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Sep 2010 · 620
This Fallen Angel
Kevin Toca Sep 2010
Shadows Surround that which should of never been
Darkness encompasses it whom had so much and lost it all
like a spear it struck into the heart of the father
and pierced him worse than any battle wound that could be mis fortuned
And yet he stood there and watched unable to reach out and touch the impure
only longing for the day in which he could once again hold him
Aug 2010 · 651
Sense your past senses
Kevin Toca Aug 2010
Every Day and Night
Hour to Hour
We search for something more
What do we desire most
Selfish Maybe?
But what if your desire is to help others?
Does that make you selfish still?
Whom is allowed to point the finger and say that will never work if they themselves haven't tried?
We express ourselves in numerous ways
Some to communicate a point others to express how we feel
Some hide what they sense and feel to " not Expose" whom they truely are
But What if
What if they dont know who they even are anymore
Just a Mass Taking space in the universe
Well Why not Search ?
You'll Find your more out of touch with who you were meant to be than others around you
So Search and find who you are sense the senses in the past and Become the someone you Strive to be
Dont Let this World Stop because this world has nothing more to offer you than hate
Aug 2010 · 745
Kevin Toca Aug 2010
Love is that in which we search are inner most being for. It is that by which we live our daily lives. If man were to truly describe love it would be considered unfathomable even by the wisest of men. Regret, Sin, Hate, Love Equality, are these not all things in which we all share with one another. Did not our creator provide his own heart within us? For if the statement “Life is short lived” should you live life to its fullest?

Self Reliance is something every man shares with one another for if we do not rely on our selves how is it possible then to rely on God to do things for us if we struggle with our own trust? Hardship, does not everyman endure his own for the sake of something he loves? Every man derives his own will power to do something from within his heart and through this he is able to clearly see what is sacrifice, what is compassion, what is love.

Strength and will all of humanity has strength and will within them as to rather they choose to use it is chosen by no one but themselves. Despite those who say I can not they are saying I am afraid. Those who fear have only themselves to fear.

Simplicity is it not true that in todays day and age that things are simple and easy going and are perceived by society as to be a benefit to man kind? i believe that we should not strain ourselves over things but also i must say that it causes us to lose sight of what it truly means to be hard working sure we say it but do we truly mean it when we say that was hard or are we just substituting as a filler for saying something that was above the average life experience.

Mental Strength now we all must realize that we are all the same but also different at the same time fact of the matter is that we believe it to be true that we all share the same heart the same mind and even the same dislikes and likings. But what if in proposed theory all the things we experience and love and care for were thrown into chaos would we as the human race be able to hold up our own mental strength or would we be thrown into the chaos and just subject to whatever was told to us? See now i believe that in retrospect that mental strength does not derive from mans heart nor his capability to learn and retain knowledge i believe that this strength is driven by the human spirit and through this spirit as man regconizes it he sees that his true nature is one of compassion and inner strength than that of an outward appearance

Life's Difficulties found through God?

Life is hard and doesnt let up sometimes does that mean i should quit just cuz im down in the mud? We all take hard falls through life and sometimes yes they do leave scars thats remind us wat happend. Sometimes doesnt it feel like the world has put a cage around us and then the world comes back around to the cage and taunts us liek were some kind of animal? We all go through lifes troubles but we also coem out of them and sometimes we are down on out knees say WHO CAN HELP ME NOW!!!! WHO CAN SAVE ME!? As hard as it may seem God is there for us when we need it and through his help we can jump and stand tall on the highest pride rock in unselfish and pure righteousness and Tell the World I control ME NOT U ! I live for wat i believe ! I dive into the deepths of my own ocean ! I hear GOd I trust him and Slap me down into the mud and rub it in my face but i will always Get back up and u can **** me shot me torture but in the end I WIN!
Aug 2010 · 1.7k
Kevin Toca Aug 2010
Chapter 1
Falling leaves

