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2.8k · Sep 2013
M Epperly Sep 2013
I was scared to give myself to you
But now that I have, I'm terrified
Explained to you what I'd never explained before
And from atop of your wall you said you understood
You say time will bring down your wall
But I can't help but notice these bricks your stacking
The harder I try, the higher your wall seems to be
The only time you let me in
Is in the solitude of home
In public you put your mask on
As tho the opinions of others dictated your heart
I step back with attempts of strategy
Only for you to change your game
I've put my love for you on display
Only for you to pocket it
How can you say you feel the same
When you don't show the same
Displaying shame
Cut your strings
Release yourself from this puppeteer
And I will catch you
Hold you forever
Be the man you should have had
I'm ready to give you my all
Just show me you're willing to receive it
2.2k · Feb 2012
M Epperly Feb 2012
I am a man obsessed with perfection
No amount of smoke and mirrors will lead me to misdirection
Like an arrow I fly straight into my target, my goal
Falling short is not an option; I must accomplish my journey and feel whole
Although I feel as though I’ve been placed into the pit of Sparta
Punished for my greediness, looking up at the light of accomplishment, wondering how it’d feel on my skin
But that is only where I begin
Fore I shall climb from the darkness of the pit and become a martyr 

And I’ll do it with ease, if that’s what it takes
Give it everything I’ve got, know the stakes
I know this will one day consume me, ruin me, destroy me
But until then, I take who I am and display for everyone to see
I’ve struggled all my life and now I’m going to make it
This isn’t no ******, there’s no reason to fake it
Open up to show my true colours, for better or worse, rhythm or rhyme
Let the earth spin into darkness, I’ve got nothing but time
Knock me down, I’ll be returning like a mummy, bringing plaques and placing a curse
I’m only getting better, for my competition it’s bound to get worse
Nothing can keep me, down not even the weather
Like Icarus I’ll gather my feathers
Spread my wings wide and fly
Leave the sky
Go passed the moon and to the sun
Make it melt, bask in revenge and call it done
Fore I am a man obsessed with perfection
I am the juggernaut of progression
Although only I see myself continuing this momentum
Irrelevant, I will seek my destination running through shadows like a phantom
M Epperly Jul 2013
I've been searching, and in my tone of lost hope, I call for you
Many have answered, claiming to be my heart's Spartacus
They battle for my love, only to show they aren't you
Like a famished agnostic peasant, I question your existence
With every experience, it becomes easier to disprove you
Are you really there
Will I ever find my matching pair
Is it true
That it's in the darkest hour, the light will shine through
Is this a test of my loyalty to your love
If it is, I must admit I will fail
I've soared higher than any bird in search for you
Only to share the mistake of Icarus, and fall back down
I've swam deeper than any fish in search for you
Only for Poseidon to help me drown
Traveled the driest desert in search for you
Only to be revealed that you are an emotional mirage
I've been blinded by faith
Deafened by tales of you
Devistated by love
1.9k · Jan 2013
Opened up and broken down
M Epperly Jan 2013
Open myself up to you
Like a gentlemen grabbing the door
This felt so special
Things were perking up
Happy, had something to look forward to
Only to be let down by insecurities
Am I the only one who's strong
Must I carry the weight of my burdens and those around me
Must I guide you down the path, as if you didn't know
Must I answer questions before they are asked
Must I be 20 steps ahead, as if 10 wasn't enough
Must I be held to a standard of perfection
Must I
Apparently I must
My strength is shadowed by your fears
How much evidence is needed to show I'm different
What must I do
Tell me
Explain to me as if I've never heard before
Every detail, so I may tread softly
For I fear your insecurities may trap our growth
Poaching on our happiness
I've shown my selflessness, as if theses words don't paint that picture
I've been down to one knee as if you were royalty
In attempts to prove my loyalty
I need to be shown you feel the same
Blinded by your actions
You've let me down
Broken me down
But help me rebuild
Open your eyes, loosen your jaw and open your ears
Speak to me your ideas to rebuild the rubble at our feet
