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Apr 2011 · 1.3k
uninvited missing
Kiagen McGinnis Apr 2011
maybe sometimes, you are trying to fall asleep.
and my words fall on you like snowflakes, antarctic and weighted. an igloo of what used to be.
lay there, frigid, and remember when our hearts throbbed for each other.
maybe they still do.
Mar 2011 · 385
prize among women
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
people have developed the need for a crutch.
                                                         ­                   something, anything

so that they do not have to listen to themselves.
                                                     ­                       i am a rareity

                                                                ­            i need nothing but my own

Mar 2011 · 647
hot springs
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
stretched      across      two      rocks
theWaterunderneathandth­eMoonontop     enveloping my winter stricken body
                                                                ­        exactly the way clothing wasn't

i swear i heard your voice.
Mar 2011 · 815
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
i look at you now objectively
and with a critical eye

a statue in the art museum of my heart.
              chiseled with sadness
              warped with never knowing anything but loose-end logic & promises                                 held up
like wire hangers in a dark closet      

i am the wailing wall of what was once terribly beautiful
              {a place where you saw through new eyes and pumped new blood,
               a place that desperate love was the architect of}
i am a remnant.

granite cheekbones and soapstone eyes unforgiving on mine as i ask:

               were you ever truly happy?
Mar 2011 · 437
and that is why we are here
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
be as brave as you are bold
                                              he says,

i didn't mean to
                                             through the mud.

and i wish i could have come bearing hugs.
                                                           ­               i say,

                                              the universe is always benevolent
                                              so i shall put another notch in my belt
                                              take another step

                                              find another heart that feels something real.
Mar 2011 · 1.0k
shit'll make you cry
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
tonight is for                        chain

the thing about cigarettes is that they never stand me up
or tell me i'm second best

leaning against brick
lips pressed against nicotine
 ­                                             consistent
satisfyin­gly self destructive:
turning pieces of me black

i keep at it
until my throat is                stripped raw
bereft of the words i'd never say anyway.
Mar 2011 · 509
we are all in the gutter
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
the moon is closer to the earth
than it has been in seventeen years

your face is closer to mine
than it has been in undying sleepless nights

and as i pretend i never burned every expanse of that skin and those crinkly willow eyes and the way your mouth moves when you tell a lie
to my insomnia infected memory

i wonder
if you recall how my face looked when we met
how my hand touched your cheek when i told you i'd never love another more
the way i tried to absorb all the sadness from your veins

i wonder
if you recall me at all.

the sublime light of the moon is consolation enough
for now.
Mar 2011 · 549
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
i see something in you. nameless. esoteric. incomprehensible, even to me. the backshelfcellarthought

itches in my fingers

          in my words

          in my restrainted interest.

you could be flawless. despite the offsetting qualities others observe

          i see it.

a dull shade of the most lovely glow. and i am too proud, or maybe too afraid
Mar 2011 · 641
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
great  beasts
&  even  greater  beauties

swelling subterranean
my soul and asking the very good question:

why  don't  you  let  us  speak?
Mar 2011 · 748
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
of love being knotted to fear harpooned to hurt ensnared to limitations

i know it exists;
the kind that is



Mar 2011 · 430
after death, after life
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
what happens to us?
what happened to you?

i think you are the beat inside of me that is not my heart

and that it does not matter where i go,

your memory shakes
and my knees.

it won’t be long, love
never saw his grave,
never felt the need to.
he is not there
Mar 2011 · 933
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
it seems to me
that everything is corrupt,
& that a bird with only one wing (rightorleft)
is crippled to flight

democracy is doornail dead,
but was it ever really alive?
maybe if fat old men weren't running this place
wars over carefully constructed lies
wouldn't exist
and safe places would be safe,
not threatened to be stripped of funding
(hey, it's cool, who needs testing or birth control anyway?)

truth is becoming a word that is thrown around
a frisbee game
with luck it might end up at your feet.
Mar 2011 · 593
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
in a fragile sort of place
where         anyevery       song brings tears
and             everyany       look at your face
sends these legs s p i n n i n g

to avoid a goodbye,
i will nevernot run
Mar 2011 · 395
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
somebody told me, i said
that my laugh sounds like blues clues

your laugh? he said
i don't remember

sometimes the heart breaks subtly.
Mar 2011 · 663
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
i’m afraid of every place ultimately being the same,

different geographics, different politics, different blind religions

but the same




material-driven people

in boxes.

