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Apr 2014 · 1.8k
KM Jones Apr 2014
What are you searching for at the bottom of that bottle?
Any message to be found, I'm sure you swallowed long ago.
I lose sight of you with every shot glass emptied.

-watch as you grasp at the shadows of the charisma upon which you rely.

You commit to the role of comedian perfectly; ironic
Your wit dulled along with your senses.

- like a court jester with no head to lose.

But someone like you should never play the fool.
"I love you's" mean less when tainted with tastes of whiskey.

And I just want you to want me like I'm that last drop...

I'm not asking you to let me be your sobriety.
I understand dependency...
I know I complicate recovery...

with my red wines and reminiscing.

- and I just want to clear your head like coffee beans...

You tell me I'm intoxicating
- and I don't know how to tell you I don't want to be just another drug.
KM Jones Apr 2014
Laying next to you is like sliding a cotton crew cut over bare skin - and looking into your eyes is a lot less like homework - trying to add and subtract all the ifs and ands and buts - to get an answer. It's more like looking through old photo albums and seeing how far you've come... While the neighbor's dog barks and car doors slam only dozens of feet from the bed in which we lay for hours - tasting each other's tendencies - both spoken and other forms of oral. And I just want to bask in a moment with you - but moments bleed into minutes bleed into memories of clock faces and LCD screens for time checked - time lost? But I wouldn't mind being lost a time or two with you.
Dec 2013 · 695
KM Jones Dec 2013
Reading back through diary entries...
Old narratives of true love
Before pino noir and paychecks...

I've never felt so far from myself.

I've realized: Writing has become my profession, and no longer my pastime.
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
now that I'm older...
KM Jones Oct 2013
I don't want to write about pain anymore.

Forgiveness trumps anger.
Love trumps infidelity.

Compromise trumps all.


Life becomes less about being in love, and more about being sane.
KM Jones Jul 2012
I stand still in this room, to look across at you, and grin.
You don't have to understand what this means...
You make me re-evaluate my values.
I'm not sure what this feeling is without the butterflies...
And the heart-stops... and the blushing cheeks.
I don't know this girl who lets you scrunch her face.
And laughs... and plays... and doesn't plan every single second...
I don't think you understand the significance,
Of my words, of my relaxed disposition...
I don't look at clocks when I am around you.

I don't need your affections every minute...
Co-dependency has become enjoyment of company.
Sleeping alone isn't empty, next to you is simply a perk.
Sleeping with you, not a demand, but a pleasure.
Who is this girl, grinning at you across the room...
Letting you tickle her sides... telling you truths
TRUTHS... I don't think you understand the significance of that word...
Of MY words. There are no walls in my words. (only in my chest)
And "I Love You's" aren't spilling from my lips.
And I don't think we understand the significance of that.

I fall hard, blindly, way too quickly.
But I'm not falling right now. I'm standing here, eyes WIDE open.
I see all of you, and I wait... and patience is not a characteristic of mine.
And I don't think you understand the significance of this...
I feel something is happening here...
A realization; one I had read somewhere in a Jonathan Safran Foer novel.
About falling in love so ordinarily, that you begin to think it isn't love at all...
But something much more ordinary.
And.. this is different... but what it is evades me.
I can't diagnose this as "the real thing," because I only know what the "real" thing is not...

Being away from you isn't painful, it just isn't preferred.
I like that I don't have to hold my breath when we're apart.
But, I feel my facade fall away when I walk through your door.
As if there is no need for pretenses in a room with you...
I'm not that girl, and I don't want you to think I am...
I want to use big words, and giggle at their superfluity.
Let you laugh at my pretentiousness- a misnomer- as I'm not faking anything at all.

I like that I look at you... and I don't know exactly what you're thinking.
And I don't think you understand the significance of that...
Control, let go... and I'm not terrified...
And I don't feel like a half, not quite a whole...
But, I'm learning how to be, and who to be...
And I simply have the pleasure of having you along for the journey.

