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4.8k · Dec 2016
The Fight for Visibility II
Kimberly L Piper Dec 2016
Today, in Bisexuality-"Pick a sided!"
Why should we? We have the right to-
"Shut up!"

Today, in Bisexuality-"Men can't be Bisexual!"
Yes, they can be, and-

Today, in Bisexuality- "Top 17 List of Gay Celebs!"
Bisexual Celebs have been listed as gay or lesbian. If you could, please-
"We said what we said!"

Today, in Bisexuality- "**** gay marriage! You, people, are gross!"
Then, avert your eyes. And, it's called same-*** marriage for a reason. I'm Bisexual and when you don't acknowledge that you erase-

Today, in Bisexuality- "Y'all say Y'all like girls, but always marry men. It's so stupid!"
Did you ever stop to think it's because Queer women isolate and shun us? Did you ever stop to think most of us are fearful of coming out because we have to deal with Biphobia and always defending-
"******* *****!"

Today, in Bisexuality- "Bisexuality isn't real!"
But, but, but, it's called LGBTQ because the B stands for-
"You are just confused and experimenting!"
But, I'm the B in LGBTQ and-
"Go **** yourself!"


I feel the cold. I'm forced in the void.
We don't have a voice. We are being destroyed.
Abused. Battered. Shunned. Lost.
You ignore our needs, and our lives are the cost.

No funding. No help. No representation.
We are the ******* children of a silent nation.
We ask for help and organizations wait for our week.
We aren't asking for much. It's Visibility we seek.

Using your voice is free. Make noise on your platform every day and night.
We aren't going away. For Visibility, we fight!
Dedicated to ALL members of the Bisexual Community. I love you!
Kimberly L Piper Sep 2012
How do you say, "Thank you," to someone who saved your life?
No, no, no..........let's get it right!
I was dead and gone.
I was 2 seconds from being burried deeper than most while life carried on.
I was about to decompose and be a feast for the worms.
I was a walking corpse in no other terms.
And then, she spoke to me and raised me from the dead.
I saw the light in her and followed it instead.

I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote, "Confessions of Him".
Suddenly, life surged! And I could stay afloat and swim.
If not for her this place would have made me a zombie in tomb .
No way to express myself, but, with her light my body was exhumed.
I could hardly sleep placing pen to paper.
The flood gates were opened and the words made me feel safer.
Medora had stolen all my energy and light.
I didn't know a place could make you give up your will to fight.

You'll know her when you see her.
Her beauty will never fade.
She glows in the distance like a lighthouse in a storm.
And up close she is blinding, but, its comforting and warm.
Her voice is like music and her smile makes you think of ****.
Yea! She's that GREAT and fills you with delight.
Her laugh is free and hearty.
Her skin is rosey with flecks of white.

Her hair is a flame.
I have to say, "Thank You," and share her name.
Kayla, you were the fresh drink I needed.
Without you knowing I heard your words and heeded.
I am alive again!
Writing feels too good to be true!
The only way I know to say, "Thank You," is to immortalize you.
I wrote you this poem so I will never forget.

I want the world to know I owe you a debt.
You reminded me that words were a natural part of my soul.
And, to deny that I would always be half and never whole.
So, I ask the world to join me at my imaginary gala.
Hold up your glasses in a toast to the AMAZING Kayla!
Keep letting your fire burn because your flames ignited my oil well.
"Thank you," for saving me! From loneliness. From hate.
From Medora. From HELL.
I wrote this poem for Kayla Anne Schneider. Through her poetry, honesty and openess I was resurrected. This is my Thank You to her. May the inspiration she gave me live forever through this poem. And maybe this poem can inspire the creative you to live your dreams and let your fire burn.
4.2k · Sep 2012
Thoughts: Inside my Head II
Kimberly L Piper Sep 2012
I stand there and smile and check them in
I answer all of their stupid questions with a pleasant grin
8 hours of this then I'll be free
None of these people care how they treat me
Their snotty and rude and make a mess
I've never behaved this way while being a hotel guest
They turn up their nose's and spend money all week
Then when it comes to the bill they want to be cheap
A discount here a discount there
And when I say, "No", they grit their teeth and stare
They yell loud and scream like I will bend or cry
Thanks to the survellience camera I have an alibi
In my head I start to wonder
"Isn't this the guest that asked for a plunger?"
"He's complained about the food and our lovely staff."
"He's dissing our lamps and even our town maps."
"Then he comes to the front desk to fuss and cuss."
"He's pointing his fingers and having a fit."
"Yuk! He's talking so fast his mouth is collecting spit."
I decided that was it I had enough
Working in the service industry is tough
But all I could do was stand there and smile
And this is what played in my head all the while
When people start to scream and shout
This is what I do to tune them out...............