i don’t want to get married. i don’t want to reproduce. i don’t want a credit card. i don’t want a house. i don’t want a car. i don’t want cable t.v.

i don’t want to be in one place.
Mar 2011 · 485
raised in the city of salt
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
i was born in a house on 5th south
my mother nearly bled to death
                                                           ­ i guess it's only fair that i am anemic

i learned to write long before i learned how to talk,
probably because a thumb was always in my mouth
and we didn't have a tv
                                                            th­e librarians knew me by name

i was always scowling, couldn't find reasoning
for my parents being sad, for the eating of animals
for not having any friends
or a cat of my own
                                                            w­ords were my escape from the start
                                                           ­  a lonely girl's only constant.

comfort is pen to paper
                                   therapy is a journal so used the binding breaks
                                                          ­                                                    writing is home
Mar 2011 · 425
the other end
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
hearing his voice    (all rocks & dreams)    flash freezes any

sense of


and makes my words frothy.

his oblivion is oceans deep and i know if i could look in his eyes

they would be too.

hanging up is hard because i think i am
Mar 2011 · 469
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
sometimes you meet a person


hardly more than hello.

and you get home

and you collapse on your bed

while your thoughts run rampant.

and you realize,


that person




to me’
Mar 2011 · 1.2k
chivalry is dead
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
my tea is gone

my foot is asleep

my brain is messy

maybe now i will let myself


muted, soft, numb

as snow in the night
Mar 2011 · 602
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011

i'm the kid who jumps from too        high

and scrapes both knees on the gravel.
Mar 2011 · 774
the best thrills are cheap
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
i have never ridden a horse
but i imagine it is a majestic breathing version
of my bumperstickered bike.

i absorb streets through pedals, feeling things in a different vein
quick thoughts quick turns quick
my claustrophobia runs deep.

but! something in the way
gray air licks my cheeks
suspends enclosement

and appreciative lungs swell with liberation
Mar 2011 · 576
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
good winter.
flakes in heaps.
exquisitely untouched.

i slip from a house too small.
tiptoe to the center.
snow glowing glittering white.
crushed diamonds contrasting the noir-night.

utterly alone.
utterly pure.
Mar 2011 · 428
intangible somethings
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
in the quiet
in the spaces
the     crowd

i miss what we almost were
Mar 2011 · 541
what love leaves behind
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
my heart is a ghost

on my neck

hurry (!) a glimpse behind  ---

nothing. cracked hardwood & a shadowysortofsorrow.
Mar 2011 · 535
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
rainy through the window
he walks.
away from my desperate silence,
away from my wordless

torturously, this mindvideo repeats
why didn't you follow? echoesechoesechoes inside

could have;
ran through drops, grabbed his hand, buried into flannel,cried,grazed his face
              said things
          meant things

he scuffles away through soggy leaves.

quarter-heartedly, my hopes mumble: he will look back.
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
heart will pump slowfast
morning light and his breath still
breathing; lingering
maybe this person exists?
Mar 2011 · 636
a case of the need to's
Kiagen McGinnis Mar 2011
we Need to talk

-why is this something saved for later? a floaty, indefinite time in the future: words that fester get no easier to say

we Need to take a break

-cracking open the distance between us like two halves of an egg shell only renders us broken and ready to run

we Need to be in love

-what if our ideas of love don't match?

the only thing worse than needing is
Feb 2011 · 567
nicotine'll kill you
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
the city we are obligated to call home:

'it's pulsing, like a heartbeat'
                            yours. a steady bassline to keep track of,
tap my foot to in this unsteady place called love.

