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Dec 2010 · 875
Dec 2010 · 1.6k
can we not cherish our time.
Kkkkkkk Dec 2010
Time moves to fast,

takes our love,
to the end.
Can I not cherish the time.

Time has always been,
my cruel little gem.

It does not teach of love,
but of cuss and hate.

Can I not cherish the moments,
that are oh so sweet,

on the skin of my lips.
And the curve of my hips.
That sing and dance.

A song so sweet,
The story of time,
that nips at my feet.
Dec 2010 · 862
You are my career.
Kkkkkkk Dec 2010
I have been drawling alot these past weeks.
I couldn't ever get that look in your eyes in my pictures,

but tonight, at ten forty four...
I did,
it wasn't the perfect you,
I did it,
I drew for two hours,
and I got it.

you saved me.
Nov 2010 · 695
Kkkkkkk Nov 2010
They call us k.o,

and Gabby.

Pass out.

While we walk by.




Don't get it?
Didn't think you would

<3 my gals
Nov 2010 · 533
Kkkkkkk Nov 2010
It's weird,
I now know how cinderella felt at midnight.

Her heart was in her ears,
her stomache in her throat,
hot water behind her eyes.

She was left with nothing.

But I never expected it to come from you.

The man that loved me,
who cared the most for me.

Was a lie.

Poor cinderella. Lying there. Broken.

Call us twins,

but me with no prince, no king.
Kkkkkkk Nov 2010
It's weird,
I now know how cinderella felt at midnight.

Her heart was in her ears,
her stomache in her throat,
hot water behind her eyes.

She was left with nothing.

But I never expected it to come from you.

The man that loved me,
who cared the most for me.

Was a lie.

Poor cinderella. Lying there. Broken.

Call us twins,

but me with no prince, no king.
Kkkkkkk Nov 2010
purely something unique we got here,

get it while it lasts,
while it's hot,

it'll burn at first,
but it will dull.

don't worry young one,
we got time,
Kkkkkkk Nov 2010
We'll make it through this,
I swear.
Kkkkkkk Oct 2010
You took my heart,
and threw in the trash,

another piece of garbage,
a reminder of your past.
Oct 2010 · 496
Kkkkkkk Oct 2010
Rain falls off the window


is all I can feel.

It trickles down,
like tears on a cheek.

That's brushed with rough fingers.
Oct 2010 · 604
Kkkkkkk Oct 2010
Rain falls off the window


is all I can feel.

It trickles down,
like tears on a cheek.

That's brushed with rough fingers.
Oct 2010 · 543
Lover lay down.
Kkkkkkk Oct 2010
Rain falls off the window


is all I can feel.

It trickles down,
like tears on a cheek.

That's brushed with rough fingers.
Oct 2010 · 525
Lover lay down.
Kkkkkkk Oct 2010
Rain falls off the window


is all I can feel.

It trickles down,
like tears on a cheek.

That's brushed with rough fingers.
Oct 2010 · 709
Kkkkkkk Oct 2010
-no one wants to watch you play your silly puppet dance,
it's cool, the words you say.
Calling me a *****.

-I find it funny that just because your friend,
gets the guy you like,
you hate her.

It's not her fault.


What a stupid thing. & don't make lies, you can't back up,

To live a life,
you need a life.

that **** little *****.
Kkkkkkk Oct 2010
How many times do you want me to say such poisen to the heart?
I love you, I love you, I love you. (528473)

I'll kiss  you,
a million times.

Just step from the cliff,
and take the gun from my heart.

And love me  to pieces.
Kkkkkkk Sep 2010
real lies,
real eyes.
Kkkkkkk Sep 2010
He swings with sturdy arms
for the thunder roars

his tears fall through rough fingers,
and the rain falls.

And he screams with giant breaths,
as the winds slaps against, anything in the way,

I can no longer hold you back.
Your not mine to care for,

of course it affects me. But I hide in my safehouse,

his arms.
Sep 2010 · 2.2k
Is it considered cheating?
Kkkkkkk Sep 2010
Your in Mexico
and i'm here,

he's here.
And I'm with him

Is that cheating. Or is that okay?

Cause I love you,
but he says he does too,
you know, love me.

I can not forget you.
It's been months,
but your still clear ,

I need you,
I realized this to late,
your gone.

****  pretty Mexican girls.

Envy, the cousin of green,
is the ugliest shade on me,
even though I wear it everyday
Sep 2010 · 502
and still i cry.,
Kkkkkkk Sep 2010
your thousands of miles away,
and i'm...


come back. i need you. you said you needed me,

we shared alot.
in that short short week.

but that, was amazing.

that short short week. is my favorite,

i wait past eleven, my eyes blood red,
from staring into that small Ipod screen.

most of the days your name doesn't show,
i go to bed angry,
why did the perfect guy have to be so far away.
not town, or even state?

God i miss you, how else do i show it,
Aug 2010 · 1.3k
Long distance fucking love.
Kkkkkkk Aug 2010
He said "  I love you forever"
he said " I'll come back for you"
he said " no matter what, I'll be there, with you, in your heart"
he  gave me a kiss on the lip, and said goodbye to me for the last time.

And now I find out I can't even text him. And I sit, In my room, and cry. But I have to keep that ******* smile on my face for my parents, for school.

