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1.2k · Feb 2010
Gracie and I
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
Gracie and I
Have so much fun
There is no one like us
Nope none

Gracie and I
We are the best of friends
Always laughing and joking
Each other we’ll always defend

Gracie and I
Despite what our names say
We are clumsy
We don’t have any grace

Gracie and I
Talking all night long
Giving advice
And singing that song

Gracie and I
Best friends forever
Nothings gonna change
Nope never
962 · Feb 2010
In Our Creek
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
He yelled at me again
He hit me again
He made me cry again
So I go to my creek

I sit on the green grass
And put my feet in the cool water
The wind blows my hair back
And I begin to sing

I sing softly
I sing quietly
But it doesn’t keep
You from hearing

You seem to
Always know
When I need you
To come and comfort me

You kneel down
Right beside me
You put a hand
On my shoulder

I look into your eyes
And you see my tears
You pull me into a hug
And that’s all I need

Of course you know
That it happened again
You ask me where
And I raise arm

You push my sleeve
Up my arm
You kiss the bruise
That was beginning to show

Looking at the bruise
Brings more tears to my eyes
It makes me tremble
It makes me remember

I try to stand
You have to help
I still shake and you
Pick me up into your arms

I laugh as you
Spin me and spin me
You twirl me around
You stop and bend to kiss me

You set me upright
On my feet
You take my hand
And I lean against you

You hug my waist
You kiss my hair
A smile, my smile
Replaces the tears

We walk back
To my creek
Our creek
Our place

We get into
Our creek
We splash each other
In our creek

We laugh
In our creek
Troubles disappear
In our creek
894 · Feb 2010
Please Forgive
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
Father forgive me
I have fallen short of Your glory
Once again
I have sinned
I gave in
To temptation

Father God
I am sorry
What You gave me
I'll never earn
You gave Your Son
The sinless Lamb

He was nailed
To that cross
And He died
For my sin

Brother please forgive me
I have sinned
I will never
Be perfect like You
But I depart
From the world
I am Yours

Brother Christ
I apologize
For again
I have sinned
You died for me
And I don't deserve
You suffered for me Your sister

I repent
Of my sins
And I beg
Oh please forgive
877 · Feb 2010
Worldly Things
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I want to go
I want to leave your presence
I won’t take the way
You make me feel
I won’t give in
To your bribes
I don’t need those things
To survive

I won’t be a worldly person
I shall not let it be so
Your bribes will not work on me
No they shall not
You dwell upon material things
I dwell upon the opposite
I care about my soul
Being materialistic shall set me back

So I set possessions
Out of my mind
Those earthly things
Mean nothing
I am sorrowful
For those who dwell
Upon those things
So easily taken away
To dwell upon those things
Would put me in a melancholy mood
They disappear quickly
But my Savior
Shall forever stay
815 · Feb 2010
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
Goodbye cruel world
I die tomorrow
He discovered what i hid
I die tomorrow

Goodbye cruel world
I see Jesus tomorrow
He knows my pain, he knows my sorrows
I see Jesus tomorrow

Goodbye cruel world
I will be judged tomorrow
I worship You Lord
I will be judged tomorrow

Goodbye cruel world
I bow at God's feet tomorrow
I'll worship Him forever
I bow at God's feet tomorrow

Goodbye cruel world
Ill go to a better place tomorrow
Goodbye yes goodbye
Ill go to a better place tomorrow
Anyone can die anytime. "Live as if you will die tomorrow. Dream as if you will live forever"
704 · Mar 2011
Black As Ink
Kiana Jackson Mar 2011
Your heart
Is dark
As ink

Take off
That halo
You are
No angel

Wash off
The white
Powder on your
Ink black wings

Take off
That golden wig
And look at your
Ink black hair

Take off
That disguise
I'm no fool
Evil is written all over you

Your soul
Is dark
As ink
683 · Feb 2010
The Wound
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
the wound in my chest
hurts so bad
i think its the worst
ive ever had

all day everyday
i hurt inside
it is so hard
for me to hide

then you come along
and you see
the brokeness
inside of me

you heal my heart
and now i am
better than ive
ever been

now i go out
and i dont hurt
what you have done
you dont know what its worth
i wrote this in head hurt so i didnt want to read like i was supposed to...this can mean many things and it probly means something different to me than you so interpret it however it best fits you :)
682 · Feb 2010
I Belong to You
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I bare Your name
And I bare Your image
I am Yours
I will always belong to You

You are my brother
You are my friend
You help me with everything
I will love You even in the end

I want to thank You
For what You did
You did it for sinners
You did it for me

You will always love me
You will always be here
When my ‘friends’ abandon me
You will appear

