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Kirk Thomas Jul 2010
On the ragged crumbling cliffs of sanity
I stand, shaking with torment
Both hands clasp my head
As I look up to the black sky
Eyes wide with no focus
A dark star shines in them like polished obsidian
Mouth gaped hideously open in a toneless scream
Heavy cumulonimbus hang in the black
Displaying their strength with blinding flashes
And loud rumbling roars of thunder
I teeter on the edge, as it crumbles
Beneath my feet.
I want to let go and just fall
Simply fall into insanity
Let it sweep me into it's core
Devour my knowledge of anything else
I look into the abyss of insanity
A humid heavy mist
Whirls and swirls in a downward spiral
Beckoning me to take flight
And follow into it's depths
The wind pushing at my back
As if urging me on with a forceful nudge
My tattered clothing flails and waves
Like makeshift flags in the gust
The edge recedes some more
I lose footing and slip
My first instinct to catch myself
Then giving in to the forces within
I fall
Accepting my fate, I turn in the air
Face downwards and swan dive
Turning counter clockwise
Three feet from the cylindrical walls
With arms outstretched
I relish the rush
Velocity hitting my face hard
I force a rebellious grin
Speeding deeper into the abyss
Like a black bird of prey
Diving for salvation
No turning back
Not even a look back
From where I came
Suddenly my flight becomes floating
I see demonic creatures
Holding my extremities in their claws
Escorting me down to the core
They touch me down lightly
Then flutter and climb out of view
I walk through a short cavernous tunnel
Out through the opening
A huge bonfire stands towering before me
There's movement at its base
Hundreds of bodies dancing around it
A chanting fills the air
And I know with every ounce of me
I have reached the core of madness
© Copyrighted Kirk Thomas 2010/02/13
Kirk Thomas Jul 2010
Teeth bared like sharp ivory knives
Tonight one of us loses our lives
Eyes glowing a bright neon green
Snarls in the dark show you are evil and mean

I'm blinded by the darkness of night
You best me with the power of night sight
I rely on all other senses possessed
To get me out of the dark and this mess

Eligos and Dantalion have changed guise
Botis and Abalam show how wise
As demonic tricks come into view
I strain my eyes while watching you

The Devil's henchmen due his will
Within the blackened night sky chill
Mathim, Beelzebub, Forneus and Labal
Have been summoned to terrorize all

Incubus, Halphas, Gremory and Ipos
Hover in the mist of night so close
Gusion, Astaroth, Caim and Beleth
Conjure up ways to seal your death

Beasts in the night trolling the skies
With visions of hell burning in their eyes
Patrolling and searching for the evil souls
That were destined to become Satan's coals
© Copyrighted Kirk Thomas 2010/03/03
Kirk Thomas Jul 2010
Follow the invious paths of my mind
Overshadowed by oaks of insecurity
Step not into shadow's darkness
For those paths are still unchartered
Go by the grace of your God
Pray your protection be withstanding
What lies ahead may be disturbing
Should you quench your desire
To probe further
Let me offer a standardized warning
"Contents may be unsuitable to some viewers."
With all your senses
Placed on high alert
Stay on the paving stones!
Enter knowing you have been warned!
High pitched screams of despair
Flow through the air like wingless birds
While the pave stones float in a thick river of blood
Deformed anomalies of bodies parade in fields of dying brown grass
Playing instruments to the tune of the screaming
Mixed breed animals devour one another
Between minutes of giving birth
Washing down their meal by sipping at the river
Thunder roars intermittently
As lightning strikes unsuspecting souls
Leaving charred, black, smoldering zombies roaming
This infinite land
A drawn out cackling of a deranged hyena hybrid
Splits the air and is heard over the thunder and screams
Resonating over and over again upon straining ears
As he sits and looks up at a blood red moon
The aroma of half eaten carcasses
Acrid and powerful causing eyes to tear
And nose to burn as if dipped in sulphuric acid
Creating the feel of skin peeling off flesh
As the cool wind causes irritation
To exposed flesh, you scratch and rub
Vigorously rubbing away your existence
Until you no longer think of staying on the path
Stumbling, agitated, confused and unwillingly
Into the fields, tripping over bony remains
Of explorers before you
© Copyrighted Kirk Thomas 2009/12/09

— The End —