I'm afraid I don't understand the significance of...
    these words, of the realization that you will read them...
        that you will try to qualify each adjective... and understand each verb...
And dissect me...
    and I will try to explain, a kindness I so rarely attempt...
        and I might not make any sense, and I might not know how you feel...
And... I might just be fine with not knowing.

I might just stand, and grin, and not tell you why.
But, not for not knowing,
But... for not needing to understand.

Jun 2012 · 846
raw footage
KM Jones Jun 2012
You got the whole ******* town in this war.

Look left, brake right.
It's nothing but coasted stop signs and run red lights.
Head on collisions. No casualties.
No worries, nothing open heart surgery can't fix.
Casual strolls have become grounds for catastrophic collapses.
Holey teeshirts. Newspaper clippings. The old business building. Top 40 radio.

Seriously, you even make  ******* i n g  pop songs depressing.

I string together old pieces of poetry to create the illusion that I still remember how to write.

The worst part is you didn't rob me of this...
Didn't take my heart and run...
I gave it to you.

And I don't ever want it back.
KM Jones May 2012

for not realizing what you just lost.
May 2012 · 657
winding down
KM Jones May 2012
Real love is too realistic to bear a name: true, enduring, forever.
Romance is not romantic, for love letters are dull to read, and flowers wilt, and butterflies cease to flutter.

Love, you'll never be further away than when you are lying next to me.
When I can hear your heartbeat, and know there is no guarantee that another night will pass in your arms.

I lie to myself to keep the pieces aligned.

And miles from where you are, I lie in bed, sleepless, unsettled.
Solitude: my closest friend, my last resort, my life support.
When you, my legs-my love, are not there to support me.

For foundations settle, walls crack, paint chips.
And fires will consume what the winds leave standing.

I wish I could have stood with you.
Planted deeper our roots.
Made a one from a two.

But fairytales don't always come from “dreams come true.”
May 2012 · 493
when love let go
KM Jones May 2012
Which is better-

to be let go


pushed away?
Feb 2012 · 609
live to love another day
KM Jones Feb 2012
I want to know what love without endings feels like-
see expectations met.
live to love an old man- an old woman, myself.
I want to know what love without conditions looks like-
see endurances tested- proved.
live to die another day- or never at all.

(Feb 5, 2012)
Jan 2012 · 592
love like moodrings
KM Jones Jan 2012
pretty picture in the globe
miss when it used to sing
you sang along, you sang to me.

but now, it's just a broken thing.

on the shelf, in my room
cobwebs clouding up my June
missing summers spent with you

but, sun don't shine when I am blue.


blood stained feet
'cross broken ground
our earthquake tore apart this town

the ground shook as we waged wars.

our picture's not so pretty anymore.

*darling, hush, don't say goodbye
amongst the rubble, I'm sure we'll find
another love; a stabler life
our love was one born to die
Dec 2011 · 629
KM Jones Dec 2011
tell me everything is going to be alright when he cries.

pat my shoulder. squeeze my hand.
sit by my side.

give me the strength.

the strength not to cry.
the strength to tell him everything will be alright.
Dec 2011 · 1.3k
if ignorance is bliss
KM Jones Dec 2011
let's cut to the chase.

stagger through barely unlocked doorways
tripping off jeans over still-tied shoes
falling onto unmade beds, a mess of belt buckles and baffling buttons

scrambling hands and hungry mouths
exploring every surface within reach

teeth tugging, hair pulling, air- gasping

I want you to want me so badly you forget to breath.

collapse into covers, inviting embrace.
but make no mistake,
boy, let's cut to the chase.

we know where this stumbling, tumbling, fumbling leads.
and it isn't marriage ceremonies.
or happy endings.


soon, distance will destroy this life we both lead.

but why would I lead a life of misery
when I can have what is sitting right in front of me?

each second lost, is resolve gained
perhaps if we pretend you're not leaving, nothing will change.

