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Aug 2015 · 687
The Scent of Rain
Is it love or rain ,,
     Made this chaos & pain ,,
                           No one can explain ,,

When you smell the scent of rain ,,
                  It goes directly by the train ,,
                        Quench the nerves & wash away all the brain ,,
Love like playstation game  ,,
        You think it’s funny but Devils may cry ,,                                                      
                                   And will you gonna  insane ,,

Did you ever felt the same , cuz  so hard to tame   ,,
                        More than catching fire and throwing the Flame  ,,
                                                    But I know  you’re not the one to blame ,,
I made it like Italiano stile ,,
                                     tre versi ,,  
                                        e una rhyme ,,

— The End —