This is a test of the Emergency ******* System.
This is only a test
*insert sound here
3.3k · Sep 2012
Kimberly L Piper Sep 2012
No one is listening

i scream
i shout
i cry

No one is listening...........So i do it inside

i do it in silence

Balance on the rope
YOU can do it they shout
Hold it all together
YOU can do it they shout
YOU can do it they shout
Count grains of sand
YOU can do it they shout
Tap dance on the ceiling
YOU can do it they shout
YOU can do it they shout

Trapped in darkness that only i can see
Trapped with pain and misery
Fever and sadness course through my veins
i'm living a life with others at the reins
The sun light trickles in
But only darkness lays on my skin
There is no air around me

i can't breathe..........i can't be

When i express these things i am told its not ok
People expect me to be happy everyday
i'm expected to smile and laugh
i'm expected to glow and shine
People are uncomfortable when i vent and whine

i scream
i shout
i cry

No one is listening.................So i do it inside

i do it in silence

3.0k · Oct 2012
Brain Drain
Kimberly L Piper Oct 2012
Spalshes of blue
Bursts of pink
Dapplings of red
The smell of the ocean
The taste of ice cream
A song that makes me smile
I'm singing
I'm dancing
I'm falling

I'm running
I'm swimming
Its the Renaissance
Tumbleweeds blow by
It's Christmas
It's July
I'm happy
I'm content
I'm scared
I'm laughing

Then he's there
Holding me
Devouring me
Setting me on fire with his passionate kiss
Sometimes he's an actor
Sometimes he's a fireman or a soldier
Other times he's a knight, a lawyer, an architect or race car driver
And, he's always mine

He's tall
He's short
He's fit
He's stout
Tonight he has no face
But I remember his smile
I know his voice

We go surfing
It's bright out
The sun is warm
I'm on horseback
I'm driving a fast car
My friends are laughing
They are dancing
They are acrobats
We are at a party
We ice skate
We fight
There's an explosion
It's bright.......bright.......bright

My eyes have opened
I am awake.....or am I?

Everything here is smeared in hues of gray and blotches of black
I laugh and it doesn't sound real
I don't dance
I don't sing
I don't swim
And he's not here
I can barely capture his voice
I vaguely remember his smile
There is no great adventure
There is no great love

Is this real?
Or is this plain version of life the dream?
I am nothing here
I am no one here

I look at the clock longing to go home
Longing for my life
Longing to wake up from this terrible dream filled with gray
I want to return to my splashes of blue
His smile
And the warmth of a new adventure
I long for life
2.7k · Sep 2012
Happily Ever After
Kimberly L Piper Sep 2012
I do understand today is your day
I do feel perhaps you should get your way
I do need to tell you though you are being awfully rude
I do think you need to change your attitude
I do not appreciate how you spoke to me or the staff

I do think you look silly yelling and bobbing your neck like a giraffe
I do care that you made your own mom cry
And here is the part where I don't get why
You didn't need to run around banging your fists on your chest like a gorilla
You just gave a new meaning to the word Bridezilla
I work in a hotel at the front desk. I am always hoping I get the day off when there is a wedding. Brides can be the worst! The way they talk to family, friends and the hotel staff is ridiculous. They don't plan properly or ask the right questions and then want to chew everyones head off when it doesn't go their way. And when there are 2 weddings in one day like it was yesterday.......JUST DUCK AND COVER lol!
2.4k · Jul 2016
The Fight for Visibility I
Kimberly L Piper Jul 2016
I don't see myself on tv
I don't see myself in magazines
I don't see myself in books
I don't see myself in my community

They say I can't love her
They say I can't love him
They say I don't love them
They make jokes
They shun

Going through a phase

Trying it out
Not sure of what you want
You'll change your mind
You aren't inclusive
That's what they say to me

