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4.3k · Sep 2012
Before the Sparrows
Before the sparrows came,
this land was green and bountiful
song and love filled the morning air
and peace was not far away.

Before the sparrows came,
these people where one
in a marvelous dance
of freedom and joy.

Before the sparrows came,
all children and adults
were treated as one
no segregation of mankind.

Then the sparrows came,
and nothing grew the same
song and love where something strange
and peace was hard to find.

Then the sparrows stayed,
everyone was changed
no joy was in the air
not even from oneself.

And still the sparrows stay,
all children cry with fear
of what the sparrows have done
and nothing stays the same.
3.0k · Sep 2012
The middle passage
Standing in this place,
Where you tells us nothing that is going on.
We fear the worst,
Only because you wont tell us better.

You  take us away from our land,
To a place I never knew.
You tell us nothing that is going on,
And you treat us as though we are not human.

You tell us we are moving,
and whip us until we move.
"form a line" you tell us.
We fear your guns, so we do.

You take us to the water.
The same water that brings us joy,
Now will bring us nothing but fear,
and hatred.

You whip the ones who don't go,
And Yell at the ones who do.
You hurt our kind,
Like you have nothing but sin.

Slowly the line starts to move,
And I hear nothing but the clang of mettle,
And the cries of my kind.
We fear what will happen next.

I get to the place,
where the white man stays.
I try not to look him in the eyes,
Because all I will see is sin.

You put your cold grasp,
From something I do not know,
Around my wrists and ankle,
But worst, around my neck.

My man fears you aliens,
so we do what your guns say.
We are not to be feared,
Yet you show us nothing but sin.

All of my men,
are joined by your cold hard chains.
The ones who don't move ,
get pulled by the rest.

The whippings become more,
And my people find it hard to stand.
You tell us you need us,
But show us nothing but sin.

We get on the big beast ,
The one only white man knows.
You shove us down the stairs,
And crowed us in.

We are close.
Too close.
Man and woman and child,
Brought together by sin.

the night finally comes,
And I feel peace again.
But only until the morning sun shines,
And brings death with it.

17 of my fellow men,
Brought out my you aliens.
Its only the second day,
What will the next bring?

The hunger in our belies gets stronger,
as you feast upon your joy.
The days food is not much
But rice and ***** water.

As we start to lose count of the day,
We lose count of so many other things
Death, ****, fear, mice, whipping,
And sin.

My man can not talk about there fears,
For the white man will listen.
The only thing we can do,
Is make our own language.

Some hope for death,
For by death our souls can fly free.
By death we can return home,
But our families don't even have our bones to remember us by.

Our women and children are used as objects,
Objects of the white mans will.
To show no respect to,
And release your sin upon.

We are brought to stable land,
Of which we have never seen.
You brake us into groups,
and show us no respect.

Only half of my men make it there,
And most of them are not well.
We are shoved around,
And most of do not stay on out feet for long.

The ones you deem 'Usable'
go on to the homes of the white man.
We are forced to work,
for the man of the sin.

We get nothing from this,
and very little food.
We bring you your growth,
While ours is held back.

We are the worker,
we are the barer of life.
You are the owner.
YOU are the sin.
1.8k · Oct 2012
There were so many stars
in the midnight sky
but even with
the milkyway above us
all I wanted to look at
was you.
1.4k · Sep 2012
Raindrops remind me of you, of your warmth
sitting alone with you, the rain on my limbs, my heart.

Rain reminds me of you
the way you dripped into my life
dropped into my heart.

Think about it a while,
and think about me.

Rain reminds me of your arms
wrapping me, protecting me from the world
I have tried to forget the way you held me.

But rain always comes again
dripping little memories about my world
988 · Sep 2012
Cooking Classes
I know you are mad at me, mommy, but I didn’t think you were this mad.
My class ended five minutes ago, why aren’t you here?
I’m sorry for everything I have done, please don’t leave me here.
If you come get me, take me home, I will do anything for you.

Six minutes now, where are you at?
Every car that drives by looks like yours, but it never is.
My teacher says to call, but you don’t answer.
They say that you have left already.

Why are you so mad that you would leave me here?
Where am I going to sleep tonight?

Nine minutes late mommy, where are you?
I can’t sleep in the school, I will smell in the morning.
Oh god. Why would you leave me here?
I’m really sorry mommy.

Finally you come to get me
I come running.

“I’m sorry mommy, please don’t leave me here!”
“Honey, I was only ten minutes late.
Come on, lets go home.”
892 · Sep 2012
Laying in your arms, the smell of the fresh rain in your window, I am complete.
Never before have I felt this way,
so safe and so loved.
You make me feel like this.

