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2.7k · Nov 2012
Peach (The Mario Song)
Koty Peter Nov 2012
If we were together,
And you had been captured,
By a villainous turtle,
Who's name was bowser.
I'd come and save you.
Without any mushrooms.
I'd dodge the hot lava,
And jump over the flowers.

Forget the gold coins,
I'd run past them all.
I'd come find my princess,
Like on n64.
I'd swim through the water,
Past the piranhas.
I'd raid the castle.
And beat the boss battle.

'Cause Peach, There's no me,
Until I find you, And you're set free.
Because Peach,
I am coming. I won't stop running.

Til your in my arms.
Where you're always safe.
You can wear my red hat,
We can have a pet Yoshi.

Because Peach there's no me,
But I am comming back.

Mushroom kingdom will never be the same again.
On a grassy hill, in our giant palace,

I'm not scared of any ghosts.
My sites are set,
On the clouds in the sky,
And tower in the distance.
I'm not scared of any stones,
That will try to crush me,
I'm going to do my best,
To keep my timing.

'Cause Peach, There's no me,
Until I find you, And you're set free.
Because Peach,
I am coming. I won't stop running.

Til your in my arms.
Where you're always safe.
You can wear my red hat,
We can have a pet Yoshi.

Because Peach there's no me,
But I am comming back
2.5k · Aug 2012
A Lilly in the Concrete
Koty Peter Aug 2012
Stumbling through this broken dream,
The colorblind artist finds a motif.
For once he wasn't wrong,
When he felt right.
He found more than a distraction from the black and white.

A lilly in the concrete,
To never expire.
I've got a brand new drug,
It's like I've never been higher.
A solitary blossom standing in the debris.
She's the only thing thats really perfect about me.

At this point I can't fall asleep.
It's never been the same,
Ever since you met me.
It's one a.m.
And I'm awake again.
When talking to you,
Sleep is such a waste of our time.
And whats worse,
Than wasting my time with you,
On this earth.
Of our time,
And whats worse?
Which is why we both decided to dive in head first.

A lilly in the concrete,
To never expire.
I've got a brand new drug,
It's like I've never been higher.
A solitary blossom standing in the debris.
She's the only thing thats really perfect about me.

He dropped to one knee,
like he'd done before.
The roots were unearthed,
As he pulled on the flower.
The lilly found a home,
In the palm of his hand,
And the colorblind artist saw beauty again.

It's not the thoughts in the car,
Toward the masquerade.
It's the girl at the concert,
Rubbing elbows with me.
It's not our self concious,
It's not my flaws.
It's how together we can tear all of the negatives down.
of our time.
And whats worse,
Than wasting my time with you,
On this earth.
Of our time,
And whats worse?
Which is why we both decided to dive in head first.

A lilly in the concrete,
To never expire.
I've got a brand new drug,
It's like I've never been higher.
A solitary blossom standing in the debris.
She's the only thing thats really perfect about me.
2.0k · Aug 2012
Koty Peter Aug 2012
I have a bedroom with lots of nice things,
But the doors usually locked and I don't have a key.
Koty Peter Aug 2012
I am the first raindrop that fell from the sky.
I was in the first cloud,
The first puddle in time.
The other raindrops wanted to be just like me.
They fell into my puddle and we created the sea.
I evaporated back
Into the clouds,
then repeated the cycle till man came around.

I was the first raindrop that man ever drank.
I spent some time in the stomach then soaked into his bloodstream.
I evacuated onto a tree in the woods.
Absorbed into the branches and provided it food.
Escaped and retired, relaxed in the dirt,
I was the first ground water on this earth.

