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Kittridge James Nov 2012
Dim lights, comfy seats

Buttered popcorn and sweet treats

Quiet, It's starting
Kittridge James Oct 2012
It's one of those nights when I can't sleep,

you're appearing everywhere when I begin to count sheep

I think of your smile and my heart speeds,

I'm feeling erratic and neurotic as I clutch onto my sheets

Together we've committed the perfect crime,

I stole your heart and you stole mine,

you're my drug and I'm heavily addicted,

every syringe, every thin powdery white line;

all of it just puts me into a deeper addiction

You're the original sin,

Here I am shooting up again

I don't know if loving you this much is healthy,

But baby, I really don't give a ****

If your world comes crashing down,

I'll be here with tape to put it all back together

Everything will be fine now, just smile and hold my hand

You and I together can change the world.
Kittridge James Oct 2012
The voice that sends shivers down my spine; the one that is my world.
Her touch makes all of my nerves raw and live-wire.
She makes me fall harder with every breath she takes.
Every second that passes makes me anxious.

My heartbeat speeds up, my movements jittery and caffinated.
Every word I speak seems to come out jumbled.
I watch her closely, taking in every inch of her skin.
She's the most beautiful being i've ever seen.

When we're together, I feel invincible.
Her warm, hazel eyes warm the deepest places in my soul.
Her lips are my perfect incumbent.
She's the only one for me.
My one,
   My only,
      My Destinie.
Kittridge James May 2013
Buzzy and disoriented

Surreal and intangible

Semi-lucid stumbling

A nervous tick to

A gory mess

Dizzying with elapsing

time and continued

bleeding. Blurring the

thick lines of reality

Into oblivion
Kittridge James Nov 2012
You were never mine

Your eyes only hid secrets

It's better this way
Kittridge James Oct 2012
Look past her
tired eyes and
her plastic smile

Look past her
messy hair and
chipped nail polish

Look past her
teeming strength and
her scarred up arms

And you'll see
someone unwell and
broken inside

And you'll see
everything wrong and
nothing right

And you'll see
a courageous bravado and
a breaking facade

Look past her
everything and
you'll see

Only me.
Kittridge James Oct 2012
I know that

I'm awkward

and my every word

comes out a mess

I know that

I laugh too loud

and all I do

is hide behind my hair

All I want is

for you to see

something so clear

yet somehow so opaque
Kittridge James Feb 2013
I know you can't see

All of the broken porcelain

Shards of who I was

And who I wished to be

Your little girl

Is now falling to pieces

With every passing moment,

She searches for her release

Another day comes with

Another debilitating relapse

Another kiss of bloodied pain

From her only lasting friend

All she wants is just a little

**Trigger Warning**
Kittridge James Nov 2012
I'm screaming inside

My own head is a prison

Nothing turns out right
Kittridge James Nov 2012
Here lies the last piece

Of everything I ever

Hoped and thought I'd be
Kittridge James Oct 2012
We don't know what time we'll be there
But we won't show up till later
It will all look so much nicer
After all of us arrive

Promise me to pass the time
Dance with me on plastic tears
Kiss me We won't feel alone
Till morning when we disappear

Though we all want to be noticed
There's no need for competition
Cause there's just no way of knowing
Where the camera points tonight

Promise me to pass the time
Dance with me on plastic tears
Kiss me We won't feel alone
Till morning when we disappear

We don't listen to each other
Cause we're all too busy talking
We'll tell lies about each other
Cause the truth is such a bore
With the threat of dawn approaching
And our interest quickly fading
We will stumble home together
As we did the night before

Promise me to pass the time
Dance with me on plastic tears
Kiss me. We won't feel alone
Till morning when we disappear
Kittridge James Apr 2013
When you look at me,
Your brown eyes
somber and empty,
It makes me wonder
if it's my doing

When you shake in the
midnights and new dawns,
I can only hope
that I'm not the one
undoing what you're holding dear

I want to help you, beautiful,
with every piece of me.
Until then I'll shush you in slumber
and love you unconditionally
in your waking moments and long days
I know that radiant is spelled incorrectly. My partner's name is Rae and it's a cute play on words.
Kittridge James Nov 2012
Ravish me, oh love

the way your fingers

cascade through

my hair of raven feather

Enrapture me, oh love

don't let any fears or

apprehension stop your

exploring expedition

Hypnotize me, oh love

make me moan

and writhe underneath

your throbbing passion

Please me, oh love

don't hold anything back

Ravish me, oh love

I've been waiting for you
Kittridge James Jan 2013
Quiet girl

You are stronger

Than your biting

Urge for pain

Reclusive girl,

Just because

you know where it is

Doesn't mean necessary indulgence

Mindless girl,

With your broken

Heart and smile

You can pull through

Self- destructive girl,

You can handle

This strong urge

For a razorblade kiss
Kittridge James Dec 2012
Sometimes it's

Hard to tell

Where your

arms end and

where reality begins
Kittridge James May 2013
Snap, snap, wince
It's slowly coming
back into routine