But I just can't help but break down. My third base man, my pitcher, my batter, my long-******* distance relationship, my dream come true... Mexican?
No a poem at all; just how it is...
Aug 2010 · 467
No name I
Kkkkkkk Aug 2010
When lovers love, and liars lie,

How do I tell...
Aug 2010 · 593
my favorite thing(s)
Kkkkkkk Aug 2010
calling you, laughing with you, your notes, your texts..."
almost all my good memories involve you,
and why?

*because the things you do are my favorite.
Aug 2010 · 2.7k
Kkkkkkk Aug 2010
Ah, the school dances.

Hand in hand. Out of step. The wrong moves, to the wrong song.
   We weren't very good. I admit that much. But that's okay, cause I was in your arms. Happy. To bad there's only four a year. Maybe if it was every week I could stay with you, laugh with you,
   I wish I could see you smile at me like that everyday. I'D BE THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD.

God I love you.
Not really a poem, but, that's okay...
Aug 2010 · 586
Come with me
Kkkkkkk Aug 2010
Come with me
  The girl named Lover
come with me to my garden
  Sit with me
in the garden of eden
  Eat the sacred fruit
and sin with me
  God will make us shamed, shhh,
make us full of wants
  I want dominence
How come you get that?
  Carry my baby,
hold me,
  Stab me,
kiss me,
          To the thorns
              That scorn my feet.

Come with me
as Satan told
  To the hell of eternity
as he hurts you,
Aug 2010 · 536
Kkkkkkk Aug 2010
Walking on the waters

   Feeling like God,
Jul 2010 · 383
Kkkkkkk Jul 2010
Please, just laugh.

Sorry if I look like I care,

whoops, my bad.

Like everything else.
Jul 2010 · 459
Not that typical.
Kkkkkkk Jul 2010
I have nothing to say.
- to you,
      Or him,
          Or that rat over there.

Try as you might. I'm not that typical.
Jul 2010 · 490
Typical mennn.
Kkkkkkk Jul 2010
Just because I say hello... Honestly doesn't mean I want your number. But the chance to explore a brand new mind
... My oh my, how lucky am I.
Apr 2010 · 796
Kkkkkkk Apr 2010
i see the happy families,

everyone with someone.

they frame their perfect lives drowned by the frames of the unhappy.
Apr 2010 · 753
sitting here.
Kkkkkkk Apr 2010
sitting here in my field.
the bugs crawl by.

they scream a harsh laugh my way,
out of my mind i laugh back,
at myself.


because of how stupid i was to believe it all.
the love,
the joke,
no reason why you shouldve kept it going but to tell me in an adult manner,

not this.
this way.
this hurt,
is un-worthy.

it should be stronger,

so i dont fall for it again.

sitting here in my field.
with those flowers.
in that gorgeous manner.

inwhich you are not.

yet neither am i.

telling me all the things i did wrong,
will teach me,

it hurts.

but helps.

in some manner...again,

yet i still day dream
sitting here in this field.
thinking of everything...


their jokes.
their lies as well as yours.

and my own pathetic needs/wants/beliefs/happenings.
Feb 2010 · 753
with the wink of an eye.
Kkkkkkk Feb 2010
you make me angry.
you make me spit,

but i  have a power,
and with that little bit,

i can push you away
with the wink of an eye.

never to repeat what happened.
Kkkkkkk Feb 2010
On my own island.
i sit on the golden sand.
as the pink, sun,sets into the blue ocean.
and the green and tan palms blow carefree in the slight breeze.

and the ocean waves,

and i get sprayed with the sea salt.

my brown hair whips in my face as i rise up.
my blue eyes skanning the horizon.
my frail body tense.

and i walk,
to the ocean.

i dive into the tropical underland.
i stay there for an hour or two.
talking with the fish,
about the economy.

and when i am up to the land again.
i sit back in the chair as,
the sun rises on the otherside,
and the breeze is slightly harder,

yet the sun feels good,
on my bare skin,
as i sit on that island.

waiting for a rescue boat to come.
Feb 2010 · 727
for the
Kkkkkkk Feb 2010
now is the time to paint that pretty picture in your head again,
                                            the one with rainbows,
                                                       and butterflies.

  so when you face the reality,
                                           your ready for the lies,
                                                         and hate.

                                              for the world.
Feb 2010 · 617
eyes closed
Kkkkkkk Feb 2010
eyes closed,
face to the sky
  watching the world go by,
you make your second wish,
on your third shooting star.
Feb 2010 · 586
Kkkkkkk Feb 2010
when you were born,
    you were crying when everyone around you was smiling,
live your life so when you die,
   your smiling and everyone around you is crying.
Feb 2010 · 857
meet me on the corner,
Kkkkkkk Feb 2010
meet me on the corner dont be late,
there ill show you my love with my eyes,
as we walk hand in hand,
head on shoulder,
down the street.

then from that point,
we will know forever is in sight.

your quaint body frail in the moon light,
your hair shines a deep auburn.

there i wanna cherish you and never let go,
as the world slows to almost a  stop
just to watch us.

the sun starts to show on the edge of the earth,
from pink to orange and yellow...

you grow weary
and the mellow is gone as we here the voices,
calling by your name,
you scream...

you cant be caught, it woud ruin you to be seen with me...
im nothing compared to them, nothing, god help you as you flee for your life.

dont fall my love, in that deep ditch, dont fall my dear in there lies.

— The End —