing it will unfold my inner hurricane
yet i didn't see it coming
it starting with a tear rolling down
turning into a flood soon
i clinched my fists so hard
nails dig into the flesh with bleeding marks
my cries turned into screaming
and i tried hiding in the blanket
i still heard my screams like whistles blown in wind
i could smell my own fear
i breathed my own misery
my mind played many games
my heart ached like never before
shiver in the body
rolled up in a ball
holding tight like it's gonna fall apart
my heart was racing
my breathing was breaking
i knew it has to pass
but i knew i won´t survive it tonight
my eyes cried all out
till tiredness took over
and body went to slumber
waking up again and again
and a blink woke me up
finding him out there
was like a dream coming true
knowing it was a nightmare
not a dream i hold onto anymore
yet i let it console me
i looked in the light
again and again
till my heart paced
and there was no race
i drifted on and off
knowing it so well
tomorrow will be another night
and i will fight once again
if not i will look at light
and i will wait

Life is just
a bunch of hopes,
spur of joy,
running for euphoria,
fighting harder,
looking for security
essence lies in
Beautiful sadness

If you ever gonna love me
i will be your home
i will be your nest
i will be your quest
i will be all you need
i will be the smile you wear
i will be the sweet voice you hear
I will be the sweet kisses you linger
I will be the moon on your darkest night
I will be the sun keeping you warm
I will be nothing
Girl in Love

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