. . . if we can just tell ourselves, May will n e v e r come . . .
                   . . . winter will n e v e r  end . . .


if ignorance is bliss, and there is no escape...
let's lie to each other; let's lie to ourselves.

let's not waste our time; let's cut to the chase.
Nov 2011 · 1.1k
I need a volunteer
KM Jones Nov 2011
I need someone to come break my heart.

for the very last time.
Nov 2011 · 768
seeking: company
KM Jones Nov 2011
uninspired by empty beds and unturned sheets

I need bodies pressed against me



people are much better companions than pillows

lover, come alleviate these lonely nights
Nov 2011 · 607
I will NOT love you.
KM Jones Nov 2011
don't love me.

**** my brains out.

don't look into my eyes.

don't tell me I'm beautiful.

just wrap your hand around my throat.

knot your fingers in my hair.

don't wrap your arms around me afterwards.

show yourself to the door.

and please, God, don't say goodbye.
Oct 2011 · 1.4k
Oh Loverboy
KM Jones Oct 2011
serenade me with silence


I look for your affections between the lines...

on napkin corners...

in notebooks, worn with age


unclothe me to the metronome of your latest rabbit trail

I won't mind if it is meant for someone else


love, I'm asking for nothing more than to share your bed


play muse, for a night

or two


darling, I think I could be poetic for you.
Oct 2011 · 709
KM Jones Oct 2011
she had cut off her long locks.
left romanticism behind her.

she was getting down to business now.

she had no time for apologies. regrets.
she was blazing a trail- setting new horizons.
-looking for the next America.

(one that could survive longer than 200 years without selling its soul for a buck.)


she, herself, was soul-less.

- a state of existence she might describe as "limbo"
  had she given herself the time to examine it.

she was challenging socrates.
-finding meaning in an unexamined life.

she was in a state of motion in which 80 mph felt like crawling.

she was concluding.
she was beginning.

she was.......................... l i v i n g? again.
- From third person diary entries (March 7, 2011)
Oct 2011 · 576
Oh baby, be my Babylon
KM Jones Oct 2011
I want to see you in the stars
- a constellation in my arms
so close, but still so far
Oh, how beautiful you are
I want to see you in the stars

I want to hold you 'till I die
I want to kiss you 'till I cry
make love throughout the night
throw off the sheets, turn on the lights
I want to hold you 'till I die.

Oct 2011 · 503
poetry isn't fiction
KM Jones Oct 2011
I am a poet
romantic, bittersweet
the   woman   at   the   well
the       tears        on        his      feet
famous      words     of      denial
mud  placed  on  blind  eyes
bittersweet, romantic
A poet am I
KM Jones Oct 2011
Oh love,

we're drowning in the monotony of motionless.

forget food, air, coitus

Maslow forgot something- movement.

not even, relocation.

simple movement.

Oh love,

let's pack a bag- buy a map

I feel like falling asleep to east coast sunsets tonight

waking up to Rocky's

wind through hair

sand between toes

let's fly a kite

ride a bike

*let's move *

seated, we die a thousand times

let's break in a pair of new shoes

to an afternoon hike

pack a picnic basket of pb&j;'s

move, darling, move

until our legs give out

and slumber wraps us sweetly in her arms...

in one another's arms...

somewhere far from where we began


conclusions and origins are separate for a reason

life may have symmetry, love

but let's make sure not to mistake that with stagnation.
Oct 2011 · 586
KM Jones Oct 2011
I need to be stripped and broken down.
pounded to pavement.
ashes to asphalt.

I need to relive a few wars
and lose a few battles.

(Bruise-battered eyes and blood-stained lips.)

I need to remember a heart race.
pick up pace.
Breathe a little harder... run until collapse.

fill lungs.

grit teeth.

e  x  p  l  o  d  e  .

let's reopen wounds
                       with rusty knives

what is life without loss?
happiness without hurt?

I need to be roughed   U

... gunned D

Monotony kills much harder than bullets...
and it's the least poetic way to go...

I'd rather take a tumble; swallow the sea.
Jump out of a plane and never pull my shoot...

than die with no beat to my heart... no strength in my spine.... no purpose to my step....

feed me poison- just don't let me swallow my own tongue.