The way you look at me brings a new set of shivers,
ones that have no words to explain.
Day filled with mindless hours,
weekends with mindless days,
amazing mindless days.

Walking down the street hand in hand
I can see all the wondering eyes,
but never before have I cared less.
Judgement will never break the bonds we have built.

Every day of the week is a new adventure
one I wait for from the time I wake up.
871 · Sep 2012
Phone calls with lawyers
Laying here on the floor
speaker in front of my face
I know I hold all the power
and can change my own little fate

Not knowing what else to do
I can only speak the truth
not for the others around me
but truly for myself

One little word can change the way I live
and not just for the here and now
I feel the weight on my back
when she asks the simple question

simple enough when you’re not in my head
I open my mouth to say it
knowing this is my chance
to finally say, “No.”
788 · Sep 2012
The way she moves her face
and the way she looks at me
takes me to this special place
where rules are lost and love moves in
Running around, hoping not to see the shape her age takes
wishing that you would let this begin,
already filled with mistakes
745 · Sep 2012
Laughing Bird
The leaves in the garden rustle as I’m hunting the snails
as we move, we both know our show will be better than anything inside.

Inside I can hear the hustle and bustle getting ready, taking seats
the beat begins and I know I’ve lost them all.

The man with the magic fingers drops another bomb in my head
too small and tired to see around the strings.

The giant cookies are just a small part of the night
starting with me in my own little world.
In the moon, your face shows
you are my man in the moon
the face I look up to,
to make sure the sun is still there.

In the sun, your rays shine bright
my ray of yellow
you are the beam that I look up to,
to make sure I can leave the dark.

In the night, I look for you
I look to see where you are
where you have gone
why you are gone from my side.

In the day, I search for you
to try to find my man in the moon
my ray of light
to make the demons leave my head.

In the spring, you are my rain
the one that brings my garden to life
you are the one that makes the sun stand out
to save the world from the cold.

In the fall, you are my changing leaves
the ones that remind me that nothing stays
that every one falls
and that winter is soon to come

In the winter, you are my fire
the warmth that saves my limbs from frost
fire that wraps me in a blanket of safety
to keep the demons from coming in

In the moon, the sun and so much more,
you are the one I need,
to keep me safe
You keep me who I am.
637 · Sep 2012
Self Evaluation
Stop now
Stop whatever you are doing
look down.
look at yourself
Notice your position.
How are you holding your body?
Why are your feet pointing the way they are?
Where are your hands?
Why do you have your legs like that?
How are you holding your head?
Would you let others see you like this?
Are you proud of your position?
Would you change it if someone asked you to?

Make any adjustments you feel necessary.

Now, as you go back to what ever you were doing, keep your position in mind.

Keep thinking about your body parts and how you are holding them.

629 · Sep 2012
Legs and arms moving with beauty and grace
a slow dance showing more than you meant to
emotions being thrown with each new face
and now, there is nothing else you can do

The song that spews love with each brand new beat
embraces awkward enough to make tears
letting him show you how to move your feet
is letting him take on all of your fears

Now that you have the moves down you must go
everyone will see how you learn so fast
its time now darling, to put on a show
you will be the one his eyes will see last.

Dancing is how the world will see you now
You have  done very well, so take a bow
624 · Sep 2012
The angels never arrived
The angels never arrived
as I look into your eyes, I can see the pain you have
the longing to just move on from this place.
We both need someone to carry us home
to turn off the lights when we cant bear to get up.
You need someone to take you away from here
but we both know that cant be me.
I have been the only one you have ever opened up to
and that has crippled us.
I have been holding the weight of your pain on my shoulders for so long that am falling.
I’m falling faster than I ever thought I could
and you can catch me this time.
The angels never arrived
and now we are both lost.
600 · Sep 2012
Your breath swarms in around me, taking all I have left
it warms the deepest part of my soul,
wrapping me in this unwanted state.
Your love knows no limits,
but my heart can only take so much.
I want your arms around me,
but in this state, I don’t know who you are.
Your face is hidden by your emotions.
Take a breath, my love.
Morning will be here soon.
594 · Sep 2012
flooding into my body as I open my eyes
this long dark slumber has left its mark

I try to move my body
movement seems foreign to me

Allowing the light to flow into me
allowing it to heat me one part at a time
movement will come to me soon

Words rush into my head
if I could move,
they would paralyze me

My mouth begins to open
and I smell the fresh morning air
the light moves down on me and I can only watch

As the new words flow out of me
my shoulders begin to come alive
a dance withheld beneath my flesh