Snap, snap, gasp
A room full of
milling people in
the muggy heat

Snap, snap, ouch
Always one too far
Now I remember this
gratifying therapy
Kittridge James Nov 2012
There's something about

The depth in your eyes and it

Makes  me feel scared
Kittridge James Mar 2013
Spring breeze

bombarded with

countless melodies

and sweet memories

Summer haze

dissipated with your

loving gaze

and everlasing days

Autumn air

the wind blows your

chesnut hair

and your last care

Winter cold

your smile,

brighter than gold

and it never gets old
Kittridge James Dec 2013
I can almost feel his scruffy chin brushing against my neck

I can hear his smokey voice grazing my outer ear

I feel his stalwart arms around my ribs

Five years from now, he'll transition into who

He has always been on the inside

He always meets the mirrors in his dreams when he's awake
Kittridge James Nov 2012
The shadows dancing

They always follow in stride

They consume it all
Kittridge James Nov 2012
My senses, all

completely deprived,

water surrounds me,

embracing my every curve

Serenity replaces all

of the residual tendrils

of unfitted rage,

and shying sanity

As my lungs

begin to shrivel

and my soul

fades to black

I'm sickly satisfied.
Kittridge James Dec 2012
The silence in the air
It's eerie and almost

There's many others
surrounding but
the silence remains
as profound as before

Even the sound of my
own breathing, my
source of life,


I close my eyes
and everything
that used to be

Was really never there
Kittridge James Apr 2013
He lustily wraps his
Unforgiving tendrils
'Round my willing mind
Here he comes again,
His tongue silver, cunning

He is my vice
He seduces my urges,
And encourages me,
To indulge in his
Hazy poison

Why are you being like this?
I can't explain to her
How he steadies
My freight train heart
And my fragile mind

His bite is all too
Familiar and comforting
Reminding me of
Bittersweet times,
Dwelling on the bitter

But something in me still
Just doesn't want to let him go
My little silver tongued- menace
I just can't stop
Letting his ghost

Gradually and damagingly,
Into my weakened lungs.
Kittridge James Oct 2012
Captivated simply by

a light

a sound

a movement

a breath

Motivated firmly by

a belief

a goal

a friend

a dream

All the progress
Torn down by




Followed by a razorblade
Kittridge James Nov 2012
They are coming out

The skeletons that I hide

I won't let them die
Kittridge James Oct 2012
Clear crystal blue
Marbled colours show
beneath the cascading
ripples of heaving sanity

A feather touch
quickly thrown into a
debilitating stab
that stops your breath

A blood curdling scream
Hummingbird heartbeat
Colour fading from fingertips
Finally some peace and quiet
Kittridge James Aug 2013
Slap me
Choke me
Bite me

Show me you own me
I am your property
Your ****

Spank me
Cane me
Violate me

Tease me
I'll please you
Kiss me once

I live to please you.
Kittridge James Nov 2012
Your smile

Warm and inviting

You're persuasive,

and I'm bending at your will

The presence in you eyes

draws me in closer to you

When they meet mine

and the colours mingle

Your strength is remarkable

I don't see any effort

as you lay me down

with a subtle smirk on your lips

We are becoming one

Wrought with passion and

dripping with a heavy lust

Look me in the eye

and don't quit smirking
Kittridge James Nov 2012
I inhale the smoke

And exhale the loneliness

Everything goes cold
Kittridge James Oct 2012
Come decorate the tree with me dear,

Pretend like we're the only ones here.

A tight embrace, this is my place.

Here in your arms is my favorite space.

The snow is falling on the icy ground,

The sound of carolers is all around.

Everyone leaves just you and me here.

Now it's our turn to spread the cheer.

This is your favorite time of year,

It isn't mine but you're here.

This smile on my face will last forever,

Just as long as we're together.

You make my heart sing a euphoric tune,

You take me out to dance under the snowy moon.

We laugh to the merry spirit of the season.

We're in love, that's the only reason.
Kittridge James Oct 2012
See how she smiles?
See how she laughs?
It seems I have misjudged,
It seems that I have lost.

His hand touches hers lightly,
she grasps his hand tightly.
It feels like I'm being torn apart
by watching this lovely scene.

They look so in love,
so enthralled with one another.
It seems like the fire I put out,
has been rekindled from spontaneous combustion.

At this point, I just need to let it go,
at this point, I need to let them be.
The fire between her and I
will never fully burn out.
Kittridge James Sep 2013
If there was a way,
I would hand you
Every moon and
Endless numbers
Of sweet nothings
Written on the stars

I love the curve of
Your smile to the curve
Where your neck
Meets you shoulders
And all your little things
In between

Your hazel eyes and
Your soft pink lips,
I love when the smoke
Puts you out and you
Talk in your sleep
I love to see your peace

My love, here we are
Against the unforgiving world
I will always hold you tight
I'll never leave your side
I know you feel you're broken
But I'll help you love you
Kittridge James Oct 2012
The stage was set, warm sandy beach under a blanket of overcast.
A smile takes over the frown that once existed.
I throw my arms to the sky, screaming to the world that you're mine.

You twist me around and tilt my chin up.
Our lips, the perfect incumbent.
Passion explodes around us as a ray of light illuminates
the space around us; the clouds have parted.

