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Dec 2014 · 1.7k
so you're getting married.
koricacciatore Dec 2014
hello facebook friend,
girl who dated my first kiss
girl who strung him along
and later dated a good guy friend of mine
and he and i would laugh at your quirks
long after you two fell apart.

whenever i think of people who like having *** in rooms with mirrors on all the walls so they can watch themselves from every angle, i think of you.

whenever i think of wishy washy girls who string boys along because they're afraid of splitting up the codependence even though they don't have anything in common with him anymore, i think of you.

to you, on your wedding day.

may the odds be ever in your favor.
koricacciatore Oct 2014
There was no kiss
so I kissed her
The stuff I was saving for you
And to be honest,
It was probably better
than yours.
And also,
that's the way you spell

Sure, I'm hung up on you
I hope your camping trip is wonderful
wonderfully plagued with thoughts of me
You know what you're missing---
Well, some.
It will feel so gratifying
when I see you next and
we interact as acquaintances.
Oct 2014 · 236
So anyway...
koricacciatore Oct 2014
I'm climbing into your eyes
I'm riding a carpet to the stars
I'm the queen of the galaxy
And our Earth is so



          here---> .
Oct 2014 · 279
koricacciatore Oct 2014
If the world was ending
and my last move would
be to be anywhere, with anyone
I'd want to die in your arms.

me: "Do you ever thing there'll be a time
you're not in my life anymore? Answer honestly!"
him: "Well, I have to die eventually."
Oct 2014 · 257
This Look
koricacciatore Oct 2014
Soft down pillows, white
caress my head as I watch you


from the end of the bed
Over my bare legs, knees bent
I can't hold still
Your stare--that stare

In a fluid motion, your shirt is off
Those eyes--your eyes
I remember meeting your eyes
When I was young
Never having seen that stare before
Never having had this feeling before
And now we're here
And I touch your face
as you lean in to kiss me
soft and intense
I hold you close



Oct 2014 · 294
the fiancée
koricacciatore Oct 2014
Some days
I just zone out and
imagine ways of telling you
-in vivid detail-
all the ways and places
I've fantasized about you ******* me--
Then, you talk about your fiancée
And the fantasies get saved for

another day,

another lifetime.
Oct 2014 · 689
koricacciatore Oct 2014
You were letting me down easy
last night
over that drink
in that quick hour before i boarded
that train out of your life
Why didn't i see it?
You're much too nice
and you care too much
to just be honest with me
say that
you may not have found better
but you found enough to know
we could both do better.

If you say those things to me again
the supportive words of encouragement,
i'll walk away.
i don't want you to be my cheerleader
on the fringe of the court--
i want you playing this game with me
(i have enough cheerleaders already)
and though i love them all immensely,
none of them are like you.

— The End —