With the movement of my shoulders
comes a jolt of life
and my arms begin to awaken

Next is my *******
Remembering all that they have done for me
and words cease to work

My fingers begin a beautiful dance
shouting encouragement to the rest of me
which soon follows suit

As my gut begins to churn
I realize
I am hungry from this never ending slumber

My legs unlock
releasing a world of possibilities
aching to run again

My feet are all that are left
and I feel them awakening
each toe beginning to dance

I sit up
stand up
and move

I have never felt so alive
so ready to go
to leave this forever behind
556 · Sep 2012
The rich man
The rich man sits at his window
watching the day move
without moving with it

he looks into the glass
the beer of his fears
and his tears

not knowing where to stop
he pours one more
and another
one more

the people down below could not ever imagine
what the man above them knows
of the world in his ways
he moves so slow

towards the broken glass

he watches as the world crumbles in his hands
and knows he has the power
to stop the world from falling

the people rush below him
to the places they so need to be
making money to stay alive

another thing the man does not know

the rich man has all he could ever need
and throws it away without thought
just to have his next buzz
and move the smaller people

move them to something that no one knows
not why nor how
will the rich man tell them

one more drink to make the world go round
is all he ever said
no one knew to stop him

the rich man sits at his window
watching the world move by
wishing he was one of the smaller
541 · Sep 2012
My sunshine
The sun shines down on you
and I see better than ever
the shape of your face
the way your lips fold
and the way your nose bends

Your beauty is overwhelming
it hits me like a wall
knocking me off my feet

Your eyes warm up my being
looking right through me
not only can you see my all
I give it over to you
give you my everything

Your hands touch my skin
my whole body shivers in the light
the realization of what you are

Your grace blows me away
the way you can move
dance your heart away
move as though no one is watching
even when everyone is

Then, I open my eyes
and begin to awaken

Dreaming of you in anticipation
what will we be?
Excitement shoots through my whole being.
537 · Sep 2012
Laying in this bed
where dreams were built
and torn down in no time at all

Feeling your heart beating in my hands
fingers lost in the moment
no  turning back

Twisting and rolling
like waves in the sea
words forever lost in time

Fingers dancing where others never dare
eyes lulled by a sweet melody
locked in hopeless love

Lust and fear roll over me
not knowing we will never have this again
tells everything

Words like arrows
stay one more sunrise
with me in this bed
527 · Sep 2012
Without her
She sways in the wind like blooming trees
with flowers of white and leaves of green.
Her hair is more golden than the yellowest bees
the most beautiful thing to have ever been seen.

We held hands in the dark of the night
And bodies when the day turned light
my mind and soul wander without her.

With lips softer than babies skin
and eyes bluer than the oceans waves.
Her shoulder was colder than frozen tin
we searched ourselves deeper than caves.

I lost her in the springtime air
one more brush with her skin so fair
my mind and soul wander without her.

She turned her back on what we knew
and turned her face a whole new way.
She twisted her mind, threw herself askew
leaving without words to say.

She tossed love on the curb to wilt
grinding what was left to silt
my mind and soul wander without her.
519 · Sep 2012
The sun rained down on the city that day
the day that everything changed

The old man walked alone that day
watching as his feet hit the ground
every step was a new beginning
and he was surprised by what he found

The children played together that day
wishing they could grow up too fast
not knowing how quick it would  come anyways,
they still wished to forget the past

The mother sat alone that day
surrounded by empty minds
mourning the loss of her little girl
tears came with every new thing she finds

The girl was surrounded that day
as darkness filled the air
thinking about what would come next
every thought was too much to bare

The man drove for only himself that day
losing control with every mile
every action had a payout
that broke spirits and smile
506 · Sep 2012
The fear takes over me, as I start to break down
You fill me with so many emotions and I don't know how to handle them
The fear that once left me wont leave me now
I sit here in the dark because its all I can do.

I know there's nothing I can do now, now that it has me
Shaking, I decide to move, but my body wont let me
It has taken over, and there's noting I can do
Taken over me all over again.

If you knew what you put me through would you care?
If you knew what your eyes do to me would you still stare me down?
If I told you how I react to your distance would you move closer?
Or would you sill put me trough this?

The way you move makes me want to move with you
But you wont let me
If the day came where you held me close
All my fears would leave me.

I try to move again, the fear is still holding me down
We try so hard to be loved, and to love
And when I finally decide I know what I want
It doesn't want me back.

The feeling of sinking takes over me now
And nothing will let me look back
If you where here I would feel safe
But your not...