The Crimson sky shone brightly around the young elven girls hair as she stood beside her mother in the remote area hidden within the starian mountains. They both examined the small and large creatures that roamed the area so free so untamed yet they shall cause you no harm should you approach them. "Amira my daughter" the mother said to her " you see what is before and you know that each creature, plant and breathing being has been taken care of by our clan and race for many generation since the time of the elders still roamed the earth" "amira" she said "take this bow and staff and decide what your destiny shall be" The young elf girl stood still and gazed upon the well carved bow and the refined staff that had been used by generations before her. She plucked the string of the bow and heard it resonate through the woods and followed with two taps to the ground a flow of light now appeared on the ground by which she tapped on. The light engulfed the ground in a quick and rapid flow it looked as if heaven itself was set upon the earth in which she stood now looking out upon the world with her mother. These thoughts the memories that she had reminisced the scenes from her child it was also one of the last time she would see her parents , alive that is.The once young elf girl rose to her feet and wiped her forehead to remove the sweat from the dream she had just endured. She said aloud “This dream is always returning to me, why?” She picked up her Staff that her mother had given her so long ago it seemed. The Staff had grown with her as she got older and taller so did the staff to suit her in her journeys in life. She stretched out and began to examine the forestry from up in the tree in which she had spent the night. She shape shifted into a cat and dropped from the tree with a ease and set off into the direction of the City of the sentinels in which lay in the land of the humans who her people had always been in alliance with since the elder gods had roamed the earth the human and elf gods had at one time waged war with each but they saw it as pointless to continue to sacrifice there beloved creations. Swiftly she moved dodging tree after tree to reach her destination before the start of the summer solstice. She regained her regular form as she reached the gate of the city in which she had traveled so far to reach in time, she approached one of the guards that stood outside the city gates and she said “I have a message for your king, please grant me passage into your city” the guards asked “is that so then show us the message as well as remove all of your weaponry for you know this is a city built on serenity.” She removed the letter from her satchel and opened it before the eyes of the left guard, he examined it quickly and saw its urgency and quickly commanded that the gates be opened. The gates swung open with a quick thud as they locked into place to allow her in. She walked slowly as the humans examined her with intensity as if they had never seen her kind before despite that not being true for the elves and humans had always fought along side one another since the first war in the plains of krasia. Young children run amok chasing each carefree as such young group of children should be. Amira approached her final destination which no more than sixty –five yards ahead of her. Before her stood the largest palace in the entire land of Emul, which lied in the eastern kingdom. The king welcomed her to his city with a great and joyous laugh hands extended saying “my father and grandfather and past generations have ruled over this land and so shall I continue.” His voice echoed through halls of the palace, Amira stood astonished at how much different the humans are in there own land she had only known them on the field of battle by in which she fought along side them in the war of jinir. She knelt before King Azreol and said “Your majesty I bring you news from my people in the starian mountains.” She reached into the satchel and removed the letter which bore the royal seal of the elven king. Her hand held it out in front of her, head bowed still and knelt the king approached and took the letter from her hand and said “ You may rise for are people are at peace and so I shall consider you my dear friend” The king read the letter quickly with a small sigh followed after reading it. He looked and laughed with great joy and said “My dear girl it pleases me to say that we accept your invitation to the Festival of the Three Moons.” “Go and tell your king that we shall arrive on the sixth day of the coming month to help prepare such a great and joyous occasion.” She bowed once more and said " Im most sure he will be glad to hear of you answer to attend your majesty" Amira rose to her feet and thanked the generous king for accepting there offer and headed out the palace doors, but the king rose and said " Such a young and beautiful elf such as herself is not implying that she dares to sleep with the beggars and thiefs of the city does she?" " well yes" she replied.
Kevin Toca Aug 2010
Taking each moment that passes you by
sitting there in curiosity pondering why
Each day after school you stare and stare
and dont know what each new day will bring
but you still fight on

Cause in this world thats so cold
and were so alone
we need each other to fight on
to take the shot cause lifes the bullet and were the gun
Aug 2010 · 550
Failure to See
Kevin Toca Aug 2010
Here we once stood
Looking out over the sunset in its beauty
The warmth that surrounded everything
The absence of everything wrong
Thoughts of endlessness and dreams sundered by desires
only hidden for the thought of pain
each wish bringing something new to our fronts
taking life by its hand and holding it tightly not letting go
thats what we would do in that place we held each other dear
we didnt see it coming and now its come to pass that things are torn
that we couldnt feel its presence as it closed the doors behind us
the hate that was thrown at us and we couldnt fight and now we stand apart staring and wondering

— The End —