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Both my friends are at war angry words get exchanged.your caught in the middle of a fight thats nothing to do with you.

Suddenly they want you to choose between them which isn't easy.many night are spent sitting up late wondering what to do.

I always thought nothing could come between us but i was wrong.all thats left is a shatter broken friendship.
This poem is about two of my friends who are still fighting we were like sisters and then they fell for the same man and things changed
Sitting by your hospital bed with tears in my eyes the fear of losing you was real.the doctors kept saying it was touch and go.

Everyone was talking to me but i could not hear a word they said.please wake up don't leave me in this world alone.

I would give anything just to hear your voice come back to me.because i need you your my partner in crime open your eyes and smile.
Many years ago a tall beautiful strong angel took my hand and set me free.he show me a side of love i never knew exist until now.when i cried he dried my tears and mended my broken heart.

When i needed someone to hold me his arms were always there and open.his burning touch seared right throught me.he brings me the hottest
nights and the sweetest dreams.

He is the moon in my starry night sky he is the cool breeze on a warm summers each day comes and go'es my love grows.i am in love with an angel who stole my heart and changed my life.
I wrote this for my partner he helpped me throught a hard part of my life.he has always been there for me.
The day you died my heart broke life would never be the same.we faced everything together you were always there for me.

When most people gave up on me you told me not to tears filled my eyes you dried them away and made me smiled.

We could always talk about everything and that you are gone it dose not feel real this pain hurts so bad.

You were not just my mum you were my best your in heaven looking down on me i miss you so much.
secret meetings at midnight stealing kisses here and there.theres feelings are but they feel so right.

if we cross the line theres no way back.looking in your eyes i know that you don't care but i do.

please understand that this is not a can hurt believe me.

if we run away and never look back we risk losing it all.tell me that you want to take the risk. nothing will ever be the same hearts will be broken and lifes will be shatter.
sitting alone with a heavy heart looking over old photo's of you tears rolled down my could everything have changed so fast with out any warning.i storm into a fight not knowning what lay a head of me.seening the man you have become has broken my heart it cuts the deepest part of my soul.looking into your big beautiful green eyes all i can see is hate.your place is to be with me and love me like you use to.
walking a long the beach with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes your slipping away from me.we use to talk time never got in the way then when that gang rolled into town everything chance.

your heart has been filled with hate they made you promise that won't be kept.nothing last forever gangs come and go i've seen it happen so many times.

once this is all over please come home theres always a place here for you.i just want things to go back to the way that they use to be.

— The End —