(August 28 2011)
Sep 2011 · 848
KM Jones Sep 2011
I'm a risk
Dynamite in the hand
Shake me- to explode

I play with words
-a handful of calligraphy
spill me out
now, let me fly

voice like razorblades
(eat your hear right out of your chest)
and hands of steel
-to keep you still
Boy, move with me

I read you aloud
I've heard your story
Now, write me in...

fill in the blanks with my name
then kiss me 'till I overflow
-let's collide.

KM Jones Sep 2011
I'm ready to run into open arms and be held,
but I'm beginning to fear that I need someone to hold me.

Perhaps I'm simply afraid of wasting away in empty rooms when I'd rather be bathing in the embrace of a beautiful boy.

I think being alone will be beautiful but not here, not now.

I just want to feel raw youth and untamed beauty racing through my veins.
I long to be inspired, to be unfiltered inspiration in the hands of another.


I don't want to write of romances; I want to live them.

(Nov 2008)
Sep 2011 · 760
irony outlived us all
KM Jones Sep 2011

I feel as though my chest could cave in at any given moment, as though the only way I can relieve myself of this o v e r w h e l m i n g ..... W E I G H T is to write, to press my pen against the paper so firmly that I can no longer feel my fingertips, no longer feel any pressure except the trembling in my arms from my own efforts.

I feel as though my lungs are on the brink of collapse. I'm suffocating on my own foolish emotions... struggling to breathe in, breath out... to just BREATHE.


I tell myself that love is an impossible task; and unconquerable feat. (For we are all most certainly not without our vices...) However, this indescribable feeling that has embedded itself in my very being denies me the sweet escape of both cynicism and apathy.

I find myself overtaken with the strange and foreign knowledge that I Love You and nothing; not circumstance, nor situation; not time, nor distance; not life, nor even death could change that.

(May 2008)
KM Jones Sep 2011
I fell in love with a place called Rome and an object named the sea.
They caught me up within their arms and ran away with me.
We saw the wonders of the world and kissed the midnight skies.
They crowned me with the mountaintops and spun stars into my eyes.

I needed someone to call mine; I was a Queen without a King.
I found no love in treasure chests filled with diamonds and golden things.
I stole a map to take a trip and found I didn't have a clue.
That all the splendor in the world I'd find when I met you.

( June 24 2009 )
Sep 2011 · 486
something sweet
KM Jones Sep 2011
If I never saw the sunrise,
or the dawn of another day,
If I never caught another
longingly look my way.

If I never made my fortune
or earn my claim to fame,
I'd still love you like no other
'Till God took us both away.

April 27, 2009
Sep 2011 · 1.0k
Time Machine
KM Jones Sep 2011
Deja vu.
It's the reflection without the ripple.

It's knowing what you know now, and being 16 again.
Sep 2011 · 826
New Worlds
KM Jones Sep 2011
She was within terrifying proximity of uncharted waters.
Coasting on the shoreline of a land ruled by L words and fallen flag poles.

She'd leave the 3 words left unspoken forever, if it could guarantee her ship would sail.
It didn't even have to sail smoothly; it just needed to stay afloat.

She'd seen her share of horizons, slept beneath stained glass skies.
Weathered riptides.

She'd known heroes.
She'd loved harlots.

And now, she'd kiss the coastland goodbye. Ferry souls for 100 years...
Sail into the eye of the storm.

If he'd love her, like their ship had never sank before.
Aug 2011 · 1.1k
not quite a Hallmark
KM Jones Aug 2011
live bravely, not fearlessly.

love endlessly, not unconditionally.
Aug 2011 · 977
for my little sister
KM Jones Aug 2011

I don't expect a reaction,
a solution.

I don't need your love,
or shoulder, even.

I just need your ear.

Perhaps only for a few minutes.

While we're sitting at the bar,
waiting for the bus,
riding in a cab,
or even standing in a long line.


You may not change my life,
or even my mood.

But you will have changed the course of one day.

ONE day          of          MY life.

If only you could understand the significance of just one day.

