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A dark, wispy being
That flutters from here to there.
Captures moments full of memory,
In paper for one to stare.

He uses his wispy hands,
And snatches these moments.
Whether as small as a grain of sand,
Or as huge as the wide lands.

He’s obsessed with them,
These moments.
For him, they’re like gems.
If not collected, they’ll be lost in the torrent
And forever be slipping past his hem.

These moments have power,
That only he understand
The strong ones bellow louder,
When held in his hands.
The small ones are like powder.
Alone, they cannot stand.

If you made some with him,
These moments, I mean.
Then beware: he’ll trim and skim
Then put them on paper to be seen.
You see that girl?
With short brown hair,
That ends up in a swirl?
The one in the pretty dress,
The one thats a lovely green mess.

Well, she’s sweet,
And wise,
A million stories behind her eyes.

Oh, what a beautiful mind.

Cause she’s afraid she’ll fail.
She’s listening,
For no one heard her wail.

Cause she’s afraid she’s not enough.
Because her mind is rough.
For she wants people to feel welcomed and stuff.

She’s not perfect,
She knows.
Yet everyone shows her respect,
Which is where her heart goes.
i think we got it wrong
when we think of strong

for its not a mind
that thinks of me and mine

or controlled
by need or greed

its one thats gone inside
and dissolved all internal needs
and turns towards the world
with hearts and hands of kind
I'm (not) stupid,
I am (not) a fool,
I'm (not) only useful to you,
I'll never (not) be useful to anyone.
When negative thoughts come, add a (not) in front of the statement.
Which one’s easier?
To focus on the good?
Or the bad?
The negative
And the sad,
Or the positive
And the glad?
Lately, I’ve been wondering why people tend to see the bad first. Maybe it’s negativity bias—our brains are wired to notice danger more. Bad things feel stronger, stick longer. Stress and self-doubt don’t help either. But the good is still there… just harder to see.
If we're being honest,
Not every day is a good one,
You can't make 'em all good,
Otherwise none would be good enough.

Sometimes you just can't fix a broken day,
You just have to take a deep breath and go to bed,
You've got all of tomorrow left.
It's been a long long Monday.
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