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Dec 2011 · 1.3k
Dangerous Waterfall
Kevin McCarty Dec 2011
let me warn you of those deep hearted girls
the ones I’ve told you of since little boy to find
you know that one in zillion kind of pearls
yes, there is much more to their ‘soft' design

from her lips comes the sweet and kind sound
floating though thicket forest of which you pass
coming closer, closer never giving up ground
sweat, cuts, bites only turn the steps into chasse

soon you see the evidence of her love all place
like the changing plants or new feeling in air
only making your feet to quicken, increasing pace
at last you see, now you know her beauty fair

my boy it is not too late for your fast retreat!
don’t let the cool, clean pool pull you in
please, the rocks are wet and be no treat
cause they would harm, like soccer to shin

but I guess you need to climb to the very up
taking loves chance at jumping inside
hoping I am for her to have more than sup
far you will fall to her heart’s pride

worried I shall be, pray I shall do
did I ever tell you I did the same too?
Dec 2011 · 717
Sufficient Folly
Kevin McCarty Dec 2011
sometimes I wish to be a kid again
Jesus was simpler during that time
for now I see we made a mess of Him
trying we are to place human limits

sometimes we seek to win God’s favor
because we feel bad about feeling good
thinking too much about it lead us away
from receiving it like candy to a child

someones are not transfigured right away
we want God to work on our terms
yet we can’t do that our very selves
our ideal of failure is God taking His time

someones push God away with science
when it should only bring child’s wonder
madly we use His words as weapons
sadly this show we’re missing the point

someday we will discover God’s un-shallowness
then we can stop trying to dazzle Him
and also figure out gifts to be gifts
determined not by personal virtue

someday we will accept His grace
not just in theory but in practice
like an unself-conscious child
taking what is given freely

sometimes I wish someones to be a kid again

Based off ‘the Ragamuffin Gospel’
Dec 2011 · 733
Answer Lies in Love
Kevin McCarty Dec 2011
called we are back into God’s loving arms
therefor let us rejoice for His incredible longing
go fast to the Father, never will He say no
the King of kings waits for us, why the prolonging?
you keep in the house of sin, God’s only foe

truth you do say when you tell of all the wrong
but truth you forgot of the new life that comes free
do you not feel the amazement of this deep grace?
forgiveness comes ever, better than wishes of three
please take Him up! Don’t think you missed space

To you my church filled, going friend, GET REAL!
you **** like the rest of us here, no more, no less
thinking you have done all there is to be saved
no you fool! Salvation is not a game of chess
realize that state your in, we’re ALL depraved

do not worry comrade, your fear may seem great
take your funk of death, life and world’s end
place it in the Lord’s deep hands, He’ll take it
but I must warn you, the love that you’ve penned
cannot stay still, or measured, even with your wit

I tell you all, grace is ever more and more abounding
it leads us to know our true sin filled lives
but that’s not all! There is more, often left out
it points to the mercy of human’s chosen strife
this crazy love, just given without a doubt

Jesus' death made us free from our harms
called again we are back into His loving arms

Based off ‘the Ragamuffin Gospel’
Dec 2011 · 640
A Thing for Ragamuffins
Kevin McCarty Dec 2011
He came
indeed He walked this earth, the thing He made
for a time, long enough to comfort those afraid
and those with disease saw the light in Him
and those with power saw not a worth prim
that’s not all He came to fix, no there was more

He saw
the bending of holy minds under worldly power
turning worship into insurance with hearts of cower
leaders condemning the good for breaking the bad
not know Jesus’ mission of love or His big dad
believing He had turned into their greatest chore

He showed
hot too often our dearest works are for human reason
that we may gain for our selves, God’s highest treason
telling so, of the sick not healthy in need of help
going to anyone, anytime on just the sound of a yelp
healing deeper to the heart, past the outward sore

He fixed
though sinners He dined with, ***** He loved with
cutting down any and all social class with grace’s scythe
freeing the religious slaves, guiding them along the way
to those who trust Him, the offer is still good today
not caring when you choose to come in His door

He loved
indeed He walked the earth, the thing He made
with untold love, He made sin’s biggest trade

Based off ‘the Ragamuffin Gospel’
Nov 2011 · 634
Christmas Morning
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
The day started at quarter to 7, am...
I did not feel like getting up
For the week before had shown me the joys of sleeping in;
but this day was different, this day was
Until this moment the break had been fulled
with happiness, love & the Gerber's cookies
now tho, that had all changed, now it was
like the dark thunder storms that roll across
the ocean skies, so too did my heart darken
to a deep empty black
even the moon did not shine that morn'
with 'its light' that it only steals from the sun.

