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5.3k · Mar 2013
The Government (Part 2)
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
They live in huge houses, drive fancy cars
Most know poverty only secondhand
So how can they fix a problem... They don't really understand

Given the role of a leader
However, I'm convinced they are confused
We live in worlds too far apart...
How can they lead with similar views

Their children go to private schools
Only the finest and elite
Their children will never need public education
So they allow funding to deplete
Their children will succeed
I believe it's part of their plan
To ensure that high society
Will forever lead the average man

The evidence is no secret
They don't seem to care if we agree
They know they hold this power
So it doesn't matter if we see

Our taxes keep going up
Unemployment is at an all time high
Life keeps getting harder for those just scrapping by
The people making these decisions
Of course they find it easy enough to do
They're not deciding for themselves
They decide for me and you

The truth of the matter is...
This country is ruled by hypocrisy
They disguise this, however, very cleverly
Today it's what we know as Democracy

"A political government run by 'The People' through 'Selected' officials"... Democracy defined
Compare it to the way it was truly designed

Sure we get to 'select the official'
But the one thing they seem to neglect
They pick the people
Many, that corruptive politics help select
3.8k · Mar 2013
The Government (Part 1)
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Welcome to AMERICA
The sweet land of DREAMS...
The only comparison I see...
In either, nothing ever is as it seems

It's the "Freedoms and Liberties"
That attracts people from all different places
"Equal Opportunity" is what our country sells
And for all creeds and races

A Melting ***, Yes
With this I absolutely agree
But I certainly wouldn't call it
"The Land Of The Free"
You've got to be kidding me

There may be no shackles
No slavery here
But we're all puppets to government
And the laws they declare

Illusions of Liberty, Justice for all
Distract it's evil soaked core
It's slowly destroying our existence
Until nothing left is pure

And as much as I hate it
It really doesn't matter that I see
It remains out of my control
They've still made a puppet out of me

Pulling the strings on my arms
I'm forced to obey
And this will probably continue
Despite anything I say

But since I HAVE to say it anyway
I've altered this strategy a bit
I'll direct my attention toward "The People"
And encourage them to fight it
We may be too weak all alone
But if we all stood up as one
We could start the war to fight against
What this nation has become
If we all stood together
To declare that we'll fight if we must
To expose the truth and corruption
In this sweet land of the unjust

3.7k · Mar 2013
If I Ruled The World
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
If I were ruler of all nations... As one of Gods creations
There would be policies created from this societies frustrations
I wouldn't waste your time... In fact doing so would be a crime
It wouldn't be about politics with all it's dirt & grime

It would be about the people
It would ensure our rights are equal
Spread to all from high above, preached atop the highest steeple
And I wouldn't be afraid to say...
That expiring some freedoms may be the only way
And that would mean taking certain peoples "rights" away

Some freedoms are given away too easily
They should require much harder accessibility
Which will aid in the filtration of humanity

One right I would retrieve because it's abuse is so hard to believe
I'd make it official that not all persons would have the right to conceive
Not unless certain criteria are met, I'd have certain rules that would be set
I'd put a hold on this right until one disproves their ignorant
And since ignorance is bred I wouldn't allow our future to continue to be mislead Stuck in communities that will never get ahead

If I were faced with this position, I have no doubt in my disposition
Life skills would be taught in school, a required graduation precondition
I'd advocate the importance of community Gone would be the privilege of immunity And with it would go all feelings of disunity

To ensure all are exposed to equal possibility
Early education would include lessons on life & moral responsibility
To ensure guidance to all despite personal accessibility
I'd replace things like algebra and womans lit with classes on life knowledge
It's more important that the youth learn financal stability and manners, those who want to learn the square root of X can take that major in college
Priority should be that each leaves high school with the tools to survive
Each would leave with equal opportunity to prosper and to thrive

Oh if I ruled the world!!
2.4k · Mar 2013
Pay It Forward
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Some call it karma
Others see it as fate
The truth of the matter?
It's still up for debate
Our only option I'd say
We must examine all fact
Then decide for ourselves ...each ones impact

On one hand theres KARMA
some say it's a *****
Usually the opinion of the immoral ...those living selfishly rich

With FATE they believe each is destined at start
That everyones born into a roll
With no say in their part

Lets pretend for a moment that this theory is so
The impact id say... we already know
This leaves no purpose to give with no reward for sharing
It' s followers create a world that can exist without caring