Cities have been leveled. Towers have fallen. Ships have been sunk.

And though I may not be a Hiroshima, a 9/11, a Pearl Harbor.... I matter.

You don't have to tell stories about me to your grandchildren,
follow me,
attend my funeral;
or remember me, for that matter.

You just need to take a couple of minutes out of your day...
while you're sitting at the bar,
waiting for a bus,
riding in a cab,
or simply standing in a r e a l l y   l  o  n  g   line...

whether you be a stranger,
or mother.

Jul 2011 · 671
KM Jones Jul 2011
you shine like the sun in the middle of summer.
taste your rays on the tip of my tongue.
my skin soaks you up like I must have been starving.
but now I am thriving on love.
Jul 2011 · 960
the jester
KM Jones Jul 2011
"We all hide behind our wit," she said.

(She had wanted to be Jane Austen, but wound up being Sylvia Plath instead.)

She would never again trust another word. For who would trust a word? More so, a word without action to make sincere its cry? A fool; and she was not a fool.

Her rib-cage, cynical, read: "Love is no longer in vogue, better left to the history books and the firing squads." It wrapped its way around her lungs, a permanent reminder never to hold her breath for anyone. Suffocation was inevitable in this day and age.

Never let down your guard. Never let down your guard.

Steady. Repetition. Her anthem.


She found his existence maddening. He made her skin crawl. Made her blood rush. He made her a fool. He had taught her that falling in love and falling were more alike than different. He had shown her that broken hearts were far more painful than broken bones.

She was a pond, and he was a willow. He would create ripples...
She would make waves.

Drowning was more of a promise than a potential. Not a matter of if, but of when.


These days, she drowned in seas of laughter.

Wit had become her constant companion. A guide to survival. She had survived him. Had surpassed him, even.

Two steps ahead- always looking back.

She would be the court jester; he, merely, the material for the next good joke.
KM Jones Jul 2011
I long to live a life
worthy of war stories and old western movies.

I hope to have a home
filled with forgotten treasures and faded maps.

I aim to attain an anthology
collect the earth and capture the stars.

I dare to dream of danger
mountains, snow-capped, and moss-covered falls.

I seek to survive a stagnation
poetic poison and perpetual "sub-par."

I please to pursue a perfection
inevitable failure, imperfection- an art.
KM Jones May 2011
you are my favorite non-fiction
and darling, I've lived fantasies...
I have fictionalized feelings...

but what we shared was unstaged
something found in between the sheets and "I'm sorry's"

we redefined the line
we cut the strings
found ourselves lost amidst the friends and the lovers

like the rough draft of a Hemingway novel.

what we are is made for the storybooks, my sweet.

we witnessed monotony and wrote of miracles
never intoxicated, but always impaired

we could overflow libraries-
flood them with our stories of how the sea swallowed up * all those * l i v e s...
and we had barely missed making history

we begged the other to simply save us...

starving for the intrigue of a good fiction
- dying to live a story worth telling...
Mar 2011 · 864
KM Jones Mar 2011
If consistency makes an artist,
then I shall never be one.

If it is pain,
then I once was one.

If it is love,
then why am I not still one?

Is true happiness not enough to fill an artist?

Is there more inspiration to be found in the dark- when there is nothing to see and everything to feel?

Has any artist ever been truly happy?

Must one suffer for their art?
More so, must art be a burden?
Then, was Christ, himself, an artist?

(My God, the burden he had to bear.)

Was Nietzsche right- that, poets exploit their experiences?

Why do we deprive ourselves of contentment, of sleep, of peace of mind?
Why do we **** our own bodies, poison our livers, starve our own souls in the pursuit of a muse?

We are, all of us, restless,
that have fallen in love with pretty words.

Idolators, we are.

Sometimes, I wonder, if we're afraid that silence can ****.
Or that, if we're not screaming at the top of our lungs, we're not alive.

Idle pens are handicaps.
Idle minds- cancer.

We're all dying not to become utilitarians.

We'll die just to hold onto the shadow of our own hopes and dreams.