Again I found my way home to my place in the sky.
The clouds were darker than usual,
Something wasn't right.
All at once, the first smoke stack,
coughed in my face.
I'm the first victim of acid rain.
1.9k · Aug 2012
This is Where I'm Left
Koty Peter Aug 2012
This is where I'm left.
In all my rage, in all my disgust.
You built it up inside my trust,
You tore it down without a word.
I can't imagine how,
You just hold someone down and step on there throat.
And look away like you don't know.
Ignoring choking and gasping below your soles.
I'm disposable. A working class dog.
When my task is accomplished, you send me back to my kennel.
And the food is running out.
For every endeavor I face,
My stomach growls,
So loud, so much agony.
I'll be gone soon, but I can't wait.
I thought I meant so much more than this.
You told me to stand in front of the car then you hit the gas.
Left my wounded body in the woods.
To die alone cold and scared.
My bones are to broken to support my weight.
I'm not stubborn enough to ignore my fate.
This is the end.
And I trained my replacement.
I'm only two years old,
Yet I'm an easy target.
Avert your eyes!
Please ignore my cries!
Your problems are almost gone,
Your burden meets its demise.
You asked for a scratch then called me the thorn in your side.
Your fingers cradle me and pull away but in time,
I'll lie in the dirt and be buried alive.
I'll be a vague memory of an unpleasant ride.
And I know.
I know yet I don't!
I'm discarded because you love someone else more.
And you've no more love to sustain this case,
Of charity. This teet dangles over my face.
I once drank my fill,
Against your warm embrace.
Your skin was a blanket,
Warmer than a tropical wave.
But all that's left is sand.
Irritating in trouble some.
Sweep me off of your skin and wait for the next one!
You don't need me like I need you.
And everyone here would die to be with you.
So I'll watch from the darkened corner alone.
They all glance at me quickly and then they move on.
Whispering "how glad are you you're not in his shoes?"
Is that his punishment? What did he do?
Well I'll shout from the shadows exactly what I've done.
I'm innocent I swear it but please, have your fun!
And I'll sit here and starve.
Be thrown into the dirt.
Return to my kennel,
Lay and be choked.
Because I'm the one who's been thrown away.
I'm an animate object,
But my life has no meaning.

So I'll stand on my own!
And sabotage  you all!
Take a good look around,
All you see will fall.

My wrath burns hotter than Mercury in summer.
My rage boils like a stove under water.
And I'll use this,
Oh I'll use this well!
Like a present gift wrapped, delivered first class from hell!
I didn't sign for this package.
It was left in front of my door.
I stepped over it for weeks before I opened it up.
And out poured the darkest light imaginable.
It was black and bright red. Backed by a thundering orchestra.
My eyebrows slanted inward and my,
Sharp grin raised to one side.
So now sweet anger,
Sweet hatred and lust!
Retaliation will be so sweet,
And so just.
Revenge is a dish served cold as cries.
But smell the sweet hatred as I bake it alive!
Then eat it!
Take in every last bite.
This will be your last meal so eat till you die!
And I'll watch from the shadows in the shadiest branches.
Of the tree I hide in to which I was banished.
1.8k · Aug 2012
Life in Third Person
Koty Peter Aug 2012
A comedy, a tragedy, a romance, a drama,
This world is what you make it because nothing truly matters.
Everything done will be undone
by inevitable death.
On the timeline of this earth,
your really quite insignificant.
So laugh at brick walls,
cry at the zoo,
make out with porcupines,
whatever you wanna do.
In 1% of the time this earth has been spinning,
no one will remember you were even breathing.
Don't look at this world a square inch at a time,
Take a step back,
Get the big picture in mind.
Life is a joke.
It's there to amuse you.
Until we reach the next phase in out journey,
which is probably fertilizer.
We walk around and pretend were not a mass of cells,
pointless matter taking up space a pointless world.
Were held accountable for the things we want,
And face persecution when we act impulse.
So everything's fair.
What a hilarious illusion.
We wander around blinded by spoon-fed delusion.
Like things matter.
Like we matter.
But were all only matter.
1.5k · Aug 2012
(Ice caps erupt)
Koty Peter Aug 2012
Inside your arctic chest.
You know that,
I'm not the only one,
Frozen with bitter breath.
A shard of ice for a heart,
Every time you inhale,
You impale your own lungs,
Every time that you speak
You frostbite your tongue.
Every time that you think,
You write yourself off.
Don't think this my way,
Of seeking revenge.
I'm just informing the masses,
So I can break even.

I've planned our dialogue,
I've planned my actions,
In this scene,
I'll reap an advantage.
You scream, "for once, just tell the truth!"
I can lie to your face,
but I can't lie to myself.

At heart,
I'm just a liar,
And I get by,
My only truth is,
I don't lose an ounce of sleep at night.
You scream, "for once, just tell the truth!"
I can lie to your face,
but I can't lie to myself.

Inside each torrid breath,
You know that I'm not the one,
Still beating a boiling chest.
Now charred.
The ice has all gone.
And all that is left, is the taste of your heartburn.

