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Korich Fischer Feb 2013
Confetti under sink
Caustic baby
Bundled in warning labels

Before match bursts flame
The indecisive **** in hanging guts
Burning, plastic, green soldiers

Enlisted manlike fuses
Bubbling, browning
Melting, bending knees

The indecisive breath out hanging guts
Burning, plastic, green soldiers
Korich Fischer Feb 2013
Scratching at veneer,
prying pillars
off the tower buried
climbing high.

Creating past frames
of doubt, of rationale
on the tower buried
climbing high.

Squatting inside
senile mammoths, gnawing mules lie,
strip-mine brilliance
for harpoons
in the tower buried
climbing high.

That rope is tied to our waist/waste,
tangled mess.
Heaving barbed streamers
into tight corners
through windows
that maul the sky.
This is supposed to be an attempt at a political song but I think my message is not being conveyed very clearly and I would really appreciate some feedback on this sucker. Thanks!
Korich Fischer Feb 2013
A backwards thief giving,
A parasite ******* on its own perforated teet
Nestled deep,
Bearing teeth,
Gnawing away kindly
Heave, pull
But the weight's gone
With one ferocious yawn
Korich Fischer Feb 2013
My folding knees are wrinkle-free
Synapses approve her words
"If you would have listened to me!"
Unfinished if you ask me
Sweatsuit mantled to her mammal's final seam
His iron and oxygen behind the curtain
Stolen by towels, filling the spinning tile cracks
For the woman to raise her stocky pants
My lips, chapped
Korich Fischer Feb 2013
Tree house filled with youth and fun
Now full with smoke and age
Rots and sways

Swing set rusts and swings in place
Trying to get higher
Once in a while

Built by hands I hate
Not mine
But things can change

— The End —