You have told me
I’ll be persecuted in some way
But You will help me through
I will make it through each day

I belong to You
I will do our Father’s will
For You gave Your sinless life
On that green hill
672 · Feb 2010
The Stranger
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I sat at the peer
Overlooking the water
My head was in my hands
My hair hiding my face

I thought over the day
I thought of what happened
What happened
At the bay

You got on that boat
And you left me
I didn’t want you to go
Though I knew you had to

I felt a hand
On my shoulder
Startled I looked up
At the stranger

He looked worried
Truly worried
I shook my head
“He had to leave.” Was all I said

I saw it
In his eyes
He understood
And he sighed

I was hugged
By the stranger
I knew
He was no danger

Just a stranger
On the peer
But I knew that he also
Lost someone dear
661 · Mar 2011
Kiana Jackson Mar 2011
I tell you the truth
Yet you persecute me
Why? It is because
You are ungodly

I quote the Bible
You tell me to stop
Why? It is because
God you havent got

I answer your questions
And leave you speechless
Why? It is because
You are Godless

I correct you
By using my Sword
Why? It is because
I know the Lord
653 · Feb 2010
Jesus Has Healed Me
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
you have broken me
all these years
but now you wont
no more my dear

for Jesus has healed me
from all my wounds
and if you dont change
you shall be doomed

for you are a sinner
and so am i
i have repented
but you may die

i love my Lord
but do you?
you have hurt His children
now what will you do?

He told me i would be persecuted
though i didnt think by you
but you proved me wrong
now didnt you?
I wrote this also in access...if you know me well enough you should know who im talking about in this poem but it means something else to everyone so once again interpretation is up to you. and just in case u cant tell the "my dear" is me being this poem actually means a lot to me and if u have any questions about my meaning just ask...
623 · Feb 2010
Your Dance
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I watch you danceEver so gracefullyWhen you fallYou always get back upYou may slipYou may tripBut it don’t matterYou’ll get back upBut I watch you slowNo please don’t goThe music stopsThe curtain dropsYour danceIs overBut anotherHas just begun
618 · Feb 2010
The Liar
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
You are my Rock
And I love You
And so I am asking
Please help me through

My life is hard
At this time
Because of that person
I’ll climb

I will climb that mountain
To be alone with You
And I will climb that mountain
To be away from him too

I learned something today
I didn’t know before
About the Liar
I won’t take it anymore

He hurt her
And he hurt me
He hurt my brother
And all my family

This won’t last for long
If you don’t let it
I know you are strong
And You’ll do as You see fit

My decision has been made
I won’t trust him but I will You
I don’t want to see him
I will bid him adieu
610 · Feb 2010
This is the Present
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
You say
It was bad
And that’s just it
It was bad

That was past
This is present
If it was so bad
Make it better

Improve yourself
Don’t dwell on the past
Don’t think of future
This is the present

Live every moment
Don’t think back
When you
Don’t need too

This is now
Don’t worry
About things
Of the past or future

Enjoy what you can
Live life to the fullest
Before you transform
Into dust
I feel some people never think of where they are at. Always looking either forward or back
609 · Mar 2011
I think she's gonna make it
Kiana Jackson Mar 2011
Well I see it everyday
I always see this pain
Just look at her face
She's running this race
But she can't take it
They say she won't make it

But she is trying
For her mom and dad
She wants to live for them
But she hurts so bad

Well I hear her all the time
She says "I'm fine."
I look at her face
She's winning this race
They said she couldn't take it
But I think she's gonna make it
597 · Feb 2010
It Passes On By
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I awake from my slumber
And I look out my window
I see snowflakes falling
Drifting to the glistening ground

The sun is so bright
That it hurts my eyes
I turn away and think
It’s so beautiful today

But how can it be?
Last night was so horrible
How can the day rejoice
When my heart is broken?

It felt like a storm was raging
But to everyone else in the world
The night was peaceful
Though for me it stormed

I saw another side of him last night
The side no one wants to see
I want to overlook it
But my heart hurts too badly

I ended it last night
I couldn’t take the other side
I learned of the real boy
That I thought was so kind

I thought he was perfect
But of course I should have known
No one can be perfect
So now I feel alone

But I am not alone
I am never alone
There will always be someone
And today that is Grace

Grace will help me
I know she will
I sigh and I lean
Against the window sill

Though I may slow
It’s not as if everyone dies
The world doesn’t know
It passes on by
591 · Mar 2011
I Saw You On My TV
Kiana Jackson Mar 2011
Well I'm aware that you don't know me
And you get this all the time
But I saw you on my TV
And I want you to be mine

When they yell "action."
You bring on the smolder
You don't see my jealous reaction
When you hold her

I want it to be me
The one that you hold
I want it to be me
The one you shield from the cold