So we may protect ourselves from the elements of error and fear
Prove this to me
For I can't do this alone
Travel this two lane road with me
So we may reach our destination together
1.9k · Jun 2012
Verbal trickery
M Epperly Jun 2012
I find it so difficult to follow what you say
For what comes out isn't what your actions display
I don't understand
I thought you were different
Thought I made a difference
But I find myself back to square one
One of being alone
Only being able to trust myself
No more trickery
For that was the last time you pull the verbal wool over my eyes
1.2k · May 2012
Moments of Intimacy
M Epperly May 2012
Laying together, wrapped like ivy to a building
I look to your eyes, viewing something withheld
I kiss your lips so they part with the words your eyes hold tight
Quivering with uncertainty, they say... I want you
Lustfully I grab your perfectly curvaceous hips closer
Kiss your enticing lips
Hips undulating in unison
Senses heightening with every breath
Clothes removed as if time was ticking
Urning to feel us together
While I ****** deep, I am captivated by your beauty
Skin so flawless, begging to be caressed
Tattoo like quicksand, pulling me in
Moments of ecstasy, you state felt like forever
Feeling what I had not ever felt
A ****** of which Everest would fall short of
We lay there wearing only what we arrived with into the world
Holding each other like ivy to a building
Basking in amazement of a moment shared
1.1k · Feb 2012
Drawn in
M Epperly Feb 2012
I'm blown away by your essence
But I can't get enough of your presence
I'm drawn to you like moth to a flame
And the more you let me in, I know you feel the same
I love hearing the way I make you feel
Almost like a fairy tail, it feels surreal
Like I'm in a dream
And yet it seems
Like time stands still, like a bottomless cup I cannot fill
I want you to engulf me, like surrounding air
I want to feel you like fingers thru my hair
I want to enjoy you from head to toe
I want to feel you inside and out like you don't even know
1.1k · Feb 2012
Finding myself lost in you
M Epperly Feb 2012
I constantly find myself lost in thought
Searching through mental maps of you
Recalling trails and pathways 
Wondering how we got here
Then I stop trying to see the trees from the forest
Sit back and enjoy the view
Of you
Lay back and see your figure in the clouds 
The clouds that I float on
Traveling to places I had not thought of traveling
Reaching heights I had not dared to climb
Taking me to phanstamagoric levels of ecstasy
Beautiful landscape I stare at
Beautiful mindscape I wish to explore
Continue the mental maps
Words cannot wrap what I feel for you
It's so new
Every experience better than the last
Accept the past
But adjust the scope, I'm focusing on the now
Where I want to be
For there is no other place to be
Except to be here now
1.0k · Dec 2013
Miss May
M Epperly Dec 2013
You attempt to comfort me
Yet my discomfort is being without you
I torture myself with the past
Reliving my mistakes
Backtracking paths of broken glass
Barefoot and bleeding regret
Striving to forget the past
Be in the now
HOPING for a future together
For I do not deserve another chance
Yet I wish for nothing more
I lay my head to sleep & wish you were beside me
Accompanied by emptiness
Fall asleep and dream of you
Where I feel whole again
Where this hole in my heart is filled
Only to wake up to the unholy truth
I am without you
1.0k · Aug 2013
A pledge to you
M Epperly Aug 2013
Emotions like a cyclone
Anguish, solace, happiness, depression
They are all circling around you
I can't get you out of my head
I am a prisoner and you hold the key
You are the queen of my world
Release me so I may show my allegiance
1.0k · Feb 2012
M Epperly Feb 2012
With you I'm at a lack of words but I'll do my best. 
Good thing we agree on emotions to fill the rest. 
I feel blessed to have been able to meet you
And only you have had the effect on me that you do

Everything you do and say, we seem to blend
It's weird to say, but I could get used to this trend
You deny it all day long
You're gorgeous, you and that fact need to get along

I love how your smile lights up your face
And only can make my heart race
I can't express the way you feel
And the way you make my heart flutter, it's the real deal

But not necessarily in the way you think
Your mind will be in a roller rink
Round and round in circles
I don't want to hear talk of ridicules

You make me happy like I can't explain
Like aerodynamics lift an aero plane 
I feel like myself once again
Like how my skin feels when it'***** by rain