Then theirs others, like myself, with a whole different view
We believe in doing unto others... as you'd have done to you
The rules by which we live enforces giving to get
And the feeling of helping is something we can never forget
Our destiny is determined by the path that we choose
A world without conscience is one destined to lose
And each time its paid foward the reward is so great...
Thats my argument at least on this long lasting debate
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Raised in a big city.... diversity is all that I know
Yet surrounded by many towns where this isn't always so
I've seen racism, yes this can't be denied
Must start by making it clear
I've never played for that side
Before I give further opinion it's important that you see
That ignorance like that doesn't live inside of me

Next, it feels important to note ....all the wrong that has been done
And to acknowledge that many others .....have it worse than some
I know that being white in America makes me unable to say
That I've endured anything close to what other races face everyday
Now with that being said I'm writing this to say
I've experienced racism in a whole different way
To some my physical appearance leaves doubt in their mind
And I've had to prove many times that I'm truly color blind

I have white skin, blond hair & my eyes are blue
But my relatives descend from Poland, Ireland & from the Philippines too
My family lived in the projects where we struggled & money was tight
And just like my neighbors of all different races
I got the same ****** public school education, depite being white
I guess what I'm saying, what I want people to see
Is what happened in the past had nothing to do with me
That we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover
That goes for all different races
That each is different on the inside despite similar faces
1.6k · May 2013
I'm Not A Lighter Thief
Kim McCarthy May 2013
Merely a color delusion. Usually with shady conclusion.
Each lighter war starts and ends with tons of confusion.
The accusations start flying. One casts the blame, the others left denying.
However I pass most of this guilt onto BIC, who does most of the supplying.

It's merely harmless bicker. Each is only defending their  own flicker.
Lay them all on the table so we can end this all much quicker.

A flammable rainbow  is layed out. This will help eliminate doubt.
And isn't that really what most lighter wars are about.
Here the truth is exposed. Leaving all unopposed.
Once we sort through the evidence the case can be closed.
What makes this game so fun. Maybe you came with one.
But when you empty out your pockets you now have none.

Or maybe today was your lucky day. Things seemed to be going your way.
No need to worry, that is just how you play.

They all look the same. They all carry flame.
Your only intention was to borrow it yet somehow yours it became.

But your not a lighter thief. You'd prefer the label fire cheif.
Most are unaware they stole it and hand it back in disbelief.
1.5k · Mar 2013
A Reason To Doubt It
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Words spoken aloud doesn't constitute voice
Can't force that it's heard, to listens a choice
Whether screamed or whispered no volumes needed to hear
Simply amplifying each word won't obligate one to care

Voices carry a message words alone are too weak
Theres talking out loud then theres chosing to speak
Having something to offer must be desired
For one to deserve the attention required

Is it done to inspire or to satisfy pride
To speak or to listen all arefree to decide
Having freedom is great theres no better way
But it should only be practiced by those with somthing to say

Voices are vehicles with missions at hand
To expand some knowledge over the promise land
Driving this vehicle comes at a cost
To continue the journey no matter whats lost

Our greatest defense, never let down your gaurd
Sorting message & noise can prove to be hard
A message is only such as long as it remains the same
The rules still apply no matter the game
Since noise has its rights theres no option without it
So take all you hear with a reason to doubt it
1.2k · Mar 2013
Religion Rewritten
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Read verse from the big book
join groups who all seek
Gather together
at least once a week

Feel free to kneel
light candles or pray
Whatever it takes
to feel good at the end of the day

But the message seems tainted
confused over the years
Highly doubt gods plan
included wars saturated with tear

It was left open to each
to interrupt themselves
How to use the information
retained from Gods shelves.

But do I feel guilty for not joining in?
Do I agree not attending church each Sundays a sin?
No I do not, No not at all.
I'll still approach heavens gates
head held high... standing tall.

In my opinion those who should worry
Behind me in line
Are those who thought sinning, then confession
Would be just fine

No hail marys for me
I'm in no choir that sings
My resume in gods hands
Will be filled with different things

He will read of my friendship
My contribution to all
How I pick up my friends
Each time that they fall

Highlighted will be my conscience
My love for all kind.
The generosity and love
That fills my heart & my mind

I felt compelled to write this
For all living in fear
Those full of guilt
Fearful the end is near

Keep living true to yourself treat others with care
And I'll see you in heaven With nothing to fear
Kim McCarthy Jul 2013
Mary, the grief is inconsolable
It still all seems so surreal
There hasn't been the time or chance
To sort through all I feel
It's a mix of love and pain
It's the bond we've shared so deeply
It's accepting that your gone
And it's feeling all of this completely
I'm mourning at this moment
A friendship of 26 years
Only a few days have passed
I can find relief only in the form of tears