You cough and there's smoke.
Your "Sweltering Choke"
And I won't ever give it away, this
My best attempt at my belated offense.
But now?
You're coming clean now?
Well I couldn't care any less about how
You extend hypocritical apologies.
The truth: you never really meant **** to me.
1.4k · Aug 2012
The Hornets Nest
Koty Peter Aug 2012
I don't know why anything is how it is...
Why the kid in the stocking cap,
Throws rocks at the hornets nest.
Why birds fly north,
When winter comes again.
Why you hate me today,
And tomorrow were friends.
1.4k · Aug 2012
Koty Peter Aug 2012
I'm stuck here in my sense of defeat.
I should collapse. I should retreat.
I should give up.
I don't know why,
I even roll out of bed sometimes.
Woe is me
I'm so melancholy.
And your all invited to my pity party.
Now I'm finally calm.
The waters still.
The storms have past.
Puddles filled.
Get out of the dirt.
Leave the dark room.
Isolation is the farthest thing from a tool.
1.2k · Oct 2012
We get it.
Koty Peter Oct 2012
We get it.

You're so much more smart and philosophical,
Than any of us could ever know.
But please,
Spout off a few more lines from Henry David Thoreau.
And with your community college degree, you'll go so far,
But we'll see how little you are about your possessions when your hipster cigarettes are floating in the toilet.

And you'll smoke the best **** you're part time job can buy.

We get it.

You know everything there is to know about nothing.
And you don't conform along with all the other non conformists 

As of late,

Your so oblivious to how far, 
up your own *** you really are

All we want is for you to jump off of something that's as tall as your ego.
1.1k · Aug 2012
The Days of the Week
Koty Peter Aug 2012
The days of the week bleed together like watercolor memories of a clumsy painter.
Find your question,
Solve your puzzle.
Make yourself shine in a box of dull lightbulbs

"I was born into a floating sphere in space,
And I'm not sure what to make of this place."

So what the hell am I here for?
And what am I thinking?
I'm in a generation that just can't stop screaming.

But I'm still standing.
1.0k · Aug 2012
The Sandbox
Koty Peter Aug 2012
Build our castles.
Construct our cities.
Fill our motes.
Destroy our enemies.
Build an army.
Establish order.
Collect raw material.
Draw our borders.

You sit in the sandbox.
And build your pride,
You forget that sand castles,
Wash away with in the tide.
1.0k · Aug 2012
Suit Yourself
Koty Peter Aug 2012
Suit yourself,
It was fun while it lasted.
I was such a fool,
I dove head first into traffic.
And now I'm on my own.
And now she's all alone.
This is your way of asking me to stop,
Most dangerous place,
alone with your thoughts.
My battery's run dry,
Looks like I'm running out of time.

But if you just stop for minute,
And breathe for a second,
If you organize your thoughts and you,
Kick the habit.
Then you will finally see,
That I'm better off this way.
And you've been missing out.

You had your chance and you blew it. I,
Was your night in shining armor,
But you refused the ride,
On my horse back to the castle,
Where we live our lives,
Happily ever after.
But it was just a story cuz as we both know,
Nothing in life ever ends on a good note.

I'll erase every mark,
You ever left in my memory,
But there are so many,
And my erasers so tiny.
And every mark, I come to erase,
Sinks my stomach with the empty space.

Just don't.
Don't pull the punch on me
I see straight thru your hollow sympathy

Suit Yourself.
999 · Oct 2012
Jocelyn's Lullaby
Koty Peter Oct 2012
Apprehensive at seventeen,
And waiting on anything,
A simple excuse,
For what I've been thinking.

Your porcelain skin.
My head in my hands.
A loss for words.
Your auburn hair.

A grasp on my head.
I'm dreaming again.
it's 10 feet away.
And three hours later.

I cant exactly say it was love at first sight,
We haven't had four conversations,
And you've got a boyfriend,
But something still locks you inside my mind.

I think you just like to watch my concentration shatter
When you even fake a look in my general direction

Maybe that makes all of these words wrong.

But doesn't every pretty girl deserve at least one song?