I hope someday you'll know me
And I can see you all the time
Not only as a person on my TV
But the one I can call mine
I wrote this about Ian Somerhalder, the guy who plays Damon Salvatore on The Vampire Diaries. I think he is amazing but I don't really want him to be "mine". He is about twice my age (but he still looks super hot) But if he was younger or I was older, I would want him to be "mine" :P The reason I used the word "smolder" is because in one of his interviews he was called "Smolder-holder"
583 · Mar 2011
Among the stars
Kiana Jackson Mar 2011
Among the twinkling stars tonight
There is a brighter light
I feel the need to fly
And I look up to the sky

I look up to the stars at night
To see if I can view
The pathway to that bright light
The path that leads to You

When things down here are growing dim
And I am tempted to sin
I look up to that path that soothes
Me and I am able to move
580 · Feb 2010
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I sit there in my basment
And i wonder what i thought
How could i not know?
How could i not see it?
I stare at his picture
I look into his eyes
He was so good at lying
It was always kept from me
My mother didnt tell me
The terrible things he did
He told me "Your my favorite"
And i believed him
He was my daddy
My daddy didnt lie

I walk upstairs
And i curl up in the corner
I lay my bible in from of me
And I begin to read
I read and i cry
Because now i am not blind
I see through his lies
I hear my mother speak
About the things that he did
I know it is truth
I know of his abuse

I climb up to the second floor
Im holding my baby girl
I see my husband in front of me
Kissing my 5 yr old daughter goodnight
I smile at him and he smiles back
I lay my baby in her crib
She is finally asleep
I take my husband's hand
And we watch our daughters sleep
This is a facade. For those of you who dont know what a facade is, it is a poem of three stanzas, each pertaining to your life. First stanza is your past, the basement. Second stanza is your present, the first floor. And the last stanza is what you want your future to be, your second floor. I chose the title "Better" because i hope to be a better parent than my father.
577 · Feb 2010
You & Me
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I awake
From the dream
That horrid dream
You were there
You were dead
I laid my head
On your unmoving chest
And I wept
Distraught and depressed

He shot you
While I just watched
I couldn’t move
Not until he was gone
I ran to you
But when I got there
You were already gone
It started to rain
But I didn’t care
Nothing mattered anymore

I sit up in bed
And I reach for my phone
I have to hear your voice
I see the time
Three AM
It doesn’t matter
I have to see you
So I call
And you answer
I tell you of my dream
And you come over

I get out of bed
And I run outside
There you are
Without a scratch
I hug you hard
And you hug me back
We get it your car
You smile at me
My favorite smile

I can’t help it
I become lost
In your eyes
I forget of my dream
I forget about everything
There is only me and you
You and me
Our hands interlocking
Our smiles matching
Your eyes
Poring into mine
All my worries
Depart from me

I don’t care
That he doesn’t approve
He can deal with it
He wont hurt you
He wont hurt me
We will fight together
Against him
We will prevail
I know we will
The fight has begun
And we are ready
576 · Feb 2010
My Light
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
It is dark
And it is cold
This feels all wrong
I don’t like this

There you are
Your stare fills
My heart with pain
And makes me think

Why were you
Not there for me?
Why did you act
Like you cared?

You never did
Yet you still try to hide
What you feel inside
And I ask you why

I know the truth
Do you know
That I pretend every time
I see your face?

When I am with you
I am a different person
I hate lying to you
But what will happen if I don’t?

Will you yell at me
Once again?
Or will you
Hurt me again?

You see
I never know
What you
Will do next

It scares me
And though I try
To hide my fright
Others know of it

They urge me
To stand up to you
But if I do
What will you do?

I feel as if
I am a mouse
And you
Are a lion

I can’t escape
And I can’t fight back
You are the predator
And I am the prey

I shift my gaze
From you to a Light
The Light
My Light

The Light grows
And It grows
Until It swallows
Up the darkness

You are
No more
Its just me
And my Light
573 · Feb 2010
Never Falling
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I may trip but I won't fall
You’re always there
You always catch me
When I stumble

My foot catches
A corner
Oh no where are you?
I don’t see you

But you catch me
Where are you?
I don’t see
But I know you’re here

You smile and say
“A little clumsy
Now aren’t we?”
I laugh and say

“You know how
I am now don’t you?
Always tripping
But never falling”
566 · Feb 2010
The One
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
Where are you?
Oh where could you be?
I’ve been searching all over
Am I crazy?

Do you exist?
Are you here?
When will I find you?
Will it be this year?

Will I ever find
The one I want?
Will I have to
Settle for someone else?