Yet I know that better days will come
The strength of hurt will lessen soon
This will scar my heart forever
But soon I'll sing a different tune
This hurt will always be here
But I don't have to live in pain
I'm going to pack up all we've shared
And move it all onto memory lane
Here we can be neighbors
Theres no chance that it can end
You'll forever live beside me
As a sister and bestfriend

I'm going to drop this in your casket
So you can read it when your free
Just know that the 32 years that you lived
Has had a lifelong lasting impact on me
Although your person may be gone
Your soul will never leave
Our souls will forever be connected
And that's what I honestly believe

This will be my strength to overpower
To help this all digest
It's only the physical part of you
That must be laid to rest
The only difference is
Our conversations now end with an Amen
Theres no need for a goodbye
Because I know we'll meet again
1.1k · Mar 2013
To Quote The Best
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
It's been said so well before so I'll quote a few
Artist who have written songs... because they've lived through it too!
This is an original piece but inspired by many
Our thoughts similar... yet, mine won't earn a penny
I'm okay with it though that's not why any of us do it
It's meant to inspire the people ...To help them get through it

What were the Beatles trying to teach in the song "let it be"
The strength & power of forgiveness with the hopes we all see
And of course theres "Imagine"... written by John Lennon to say
That changing our view ...could forge a new way

When Eminem rapped "sing for the moment"
What was going through his head
That no ones destined to be poor believe in other options instead

"Keep your head up" is the message Tupac tried to spread
To live life to the fullest ... only stopping when your dead

And the reason biggie wrote "juicy" was to help people see
That hard work & a dream .... can set anybody free

Salt-n-Pepa's "None of your buisness" made woman stand tall ...
At a time when men had the ability to make them feel small

A similar goal was the reason for Lauryn Hills "Doo ***, that thing"
Girl power & self respect is the message they bring

In the song "Can't hold us down" ...Lil Kim & Christina regulate
The lesson is equality.... And they hope to educate

Kanye West inspired us all... When he spit it "Through the wire"
He grew strenghth from an accident that would have turned most into a crier

And in "If I ruled the world"... Nas asks we "imagine that"
Decribing how the world can be... In a different place than it's at

If you put a beat to my messages you'd see my goals are the same
The only difference between us Is the money and fame
1.1k · Mar 2013
A Warning
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Do you know what you sound like? Do you listen when you speak? It may work well on others, like the dumb and the weak
But beware of the rest, the intelligent and strong, we have no time for games and we won't play along
This is a poetic attack, this is a verbal smack...
To be considered as fair warning. Not everyone is so feeble, not everyone shall be ignoring

The lies may be sold to the hungry, the poor or the cold Those desperate enough to believe whatever their told
The timid ones maybe, or the insecure group, may be looking for someone to lead their troop
With them you may just have a shot, to get away with the bullst without getting caught

But cross over the line, into territory unknown, where you're expected to carry the weight on your own
And your tricks and your threats will only provoke, the anger of those who think you're a joke
We take it personal because it's insulting to think, you thought of us for even a moment, as the weakest link

It's a sad world we live in when one has to explain... Why people are unable to f
k with their brain
1.1k · Mar 2013
The Fight For Survival
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Oh dear Lord... I owe you my gratitude for so much in life really, but mostly my attitude
Why I was chosen, I'm not really sure.  I'm aware of it though, I can see more
More of what exactly? I'm still figuring it out. It's special  though, I know without doubt
I've started to piece this puzzle together, I'm not completely confused
You've given me enough information to ensure this giftt won't be misused
It's made me aware right from the start
It's been with me since birth, placed into my heart
It's enabled feelings like empathy for those who walk through life blind
Forgiving their ignorance and still treating them kind
The passion I have.... to spread truth to the weak
To help guide others towards the happiness  we equally seek
A resilience made strong to continue the cause
I see the beauty in your plan, despite all it's flaws
It's your belief in  mankind , despite how hard ones trying
That I continue my search for the truth,  despite all the lying
I'm thankful for the patience I have with those who take longer to see
And I'm honored that you entrusted me with such a great responsibility
This helps excuse the damage each causes with selfishness and hate
I believe in your vision , I know it's worth the wait
Encouraged by you .picked as one of the few,  that you've gifted with a clue

I've got the role of a soldier.... so wars where  I'll be
Fighting the only war my God could every watch... At least happily
1.0k · May 2013
Make An ASS Of U And ME
Kim McCarthy May 2013
And no, this isn't the start of a joke
Just pondering aloud in front of you
My fellow deep thinking folk