If it is commitment that makes an artist,
then I shall never be one.

If it is wreck-lessness,
then I once was one.

If it is thoughtful articulation,
then why am I not still one?

I now know that,
I am not an artist.

I will not break my own heart.

I will not cut my own throat just to amplify my voice.
Mar 2011 · 532
KM Jones Mar 2011
I feel like fanning flames and falling apart. Like, playing hours and hours of the saddest songs. Because life is an unfinished lyric, and nothing makes sense anymore.
It's drawing conclusions from empty wells and pretending to see that this love story holds any hope for you and me. When all that's left are empty holes and unfilled depths, because you can't fill me in and I can't fix this mess.
And looking back is like sitting on our hands and feeling we've struck gold. When all we're really doing is staring at the dead end of a gravel road.
Mar 2011 · 1.1k
a satire
KM Jones Mar 2011
black top hats and heretical clowns
surprise! the circus is back in town
ladies and Gentlemen- we've a show tonight
so bed the kids and dim the lights

hotel ballrooms and cheap champagne
silhouettes of Falsehood and the infamous Fame
a gallery of harlots and libertines
blessed with the curse of controversy

suicidal salvations and casualties
religion built the bomb that burned the buildings
a ballet of East making martyr of West
they pulled their own trigger- shot themselves in the chest

creaky pulpits and dusty pews
a prayer to be one of the Chosen Few
but holy water won't cleanse these Sins
in time, all shows must come to an end

so bed the kids and dim the lights
it's time for a panicked revival tonight
clasp your hands- bound by rosary beads
baptism- your wants, prostitution- your needs.
Mar 2011 · 530
another love poem.
KM Jones Mar 2011
laugh with me
at these childish mistakes
innocence is bliss
...or so they say.

for we are young
but not quite as free
as this, our love,
demands us to be

for you must live
and to live, must leave
and a companion to you
I cannot be

but I cannot ask
for you to stay
"I'll wait for you"
is too easy to say

but soon we'll look back
on these memories
for love stories like this
make life worth living.
Dec 2010 · 552
warming up...
KM Jones Dec 2010
finish me.

the story begged.
the notebook, barren...
of pages yet to be filled.

of ink yet to be spilled.

finish me.
and feed me to the little children.
their greedy eyes and growing minds.

finish me.
the canvas screamed to be clothed.
feeling desperately exposed.

finish me.
finish me.
finish me.

cries drowned out by the everyday obligations of a writer's life.
Dec 30, 2010
Oct 2010 · 611
not quite an apology
KM Jones Oct 2010
summer was bittersweet
as she tasted independence
and limped on broken limbs

she learned the landscape of other bodies
drank the wine of foreign tongues
crippling beautiful souls, a mere ******* herself

she bared skin, grew out her hair
as she kissed a boy she had wished she could love
she tossed and turned to nightmares of dreams now come true

she discovered the duality of loneliness
and the complexity of affection
while soaking up the sun on florida beaches

now she's left with the remembrance of september sweethearts
and nights filled with uncontrollable tears
she asks herself if she regrets a single moment...

of a bittersweet summer vacation...

she could say she was sorry, but she knows an apology isn't what anyone is looking for.

bittersweet, she can't say this isn't what she wanted after all
Oct 10, 2010- From third person diary entries
Sep 2010 · 877
waxing poetic
KM Jones Sep 2010
marry me... in a field of weeds
with a golden ring...
void of unnecessary stones...

let the sky and the earth be our witnesses...

...and the wind give me away...

let the birds be the music to which we dance...

lay me down beneath the treetops...

as we celebrate this love... untainted by ceremony

my love,
kiss my lips... and close your perfect brown eyes...


my love,
my only, as we grow older,
...dust to dust... our goodbyes.
to my only love. my only heart.
Sep 2010 · 786
KM Jones Sep 2010
slander me

after all,
we are all poets here

equally exploiting our experiences

perhaps, Nietzsche was right all along

we are all someone else's collateral damage

I'm growing out these ruby red locks

wearing skirts

laughing out loud

I will be whatever I want to be

I will love whoever I want to love

I am not of poets or of poetry

slander me

I am everything you say

and more...
Sep 2010 · 788
Bare Bones
KM Jones Sep 2010

I never end.

