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Baby the way you touch me drives me crazy,
Baby the way your breath feels on my shoulders takes me to new highs,
Baby the way you make me feel is unbelievable,
Baby the way your body moves makes me wild,
Baby the way you look is indescribable,
Baby the way your hair looks after a rough night,
Baby the way your voice cracks when you get nervous,
Baby the way you get nervous when you around me,
Baby the way you look after we have some fun,
Baby the way you complain about being bruised after I take advantage,
Baby the way you walk around my house in just a baggy tee and underwear,
Baby the way your eyes flicker around when your just going to sleep,
Baby the way your lips seem to always meet mine at the right time,
Baby the way you get embarrassed about your body when I love it,
Baby the way your legs always entangle with mine,
Baby the way you cuddle with me while we both sleep,
Baby the way you stand around and watch me puts me on edge,
Baby the way you feel about the things i say makes me love you more,
Baby the way you love me is the greatest in all ways.
Baby I love you.
We are having a big white wedding,
I can't believe it,
We are so ever happy,
I don't believe it.

I look out to the decorated pavilion,
And I see all the white decorations,
It's too white,
It was too ******* white.

There was something I could do,
I needed to add colour,
I needed the depth of colour,
It had to be red.

The things I sought for were not hard,
The things I found were quite useful,
I went and found you,
You were in the garden hidden away.

You found her again,
After I told you she had to be gone,
She saw me first,
That probably wasn't the best.

I went up to you first,
And pulled out a six inch blade,
I put it to your throat,
And I hear you whimper in pain.

She tries to back away in fear,
I pull a gun on her,
She suddenly stops,
And the both of you just stare at me.

"What's wrong babe?" I say to you,
"Are you getting cold feet?" I say,
"What the **** were you thinking hunny?",
"Didn't think I'd find out did you?".

You just stare at me,
Eyes filled with fear,
Just looking at you exploded anger within me,
You had to be taken care of.

I turned to her,
She was terrified,
She had no idea what I was capable of,
Neither did I but I was about to find out.

The roses in the garden we were sanding in,
Happened to be white,
But they were about to change colour,
They were about to become blood red.

First I shot her in the head,
It blew backwards and covered the roses,
Next I took my knife closer to your neck,
I got real close to your face and looked into your eyes.

Your eyes looked empty and filled with fear,
I said "Are you ready for this?",
"Are you ready to die?",
He just looked at me with fear in his eyes.

I took my knife and dug it into his throat,
His beautiful dark red blood sprayed everywhere,
It was all over the roses and my white dress,
I couldn't have been happier.

I walked over were the entire crowd was,
Were it was the brightest,
It had to be changed,
It had to be covered in their blood.

I walked down the aisle,
Everyone was gawking at me,
I decided to be civil with these people,
So I turned and shot every single one of them.

I looked around and saw the gorgeous colour,
The colour of life,
The colour of death,
The best colour ever created.

I was a quick shooter,
So it took merely two minutes,
Two minutes for forty people,
Those forty people were including my family and his.

As I saw the blood splattered chairs,
And the splattered carpets,
All the blood covered bodies,
And the now red piano.

I dropped the gun that was in my hand,
Turned and just stood there,
I just stood there in the silence,
And looked out to all those empty chairs.

I walked to the beginning of the aisle,
Grabbed my bouquet that was now red,
And started walking,
I walked through the blood puddles and head pieces.

I reached the end of the aisle,
Where the priest laid dead,
And I turned and faced him,
And said "I do.".
In the cemetery
That's where I want to be
In the cemetery
That's the place for me

O' I would sit there for hours
Reading the stones
Up in the towers
Finding the bones

At the mausoleums
And by the crypt
People from the coliseum
With blood that dripped

Corpses of all kinds
Up and down those rows
It all blew my mind
What this place could show

It had intense beauty
Like the days of gray
Even if the trees are sooty
Out by the bay

I have been there
Since who knows when
I just hope my last breath of air
Was not slandered within

I remember the days
When I was with him
But everything went up in a blaze
And he turned grim

I fell into the sea one day
Off the long pier
Too far from the bay
This water here was awfully clear

I hit a rock on my way down
I could tell from the blood
This was the day I did drown
And sunk into the mud

He wanted to find me
And give me a proper burial
Instead of leaving me in the sea
Of this Cuban place, Mariel

He took me back to my home
A small town in Maine
In our house filled with tomes
His colour started to drain

He brought me to this cemetery
The one I would always go to
It was my favorite cemetery
The one I had to bid Adieu

My grave reads: "Here lies Edgar Polanski.
He lies here in peace.
Always loved and always will be.
Died September 16th 1928 at age 37."
Cannibalistic killers
Can at least claim
They were simply trying to sustain
On unconventional prey
It's no different than the bush meat trade
What makes you better than a Gorilla?
To me or a cannibalistic killer,
You look pretty tasty...
I'd eat you in a heartbeat.
My soul is like a dancer
moving through life, graceful;
spinning only in the storming of the wind.
Fleeing flying floating, I make it all look easy,
though the pain inside is my most faithful friend.
A good pirouette makes the whole world soon forget
that I am not as well as I would seem...

My soul is like a dancer,
lost inside the music.
Must it always be a song in minor key?
Come and dance beside me, brighten up the music.
Don't you know that you're the only one I need?

Oh yes, you're the one.
You are the only one.
I knew, before I knew, that I could dream.
To long for, to sigh for
to live for and die for,
till all the lights on the stage burn away,
My Love.
Stabbed in the back,
but you feel no pain.
You're pushing
but they always push back.
They leave you speechless
with your mouth wide open.
You want to speak the truth
but it sits there; words unspoken.
You're running to where He is,
but you will never get there.
Aching for their words
but they always leave you guessing.
Wondering what's next,
what's coming around the corner.
It's one step forward
then three steps back.
They keep you fighting and on your toes.
A circular path in which you can never move forward.
But you will find your way.

— The End —