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I wish I could just melt into music.

I know that sounds weird, but I wish I could just become a never ending, legato phrase of music. Life takes so much out of me. I want to become an undying piece of beauty that will never be forgotten.

Music isn’t just something I listen to, or something that passes time.

Music is everything.

Every hour of every day and every night, there is music playing in my mind. It never stops. There’s nothing I can do to silence it.

I never want to stop getting chills because of the descant to the most beautiful choral piece.

I want to be the writer of the most gorgeous piano piece.

I never want to forget how the melody to my favourite song goes, even if it’s been twenty years since I last heard it.

I never want to forget how the lyrics to those songs made me cry, or laugh, or belt until my voice was gone.

There’s so much more to music than just notes on a sheet of paper.

Music is what keeps me alive.

Music is infinite.

— The End —