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Kiana Marie Jun 2013
Angels have fallen
and the stars have gone black-
will we ever know if poor Castiel
can come back?
Graceless and fallen
and weak from descent,
wonder how much of that courage
is now gone
and spent.
supernatural; spn poetry
Kiana Marie Jun 2013
Two brothers and an angel,
in a 67 Chevrolet-
together a team of free will-
you might say.
team free will; supernatural; spn poetry
Kiana Marie Jun 2013
Sam loves his research
and Dean loves his pie-
but both so love each other
so-that for the other-
they'll surely die.
supernatural; spn poetry
Kiana Marie Jun 2013
That demon you've asked of?
The one of your dreams?
Yes she's dead Castiel-
"I'm sorry." Said Dean.
supernatural; megstiel; spn poetry
Kiana Marie Jun 2013
Two heroes; comrades,
brothers in arms;
face all that oppose them
and keep the other from harm.
supernatural; spn poetry
Kiana Marie May 2013
Isn't it interesting-
how humanity is both clockwork
and puzzle pieces,
stitched together
at seamless, invisible seams?

Today, as I went walking
soaking in the warmth
of the wonderful sunshine,
under a perfect turquoise sky-
(though I wished for
grey clouds to the east)
I looked, and saw
such intricate pieces
of this little world of ours.
The menacing guard at the front-
staring diligently and
ever vigilantly
at his screen- but
compliments your TARDIS shirt
as you pass him by.
The happiness and
slight rise in caffeinated
dopamine levels- as
I intake as the cool hazelnutty
drink, which slips lazily
down my dry throat
as I sit under an orange umbrella.
(Which only makes my hair stand out even more.)
The happy bicycle singer-
singing to the latest pop song;
And appearing to not have
a care in the slightest; and the
couple, at the corner bench,
limbs inching
ever closer but
ever further
as both wish for the other
to make the first move;
Leaving them at a loss-
In love.

Isn't humanity beautiful
in its sheer
To the unknowing eye
of its complexity
it masks?

At least,
I believe so.
Kiana Marie May 2013
thistle thorns
and cockle shells
All pretty in a row-
too bad I can't escape-
I wouldn't know where to go.
please protect me-
from these monsters in my head
they spin me round and round
'Play with us,' they said-
'Play with us,' they beckoned,
as they gathered us all around,
so we could play rings with Rosie-
till we all fell to the ground.
her last palace brims high with smoke...
Oh what a silly child's game-
*Don't you think it's a lovely joke?
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