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Aug 2013 · 644
You Can
If you wish to, you can.
Climb on a roof and extend your arms out.
Feel the gentle wind brush past your skin.
Close your eyes. Imagine Titanic.
Hold that fantasy for a while.
You can.

Fill your backpack with
a set of earphones,
a drink of your choice,
a sweet little snack, camera,
book and pen, and go for a nice walk.
You can.

Make some art with inexpensive paint
and invaluable imagination.
Make a phone call, knock on a door,
go pick a bouquet of flowers,
and give it to the next person you see.
You can.

For just a few hours, look at the stars,
admire the city lights, make a new playlist,
study a city, buy new boots,
write a letter, nurture a plant.
You can.

But you don’t, you won't,
and you complain that you are unhappy.
When you can just do,
what You can.
Poem #8
©Kimberly Alexandria Navarro
Aug 2013 · 1.4k
You were like the ocean to me.
Auspicious and effortlessly captivating,
glistening the most exquisite
colors of the sun.

For countless days,
I've been adrift without knowledge.
Impatiently searching,
yearning, and waiting.

The gleaming moon,
serves as my witness.
I presumed myself a lost existence,
until the moment I ran into you.

You calmly waved me Hello’s,
welcoming me with your gentle tides.
Beauty enveloped you,
surrounded you with enticement.

I leaped into your open arms
thinking that you can save me;
But I realized that I
don’t want to know how
to swim like you do.
Aug 2013 · 477
August 8, 2013
I carefully tore open
the rose scented mini envelope.
Pulling out the cream colored paper,
I thought instead of a letter,
maybe it was a note.
The paper was small in size.
I unfolded it, glanced at her
elegant cursive, and read:

"Dad would always sit by that ugly plant you tried to take care of
(even when you miserably failed) everyday. He would water it.
Sometimes with water, sometimes with his tears.
But he is there every day."

It brought tears to my eyes.
As I wiped my tears away,
the envelope fell
from my hand.
A photograph fell out
swaying to the floor.
I bent down and picked it up.
I turned it over.
It was a photograph
of Me and my Sister
with Dad during my 8th birthday.

*Oh, how much I miss my childhood.
I'm coming back on this to revise it.

Poem #6
©Kimberly Alexandria Navarro
Aug 2013 · 475
Common Despair
The worst thing than
being alone is feeling alone.
You can be surrounded,
even loved by many people.
But nothing will ever
fill the emptiness inside.
It is the worst.

Why? because..

People see you everyday.
Others even look directly
into your eyes.
Standing just inches away,
they speak to you.
They are so close
from feeling the beat
of your heart- yet
no one seems to notice
your agony.

No one are ever close enough.
Even when they are near.
Even the smallest distance
between every person
feels like oceans apart.
Poem #5
©Kimberly Alexandria Navarro
Aug 2013 · 407
Memories of you still haunt me.
Your stunning eyes.
Those tempting lips.
Your voice and laughter.
Your subtle kiss.

Your name would always travel
around my mind.
Every hour of each day.
Every day of each month.
Every month of each year.
Every time.

a few letters somehow
get stuck at my throat.
I tremble at the loss of you.
Sorrow and longing,
I can never control.
I have no other options
but to force you out
as tears.

Tears that no one
will ever understand.
From a dream: Poem #4
©Kimberly Alexandria Navarro
Aug 2013 · 939
If I Left You Now...?
Will this worry you?
Trust me, I am being truthful.

What if I left you, love?
Will you miss me?
Does it break your heart a little when you think about it?

Is there even anyone else in the world who'd share your lovely mornings with you?
Drinking coffee?
Snuggling under the covers?
Morning pillow fights?

Hmmm, what about in the afternoons?
Who will visit you at work?
Who will mess with you - while you work?
Does it make you tear up a little, if I left you now?
Who will make you laugh endlessly?
Tickle you while you cook a desired dish?
Throw popcorn at you during a movie?

Let's not forget the end of the day.
Who else would be lying beside you as you both watch the stars?
Who would kiss you passionately giving their every warmth to you?
Who would gaze at you intensely with their silver, soft eyes?
And who else would share the endless night with you,
like we always do...?

Please do tell me who else in this immeasurable place..
could ever love you the way that I always have?
You should tell me also if there is anyone in existence..
that would risk their life to die just to save yours?

Answer these please.
So that I can have an absolute reason to let you go,
because right now it really does hurt too much inside...♥
Written two years ago. You may find it on Deviant. This is not aimed at anyone.

Poem #3
©Kimberly Alexandria Navarro
Aug 2013 · 380
You do it when you're exhausted


You do it when you want to escape
Poem #2
©Kimberly Alexandria Navarro
Aug 2013 · 355
His Solitude
While I dreamt last night,
I jumped up and hugged you,
wrapped my legs around
your waist and kissed you.
But you said,
No, please not here.
Your hair felt longer,
and your face had changed.
Maybe it wasn't you.

I heard a leaf blowing
down the street the night
I had stormed out of
your house, I turned to see
if it was you instead, chasing
after me, begging me
not to leave.
I thought maybe you had
changed your mind, but
it was just a dry leave
caught in the breeze.

I was lying in bed and
thought I heard voices, a
conversation I had maybe
dozed into.
Figured perhaps you had
turned the television on again
to dream along with your
favorite characters.
But I looked to my left,
felt the cold sheets, and realized
you were still gone.
You are gone.
Always have been.

It's strange how my
heart and mind decided
to play tricks on me
when I feel this lonely.
I wrote this two years ago. Still, I remember it so vividly.

From a dream: Poem #1
©Kimberly Alexandria Navarro

— The End —