I know what I would think
He's not asking because hes hungry
I'm probably buying him a drink

I'm sure by now I'm looking to see
If I have anything to give him
Because thats what he' going to ask me

Or maybe I do have a light
If thats what he needs and I have it
Of course I'll do whats right

Proving I'm not the judgmental kind
Without hesitation I'd dig out a dollar
And push all other prejudice behind

And although some come easy others may not
You may learn what is right
Despite everything you thought

That we may learn from this man of doom
When you realize he only has to ***
And your blocking the restroom
1.0k · Apr 2013
Poetic Potential
Kim McCarthy Apr 2013
A million ways to use it, Never felt I had any choice
Sustained now for so long, It's become my inner voice
Just pops into my head, And it won't go ignored
It's a part of me now, So I grab a pen and record

This ink blots the paper, Leaveing behind emotional stain
The message received from my heart and my brain
A build up on the soul, To cleanse I just release
Things get better once it's out, Causes inner wars to cease

An overflow becomes avoided, No need to clean a mess
No matter the issues size, Poetry finds ways to express
It keeps me moving forward, No matter where it leads
Poetic potential is so great, I know I will succeed
1.0k · Apr 2013
Notes To Self
Kim McCarthy Apr 2013
Stress will always be there
It's a common fact of life
Only focus on the important few
Like The Job, The Kids, The Wife

Avoid all insanity & madness
Ensure that it's made clear
You'll have no part of the drama
We find mixed in here and there

Although one can't avoid it all
One also doesn't have to get involved
Just remove yourself from the situation
And don't return until it's solved

You can not lie to yourself
Just like you can't make others see
As long as you know who you are
Who gives a (bleep) if all agree

Remember your freedom of choice
And that it's ultimately up to you
Some things may be worth the effort
If not, move onto something new

Weigh out the pros and cons
At times the cons just weigh alot
Allow yourself to walk away
Without guilt or second thought
972 · Mar 2013
Running Into Walls
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
We've stood togther at the crossroads
I've always been ready at the fork in the road
With my boots strapped tight and a map in hand
Trying to help lessen the weight of the load

We are never there alone though
So my offered guidance you refuse
You hand half the load to stubbornness
And one of you two choose

My choice is to follow along cautiously
Or head down a different road alone
Leaving you and your friend stubbornness
To venture off with all I own

Before I know whats happening
I'm following in the rear
Lead down the path you've taken
On a dark road to despair

It's the same story everytime
You eventually regret the choice
It's always here, in the middle of no where
You start to hear my voice

Miles back, in the light of day
I stood to block the way
But it wasn't my decision then
So you chose to ignore what I had to say

Here in the darkness, surronded by danger
Huddled next to me, your friend stubborness becomes a stranger
Suddenly you depend on me
I'm looked at as the game changer

Thats when the tables turn
Now I'm handed all the gear
The strength you both had earlier
Has crumbled into fear

I get us to the otherside
We are grateful to be alive
For a short time I'm the hero
I'm the reason we survived

But like a circle goes around
The cycle starts anew
At the beginning of another crossroad
I'm left following stubborness and you
837 · Apr 2013
In The Back Of A Closet
Kim McCarthy Apr 2013
It was a place of release
In the back of a closet
A place I would go
To make a mental deposit
The only thing I ever wanted
And the one thing I never got
Was eventually replaced
With this little spot

With an older sister and younger brother
I never got the bedroom
My role was the roommate
It's called middle child syndrome
But that couldn't hold me down
I was resourceful even way back then
So I created an area under my clothes
This became my poets den
Oh, the things you do at the age of ten

I placed pillows on the floor
Hung a flashlight from above
It wasn't much but it was mine
And oh was I in love
With no one there to bother me
I was free to write
The chance to finally express myself
Without holding back or being polite

Suddenly I had notebooks filled
Letting so much go
Ironically in this small place
I found the room to grow
I can only imagine what everyone thought
Each time I crawled into this little spot

My parents knew I needed it
My own place to be alone
To find myself in this world
To discover answers to everything unknown
Who knew that in a dark hole
One could grow a creative soul

Eventually I grew too tall
To escape to the inside
But I'll never forget those days
Or the spot where I could hide
747 · Mar 2013
Fortune 500 Life
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Our lives are our franchise
The comparisons so
Success is important to both
They'll need it to grow
Each is CEO of their own
Which means success is on you
To establish the guidelines
And assemble a crew