It's not true
None of it
Any of it
All of it

My truth
The truth
The only truth
The absolute truth

I can love her
I can love him
I can love them
It doesn't mean I like everyone I see
It means I'm just being me

Bisexual in the past
Bisexual today
Bisexual tomorrow
Bisexual forever

Stop erasing me
Revised 2/16/17
2.4k · Sep 2012
Kimberly L Piper Sep 2012
I kneel before you though you are no God
I give you my shame, lonliness, hopelessness and pain
You take it all with no argument, no hesitation and no judgement

When I kneel before you I feel the world staring down upon me; disappointed and accusitory
What would they say if they saw me in these moments?
The world, friends, family.......what would they say?
I can't stop spending time with you though I have tried

Unfortunately, it only takes a thought
It use to be harder to give it all to you
Forcing myself to bare those things to use to be so hard
Now it is easy! And I hate myself for it.

To keep myself sane, to keep it all inside, I run my tongue across my gums to feel the missing molars, the hole in the bicuspid, the degraded bicuspid and think in my head......
"Fight the urge. Fight the urge. Fight the urge to kneel and purge."

I go silent. I go numb.
I beat it, I hope, at least for today
But, I see you and feel the need to give it all to you
And in that moment I am beautiful, or, at least I hope to be

I made the mistake of listening to society
They told me to be the way they dictate on tv, in magazines, on billboards, and bus signs and newspapers and the radio
I tried because they said it wasn't ok to be me
To just be me
I wasn't enough
Why can't I be enough?

Thoughts. Thoughts. Thoughts! It's too easy!

I kneel before you though you are no God
I give you my shame, lonliness, hopelessness and pain
You take it all with no arguments no hesitation and no judgement

"Fight the urge. Fight the urge. Fight the urge to kneel and purge."

                                                        ­                      FLUSH!!!!!!!
1.7k · Sep 2012
Wounds I
Kimberly L Piper Sep 2012
I pulled the veil off my soul
I opened a window and let out the smoke
I took a hammer and smashed the mirrors
I took a step from the darkness and reached for the light
I attempted to live
I attempted to be
And love retreated

Do I shackle myself back to the the the dark?


Do I continue to reach from the dark.......reach for the light........and find happiness?

One thing I am most certain

If I choose to keep writing or choose to stop..........I lose
I will lose myself......lose myself........lose myself in the words

I will lose them........lose him........lose her.........lose all........lose none

I've never chose me before and I am tired of being lost
With a heavy heart and fear of loss I say:

to none

I am tired of bumping around in the darkness basking for a brief moment in someone elses light
Stay or go is not my choice


Take me as I
here is the door

Good-bye to you
Hello to *ME
1.6k · Aug 2016
Natural Me
Kimberly L Piper Aug 2016




I look in the mirror and I do not like what I see
My hair is broken, unhealthy and destroyed
I tried to fit in
I wanted to fit in

She, my mother, didn't know how to manage my wild tresses
She, my mother, didn't know how to love my wild mane
She, my mother, didn't teach me how to embrace me
She, my mother, became a victim of society
She, my mother, then taught it to me

Self love
Self care
Time to accept me and take care of my hair

I'm making a return to my roots and to that kid
I big chopped Ya'll
Yes, I did
I embraced myself and all that is


In love
In awe

Natural me
1.5k · Sep 2012
Kimberly L Piper Sep 2012
I plan to have a lazy day.

I start by waking up and stretching.
I push my body into my comfy mattress and smile.
It feels good to lay around and feel the sun from my small window on my face.
It's a lovely day out. I smile again.
Then my feet hit the floor and the day begins.
So, right after I:

Shower-------get dressed
Wash the Dishes
Clean my bedroom
Clean my bathroom
Mop the Kitchen floor
Do 4 loads of laundry
Pick up some groceries
Put them away
Take out the trash
Then prepare a weeks worth of lunches to take to work...........