It's refreshing like the quench of a thirst 
But there is one thing I must say first
You are something special
So amazing it's meeting my thresh hold

You make me want more, bring me to beg for a kiss
I'd drop to my knees for such bliss
The way you look in my eyes
Brings me up more than any of my highs

The connection we share
The way you care
I'm blown away
And here I lay

Wondering what you're thinking
Trying to be smooth with winkings 
I can't believe how hard I try to impress you
The feel of your lips and my urging, it's true

I can't help but think about it
I don't need mapquest to map it
I know what I'd have to do
But it makes me pause, is this the same feeling by you

I really don't know how to bring this to an end
But it's something I want to explore to no end
What fate has for us in store
I have no idea, just know I want more
993 · May 2017
M Epperly May 2017
I am a hopeless romantic
Believer of fairy tales
Where the guy fights for his girl
And she is hopelessly devoted
Whimsical love tales that rise and fall
The kind you read about
Dream about
See in movies
Where they ride off​ into the sunset
It's a primal desire
It leaves me parched
So here I wait
Forr the one to quench my thirst
984 · Aug 2013
It's hard
M Epperly Aug 2013
It's hard to feel like a king
When all you've been is a joker

It's hard to keep your chin up
When you're laying face down

It's hard to see the light
When your eyes are closed

It's hard to open up
When all you know is to be guarded

It's hard when everything you know
Has been flipped upside down.

But it's harder to not try

It's hard to face fear
But it's harder to live a lie

It's hard to place your heart on a platter
But it's harder to not love

It's hard when efforts fail
But you're a failure if you don't try
M Epperly Jul 2013
I find humor in her absent mind
Blind to see the love I brightly display
But I let that boat set sail
Now she's ported to the heart of another man
Swearing to retire her drifting at sea
Is he the one who's meant to be
Or must I become a metronome
Keeping beat, ticking time
Or must I become the sand in the hour glass
Counting down this slipping feeling
Maybe I'm misconstruing the message delivered
Must this knight in tarnished armor suit up again
Fight to reclaim the love now lost
867 · Mar 2012
Following my footsteps
M Epperly Mar 2012
I step to quickly without reviewing my  intentions
Only to walk barefoot into the shredded glass of my mistakes
I'm bleeding regrets of poor decisions
I found someone worth fighting for
But I've placed myself against the ropes
Struggling to throw a punch
But I've tied my arms behind my back
I must break through these restraints 
Stop traveling in circles of my repetition 
Notate my mistakes, mend what I can
Study hard, and apply when tested
So I may tread softly
824 · Jun 2012
Let Down
M Epperly Jun 2012
Words written of walls brought down
Only to be let down
Sure your words expressed were genuine
But the words I held most importantly
The grass will always look greener on the other side
Must mean I am the backyard
Not maintained for the viewing of others
But the one you retreat to for privacy
Do I question these actions
Or do I bite my tongue
Bite in fear of walls rebuilt
Walls I may never again scale
I lay alone pondering these saddened thoughts
While sounds of joy floods my ears
I must make these moments irrelevant
For you may never appreciate how bright I could shine for you
776 · Apr 2017
M Epperly Apr 2017
I travel my road of solitude
Yet I'm dodging left and right
Clouded in thought
So blurred I'm losing sight
Fighting against the odds
I won't become a statistic
So I kneel to rest
Quick breather
Gather myself to be put to test
Back to my feet
Never accept defeat
Like a Knight
I may be battered
Bruised and tarnished
But I always dust off
Prepared to run into battle

Failure was never an option
It's for the feeble minded
Those afraid to try
I've fallen many times but I bounce right back
The ground and I are friends
It always puts me back on track
Returns the target to my sights
Reminds me of my destination
Whispers "the sky is the limit"
So off I go
One foot in front of the other
Running start
Spread my wings
Fly through those clouds that once blinded me
To bask in the warm rays of clarity
Soar to achievement​