The mission at hand
Keeping your cooperation outta the hole
This can be done by employing
Only those who play a positive role
We're brought into this world
With really no say
With that in mind now think about
All the companies BORN just today

Everyday new competition is created
Some are bound to lose
All of this is decided solely
On which method each will choose
Some give everything they have
Require very little in return
Just watch their franchise fail
They often show no real concern

If you don't protect your assets
Then thats the choice you make
But when you empire collapses
Just know it's no mistake
With no room for weakness
Requires strong self esteem and self love
What these companies consider profit
I've clearly listed right above

Since it's a dog eat dog world
There are challenges we'll face
Is keeping up with the rest
In this competitive race
Keep your  wheels in motion
Avoid the  cons and the fake
Who have nothing much to give
Yet alway seem to leave wth more than they can take
So consider your worth
As your company grows
And share success with real friends only
While ignoring any foes
734 · Mar 2013
My American Opinion
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
We are handed a ballot
our choices all there
It's our freedom they say ...
to take it from here
Raised to believe we live so free
But seeing right through it ...
I don't agree

What angers me most
what bothers me so
Is how they stand there and lie
like we're too dumb to know
Expected to skip off & vote
to be thankful for the choice
It's a "gift" from our country
to have such a voice

Who are they fooling
They can't be serious, right?
They take all our money
send our love ones to fight
They trick us with lies...
a game of who lies the best
Leave us with little
To fight for the rest

Each promises the world
To fight for us all
But time after time each drops the ball
They all desperately try to recruit for their team
Ask that we hear what their saying ...
to envision their dream

They ask that you rally...
put signs in your yard
They swear they are different
ask that we let down our guard
They want our help...
ask we donate money to the cause
Forced to pretend their not lying
Andto overlook all the flaws

Once their elected
they forget the ******* they fed
Now were stuck with these liars
And all that they said
And what do they care they are still rich as can be
We are back where we started
You know... Living so "FREE"
706 · Mar 2013
Grown Folk
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Age ain't nothing but a number ain't that how the saying goes?
To call oneself a grown folk has nothing to do with how one grows
You could have a million birthdays & still not earn the label
Way to many think this true... but I'll prove it's just a fable

Grown folk mind their manners keep hurtful opinions to themself
They don't believe in putting others down ... to earn a trophy on their shelf
Grown folks can't be pressured... can care less if all can see
They live by their own morals don't need others to agree

Grown folk don't need the approval of others ... to know just who they are
They keep their distance from those who do... & just watch from afar
Grown folk take pride in who they are... they don't associate with those who don't They stand up for what they believe in... Even when everyone else won't

Grown folk know that all action will speak louder than any word
And the way one chooses to represent themselves Is really all that will be heard Grown folk take responsibility for all they say & do
The sooner you learn these rules...
The sooner you'll be grown folk too!!
634 · Mar 2013
March 9th
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
It's coming again.... I hate this day
One year older as you slip further away
March 9th is the day... Oh, what a beautiful time
To fight through the pain I must write it in rhyme

Shane Michael arrived ... :-) <3

  With him came feelings so new Since I loved many before Thought I knew love through & through
So imagine my shock as I realize this day A new component to love felt in a different way
Bittersweet it became... & it was clear all along Born into such chaos... the timing was wrong
And no matter the love and support people gave It was his mother we were all unable to save
Too young to be a mother we still had a lot growing up to do
Unable to care for herself... how could she care for you?
Addiction took over As she shot drugs into her arm
So I became the one who protected from all hurt & all harm

The bond that we had Was so very tight
One lovingly formed as I held him each night

Then they took him away ...I had no control
And a piece of my heart crawled into a hole
Since then each year ... March 9th will forever be the day
That reminds me of love, long lost .....that drugs took away
615 · Mar 2013
That Kind Of Day
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Ever think in the dark , Put your mind on replay
Just sit back, close your eyes And simply review the day
When the day is gone completely Once all is covered by the night
Emotions settle down , So we can clearly see the light
And whats shined down upon me What I see so clearly, so defined
Would scare the s••t out of anyone And has truly blown my mind
The way our society functions How we must fight to survive
And the lack of morality That seems to keep most alive
Money and Power The top prize in the game
Both seem like a fortune Yet both carry such shame
So how can one win? Can one even play?
Is this what it takes... To get ahead one day?
The answer is easy once the truth becomes clear
Observe and you'll see Cuz the proof is all there
Although Money makes life easier happiness can't be bought
Just watch the evening news Thats where this lessons often taught
And Power seems so wonderful, But it's price is often high
With a leadership so corrupt ,To join one must comply
Exchange dollars for kindness Pay others with it
Then equally accept as payment and see what you get
Give power only to the deserving, As a priceless offer of respect
Rather than selling it to the highest bidder who often treat it with neglect
Reviewing today in the dark It's ended up this way... Thats just what I think After 'That Kind Of Day'
592 · Apr 2013
Alone Time
Kim McCarthy Apr 2013
Being alone is not lonely
It's time spent in Solitary
Confined not trapped you see
It's one of my favorite places to be