I turn away
From yet another
Boy who isn’t
The one I’m after

And there you are
Wait is it you?
I think you may be
Who I am looking for

I hear you speak
And I know
You must be
The one

I have finally found
Who I have been searching for
I have finally found
The one I adore
565 · Feb 2010
Turn Me
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
Your hair shines like the sun
Your pale face
Is the most beautiful thing
I have ever seen

Your hands so sure
As you hold me
Your fangs so sharp
As they pierce me

You drink until you
Have had your fill
I sway
It felt so good

You smell so sweet
You have told me
The same thing
I am getting sleepy

When you drain
My blood
My energy
Goes also

We will be together
As long as I live
Me, your human
And you, my vampire

You cut your wrist
And guide me to it
I will regain my strength
Soon enough

I am yours
And you are mine
Me, your human
And you, my vampire

I want more
Than my lifetime
I want forever
Resting in your arms

Will I turn?
What will you do?
If I become
One of you?

Will you feel guilty?
I hope not
This is what I want
Turn me

Turn me
And we will
No longer be
Human and vampire
I just want you to know that if vampires existed I would not want to be turned into one. This is only a character
552 · Feb 2010
Here In This Room
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
to be here in this room
is not what i want
a discourager is here
my soul is unhappy
being me is not easy
here in this room
right now i long for a mountain
so i can be with You
evil will leave me
Lord when im with You
I was in a teacher's room and as you can tell i didnt want to be there
532 · Feb 2010
That Night, That Dream
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I lay awake at night
And i think of you
Why did you do it?
What did i do wrong?

I had a nightmare
About you last night
You held a gun
And I was scared

I thought that you
would hurt me
but no, you made me feel guilty
by killing yourself

I woke with no one
no one to talk to
no one to help
no one awake

I laid in bed
and tried to forget
but there you were
in the back of my mind

The way you turned
the gun on yourself
the way you held the gun
to your head

Now i believe
that ill never forget
that night
that dream
530 · Feb 2010
Just Friends
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
Why do I feel guilty?
I have done nothing wrong
I don’t feel the same as you
But I talk to you all night long

I should not talk to you
I should not lead you on
You think you may change my mind
But you’ve got it all wrong

You asked me once
You asked me twice
You got me at first but now
No dice

You are my friend
Nothing more
I don’t think I am ready
Like I did before

I don’t want to hurt
I don’t want to ache
I am sorry
But it was a mistake

I hope one day
You will get over me
I just want to be friends
Don’t be angry

So can we agree
To be just
No more
Than good friends?
526 · Feb 2010
I Used To Think
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I used to think
“That will never happen to me”
But now I realize
It’s been happening all along

I didn’t understand
What it really was
But now I know
Now I have learned

I used to think
“Why don’t they tell?”
But now I know
I didn’t tell

I didn’t understand
What it was like
But now I know
It’s hard to tell when you don’t understand

I used to think
“He doesn’t do that”
But I was in denial
Now I know he does

I didn’t understand
That daddy lied
But now I know
He did it all the time

I used to think
“Why does it happen?”
I still dont know so tell me
Why did you hurt me?
Abuse is something serious. It can happen to anyone. Its hard to understand i know but it happens. And it hurts. STOP ABUSE!!!
494 · Feb 2010
I Am Fine
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I look around
To see you
And you look the way
You always do

I walk up to you
You see me
And your smile

Clouds begin
To rain on me
Your eyes like lightning
Your voice like thunder

You tell me
Its over
You have met
Someone new

How could you
Do this to me
I gave you the best years
Of my life

I was just
A shiny new toy
And now
You don’t want me

Now I am drowning
In my own tears
They always told me
But I didn’t believe

I turn to Grace
She doesn’t gloat
I cry and cry
But she says “Don’t”

She told me
You weren’t worth
One of my tears
Not one shed

The clouds part
And the sun shines
The flowers bloom
And I am fine
482 · Apr 2010
Blue Star
Kiana Jackson Apr 2010
I'm lookin for a blue star
Looking for where you are
I need someone bright to lead me
To where i should be

Im lookin for someone bright enough
To help me make it through the tough
Dont wanna get stuck in that black hole
Dont want a dark soul

I want a blue star
Someone with a good heart
Someone to help me learn
What i need to on this earth

I need someone to help me through the day
Someone to hold my hand and pray
Someone in which to walk the way
Im lookin for a blue star this May
468 · Feb 2010
With You
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
The way you smile
Helps me through each day
The way you laugh
Gets me through the pain

When i am with you
All my problems go away
With you
The sky isnt so far away

You help me with drama
You help me with nightmares
When i call you on those horrid nights
You're always there

You help me up
When i fall
You dry my tears
When i cry

When i am with you
I feel amazing
When you're here
Life doesnt seem so hard

— The End —