I plan to have a lazy day.
1.4k · Jul 2016
The Waiting Room
Kimberly L Piper Jul 2016
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap
Flip, flip, stop, flip, flip, flip
Yawn, stretch, yawn, stretch

Tap tap, tap tap, tap tap,
Tick tick tick, tick tick tick, tick tick tick
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock
Flip, flip, flip, flip, flip
Yawn, stretch, yawn, strecth
Tap tap tap, tap tap tap, tap tap tap

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap
Flip, flip, stop, flip, flip, flip
Yawn, stretch, yawn, stretch
1.3k · Sep 2012
Confessions of Him
Kimberly L Piper Sep 2012
I wrote you a letter that you will never see
I wrote how I feel about you and how you treat me
I talked about my love for you and all the wonderful things you do
I said how I feel apologized and told you I would deal
I talked about your smell, your voice and your face
I talked about how special it is you invited me to this place
I mentioned how you can be kind and warm.....eventually gettin' around to the part where I'm torn
I wrote about how you are blind and don't allow your heart to see
I put emphasis on how you confusingly treat me
Your silly *** likes them short, blonde and dumb so you and I are seen as chums
I'm the best thing you'll never want and the treasure you'll always ignore
I'm destined to watch you choose wrong and bed ***** after *****
It was the most truth I've ever written telling you how I'm in love and smitten
I'll never let you see it because its already torn up and destroyed
Soon I will be gone taking my feelings and burrying them in the void
I'd rather have you this way than no way at all
Thats why I have to leave this place so I won't continue to fall and fall
You certainly don't deserve me if you can't see me for who I am
God didn't make me to be a stupid girl who is rail thin
We could have it all but you don't like a girl with curves and bends
Even though you treat me like a wife, a lover and gem you will never let me be more than just a friend
I wrote this poem about my best guy friend. Even if he never feels the same way for me I know how to love because of him. Its a sweet torture. I am grateful for his love and kindness. It is because of him that I now know what a real man is and I understand what love is suppose to be. Without his friendship I would keep choosing losers and *******. Its funny how God works in our lives.
1.1k · Jul 2016
Kindness is Contagious
Kimberly L Piper Jul 2016
It starts with a warm smile
Sometimes you can just nicely say, "Hello"
Offer a hungry person a meal
Maybe lend an ear. Listen. Just listen.
Help a stranger in need
Donate your old clothes
Drop a few cans of food off at the local pantry
Hand out bottles of water on a hot day
Pay it forward
It catches on
It spreads
It ripples out
I definitely wouldn't mind a pandemic.
Would you?
978 · Sep 2012
Thoughts: Inside my Head I
Kimberly L Piper Sep 2012
Sand in between my toes
Salt on my lips
The warm sun on my face
A sweet breeze in my hair
Today will be perfect
That is................

As long as the thirty sea-gulls lurking near don't pull an Alfred Hitchcock
966 · Sep 2012
Kimberly L Piper Sep 2012
Do it for me. Don't make me jealous. Only because you're beautiful. Cover your arms. Cover your legs. Don't talk back!

That wasn't love, but, I thought it was.

You made me do it.........If you didn't make me so mad.......Push. Push..........SHOVE.

That wasn't love, but, I thought it was.

Smack.......Slap........PUNCH. Cry. Tears..........Hugs.

That wasn't love, but, I thought it was.

Slap.......SMASH........Kick.......JAB......SUCKERPUNCH. Choke. Scream.........Holler. Kick.

That wasn't love, but, I thought it was.

SLAP. I won't do it again. SLAP. I won't do it again. SLAP. I won't do it again................

That wasn't love, but, I thought it was.

Locked in a room for 2 water. Learn your lesson so I can stop being this way. It's your fault I have to do this.

That wasn't love, but, I thought it was.

Call, leave a message at the beep. I'm sorry. Call, hang up. Call, hang up. Call, leave a message at the beep. You better not leave me.

That wasn't love, but, I thought it was.

SLAP. I won't do it again. SLAP. I won't do it again.  STOMP........KICK........PUNCH. That's what you deserve.

That wasn't love, but, I thought it was.

Call, leave a message at the beep. I'm sorry. Call, hang up. Call, hang up. Call, leave a message at the beep. Please don't leave me.

That wasn't love, but, I thought it was.

SLAP. I won't do it again. PUNCH. KICK. CHOKE. STRANGLE.........It's your fault I have to do this.

That wasn't love, but, I thought it was.

Call, leave a message at the beep. I'm sorry. Call, hang up. Call, pick up. You can't leave me. Reply, WATCH ME. Plead, its because I love you so much. Reply, GO TO HELL!