Being alone isn't as bad as it's described
If someones told you this they've lied
We all take it in stride
I am in the middle, Me Myself on either side

Since all three equally relate
Together they create
All lack of reason for debate
Which then really makes this time so great

Although only quietness surround
When no one else is around
Suddenly silence has a sound
It's here, great things can be found

At some point everyday
I just have to walk away
Theres nothing anyone can say
It's just what I need to do if I want to be okay
483 · Mar 2013
Follow Me
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Click that star up in the corner
Follow where I lead
I'm not asking for the praise
I just want to plant my seed

This has opened up new doors
It's helped create a better way
To infiltrate your minds
With all I have to say

I'll use it as a tool
To reach more people with my word
But without your willingness to listen
My message won't be heard

So what I'm asking is quite simple
If you can relate to what I write
I need you to pass it on
To others in this fight

I write mostly in the moment
When the feelings are surreal
To ensure that time doesn't water down
The emotion that I feel

But my visions are much bigger
The ultimate goal that I pursue
Is to document my thoughts
To pass along to you

I grew tired of sitting around complaining
I want to regain control of my fate
I write to encourage others to do the same
With the intention to educate

This can be done very easily...
472 · Mar 2013
Appreciating What I Got
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
I can honestly say,  I don't know where I would be, had I never discovered poetry
One thing is for sure, I wouldn't be me Which got me to think who else I could be... If I were given other ways to express creatively

Maybe a dancer...  A constant beat already flows though my head.  On the inside I Pop & Lock away, Yet when presented to the outside, it comes off so clumsily instead
And with such lack of coordination, I'll never get the chance To deliver true emotion in the form of any dance

And what if I could sing in tune, I could express this all through song. I've got rhythm in my heart, now if only my voice would play along

If I didn't lack the melody needed, I'd be on the radio with an album almost completed

Or maybe on world tour, letting it all out on stage. The silence of my poetry could finally be released from it's cage
But again I just can't carry a note, so just like my dancing, there ain't much to promote

Don't get me wrong though, I'm okay either way. I got poetry to relay anything I want to say  And this  form of expression will last until my dying day
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
How this life will turn out...
Where ones destiny shall lead!?!
Which roads will end in failure.... And which lead toward the highway to succeed?
Happiness is the promise on this path to success but Beware, nothings ever been casted into stone
It's for this very reason that one can die poor yet truly fulfilled & one can die rich but empty and alone
....Or when one defined as strong let's fear knock them into a hole
How easy that position of power gets taken and replaced with a weaker role
On the other end there are stories of triumph, when those considered  weak begin to flourish & thrive
Proving that there is no exact formula, no guaranteed winner in the fight to survive

Its those hidden dangers in life that make it a mystery....
That we are still unable to answer
....... despite looking in history

Those things that lack rhyme or reason, without rational justified order....
For example whatever determines who gets abandoned as a child or who's born with a mental disorder?
Or who gets the disease of addiction passed down in their genes
Is it the luck of the draw? That's just how it seems
Even with such a profound effect on somebodies life, ones left with very little control
To have a predetermined outcome on a decision that threatens such a devastating toll

Once a person is inflicted, it invades the health of the entire bloodline... This pollution starts to build, slowing the current down a little more each time
Causing overflow that trickles down into the the puddle that starts below
... The stagnant water at the end of the gene pool becomes breeding ground for more weakness to grow!!
382 · Apr 2019
Bringing Down Morale
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
You're so easily demoralized... and you're scared away too fast
Seem quick to lose faith in our team... like you question if we'll last

You choose to just withdraw & crawl into your little hole
Your presence feels so lonely... without  complete heart & soul
Your Bringing Down Morale From This Depressing Pit From Hell

If you're not standing strong & firm... If your not ready for the fight
If you've come unprepared... If all yo' **** ain't tight
If you crack under pressure... If you're lured easily away
If you feel defeated and you have nothing positive to say
Your Bringing Down Morale From Your Negativity Filled Corrall