You make the sun seem small
But only in my eyes
The sinking slows as I think of your eyes
And nothing will ever be the same now.

I had a taste of joy, but I let it go
Now I have nothing but fear
Can we ever go back?
I want that back more than anything in my life.

the tears start to fill my eyes when I think of that time
I was so happy, nothing but joy
Why, Why did I give it up?
Because the fear took over me.

I can feel the cold grasp start to break.
But I know it wont last
You will stay distant, and I wont say anything
But it secretly kills me.

You hate the way you are, so you close yourself off to the world
But there are some of us who love what you are
You know the way I feel
But you will never fully understand

If you know what I would give for you
You would know that I know what I want
Where you to give me a chance
I would show you how much you mean to me
496 · Sep 2012
The little boy was willing to try
to move more mountains in his tide
he flows the flowers with his fears and faults
as every little girl would want to.

He did not know what to do now,
yet he moves with such motivation
to get to going to go now
and be there with her thoughts.

She knows not what she speaks of
or why the old me cry
but move her to the mountains,
and might she be divine.

Her motions are so move-less
and her words would willow the bees
the  redness and her roughness
would bring men to their knees.
495 · Sep 2012
Swimming lessons
The water wraps around my toes

fear slowly flows over me
getting closer as I slide in.

More kids start to jump in

I need encouragement from the deck

I know what comes next:
My least favorite part of the day.

The other kids look so happy,
so comfortable,
so safe.

My teacher is next to me now
and I freeze with the words I know he’ll say.
“It’s time to get a little deeper,
no floats this time.”

Knees try to give out,
but I won’t let my face go under
I try to leave,
but can’t stand the scornful eyes

The class is almost over
and I am still on the wall
I know he’ll come talk to me
but the fear won’t let me move.
464 · Sep 2012
Your words sink into me
filling every space I have
pushing things out of the way
to cling on the the spots inside my head.

Your words flow through me
and wash everything else out
the feeling creeps over me
and I can no longer hold back.

My feet begin to move
without asking my head first
with the feeling of the wind in my head
my thoughts are blown away.
398 · Sep 2012
The way we know
The feet on the floor, your heart shows on your hands
I move with your arms, but not the way we know.
You know me well, we know this, why can you see through my layers?
But I can’t... not the way we know
Your limbs are my sea, the way the sun moves
You know, we could do this again?
But not the way we know.
Not now.
Your face lights up the place.
The way you show your eyes on the wall
But not the way I know, only the right one.
I have loved and lost, and loved again.
But knowing makes all the difference
The only way we know.
396 · Sep 2012
Sunday mornings
You open your mouth,
hate spewing out.

Ask me to speak
tell me its alright,
then knock me down

The fire in your eyes
matches the one in my head,
if you could see in
you would stop asking.

You build yourself up
to be this great man
but showing me with your words

How wrong you really are
394 · Sep 2012
That feeling
It’s that feeling,
(the one I love so much)
that keeps me away from you.

I build myself up,
tell myself that you are not the one I want
then I look at you
and forget all I’ve told myself.

You walk in and all the heads turn


the only word that fits.

The fact that you make me feel this way scares me
I know who you are, and,
I know I can’t have that.
360 · Sep 2012
You storm in with no passion
showing all of your emotions at once
not knowing what you are doing
you are blind

Lost all that you once loved
and we are gone

No one told us it would be like this
and you are gone

The stains on your face are brighter than ever
and the blood on your hands burns the night sky
showing skin and arms together

Wrapped in what happened before
you knew what you were dragging us into
do you have to be so blunt?
No, we know what has been done

No words can fix us now
footsteps on the path you have taken us down
wiped away by the branch hanging by your belt

You showed us to the edge of this cliff
hanging by two fingernails, wishing

You are gone

No one told us this would happen
and you are gone

No words can explain
no actions danced out on this floor
will ever speak volumes now

Now that you have left

Having this inside of me is more than I can take
help us understand
the reasons you,
and the others

Are gone
328 · Sep 2012
A blind man's cry
Show me your eyes
show me how you see the world

Show me that there is still color in this world
let me see it in the way you move

Show me the joy in the world
show me that the world is young at heart

Show me the world, show me anything,
and I will give you my soul for always.
328 · Sep 2012
In my head
I wish I could love you
the way I do in my head.
My dreams are all around me,
filling every breath I take.

The rain taps on my window
and my mind floats back to you.
Washing everything away from me,
waving as you go.

My feet move faster,
and each step is a goal.
The finish line moves closer
as the ground moves away.

I wish I could have loved you,
the way I did in my head.
Floating away from me
taking everything as you go.

— The End —