This isn't love. It never will be. It never was.
My first relationship was abusive. It started with words and it took awhile before it evolved to physical abuse. I was a teenager. 4 years of being someone's punching bag. I got out. This is for all the adolescents, teens, adults, male or female who are in a relationship and they are convinced it is love. The only way out unless you leave and get help is death. Get help......PLEASE.
912 · Jul 2016
Daily Recipe
Kimberly L Piper Jul 2016
One cup of time
A half cup of compromise
Three cups of patience
A dash of understanding
Two teaspoons of forgiveness
A pinch of tenderness
Add no regrets
Bake until its love
Serve hot
683 · Jul 2016
Lies About Love
Kimberly L Piper Jul 2016
I can change him
I can change him
I can change him
I can change him

What she doesn't know won't hurt her
What she doesn't know won't hurt her
What she doesn't know won't hurt her
What she doesn't know won't hurt her

It won't happen again
It won't happen again
It won't happen again
It won't happen again

It's ok to settle
It's ok to settle
It's ok to settle
It's ok to settle

I'll never find the one
I'll never find the one
I'll never find the one
I'll never find the one

Love is enough
Love is enough
Love is enough
Love is enough
Kimberly L Piper Aug 2017
I have not showered
I have not eaten
I have not slept
I have not gotten out of bed

"Just shake it off!"
"Get over it!"
"Be strong!"
"Just pray about it!"

The ache in my head
The ache in my stomach
The ache in my heart
The ache in my bones

"You are just too sensitive!"
"There is nothing wrong with you!"
"You don't have anything to be depressed about!"
"You just want attention!"

I retreat
I cry
I stare
I fear

"You are making a mountain out of a mole hill!"
"If you keep acting this way no one will want to be around you!"
"It's all in your head!"
"I too feel depressed, but I don't let it get me down because--"

Frozen in bed
Frozen in place
Frozen in time
Frozen in space

"You aren't trying hard enough!"
"You are just lazy!"
"Stop faking!"
"You use your illness as an excuse to--"

I feel embarrassed
I feel ashamed
I 'm in despair
I'm in pain

"You are being ridiculous!"
"Stop worrying about things that haven't happened!"
"This is why no one likes you!"
"You mope too much!"

More of the same
We need to openly talk about mental illnesses! End the stigmas.
659 · Jul 2016
Green Eyed
Kimberly L Piper Jul 2016
It happens when you are at your best
It happens when life gives you grief and you pass the test
It happens when it seemed you would fail
It happens when success tips the scale
It happens when you stumble and don't fall
It happens when your strength and courage wins it all
It happens when you continue to believe
It happens when you have a few clever tricks up your sleeve
It happens when you follow your dreams and spread your faith wide
Your friends start to hate you and become green eyed
472 · Sep 2016
Kimberly L Piper Sep 2016
Her skin, smooth
Her breath, minty
Her voice, musical
Her taste, sweet
Her beauty, ethereal
Our souls, connect
Our spirits, awakened
Our love, pure
Our time, undiscovered
422 · Jul 2016
Kimberly L Piper Jul 2016
Morning dew on the grass that you feel in between your toes
The taste of honey
Ice tea on a hot summer's day
A double rainbow in the sky

$20 you find in the back pocket of your magic pants
A flower growing through the concrete
A smile from a stranger
The hug you give to a friend

Scented candles
Your love
414 · Aug 2016
Wounds II
Kimberly L Piper Aug 2016
Smashed against the wall broken into tiny pieces and sharp shards
Crushed and stomped into the ground til there is no more
Withered and nearly dead struggling to survive
Ripped and torn apart drifting in the wind

Some pieces large enough to see with the eye
Some parts too small and only discovered when stepped on
Some pieces never found at all
Some parts always barren and dead

Lost pieces fell into cracks and tears but, always remembered
Lost parts tucked in the darkness but, always remembered
Lost pieces swept out of sight but, always remembered
Lost parts left in the past festering but, always remembered

Time passes
Time passes

Some of the pieces have returned and I am stronger
Some of the parts have been found and I am wiser
Some of the pieces are gone forever and I am better off
Some of the parts have found a way to thrive and I am grateful

Found, is the need for life lessons
Found, is the need to look back and reflect
Found, is the need to forgive but, never forget
Found, is the need to love again

Time passes
Time passes
354 · Jul 2019
Kimberly L Piper Jul 2019
Red hair
Sun fire
Sweet moments
Subtle tells
Warm thoughts
Relaxing swells

— The End —