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Kida Price Sep 2010
I knew you once in my sleep
A figment of dreams And stray thought.
You've mocked my loneliness many times
Even though I've welcomed your voice to my mind.
And as I wake, you seem to linger in the day.
You hardly speak yet I assume you wish to keep the cover of daylight.
So I amuse you to believe that I don't detect you inside of me.
Until you betray yourself to speak
And I feel the skipping of my existence that brings me back to those dreams you so rudely intrude.
Now am I to wonder of your ability to be tangible?
Am I now suppose to obsessively search for your traces and clues like a fiend for a fix?
I've taken hit from you once or twice
And although your effect is euphoric,
Your consistency is short lasting.
So don't flatter yourself with your effect on me.
You've been inside my thoughts long enough to know me.
And I do not claim to be perfect but I hurt myself with the intention to be saved.
An obligation you failed complete though I never asked you to.
I do give you the credit of never mentioning it either.
And that made the itch for you dull through time.
Some people were made to be dreams
And to guard the minds of those who wither when they are all alone.
It's bittersweet that I leave you alone now...
But it's what you wanted in the end.
Isn't it?
Kida Price Sep 2010
He stands above me
Much to far for me to compare.
I am beneath him in all ways
And he will not let me forget it.
On my back for him to conquer
And expose my weakness for him to devour.
I won't fight him out of love
But I **** my voice to compromise with his touch.
He will not know my mind tonight
Though the matter of this does not bring importance to his purpose.
He marks me and shifts me into someone else
Someone more in his image because he hates all others.
And I lay beneath him breathing
And my stomach twists with corrupt acceptance of my bitter love.
He soars above me in brilliance and perfected chaos that I cannot look away.
I am destructed in his wake
Let me be rubble...
Let me be his chaos.
And as he leaves me on the ground
Never to return to my sight,
I feel myself suspended in air
And above you, I fly.

— The End —