On the first day,
Of second semester,
If were trading glances,
Is that my answer?
And on the first day,
I told you I write songs
I wonder how you'd feel if you knew,
That I wrote you one.
926 · Aug 2012
Never Forever
Koty Peter Aug 2012
They said "don't you have any other interests, besides that pencil in your hand?"
I looked at them,
I smiled and said,
and said "sometimes I use a pen."
Then they provide the needle,
You provide the yarn.
You stitch a blanket of self hatred,
And you fall asleep in doubt.

I hate every letter of every word,
of every ******* sentence I've ever wrote.

When there's no motivation to fix the snapped strings,
On the first guitar you bought,
When there's no reason,
To be who you are,
Instead of a face in a mob,
Or a corpse in a grave,
Or leaf on the lawn.
When you can't find a reason to sing one song,
Just give it some time,
Don't get down on yourself,
Indefinite hiatus is never forever.
Koty Peter Oct 2012
I want to explore the vistas you never imagined could exist.
I want to birth innovation past the time and the space,
You never had or gave me for creative construction. 
Past where you held me down and slowed my momentum.

A single big bang in an upstairs apartment,
Blew me into the street and you out of all options.
You think every star is exactly the same.
But they all shine a different color and have their own names.

Past every planet and shooting star,
I'll search for my name and find out what I was here for.
Past every moon and meteor,
You'll be idle and wish you'd followed the leader.

The satellites will come and go,
But I'll move at my own pace
and slow down for no one.
908 · Aug 2012
Court Date
Koty Peter Aug 2012
All I can do is sit back,
It's too late to stop this mess.
I'll put on some formal clothes,
Smile and watch the attorneys,
As they battle it out.
And speak on my behalf.
My father told me to behave,
I responded simply "always."
I didn't listen then...
I'm the same as I have always been.
I'm a little bit disturbed.
A darkened escape artist..
So now I fade in and out.
But I cover all my tracks.
Hide inside my hole.
And plan for the future ahead.
I try to live below the radar.
So I don't I'll sleep in a cell.
Go to meetings and recover.
Tell them all is well.
When people seldom change,
I haven't lost ties to my past.
I'm still the boy I was,
Now I need alternatives to incarceration.

Now I stand before a jury,
And past problems seem so petty.
Im just another poor soul who lost on the lottery.
898 · Aug 2012
Koty Peter Aug 2012
This was just the stanza,
This was just the line.
This was just the song for the girl, by the guy.
This was just the stanza,
This was just the line,
You were just a girl, I was just a boy.

That was the first time,
I'd ever been so nervous and excited,
All at the same moment.
All at the same moment.
And oh that was the first time,
I'd ever wrote a song about a girl,
With eyes that are
Half as bright as yours are.
Half as bright as yours are.

And all I really know
Is I just wanna be the guy you,
Turn to when your world is on fire.
And all I really know,
Is something I've got to tell you,
You never leave my thoughts when I'm not around you.

And I won't give up,
Because I know that I won't,
Get a chance like this for another lifetime.
And I won't give up,
Until I've tried my hardest.
In times like this,
Failures not an option.
I'm looking at,
Exactly what I've always wanted.

"What's wrong with that boy walking slowly through town?"
"He fell in love with a pyro,
And she burned his house down."
I'm made of paper, pages and stanzas.
A love fueled by lighters, kerosene and match sticks.

And all I really know
Is I just wanna be the guy you,
Turn to when your world is on fire.
And all I really know,
Is something I've got to tell you,
You never leave my thoughts when I'm not around you.
892 · Oct 2012
What I've Found
Koty Peter Oct 2012
Theres no word for this feeling...
No name for this emotion.
No way to describe,
Exactly what is on my mind.

Sprawled upon the hardwood floor,
Laid a girl with sandy hair.
I wanted her when I was drunk.
The only change...
Now I'm sober.

We spent too much time trying to catch a buzz
At too many parties with not enough *****.
We played our games to contain my head.
Every kiss was backed by Burnette's.

I'm so in love with what I've found.
Where was I?
Cuz she was always around.
And Ill sing for you untIl I die,
I'll write you songs 15 minutes at a time.
I'm so in love with what I've found.

Too dry to be brainstormed, but perfect like a plot lines
We were deep in drought, now she's all mine.
It was written in humidity.
Our summer romance in calligraphy.
859 · Aug 2012
Our Own Anthem
Koty Peter Aug 2012
Here is an anthem for the worst week of your life.
The week you fail at everything untried.
So shed the skin,
Of the snake you've been.
Today start fresh and new,
Marked by nothing but the present.

