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Jan 2014 · 563
New Year, Old Me, No You
KizerMoore Jan 2014
My eyes have lied to the world more than my words have
I smile and feign interest in everything that’s not you
I pretend you were never a part of my past
A lie that I never wanted to be true
Even though you were never good for me
That’s something I’ve always known
And I can blame you forever for all the things you did wrong
But it won’t change that I haven’t moved on
Being with you made me understand music
Songs have new meaning when you’ve gone through it
I’d hear songs I’ve known for years and they’d suddenly make sense
I Will Always Love You, that’s why We Can’t Be Friends
What you put me through, I had no choice but to leave
Sometimes I regret that decision more than you’d perceive
It’s been years since the break-up
And months since we finally stopped chatting
But some mornings when I wake up
I still remember us laughing
So I just go through life day by day
Constantly reminded of the one that got away
There have been others since I left
But none that made me feel half of what you made me felt
So I’m never as nice to them
Sometimes I’m even rude
The numbers have changed on the calendar today
But in my mind it’s just a New Year, Old Me, No You
Dec 2013 · 7.5k
KizerMoore Dec 2013
Being in love is like being underwater
It makes me hold my breath
But I don't want to come up for air
Cause I'm scared I'll miss how it felt
Holding you, touching, and kissing you
This transfer of love from you to me
This feeling that I feel
I swear, hope, and pray that It's real
Without you there's a hole in my heart
That refuses to feel, refuses to heal
The thought of being away from you makes me gasp for air
I cant be without you, I need you here
Lost in a sea of love, I'll hold you tight
So hold my hand as we drown to life
Some say it's wrong we're too young
But now it's too late to undo what we've done
I'm leaving myself open to the chance of pain
And with so much risk
Comes the chance of love to gain
I'm playing myself but still I'm loving the game
You Give Me That Adrenaline Rush
Love sparked from a conversation that sparked from a crush
And now I can't live without you near me
Pray that you never leave
You tug at my heart-strings and play a song with my soul
And now I love to listen to the music of us
Without you I'm cursed to live
A life without love
Dec 2013 · 442
No Fight
KizerMoore Dec 2013
"I remember walking this path with you.
We would hold hands as we felt the breeze on our skin.
Your smile was always so beautiful, it made the rest of the world fade away.
You used to always say,
"One day we'll climb one of those mountains and tattoo our love at the peak."
I would always blush at your creative wordplay.
That's what I fell in love with.
Your body was amazing, of course.
But your mind was a special place,
A place I often enjoyed more than my own.
In my mind, I'm always in control,
I decide what I can think and what I won't.
But when I visit in your mental refuge, I took solace in my lack of control.
It was beautiful, hearing you talk about nothing as if it was everything that ever mattered.
I enjoyed being your audience of one,
While you stood on your soapbox protesting the ways of the world to the only person who would listen.
You made me love you without force.
There was no fight, but I knew I didn't have a choice."
Dec 2013 · 418
KizerMoore Dec 2013
I'm Lost...

Lost in a Small World That's Larger Than Life

I can't see Around every Corner

But I Can see around your lies

Your Words have been my Maze

Leading me Deeper and Deeper into Dismay

I'm Lost in every little thing you Say

Following my own Downfall with You leading the Way

I can't believe I've Allowed myself to get Lost Again

I've put myself in a Lose-Lose Situation but I still wanna Win

I'm Tired of the Dark

I'm Tired of the Light

I'm Tired of Settling for Less

But that's all I've been doing All my Life

I'm Lost....

I'm Lost on a Path that Only leads to One Place

But I've let You Talk me into Running Away

But it's finally Time that we come Face to Face

Its The End of my Run and the End of your Chase....

This Enemy that's Stalked me my whole Life

Making me put up Walls to everyone Else

I'm Done running

I'm ready to face..... Myself
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
KizerMoore Dec 2013
You want a place in "My Heart"
But the room’s not vacant yet
You see, I would love to occupy you
But I’ve got unfinished business
My last tenant was a trip and left the place a mess
I’ve cleaned up some, but I don’t know how long it’ll take to clean the rest
And yes, I’ve noticed that your room is already cleaned from your last guest
But my room still has bags left
I guess it’s safe to say my last tenant left more of a mark
You still wanna see the room?
Okay, where do I start
Half of this **** don’t even work no more
And I would hate to put you here when it’s cold
Cause the heater broke
So I’m sorry if I’m not being warm enough for you
But my last tenant made me something like a different dude
So I’m more cautious about who I rent my space to
So I’m sorry I can’t love you like you want me to
But my room just got too much junk in it
And I just don’t think its enough space for you
So sorry but my apartment's closed
Even though I hate to say it
After I sort things out I’ll look you up
Hopefully you’ll still be Vacant

— The End —