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Koty Peter Oct 2013
I saw her almost every day.
But my confidence... It wouldn't let me say anything.

She was cut out of my fantasy,
and dangled right in front of me.
On a perfect high,
Euphoria led me to her in a tunnel of light.

And color.
Opening to rumor.
"I hear she's got it out for you."
I highly doubt that.

But still I wander through material mazes.
To catch a glimpse of you,
In navy and khaki.
And when I did?
The moment came and went,
So fast I don't remember what we said.

But I couldn't leave it at that.
So I ran around Wal Mart,
Just trying to get your attention.

I asked for your number,
You said your phone was broke.
****** Koty! You ****** up!
Your a derp.
That's all you'll ever be.
There's no interest and I promise you she,

Was only trying to spare,
Your feelings.
So take a step back.
This is just getting embarrassing.

But I don't care.
Because my friends on my front step,
Mistake her for an angel when they stand her shadow.
I don't care.
Because my friends on my front step,
Mistake her for an angel when they stand her shadow.

Can I lie in your shadow?

Can I lie in your shadow?
Koty Peter Oct 2013
Always kind,
And soft spoken.
While imprisoned in the moment.
Through the glare,
On her glasses,
She unsheathes,
And she flourishes.

I don't miss her much at all...

Built inside her,
Since she was orphaned.
The tender age of six.
Alone and abandoned.
So I can't blame her.
Nor do I lose any respect.
She may be gone forever...

But she was my friend.

And I don't really miss her.
Not much at all.
Through the glare in her glasses,
Is the only way I see her.
Lashing out,
To a wireless receiver.
This isn't social network.
It's a virtual nightmare.

I remember the way, your soft face, glowed as the sun reflected off of the snow banks.

You made each night,
Just a little more bright.
Koty Peter Nov 2012
If we were together,
And you had been captured,
By a villainous turtle,
Who's name was bowser.
I'd come and save you.
Without any mushrooms.
I'd dodge the hot lava,
And jump over the flowers.

Forget the gold coins,
I'd run past them all.
I'd come find my princess,
Like on n64.
I'd swim through the water,
Past the piranhas.
I'd raid the castle.
And beat the boss battle.

'Cause Peach, There's no me,
Until I find you, And you're set free.
Because Peach,
I am coming. I won't stop running.

Til your in my arms.
Where you're always safe.
You can wear my red hat,
We can have a pet Yoshi.

Because Peach there's no me,
But I am comming back.

Mushroom kingdom will never be the same again.
On a grassy hill, in our giant palace,

I'm not scared of any ghosts.
My sites are set,
On the clouds in the sky,
And tower in the distance.
I'm not scared of any stones,
That will try to crush me,
I'm going to do my best,
To keep my timing.

'Cause Peach, There's no me,
Until I find you, And you're set free.
Because Peach,
I am coming. I won't stop running.

Til your in my arms.
Where you're always safe.
You can wear my red hat,
We can have a pet Yoshi.

Because Peach there's no me,
But I am comming back
Koty Peter Oct 2012
Apprehensive at seventeen,
And waiting on anything,
A simple excuse,
For what I've been thinking.

Your porcelain skin.
My head in my hands.
A loss for words.
Your auburn hair.

A grasp on my head.
I'm dreaming again.
it's 10 feet away.
And three hours later.

I cant exactly say it was love at first sight,
We haven't had four conversations,
And you've got a boyfriend,
But something still locks you inside my mind.

I think you just like to watch my concentration shatter
When you even fake a look in my general direction

Maybe that makes all of these words wrong.

But doesn't every pretty girl deserve at least one song?

On the first day,
Of second semester,
If were trading glances,
Is that my answer?
And on the first day,
I told you I write songs
I wonder how you'd feel if you knew,
That I wrote you one.
Koty Peter Oct 2012
May the east fold over the west like geographic origami. 
I'd run to you as Washington was overhead of Wisconsin.
Koty Peter Oct 2012
Theres no word for this feeling...
No name for this emotion.
No way to describe,
Exactly what is on my mind.

Sprawled upon the hardwood floor,
Laid a girl with sandy hair.
I wanted her when I was drunk.
The only change...
Now I'm sober.

We spent too much time trying to catch a buzz
At too many parties with not enough *****.
We played our games to contain my head.
Every kiss was backed by Burnette's.

I'm so in love with what I've found.
Where was I?
Cuz she was always around.
And Ill sing for you untIl I die,
I'll write you songs 15 minutes at a time.
I'm so in love with what I've found.

Too dry to be brainstormed, but perfect like a plot lines
We were deep in drought, now she's all mine.
It was written in humidity.
Our summer romance in calligraphy.
Koty Peter Oct 2012
We get it.

You're so much more smart and philosophical,
Than any of us could ever know.
But please,
Spout off a few more lines from Henry David Thoreau.
And with your community college degree, you'll go so far,
But we'll see how little you are about your possessions when your hipster cigarettes are floating in the toilet.

And you'll smoke the best **** you're part time job can buy.

We get it.

You know everything there is to know about nothing.
And you don't conform along with all the other non conformists 

As of late,

Your so oblivious to how far, 
up your own *** you really are

All we want is for you to jump off of something that's as tall as your ego.
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