My heartbeat picks up and I hold tight to you.
The clouds close again as you watch me intently.
My muscles lock as if I was meant to hold you.

The stage was set, warm sandy beach under a blanket of overcast. The frown that once exsisted disappears
with the setting sun
Kittridge James Oct 2012
The old oak stands in a quiet clearing, covered in a blanket of grass and wildflowers.

A soft breeze rustles the ancient branches and makes the grass dance.

The peaceful serenity is broken by soft footsteps and bubbles of laughter.

Two lovers approach the old oak hand-in-hand.

The couple reflects the true meaning of contentment.

Their smiles radiate the warmth of the love between them.

They lay under the oak, huddled tight.

Together, entwined in the arms of one another,

The lovers slowly fade away…
Kittridge James Oct 2012
An unfortuate soul

blue lips and

glassy green eyes

Ashen skin and

a still heartbeat

A tightly bound noose

of dad's neckties

A pretty little body

limp and lifeless

The one she loved

cries at her feet

This is where

the tragedy sets in
Kittridge James Oct 2012
Terminally upset,

terminally emotional.

Plagued with multiple personalities,

Plagued with a desire to maintain

my last clutches of scarce sanity.

Brushes with a simple reclusive state,

Slowly but surely morph into

brushes with a razorblade.

Trying to escape myself,

Trying to find a safe haven.

Breaking out of my façade,

Breaking out of the asylum.

Screaming loud, with everything left in me,

Screaming loud, but I know

No one can hear me.

Crying out for her,

Crying out for help.

Falling out of my sorrows,

Falling out of tomorrow.

The world growing increasingly violent,

The world growing eerily silent.

Seeing the cruelness in my last breaths,

Seeing the shards of pain in the shattered mirror.

Suddenly, a pale hand zips the body bag that holds me,

Suddenly, my vision fades to white.

Gently, the music of mourning begins to play,

Gently, my coffin in lowered into the ground.
Kittridge James Nov 2012
Friendship never dies

I can always promise that

I ******* love you
Kittridge James May 2013
Never in my life
Have a set of hazel
brown irises brought
me to my knees
faster than hers can
Kittridge James Oct 2012
Your staind glass eyes
Your tears so colourful
My broken swords
My deteriorating armour

You feel like you're all alone
I feel that I can help you
Your being is torn in two
I have a needle and thread

You and I could be something
You and I could love again
I could be yours
You could be mine

We can be us once again
Kittridge James Nov 2012
Here in the valley,

Dreams are broken to pieces

In this sleepy town
Kittridge James Oct 2012
As the blood drips off of her knuckles,

All she can do is smile.

Her heartbeat is going at the speed of light,

Her victim doesn't appear to be conscious.

As she tries to regain her aloof composure,

All her hands do is shake.

Her face is locked in a satisfied smirk,

Her violent fix has been met.

As her victim bleeds from the face,

All she can do is worry about her knuckles being stained.

Her knuckles are split open severely,

Her smirk hasn't left.

As she washes her ****** hands,

All everyone did was stare.

Her mind is racing with emotion,

Her mood is full of pride.

She didn't want to have to hurt her,

But it was simply meant to happen.

Now, her blood was spilled,

Now all she can do is beam.
Kittridge James Oct 2012
Noble warrior

covered with dust

He doesn't dare to

let you see him sweat

Persistent warrior

with wounds severe

He puts up a smirk

to fool our minds

Passionate warrior

with eyes fixed on target

His gun steadily aimed

a moment frozen

Victorious warrior

with a triumphant grin

Formidable opponent to ashes

His heart is right again
Kittridge James Nov 2012
I will not tell you

How I truly feel inside

It shows my weakness
Kittridge James Oct 2012
Tears are streaming down my face.

My breath isn't coming easy.

Am I dying? Is anyone hearing my sobs?

I'm sitting here, not seeing anything in front of me.

Where have they gone? Why am I alone?

Rain is hitting the room of this small house.

The wind is howling through the windows.

I'm feeling unsettled and sick.

Blood is running down my wrists.

My razor is sharpening with every fatal swoop.

My eyes are getting swollen from crying so much.

I'm finding myself wanting to end it all.

It's raining harder now, no one would be finding any of my blood.

My silencing should come as no surprise.

Where is my angel when I need her? What is flying above me?

This bright blue light is shimmering above me.

It's beginning to make curious.

Hands begin drying my tears.

Soft kisses are landing on my cheeks.

Here is my angel, she is materializing.

It is appearing to me now, I was dying.

This is the point where I'm fading away.
Kittridge James Oct 2012
I can see it

Hiding behind your eyes

I can hear it

Buzzing in my ears

I can feel it

Warming my soul

But please forgive me

For I am only worried
Kittridge James Nov 2012
The number thirteen

Permanently burned into

Every memory
Kittridge James Oct 2012
Your eyes smile
My heart sings

Your arms like tree limbs
My roots grow weaker

Your skin like velvet
My face red as dawn

Your smile is warming
My soul responding

Your heart
My heart
melding together

— The End —