Enough with the apologies,
Let's take responsibility.

And set our priorities.

I arrived defensive.
Imagining shouting matches before they happened.
I'll shed the skin of the snake I've been.
Start fresh and new,
Marked by nothing but the present.

Enough with the apologies,
Let's take responsibility.

And set our priorities.

Thoughtless actions define personalities.
Morals silently beg for mercy.
Shed the skin of the snake you've been.
And I'll shed the skin of the snake I've been.
830 · Oct 2012
Koty Peter Oct 2012
May the east fold over the west like geographic origami. 
I'd run to you as Washington was overhead of Wisconsin.
805 · Aug 2012
"E Song"
Koty Peter Aug 2012
And through the message relayed,
I see the you killed a man.
And you weren't proud of what you'd done,
But you could really use a hand.
An accessory.
I needed someone to lean on.
So we both grabbed a leg,
And drug him to the deep end.
As we dropped him in,
Three more bodies rose.
God ****** girl,
What have you done?
She said "****** boy,
You just don't understand.
There's no God here,
So turn to the ocean."

So now I stand opposed,
And there you sit in shock.
As we're both disposed,
And you exhaust the clock.
You'll try you're best,
To rebuild the bridge,
But theres no point.
I already burned it.

To drop a gaurd?
To find some strength?
Or to continue to leave you at,
An arms length?
You're messages get so ******* mixed.
It's like you **** with my head every chance you get.

She chaufered me,
To the tip of her pistol.
I found a repeat crime,
I found another question.
I found my way,
to the ocean floor,
and when you turned your back,
I swam for the shore.
I rose from the water,
Just my wound in hand.
If one bullet wasn't enough,
You prayed the drowning had been.
You said it yourself,
So now I'll say it back.
There's no God here,
**So count your blessings,
791 · Oct 2013
Tunnel of Light
Koty Peter Oct 2013
I saw her almost every day.
But my confidence... It wouldn't let me say anything.

She was cut out of my fantasy,
and dangled right in front of me.
On a perfect high,
Euphoria led me to her in a tunnel of light.

And color.
Opening to rumor.
"I hear she's got it out for you."
I highly doubt that.

But still I wander through material mazes.
To catch a glimpse of you,
In navy and khaki.
And when I did?
The moment came and went,
So fast I don't remember what we said.

But I couldn't leave it at that.
So I ran around Wal Mart,
Just trying to get your attention.

I asked for your number,
You said your phone was broke.
****** Koty! You ****** up!
Your a derp.
That's all you'll ever be.
There's no interest and I promise you she,

Was only trying to spare,
Your feelings.
So take a step back.
This is just getting embarrassing.

But I don't care.
Because my friends on my front step,
Mistake her for an angel when they stand her shadow.
I don't care.
Because my friends on my front step,
Mistake her for an angel when they stand her shadow.

Can I lie in your shadow?

Can I lie in your shadow?
781 · Aug 2012
My Alternative
Koty Peter Aug 2012
As I walk into my alternative,
I see something thats too bright to miss.
But like usual,
It's safer to stay in the dark.
As you sit down and hope I talk to you,
I stand up and i quickly move.
I'm shaking way too much to catch my breath.
But you turn to me, first instead.

And as I walk away from the place we met,
Again our paths they intersect.
We still go there,
10 months by.
As you pass me I begin to smile.
Though I,
Can't belive i missed my chance.
My opportunity's not comming back.

Once precious moments are now just a nuicance.
We used to hang out, now i just make paintings.
766 · Aug 2012
Koty Peter Aug 2012
The depth of night,
A photograph in her eyes.
With reflections so bright,
As if they were the sky tonight.
Reassured that 'alright,'
Is miles away this time,
A deluge of rain.
Because nothings alright.

Autumns crisp air,
Assures everything dies,
And with the dried autumn leaves,
Whisper all that we hide.
Your silver lining,
Was engulfed in grey,
A moonless sky,
A starless serene

As the bright sleepy sky,
Falls over the tree line,
Dusk subdues fires,
In the horizon.
Thru violet skies,
We see a golden days.
Eclipsing suns,
Wake lucid dreams.
738 · Aug 2012
A Bug Was In My Bed
Koty Peter Aug 2012
I've discovered the spy,
The army will attack in my sleep.
I don't know how much longer,
I can stay awake.