I may have over come the challenge
But I will see the front lines again
For I am a Phoenix
I may flare into flames
But it's from the ashes that I rise again
M Epperly Feb 2013
Ignorance may be bliss
But knowledge is power
So here I stand, king of the hill
Rarely challenged, never fallen off
Always asked for guidance
What do you expect from me?
Must I fix everything?
Am I surrounded by children?
Unable to cross the street of thought
So I hold your hand to show you the way
Only to be asked “How’d we get here?”
Fingers pointed in every direction
Because blame is easier than self-reflection
Scared of what you may see behind your mask
Living your life like a magic show
Smoke, mirrors, slide of hand and verbal misdirection
You may continue your double speak
While I read between the lines
Are you honestly surprised?
How do I remain king?
Simple my child
Truth, observations, and actions
If you ever grow up
You will become powerful
696 · Sep 2016
1 step back and 2 forward
M Epperly Sep 2016
Retracing steps of choices made
Not to dwell but to learn
I must study
I must take action
I must succeed
Failure was never an option
Look back to go forward
Take notes and apply
Like an arrow
Pull back, take aim, and fly
663 · Feb 2012
New experiences
M Epperly Feb 2012
As I arrive to the door, my heart flutters
Speaking to me with anxious mutters
And just then I hear the click of the door unlock
I see your face, your smile, and I was perfectly shocked

As you pulled me in, and our lips met
Emotions flooding, leaving me soaking wet
Never felt this before, but this ignorance is bliss
This moment was flawless, the perfect kiss 

We spend the day with literature and laughter
A mental film of memories that I have captured
Back to where the day began, but anticipating goodbyes 
You wanted me to kiss you, I could see it in your eyes

I kissed you on the couch, which was just the beginning
The moment following, simply astonishing
You are the most amazing thing I've ever felt
My body, ready to explode, & then I melt
I'm comfortable with you like never before
Something I want not to change, but to explore
650 · Oct 2016
Man overboard
M Epperly Oct 2016
If you want me
Show me
Make me see it
Feel it
Know it
No more words for me to stumble on
No more words for me to obsess on
No more words for me to drown in
This is your chance
Throw me a preserver and bring me close
Or I shall drift to sea
645 · Jan 2018
My moon
M Epperly Jan 2018
She was the moon to me
Apart of the Daily routine
A thing of beauty
Wears the cratored scars of her past and puts them on display
But does it with the grace that's usually described with a floor length silk dress
She had her phases
Most noted and complimented was when she was full
But my favorite when she was waning crescent ready to be new
She was the moon to me
Something I couldn't keep
And something I couldn't keep my eyes off of
644 · Aug 2016
Eyes on the prize
M Epperly Aug 2016
The definition of a second chance is simple
You get to try again
To make amends
Rekindle and start from where you once began
It's a beacon of hope
Begged for by the majority
Treasured by a minority
Overlooked and under-appreciated
Yet I have been graced with this opportunity
One that I will not let down
I will rise
I will strive
I will never let die
I know what I want and I'm here to take it
Eyes on the prize, on my target and I'm going to make it
No obstacle that can't be out done
I've been put into motion
This bell can't be unrung
499 · Jun 2017
M Epperly Jun 2017
I travel my road of solitude
Yet I'm dodging left and right
Clouded in thought
So blurred I'm losing sight
Fighting against the odds
I won't become a statistic
So I kneel to rest
Quick breather
Gather myself to be put to test
Back to my feet
Never accept defeat
Like a Knight
I may be battered
Bruised and tarnished
But I always dust off
Prepared to run into battle

Failure was never an option
It's for the feeble minded
Those afraid to try
I've fallen many times but I bounce right back
The ground and I are friends
It always puts me back on track
Returns the target to my sights
Reminds me of my destination
Whispers "the sky is the limit"
So off I go
One foot in front of the other
Running start
Spread my wings
Fly through those clouds that once blinded me
To bask in the warm rays of clarity
Soar to achievement​

I may have over come the challenge
But I will see the front lines again
For I am a Phoenix
I may flare into flames
But it's from the ashes that I rise again
405 · Jan 2018
Thoughts of hunger
M Epperly Jan 2018
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But it's your words that resonate when I am alone
And they say knowledge is power
Well I guess that makes me power hungry
With an insatiable appetite to know you

— The End —