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205 · Aug 2018
Arturo Acordon Aug 2018
What is this thing that I feel in my heart?
Everytime I see you I always blushed
And no matter what I'm doing I have to halt
Is this very first thing I feel a sign of crush?

Ah! This feeling is always bothering me
And I feel that I have lost myself.
What's this strange thing that you brought me?
It's like a disease that even doctors can't help.

My friends figured that I'm insane
'Cause everything in me has changed,
I'm like a dog that has been trained
To watch you out but locked in chains.

I think I've talked to you in dreams
And I seem to know you very well
But when we see each other it seems,
I'm always trapped in a spell.

I think this feeling is very queer
This must be love I feel it strong
And If it's really love then tell me dear
Is falling in love wrong?
169 · Aug 2018
Arturo Acordon Aug 2018
In my deep slumber I met a girl,
A young damsel named Mary Anne,
A phantom face that is so bare,
With many ornaments she had none;
A countenance that's fair and free,
Gleamed through my golden memory.

Her body flutters the zephyr blown
And Anne dances sprightly in the mist,
Upon my head that's once forlorn
She filled it up with a perennial bliss;
My failing heart in love's malady
Is now beating fast with glee.

Suddenly Anne took my hands so wan
"Come with me" she said with diffidence,
"Yes I'll go with you" I answered Anne
While looking at her eyes with deference;
And then we started the journey straightway
We've come through different valleys and bays.

We took a stop over a cozy hill,
And we glide in the air while looking down a stream,
We gazed at each other with thrill
And we share each other's hopes and dreams;
And then we took a beeline for home
Where I've first seen the Mary Anne I've known.

Mary Anne is ideal in all aspect
She has the qualities I've long prospect,
With reason's firm and moderate will
Discipline, endurance, industry, honesty and skill;
A fair noble lady with angelic deed
Accessories and ornaments she not need.

Anne said to me " the inevitable hour has come"
The moon beams are gone and the sun is up,
I have to leave you now and see you soon
Again, I shall see you till the rising of the moon;
And my fairy just disappeared in a wink
Consequently, my startled eyes have blinked.

I arose from my bed and went through the lea
To think over the memories of my Mary and me,
I want the sun from the east to be at once at west
'Cause a day without Anne is all but a mess;
If only I could turn the world around,
I shall gladly do it to see my Mary Anne.

At last the long, lonesome day turned to eve
And the high tide from the sea has ebbed,
The moon from the blue sky has shined
But my charming Mary Anne did'nt come;
All I have now are memories of her in my mind
But I hope, her qualities in mortals I shall find.
144 · Aug 2018
Arturo Acordon Aug 2018
A child for me is a God's seedling
A being plant-like that's newly sprung in spring.
It needs good soil, food and fertilizer
Water, sunlight and proper care:
From parasites it should be free,
For it to grow strong, pliant and healthy.

As time passed by the season change
Summer has come there aint no rains,
The trees were exposed to the hot rays of the sun
Summer is a trial for them to overcome;
Some trees remain blooming with thick foliage
Others wither but have fight till the last.

Some have managed to have some healthy fruits
Others cant even sip a drop of water from their roots,
Some have given up because of the drought,
Others are pallid and remain stagnant from growth;
Some trees are carefree 'cause water they stored
Others are jocund in company cause preparation they wrought.

As summer passed the autumn comes
So all the trees have to change at once
Some are ready from whatever may befall
All of them knew that their leaves will fall;
It's gonna be a hardship for one and all
But they have to struggle and face an autumn toil.

Some trees can't make it, their trunks were bent
Others so careworn and some even lament.
Some tried to make it with all their might
Hoping someday they'll see the light;
And so the trees sticked with their fight
Ready to face anything till the end of the night.

And the night is over the winter dawn breaks
Over the trees trunk fall the snowflakes
The thin barked ones quivered in chill
The amply covered ones remain standstill;
The weather's just the same to those adapted
But to the tyro, a lot of coat they added.

Some have in their trunks a rock of snow
How they're gonna handle it? They don't know.
Some sturdy trees offered their help
To their needy neighbors who yelp for help;
Some sturdy trees even refuse a lending hand
But they never did see the rising of the sun.

When winter is over, welcome the birth of spring
And all of the trees have waxed one annual ring,
In their new birth, they long to zoom
They wanna have some buds for sumner bloom;
All of them yearn for summer boons
Hoping they will survive lots of autumns.

To some trees life's a blessing, to some a bane
And most of them have waxed and waned
Life is an up and down motion it's a law
It's a rule that every tree will follow;
There is a time for reverly, a time for grief
It's not alone for pleasure that we live.
I wrote this to compare human life to the trees and how they are symbiotically dependent on each other. Hope to inspire a lot to pursue life to its fullest whatever circumstances they have. Never give up!
134 · Aug 2018
A Tree...
Arturo Acordon Aug 2018
If God would only let me be
A tree that lives in the forestry,
Then I can help prevent the flood
That buries farmlands with thick mud.
I can help absorb the rain
And crystal rivers will flow again.

If God would only let me be
A tree that lives in the forestry,
Then I can preserve the mountains view
And make its breast a verdant hue.
Upon my hair the birds will rest
And beneath my knees, a tired hunter can rest.

God can also make me a tree
That dwells right in the heart of a city,
A city where people almost choke
Of the machines emissions of deadly smoke.
My leaves will clean the air they breath
And make their habitat fresh and sweet.

My roots will give the flood no path.
My arms will cover you if the sun is too hot.
My flowers will give you an enchanting smell
And my fruits will give you something to eat or sell.
A tree, I will remain, that is my wish,
But please take care of me and don't let me be abolished.
117 · Aug 2018
Arturo Acordon Aug 2018
It's now my turn to try
The test we would all take
It's time for me to fly my wings and fly
To pursue the journeys I will make

Lord through these journeys I pray
That every light I need I'll find
Give me all what I need each day
A fitted body, a pure heart and keen mind.

Give me the strongest of emotions
But make them soft if it need be
Show me the way in all my motions
That I may tread your will and glory.

One thing more o Lord I wish
To thank you and everybody who cared
For me and my beloved and Lord please
Let their sacrifices be paid.

Now Lord I cannot ask for more
You have furnished me with all I need
You showed me how to do it all
You are so great and mighty indeed!

— The End —