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Jun 2014 · 277
Lucky Brand You
Kinu Jun 2014
The last time I wore these jeans you were also inside of them and I don't know how I feel about wearing history on my hips that you'd rather not remember.
Nov 2013 · 533
Dear Future Husband
Kinu Nov 2013
I would like to just apologize in advance
because I know that I will just be a freaking joy,
to be married to.
I am a slob and I know that you are a little bit OCD
Plus I hate cleaning so, sorry.
Darling if we grow up and get married
AND have the jobs that we both want I know for a fact that I'll tell people, "My husband's an engineer"
they'll ask, "What type?"
And I'll have no idea.
Hopefully we'll eat dinner every night because I really don't enjoy cooking and
You probably won't want to eat what I make anyway because it won't have any meat.
I am so sorry that there will be some days where I won't want to get out of bed, and there will be some days I'll want to stay out till the sun comes up.
I'm sorry that I'm going to drag you to the tattoo shop to hold my hand, even though you don't really like tattoos.  
I'm sorry that I'm probably going to want to work and live in a big city even though you hate that idea so much
I'm sorry for my skin, because it's awful and I will buy a million products to try and correct it.
I am sorry that I will let my mental illness defeat me some days, and I'm sorry that's another thing we have in common.
I'm sorry my past wasn't perfect because that is what you deserve.
I want to apologize for a million things that I will bring into our future marriage .
I want to apologize for the bad times, and the sickness that we're mostly likely going to face.
But I will never apologize for choosing you and for loving you more than anything in this world.
Jan 2013 · 381
A ripped-off sonnet
Kinu Jan 2013
Shall I compare you to a winters day?
You are more bright than a fresh coat of snow
You lay your steps lighter than the snowflakes
And bring to me more joy than any St. Nick

You have a warmth often found by the fire
Increase the love that comes with  the advent
Take care in the holiest of all nights
And always gift me with a soft surprise

Our winters break it seems is much to short
So few stolen moments that warm my heart
     Winter may have Christmas and the New Year
     But all year your love fills my hear with cheer.
Nov 2012 · 623
Kinu Nov 2012
apples and oranges
are what you've given me
I am in misery
and for the life in me
what do I do that is right or wrong?

I'm hanging on every word
from everywhere
that I can hear
there and here
just what will you say next?

my ears, heart, and eyes are open
searching for words unspoken
why is it unclear to me
what am I missing here?
what am I missing, dear?
what am I doing here?

I'm thinking up every time
and every line
to say to you
the future is mine
so what am i to do?
would someone tell me what to do?

— The End —