I hate waking up early...
even for presents
Nov 2011 · 760
The Bending
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
Time eats away my truth
I have let the world shape and do its bending
times have come where I can try my own mending
afraid I am at my own work, how it falls so far
from the original, from what I was, is the never ending?

Painful fire heals me
my work, my currency, build it up for the last exchange
this I must, this I need, it says so in the Book right?
what else I do if not thinking of my long-range?
fear are my sights they help choose my end aim
neat and tidy this path of mine, hard is this change

A healthy hospital
come anew have I, to find true church meaning
having seen my own dark makes it light all brighter
rest I find at the end of my endless demeaning
people too healthy to know of sickness, come here not
they keep trying, ever in search of their false cleaning

I not what I be
angle I have not become since that day’s encounter
no longer feeling bad over my good, over what I am
Jesus put His place in my pieces all are on His counter
Grace has turned my life into a second chance, again
Simply turning around was enough for that encounter

I have let the world shape and do its bending
But in His loving arms will be grace’s mending

Based off ‘the Ragamuffin Gospel’
Nov 2011 · 524
Life was taken
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
Life was taken away not too long ago
near was the one I had once called dear
no longer was my Love, though my love remained
her face (a shining star) now set aglow
her body soon to melt away as like the snow

little I remember of how that day went
for all I knew is she lost her hue
warmth that remained was eaten up by the hungry earth
the hole lines its self with my velvet discontent
its sinister works being fully spent

what she left behind is a question I face
annoyed I am to this never ending void
that has carved out its home in me
filling its nothingness into all my space
never at rest always apace

clouds of black form over me
clouds of black “attack!” is what they say
continuing on throughout all that was good
clouds of black, my true friends they be
for they blot out the sun from hitting me

maybe in my mind I’ll see her again
if not, to just play those memories (they turn out gray)
faults of the past fight out the good
they leave none alive in their campaign
leaving the battlefield in unending strain

who pushes me to sit on such a mood?
death’s very breath teases me these days
could it be him? or is it his own guilt?
which puts him in a place of being so lewd
his job needed be, makes him not lightly viewed

‘what ifs’ plague my thoughts and despair
they begin to tell me of that which should’ve been
they mix my yesterdays with now and future
it seems they get energy from the very air
I have to breathe no matter where

these thoughts are my last gift to her my Friend
the pieces of my heart are too small for a restart
my knowledge will only come with my obsession
this all I have left to append
I will not ever again befriend
this was for English class and I listened to the band Evanescence to help get ideas going
Nov 2011 · 584
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
To those who honor me by calling me son
I cannot think of anything to be done
To return all the love you have given me
Or all the food I have had for free

I thank God everyday for you
I know He will show you though
Any trials or bridges you may have to cross
for remember, He is the boss

The light you have given me by calling me son
Is the greatest thing you could have ever done
Nov 2011 · 509
You Have Left Yourself
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
You have left yourself
chasing something new
giving up that old shell

You want to go back to old ways
sadden for leaving it
wishing on yesteryears
you had done better
and not given up

Thinking of where you could
have been on those tracks
yelling in your mind which
only echos back at you
even louder, allowing you
to find the emptyness in all
that you were just working for

You reason with yourself
but what reason is there
in blaming the boat when
the winds have left it?
Nov 2011 · 578
You want
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
The first two lines are from Richard MacDougall's poem

You want to make it round the bend
That's one more turn toward the end
You want to climb to the other side
That's when you forgot a guide

You want to swim the ocean strong
That's how you ended up in Hong Kong
You want to fly among heavenly stars
That's why you crashed into Mars