'that? that's just gases rising and light being hit in the right way'

from where your arms are cold around my waist, it seizes my attention that the

                            moon is nowhere to be found.
Feb 2011 · 759
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
meaningful in its meaningless:
windows rolled down
nightair canopied outstretched
memorized streets flushed with
the transience of our
itching notions

we spoke of the seemingly surreal future
getting out of this red, square place
and slipping into a big city blissfully

words became arbitrary
as we pulled into the driveway
kicked back our seats
cried defiantly
            the pending beauty
            the potential tragedy
            the growth spurt still
quivering in  muscle spasms

the world holds more for us
Feb 2011 · 660
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
scrape me down
like ugly wallpaper in an outdated house
leave nothing but gray framework
until beginnings are easy.

make me stop
dragging my heart through a cactusfield of memories
the ****** have got this body numb
apathetic to the tearing of skin.

wake me up
from sweaty black rabbithole sleep
tumbling&trying; to grip anything real
hand hits smoke.
Feb 2011 · 593
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
and for people who like babies.
Feb 2011 · 557
self implosion
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
that call that never came
made me lose my appetite

kicking you only means i'll run into you again, sometime.somewhere near cement
Feb 2011 · 841
multum in parvo
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011

so cold it's hot.


a cat who almost       jumps     in the tub but hesitates and instead lets his
skim the water.

tightrope hopes.

guilessly:   i find your beauty agonizing.
Feb 2011 · 479
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
my dog is more
than any human

she hides under
the desk
because wind is scary
and the world might

tonight i Join her
and we are each others company of choice.
Feb 2011 · 1.1k
petit prince
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
you motif my dreams. and your poetry makes me cry. and i'd call you mine if i could.
Feb 2011 · 695
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
holding this guitar
because i like the weight, the mystique of its strings.
a reliable neck
and curves to trace
i am no musician
but find comfort in an instrument i know i will never
Feb 2011 · 667
haunt me
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
pull disconnect over my head,
easy as pulling on a wool sweater. fail to do so,
& i lose track of things
allow myself the prerogative of thinking you are the
nicest prettiest most intrinsically loving
that ever lived.
if i let you scab over, all it takes is one flash of pain,
one quick peel and you are
a scar so faint it only glows under the ghostly moonlight of your eyes.
this feels like it is missing something to me,
any ideas?
Feb 2011 · 769
something no one notices
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
as you say
a relationship'
the light flickers quietly in your eyes the color of tree leaves reflecting a piece of pain like a swallowed shard of glass sharp enough to surface still
and collapse my heart.
Feb 2011 · 427
that day in October
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
how do you    lose     something
all that i thought i was wriggled away
balloons of identity snipped from their carefully tied place on my wrist
dissolving into a sky with no end

shock is simple.
can the same be said for
Feb 2011 · 449
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
runawaythoughts are   greyhounding my   restless/
wreckless brain,

we are all afraid of each other and when we say, 'how are you?' it is


it is Difficult to not wander             away;
maybe elsewhere sincerity is still pulsing.
Feb 2011 · 1.9k
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
sometimes, the only need in the world
is to lie
the floor.
preferably, hardwood.
Feb 2011 · 1.9k
lovesick haiku
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
his eyes were so green
and now i can only think
of love in past tense
Feb 2011 · 474
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
he stood there
skinny in the bad lighting
and his voice sounded like Modest Mouse
                       only better
                       because it sounded like him.

                        i was helpless: i swooned.
Feb 2011 · 1.0k
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
lack therof. i spend weekends with

stale popcorn,
hot baths,

they say the lotus only grows in mud.
Feb 2011 · 409
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
my hair, or so i like to think
        my lips, when i want to feel(that the night is mine)
                someone dear once said, 'grace&ferocity;'
                         my motives darling, are rouge.
Feb 2011 · 521
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
when you wrote a song but would not sing it because you were worried about it not being good enough for me.
i felt whole.
Feb 2011 · 562
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
'i'm addicted to this feeling'
this feeling of: not being at school
not being sober
& being with you and only you.
windows down and the sun make it
a moment without end.
Feb 2011 · 498
the avenues
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
on top of a hill
instead of apologies:
'take my hand
and scream as much
as it hurts.'
remembering your
guitar calloused
and watching it all
drift away.
Feb 2011 · 486
to cope
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
'thank you for  your call,'
the familiar click of the phone.
he finished the remainder of his shift.
he waited until there were no others.
he climbed into the cellar.
he stripped himself of clothing.
he crumpled like a tissue.

and wept.and wept.and wept.and wept.
'your brother was murdered this morning,'
Feb 2011 · 724
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
with face hardpressed against the
                                    cold tile
it becomes an airplane window.
eyes flutter open to see a world i know
                                    nothing about.
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