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Kira Schaub Mar 2014
I view through tainted windows. The beauty that can be shown through actions. The one thing everyone yearns for. The one thing that can override almost anything in this world, love. A small touch, a twinkle in an eye, a minuscule gesture.

You blink away the tears. You can't be seeing this. You can't be seeing your dream.
Kira Schaub Mar 2014
My body slowly unravels as your. Fingertips slowly guide themselves toward my waist. I sink into your chest letting go of all my worries all my problems. Gone. The tingling sensation begins in my toes and warms it's way up to meet your hands. I shiver in your arms. Sighing, I close my eyes to revel in this one moment. My heart begins to race, pulse rate spiking. Shallow breathing. I sag to the floor, breaking into pieces. I shatter as I hit it. Lost, forgotten, I. Was just a dream. An imaginary figure for you to use whenever you choose. The sad thing is I will sit in this corner waiting for your affection. I want to please you in every way possible. I want to be the center of your world. Alas, it is not my place.

— The End —