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 Oct 2012 Korey Miller
Josh Koepp
When waterfalls of tears
suddenly appear on woken eyelids
it's no use to try and hide it
the small floods that exist behind your eyes
have been denied their rights
and sat in silence
for too long!

Let them take a leap of faith
they have the strength
they're strong enough to wrestle with your fears
and steer you back up this steep bluff
towards enlightenment
away from spite for your inherent fear of heights
and the worlds unbearable weight

I'm afraid my dear you'll have to cry again
until you're light enough
to stand and fight
against the wind
it's strongest before the summit
it demands your soul as tribute
so you might be it's empty puppet
tied to a pole just far enough to see the summit
but not touch it

You remain stoic
don't weep but stand your ground
even if if those who dwell below
are begging
self inflicting sadness
so you might shed a tear
on their rural tear drought ridden town

Yet you remain stoic
like the gods
No! Stronger!
even the gods tears rain down
to sink the sunny days into rain and hail and fog

If you'd just cry
and let the pain out from underneath your iris
instead of seeing all the pain
inviting it in!
to rip apart your gentle eyelids!

You'd be free!
you'd weigh nothing!
you could see all you've been missing!
and even if your face contorts while unleashing storms of insanity
the rain must be torrential to nourish our humanity
and every hurricane turned to dew on the grass eventually
so i don't know what you think
but i would gladly show my sadness
to see the dew at last
with clarity.
Humanity i love you
because you would rather black the boots of
success than enquire whose soul dangles from his
watch-chain which would be embarrassing for both

parties and because you
unflinchingly applaud all
songs containing the words country home and
mother when sung at the old howard

Humanity i love you because
when you’re hard up you pawn your
intelligence to buy a drink and when
you’re flush pride keeps

you from the pawn shop and
because you are continually committing
nuisances but more
especially in your own house

Humanity i love you because you
are perpetually putting the secret of
life in your pants and forgetting
it’s there and sitting down

on it
and because you are
forever making poems in the lap
of death Humanity

i hate you
She smiles while she sleeps and it makes me happy for a second knowing someone can find the sun in the dark side of time
In this endless division of multiplied layers to keep out opinion wind join the work force be a team player head held high as you bury your spirit in the ground
Sacrifice yourself  to stay with the breathing the couch ridden children of no parent praise mystified by misuse
Ever day is a reminder that another has passed
The turnstile  smiles are abandoned ghost guests  try again tomorrow I guess
Fight with words written to corrall the pain I look over and notice where my sweet love is laying and the sun begins to shine in the middle of my night I don't mind saying its all gonna be alright
Please come save my body from my soul.
Even my fingernails ache with the weight
Of those thousand wine-induced truths.
Every eyelash carries a lost dream,
Neverlands and rain on windshields
In which I go nowhere in the night in a car
I can’t drive.

And my calloused heels!
Imperfections rendered by faulty directions,
And Leaps of Faith

I’m surprised when my chest still rises and falls
And that breath still whistles through my nose
When all these bricks lay there,
Heavy and unmoved.

My body will someday reject me,
I fear.
Too many sleepless nights and coffee cups
Will shatter me

So please save me
when she asked how we met,
we glanced sideways at one another,
smirking to ourselves,
only we know the secret,
and wouldn't she love to know?
"we met at the circus,
no, but really..."

when in fact, we met by chance,
by accident, but doesn't fate always
have the last word?
we sat side-by-side, touching
and spoke gentle stories to
one another
all night
and in the crowded dive bar,
music blaring, and
drunk people chattering,
i heard every word perfectly

she seemed surprised that we had
just met,
a blind date,
and yet, i was blinder even still
she excused herself right away,
an intruder on our inside joke
and any judgement was dismissed
we had created something
far more important
far more than intended

i keep expectations low on all things
if you build a wall, how do
you ever expect to climb over
without falling?
he kept reminding me of my smile,
and so i smiled some more,
until the blush was creeping all over my cheeks,
my face glowing with acceptance
Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me.
I like to play a game called hard to forget.
Rose petal lips wish for your attention.
Attention: tomorrow you’ll wish we’d never met.

Lean a little closer, and just give in.
Bust through that barrier, blocking your desire.
Feel the radiation as you touch my skin.
Our eyes magnetize, signing a single contract.

Your stone-carved face fills my vision.
Hesitate for a moment, entertaining free will.
That’s silly. Dropping that was a condition.
Your mouth’s warm breeze tantalizes my lips,
but we stay stubborn still.

Always and forever. I wrote in pencil.
Veracity in my eyes; “Baby, I can’t lie.”
Touch. Spark. Ignition. This fire you can handle,
You think. I inhale, to let out a siren’s sigh.

It’s too late now.
The spell has been cast.
I’ve infected your present.
You won’t be the last.

You’ll never forget.
Kissed me kissed me.
Now you’re gonna miss me.
 Oct 2012 Korey Miller
 Oct 2012 Korey Miller
I am colorblind you know
It is not too hard to live without something you have never known
The fog was heavy and thick- a sharp figure is walking down the side of the street
He  pierces the thick cloud like a thorn/ I imagine how she must see him
His shadow stretching impossibly long against the lamps
I try to imagine life without color
How we must look sitting here
Beneath an infinite amount of stars that are impossibly far away
I watch her shadow as she stands and walks out onto the street
How she must see things
"this is quite a beautiful way to see I think
though most of my friends would **** not to see color."

She spoke of my friend Ben Ezra
Who bought her a cup of tea
She sipped and gagged it down
Feeling something growing inside her
and twisting

Then she told me in words
How the voice inside her
Was speaking so loudly
That it drowned out the car ride
down this same old street
and then she looked
a stop sign was red
and leaves turned green from gray
She looked down at her hands
Colors poured into the car like water around her
I am afraid
that we can't coexist.
For I am a writer
and you an actress,
and the one thing between us
is quite simply this:
The two, dear,
just don't mix

Now, a writer is one
who likes to make stories,
creates onsets and ends,
crafts his dramas from worries.
He sees the whole world
connected by string;
he knows that one simple pluck
could change everything.

Some call it 'fate,'
and it's called 'life' by a lot
but amongst us creators
it is always called Plot.
Every itch has a reason,
each whisper a whim,
within any characters past
lies a reason to win.

But the actor can only see
from their own point of view.
They must master their character;
how they think and what they'd do.
They expend all their energy
trying to be someone else
while the writer's too busy
trying to figure out himself.
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