Each moment you spend with your head hanging low is a moment passed on by
The only time you should see the ground is from high up in the sky
With the wind beneath your wings there is nothing holding you back
From looking for your course that'll lead your life right back on track

So when life gets hard or times get tough, when you want to run away
Open up your wings and fly...  and it will soon all be okay
235 · Apr 2019
My head VS My heart
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
My brain is yelling run it's way to smart to ignore the incredible battle it's bound to endure
And whether it sits right or not I truly know I've  mentally packed & I'm emotionally ready to go...
All roads heading out don't look very promising though
My hearts created this barrier that continues to grow. It not as wise as my head, it has a whole different view
So while my brain protects me my heart is left protecting you

I'm the ref in the middle judging a fight without any rules
And without any say over who should win or who will ultimately lose
To protect myself and my sanity, this means walking away
Disappointing my heart and leaving me hurt either way
Raised to know blood is just that, and nothing else means more
But did that mean even me? I'm really not that sure
For family I'd ****, instinct wouldn't let me think twice
Would do whatever I had to, even pay the ultimate price
Shes my sister no matter what, mental illness or not. My brain has no control over how my heart was taught.
The only difference this time, what makes this so hard to see
Is how to protect her without killing me
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
Been trying to write
words to convey
My thoughts on this holiday
called Valentines Day
Been reading all your work
in hopes they'd inspire
Been thinking bout love
and the one I admire
Nothing is working
haven't written a line
Has nothin to do lonliness
my love life is fine

So why all the trouble?
Why is it so hard?
Hallmark created this day
just to sell me a card
But thats the least of my issue
theres so much more
Its not like the $3.95
will make me poor
What bothers me most
is that it sets a tone
And has its greatest affect
on those all alone

It makes so many sad
and I think that its stupid
It was created for money
flowers, candy & cupid
Im not off to the store
theres nothing to buy
Theres no convincing me otherwise
dont bother to try
The way that I see it
ive made perfectly clear
Id rather you love me
everyday of the year
226 · Nov 2019
Bumper Sticker Madness
Kim McCarthy Nov 2019
'If you think education is expensive, try ignorance'

I read this sticker on a car that cut me off today and it made me wonder if the driver even read her message on display
Its message combines ignorance with what one can pay for college
Yet it seemed her expensive education left out a little bit of knowledge

HER ignorance was blinding, it was all that I could see... Beaming from the drivers seat of this shiny SUV

Everything inside of me wanted to follow this woman home,  say to her face to face what I'm writing in this poem

I'd let her how her sticker makes her look like such a fool, And I'd say it proudly on behalf of  us who couldn't afford to go to school

How her ignorance of driving laws and her ignorance toward me  made this message sickening enough to brew an anger inside of me
Her actions makes her bumper sticker offensive, can't you see
Ignorance will always outshine a shiny college degree
218 · Apr 2019
Those I Feel Bad For
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
Can I have your attention,Excuse me please
I ve got a question to ask & need to see who agrees
May I borrow a second?...A piece of your time
To lend me an ear while I bust out a rhyme
While I have your attention its best that we start.....
Forget the introduction.... lets just skip that part
Ever notice how many meet in a day.....
that absolutely blow your mind, make you shake your head & walk away...........
They're the people you see... they're all over the place....
The slower kind of the human race
Let me give some examples.... I have quite a few
They fall into this catagory with the stupid **** that they do

You're driving your car through the center of town... one steps out onto the crosswalk...eyes pointed down
No checkin both both ways before crossing the street.....
Seem to forget cars still hurt despite white lines under their feet .....
Somehow these idiots manage to survive
My guess is pure luck has kept em alive

You constantly see them on the evening news when horrible things happens & they interview fools
Grown *** adults who live without care.....
they say things like " I never thought it could happen around here"
This is usually followed with a "we dont even lock our front door"........
Their town is too pretty & crime only happens to the poor?

Come on, your kidding me right?
Don't they watch themselves on the news at night......
How could one think with all that happens today that living so blindly is truly okay?
Maybe they don't listen to themselves speak.
Maybe being too sheltered has made them weak?

