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Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
Father forgive me
I have fallen short of Your glory
Once again
I have sinned
I gave in
To temptation

Father God
I am sorry
What You gave me
I'll never earn
You gave Your Son
The sinless Lamb

He was nailed
To that cross
And He died
For my sin

Brother please forgive me
I have sinned
I will never
Be perfect like You
But I depart
From the world
I am Yours

Brother Christ
I apologize
For again
I have sinned
You died for me
And I don't deserve
You suffered for me Your sister

I repent
Of my sins
And I beg
Oh please forgive
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
Gracie and I
Have so much fun
There is no one like us
Nope none

Gracie and I
We are the best of friends
Always laughing and joking
Each other we’ll always defend

Gracie and I
Despite what our names say
We are clumsy
We don’t have any grace

Gracie and I
Talking all night long
Giving advice
And singing that song

Gracie and I
Best friends forever
Nothings gonna change
Nope never
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I bare Your name
And I bare Your image
I am Yours
I will always belong to You

You are my brother
You are my friend
You help me with everything
I will love You even in the end

I want to thank You
For what You did
You did it for sinners
You did it for me

You will always love me
You will always be here
When my ‘friends’ abandon me
You will appear

You have told me
I’ll be persecuted in some way
But You will help me through
I will make it through each day

I belong to You
I will do our Father’s will
For You gave Your sinless life
On that green hill
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
Where are you?
Oh where could you be?
I’ve been searching all over
Am I crazy?

Do you exist?
Are you here?
When will I find you?
Will it be this year?

Will I ever find
The one I want?
Will I have to
Settle for someone else?

I turn away
From yet another
Boy who isn’t
The one I’m after

And there you are
Wait is it you?
I think you may be
Who I am looking for

I hear you speak
And I know
You must be
The one

I have finally found
Who I have been searching for
I have finally found
The one I adore
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
You say
It was bad
And that’s just it
It was bad

That was past
This is present
If it was so bad
Make it better

Improve yourself
Don’t dwell on the past
Don’t think of future
This is the present

Live every moment
Don’t think back
When you
Don’t need too

This is now
Don’t worry
About things
Of the past or future

Enjoy what you can
Live life to the fullest
Before you transform
Into dust
I feel some people never think of where they are at. Always looking either forward or back
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
I may trip but I won't fall
You’re always there
You always catch me
When I stumble

My foot catches
A corner
Oh no where are you?
I don’t see you

But you catch me
Where are you?
I don’t see
But I know you’re here

You smile and say
“A little clumsy
Now aren’t we?”
I laugh and say

“You know how
I am now don’t you?
Always tripping
But never falling”
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
Why do I feel guilty?
I have done nothing wrong
I don’t feel the same as you
But I talk to you all night long

I should not talk to you
I should not lead you on
You think you may change my mind
But you’ve got it all wrong

You asked me once
You asked me twice
You got me at first but now
No dice

You are my friend
Nothing more
I don’t think I am ready
Like I did before

I don’t want to hurt
I don’t want to ache
I am sorry
But it was a mistake

I hope one day
You will get over me
I just want to be friends
Don’t be angry

So can we agree
To be just
No more
Than good friends?
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