You want to be someone great
Thats when you realized the tax rate
You can't do anything cause you ****
so don't even try you schmuck
Nov 2011 · 654
Where is He?
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
where would you find the One who made all?
perhaps looking in the rain forest, full of life, trees so tall
or maybe that would be too wet, so go to the desert next
He could still be there from when He over did our hex
surely He would not go north, it’s far too cold you see
plus Santa Claus was already sent there with human’s glee

no, lets try somewhere else, maybe at our schools?
well it seems to be His name, His plan, His love aren’t cool
then to those meeting places of world leaders look we
shoot, for it be they cannot be bothered while having tea
most people know Him right? So to that screen look and find
that those people have become gross, free, most of all blind

our search started clear with meaning, with hope
finding we have dropped Him so others may cope
slowly opening the spill ways into our wanting mind
not knowing the flood’s affects, where it might wind
lying waste to the once fertile grounds, so well kept
now in disarray, wanting the grey, no longer being apt

one last look we may take, this time at church
people like us go there to find, to pray, to search
sadly it too can become low in love, forming a shell
used only when the feeling comes to be well
still we have this faith in us, contained in no bin
nothing here is sound, to it we must not give in

where would you find the One who made all?
try a still pond, look into it, and see His all
Nov 2011 · 435
When She…
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
when she walks, she does
so with a lighted crown,
as if always wearing
her favorite gown

when she smiles even suns
would reflect those rays
with their never ending
source, to which is cure
from my sickness, fast to
come, faster go when she
is near

when she laughs I have
not one worry, although
be they jokes of me, still
letting us be in time
without one hurry

‘when’ does not apply, thus
making every stair of stars
jealous, wishing not they be
compared to her eyes and
rightly so, for simple thermo-
nuclear fusion keeps them
energized and bright, oh
but how weak even then it
appears when you realize

how beautiful yes, she be
even more so, for it matches
what lays beneath
Nov 2011 · 389
Such Sad Times
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
Dedicated To Tia Stone

Such sad times we sometimes face,
But I know God will send His loving grace.
People like you are too hard to find
Friends like you are always so kind.

We say goodbye, knowing you won’t be near,
Never forgetting these memories we hold dear.
We try to say all the love we know;
Hoping that it will all show

How much we’ll miss you
Nov 2011 · 427
No Flower
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
No flower comes close to her beauty more.
None with such a heavenly voice had known,
Nor seen the eyes, it’s hard not to adore.
Never rivaled, or to be badly shown.

Happy she was, when she came to be there;
Hopeless he was, when she came to be near.
Hiding not the love that came from nowhere,
He thinking not how much she would be dear.

At this moment in time it all ended
As the snow changes winter from fall,
Adhering death to that which was splendid,
All went to rest without even a call.

No flower came close to her beauty fair.
If only that flower would somehow care...
Nov 2011 · 501
If I be Christian
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
If I be Christian
Where then is my Bible head?
Do I just keep that book beside my bed?
Do I know it word for word or am I unread?

If I be Christian
Do I bring about change I want?
‘Cause I rather sit here and taunt
And blame those that have ‘caused’ my daunt

If I be Christian
Do I keep less than 90%?
Do I sit with my child like discontent
Because I know better of where it should’ve went?

If I be Christian
Do I carry church as a burden or joy?
Do I build or destroy with my ploy?
How long until I O.D on soy?

If I be Christian
Does music hold me back from helping others?
I heard once about us all being bothers
But instead we fight over our druthers

If I be Christian
Do I love the Lord?
Because His is the greatest reward
Nov 2011 · 690
Friend of empty
Kevin McCarty Nov 2011
To make a friend is something I enjoy,
trying so hard not to be an annoy
spending time together that cannot end;
it breaks my heart, when I lose a friend

Not too long ago a new friend had come,
from nowhere it dropped in, to join my sum;
of thoughts and feelings to my dear father,
this emptiness would not leave, why bother?

It follows me where ever I may go
yet like snow it will melt away, I know;
come one day this empty feeling will leave
cause my father will be there on that eve

To make a friend is something I enjoy
but my friend of empty, is a BIG annoy

— The End —