We're different for sure...our worlds too far apart
They wouldnt last a day around here....
They lack the streetsmart

I think I've made my point can anybody else agree?
was it decriptive enough, were you able to see?
Have you seen these people?
Do I need to say more........
they're the ones that I can honestly say that I FEEL BAD FOR!!
207 · Apr 2019
Last Day On Earth
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
Its actually here
wipe the sleep from my eyes
Time to get outta bed
start this busy day of demise
Got lots to do
and so much to say
And its got to be done
by the end of the day

Im skipping the shower
ill just brush my hair
Im not sure that it matters
just as long as im there
Where am I goin?
Im not sure that I know
And time is to short
to just go with the flow

No need for goodbyes
its ending for all
That rules out the visit
or the dreadful phone call
With all that outta the way
it leaves my day open wide
But time ticks away
as I stop to decide

Reality hits me
so I jump to my feet
What the hell am I doin?
I got a bucket list to complete
I jump in my car
and get on my way
To fit all I can
into this day

Hours fly by
im having a blast
My soul is so free
ive left all pain in the past
I do this & that
I go here & there
I complete every mission
and I conquor all fear

Happy & fulfilled
alone in my car
Ive got people to meet
and the drives not that far
So I stop & pull over
Ive got a second to spare
Thats one thing you realize
when the end is near
If i had to do it over
is there any regret
What memories should come with me
and which should I forget

With all my thoughts sorted
no more time to spear
Im free as a bird
without a worry or care
Im excited to meet
all the people I love
For our journey to start
to our new home above
We all hold hands together
at the end of the night
This takes away all fear
as we walk into the light
I wrote this poem from a group challenge on Poets Corner. They provide the title and you take it from there
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
What does one have to do
To make you all see
That I deserve more credit
Than you people give to me
Someones always concerned
God forbid my mood should alter
Don't began to doubt me
Unless my skills start to falter

True I'm mostly chill, but when I'm not
it doesn't mean somethings wrong
I'm sorry that my tone
Isn't always a happy song
It happens so little
Maybe a few times a year
That I may have a breakdown
And you may see a tear

I'm not offended you worry
I get it stems outta love
I know you have my back
When push comes to shove
I'm not asking that you change that
But somethings just not right
How quickly you forget my triumphs
No matter how hard I fight

Im so sick of hearing
"are you sure that your fine?"
"Your just not yourself today" or a similar line
Maybe I'm tired
Maybe I'm ill
You know life isn't always
A journey uphill
Still you continue to question
With those sympathetic eyes
Like I'm holding back something
And I'm just telling lies

Maybe it's all the dysfunction
That surrounds us each day
That makes it hard to believe
That I'm truly okay
I'm just asking you see it
From my point of view
I take pride in the fact
That I'm one of the few
Who works ******* themselves
To keep burden off you

As people I love
It's so important to me
That we air out our grievances
always  & openly
169 · Nov 2019
Free Fall
Kim McCarthy Nov 2019
courage it takes to stand on the ledge, head hanging over tempting the edge, the fall into abyss to go with the flow, to know you're atop means seeing below

fear not the darkness nor light from above, live in a moment when push comes to shove, life at the bottom takes ***** if you got em, leave all at the peak if it's Glory you seek

high in the sky is merely a lie, takes heart and sole to thrive in a hole , strength from within toughens the skin, here is where the weak won't survive
161 · Apr 2019
Dance With Me
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
I got this beat in my head
....I follow it's flow
It leads to a place
where I'm free when I go
Picture it's rhythm
as it enters your mind
This feeling I get
is one of a kind
It came to me young
had to embrace it just then
Couldn't risk losing it
& never feeling it again
It's carried me through pain
made sunny days brighter
It's given me strength
and has created a fighter
These words are my bullets
this pen is my gun
My only defense
since life has begun
We are all just soldiers
& all we can do is pray
That were provided with tools
to help guide our way
This is my path
so I've chosen to follow
To guide me toward freedom
And a brighter tomorrow
These words forever skip
and dance in my soul
But to spread our music to others
Is a true poets goal
161 · Apr 2019
Lyrical Spill
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
Barely controlled
words spewing so fast
Thoughts said out loud
leaving cuts that'll last
Run if you want
hide if you can
But warning beware
its caught all who have ran

Grab all of your things
lets go for a ride
Or come as you are
thats for each to decide
Gallons of ink
overflowing for hours
Drenching all unprotected
like word thunder showers

Past the point of return
in the path of it all
Useless to run
Just as effective to crawl
Again feel free
to give it a shot
Its going to spread
like it or not

Build ways around it
or stay far & clear
Another possibility perhaps
Is just ignore its there
Ignore all the warning
stand firm & defined
But stick around later
See whats left behind

At the end of it all
as it starts to recede
Take it all in
before you proceed
Look past fear
for promise of thrill
If you go with the flow
of my lyrical spill

— The End —