I never began.

I give
           a n d
                      I will keep on giving.




eternally cloudy skies.
with a chance of rain.

no more sunny days.


reeking of worldly successes.

failing to fail at anything at all.



"young. promising. driven."

the truth:

empty. silent. a puppet. puppeteer?




no one can stop me.
no one can save me.
no one can stop me.
no one can save me.

save me.

no one can save me.
no one can save.
no one can.
no one.


I give
           a n d
                     I will keep on giving.




even after this broken heart.


no one hires for the heart.
salary isn't determined by sincerity.

no one can stop me.
no one can save me.
no one can stop me.
no one can save me.

no one.

Sept 6, 2010
KM Jones Sep 2010
silence is survival.
distance is determination.

they say that if someone is truly yours, they will come back to you.

they say lots of things.

Sept 5, 2010
Sep 2010 · 886
A Lapse
KM Jones Sep 2010
I want to be married in a graveyard.

Buried next to my closest of kin.

Speak our vows amongst the headstones.

Life should end where it begins.
Sept 4, 2010
Aug 2010 · 717
KM Jones Aug 2010
You are like thunder.
Breaking the silence.
Now, rattle the window.
Awaken our children.

My sweet, you're spring showers.
A fresh summer breeze.

And I am the ocean.
Rain over me.
Aug 2010 · 922
hush-a-bye baby
KM Jones Aug 2010
She crossed her legs. Cracked her knuckles, crack, crack, crack, down one hand, then the other. She was full and feverish, awaiting an answer that could change it all. She had gone 3 months with no signs. "Weight loss," they said, "stress". She had listened, busying herself with plans. futures. She was "In control" of her own life.

Now, she was at risk for becoming a statistic. the "standard". Proving someone somewhere right about the ethics of her "lost" generation. She had achieved maturity. Independence. Self-assurance. It could all be lost in a New York minute.  The answer to her worries wasn't the most frightening part; it was the phone call she knew she must face afterwards.

Ambivalence. It was the remembrance of goodbye with the fear of hello.

Crack, crack, crack. She was pulling her hair out over nothing at all. Right?
Aug 30, 2010- From third person diary entries
KM Jones Aug 2010
Dear _,

You mean more to me than any word, poem, or lyric, whether it was written by me or by Poe himself, could ever convey. The principle of "actions speaking louder than words" could never be emphasized enough when it comes to love. Writing love poems is as effortless as breathing for me. It sounds as though I am trying to dim any previous feelings I’ve felt for another, but if those feelings were still an issue you would see them in the way I now carry myself around that person, the tones of my voice when I now speak of that person, not in the way I had previously written about that person. I write for the sake of writing most times.

Anyone can write a love poem for anyone- about anyone- to anyone. I don’t want that to be what we are all about: words. I want to love you with my actions. I want to love you with my silences. I want you to know that it is not in my poems that my true affections can be seen but in my glances and in my gestures. Love, I don’t want you to be my muse; I just want you to be mine.
Sincerely yours,


Aug 2010 · 855
A Walk With Mr. Warhol
KM Jones Aug 2010
I met Mr. Warhol the other day,
His eyes were tired; his hair, gone gray.
He took my hand as we walked along,
And I heard him hum a tuneless song.
I asked him how it felt to die,
He turned to meet me with a sigh.
He said it was whiplash and gasoline,
"It burns your nose and makes you sneeze."
I asked him if he missed his art,
He kissed my cheek and stopped my heart.
"Child, what I miss the most is life,
Living, loving, the thrill of lime-light.
But, throwing caution to the wind won't make you brave,
One day we'll all share a grave."
He held my hand and raised it high,
Then said, "Now dear, go paint the sky."
And that's when my alarm began to ring,
Awaking me from my Wonderland dreams.
July 13, 2008
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