They always said "it's more afraid of you then you are of it."
My last gasp of breath all I could do was yell "*******!"

This is the worst feeling ever.
I feel like,
They're crawling all over me,
I've been violated!

So you die a slow and painful death.
Thrown to the ground, burned at the tip.
Of a sharpened pin held to flame,
Until it glowed and was ****** inside of your body.

Buried at sea, into a bottomless hole.
Never to wake, soon to be forgotten.

Your a parasite. That's all you are.
And your host thinks you've overstayed your welcome
719 · Oct 2013
The Glare on Her Glasses
Koty Peter Oct 2013
Always kind,
And soft spoken.
While imprisoned in the moment.
Through the glare,
On her glasses,
She unsheathes,
And she flourishes.

I don't miss her much at all...

Built inside her,
Since she was orphaned.
The tender age of six.
Alone and abandoned.
So I can't blame her.
Nor do I lose any respect.
She may be gone forever...

But she was my friend.

And I don't really miss her.
Not much at all.
Through the glare in her glasses,
Is the only way I see her.
Lashing out,
To a wireless receiver.
This isn't social network.
It's a virtual nightmare.

I remember the way, your soft face, glowed as the sun reflected off of the snow banks.

You made each night,
Just a little more bright.
709 · Aug 2012
Innate Tempo
Koty Peter Aug 2012
I'm falling into the natural pulse,
An innate tempo which everything falls.
Perfectly into place.
Exactly as it was meant to be.
703 · Aug 2012
If I Live It For Them
Koty Peter Aug 2012
For three hours a day I'm a physical being.
A tool to move things from point a to point b.

For seven hours a day I wear a robot costume,
With a preset smile and ****** expression.

For two hours a day I become the man,
I never had the time to understand.

None of these things make any sense.
Why is it called "my life" if I live it for them?
680 · Aug 2012
Happy Hour
Koty Peter Aug 2012
"Away with the days,"
He told all of his friends,
"Let's do whatever it takes,
to make it thru the weekend."

Tonight we crash in cars,
Cause we don't know who we are,
Tonight we crash in cars.
Tonight we're so bizarre.

She said,
"We're so young, but let's forget our problems."
"Let's escape through the bonfires and all of these empty houses."

For the smell that follows you home.
And a smile that won't leave you alone.

Tonight we crash in cars,
Cause we don't know who we are,
Tonight we crash in cars.
Tonight we're so bizarre.

There's no last call,
You can always have another.
Happy hour, every hour,
On the hour.
Koty Peter Aug 2012
I've chosen my poison.
My vice and my reason.
I'll take full advantage of what I've been given.
What I've created, whats been imbedded.
The sensation of something that simply must happen.
Only simple for the sake of complexity
A coping mechanism,
A way of escaping.
What's real,
What's not,
Abstract thought.
All mine for the taking,
Yours for interpretation.

As I,
Exhale slowly,
And inhale through the silence.
Under welcome mats,
(For lack of better hiding places.)
Found squeezed held and deflated.
Mastering the language of anticipating.
Anything to get out,
Let the consciousness spin,
Stir the sensations,
Make you feel anything.

A pulse,
A beat,
A note,

In our sense of security.

496 · Oct 2012
No Better Than a Shoe
Koty Peter Oct 2012
I'm no better than a shoe.
All I have left is my tongue and my sole.
I'm so wrapped up inside myself.
479 · Aug 2012
Koty Peter Aug 2012
The next morning I wished for it all to be over.
My bedroom tainted, had to wash my sweater.
I can't believe i payed 13 dollars for that.
I think I'd pay 13 dollars to never do it again.

13 times I had the spins.
I closed my eyes and lost my balance.
13 times I thought about last night
And 13 times I wondered why
446 · Aug 2012
Koty Peter Aug 2012
Let's numb ourselves,
And try to feel death,
I wonder how far we can go,
Before we don't come back.
441 · Aug 2012
Who I Am
Koty Peter Aug 2012
If you're wondering who I am,
Or whats my story,
I'm just your average guy,
Who drinks ****** black coffee.
422 · Oct 2012
Like a Cloud to the Sky
Koty Peter Oct 2012
I cling to you like a cloud to the sky.
Most days are sunny without a me in sight. 
But you love when it storms.
You forget to have rain there's got to be clouds

— The End —