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Dec 2019 · 193
Losing your self
kevin kilby Dec 2019
Losing your self in the moments, laugher, and happiness were can I find the peace of man kind so I can rest my weary bones I wondered far in this life only to be betrothed I pondered diligently for answers that were honest and true to come to the conclusion every day there is a new dragon to slay but a new adventure all the same there's simplicity like the sun on your face or your  loved ones embraces or the joy life brings like winter into spring there is hope sometimes you just have to loose your self
Dec 2019 · 189
Are we growing to sow
kevin kilby Dec 2019
Are we growing to sow do are fruits produce kindness or are they bitter and cold do we shed a tear for the ones who didn't get to breath the breath of life and see gods beauty do we seek whats right or  perch are selves underneath the grapevine getting drunk on tainted lies can a man sustain his family by only tilling the soil or is it also necassary to gather in the harvest before it spoils as a shepherd imprints on its kids so should we imprint a love for are wife and family are we growing to sow at the end of life can we reep are heavenly reward and fight evil with every fling of the sword and shield are self with gods mercy when the avalanches and rains come we seek protection and safety so we also should do so with gods I biding love to lift us up when we are low are we growing to sow
kevin kilby Dec 2019
Wild horses gallaping through the storm colors of black silver and grey as they toss there head  becoming kings of the herd the stallion fight for his mare the thrill is in the air as each stallion battles it out to only have one left standing there flames can rise in the forest for they don't fear the fire designed for passion and desire when it was a instinct to run since the day they were born as wild horses galloping through the storm
Dec 2019 · 163
Rope the wind my friend
kevin kilby Dec 2019
Before the sun rise I grab my rope hoping for perfect timing and rythem of the breeze feeling every turn of the loop as if I was Flying above the trees as the mist rises above the near by Pond I use my rope as if it was part of a mystical dance as I luagh in dangers face as many others do to chase a dream hoping that it will come true in the twilight hours the midnight sky that is dark blue  with the echoes of the past saying rope the wind rope the wind my friend don't hold anything back let all emotions loose let your untamed spirit free and be as good as you know you can be forget adversary forget your hate only to love and to regain your strength grab the bull by the horns hard failings as you hit the ground rope your way out like a swirling tornado jump through the flames if they stand in your way and wether You succeed or fail rope to live another day again and rope the wind my friend
Dec 2019 · 160
Little cabauo
kevin kilby Dec 2019
O little cabauo were did you go o little cabauo I lost you a long time ago trotting away my fears you showed me to be a bigger man to rise above it all in luaghing and in solitude but are roads had to split and are friendship had to end o how you tugged on my heart strings with your shananagins  but in the brisk snow and warm Summer's down below I Remember my little cabauo and wonder were did he go you leeped and jumped to show who's boss you shook your head when your shoes were off you nipped then smiled and I had to let you off my ****** what a slugger and joy you brought to my heart and lifted me up so I can grow o o my little cabauo
Dec 2019 · 142
As the blue roan romes
kevin kilby Dec 2019
In the brisk fall air  I see a young colt standing there he was blue like the midnight sky and wondering were to go from here as was I we both would travel from mountains to platues but stand in the mist of are foes as the blue roan roams as the blue roan roams so do I too seek freedom and pursue happyiness the land was cold were we came from hoping we see warmer days His eyes were teary from the winter chill and and we also were sad of not having a place to rest so we were like to lost stranger with a bond even though we just met he dreamed of the greenest pastures to race through time and danger And I dreamed of a life I can call my own and longed for a place we can call home as the blue roan roams
kevin kilby Dec 2019
I waited for hope in the dead of night when a rumble In the grass from the sound of hoof prints edge in the ground I saw a glimpse of a white horse in fright of the wolfs scared was my mind I did not have the time to give my soul to it but I gave my spirit and jumped in the wind I waited for hope in the dead of night the moon gleamed as it was to smile the night Owel leeped on the branch to seem as if it would say seize the moment before it goes away so I gallaped through my weary  thought to ride my restlessness away to see a promise of a new day  i waited for hope in the dead of night when I was swept away from my guilt and pride to live for the ride I for fitted rationality for thrill I exchanged preservation for courage when the lion was at my door God chased him away when the snake was to snare he took away despair like the Holy Spirit filled the air the white horse was there and misarry  was out of sight as I waited for hope in the dead of night
kevin kilby Dec 2019
I whisper to the wind I whistle to the bird my cares go unheard
But the wisdom of gods creation shines through the trees were are you says the echoes of reason I look for you but you are not there when is the season you rise above your adversarys says the kakaling of
Contavercy when will you be ready to see the wright path says the fox I say to reason I have lost the game the world has played but have freed my spirit from the chains of rationalality to soar in the depths of my mind I say to contravercy I sheath my sword to walk on higher ground so I can find solitude not a battle witch will never be won I say to the fox I will not go with the path you lead me I am already on the narrow road were the plots and assumptions of man kind never go and the fox says I see but I might be there when it is wide no I say I will be on the rock that never brakes by then And my lesson will not be learned by you or experience but by gods hand I said softly in proud silence
Nov 2015 · 355
true love
kevin kilby Nov 2015
my true loves waiting for me somewhere and I'm waiting for the time I meet her and we can laugh together as were dancing in the rain I know I will meet her soon and hug hear underneath the starlight and kiss unederneath the moon my true loves waiting for me somewhere and I'm waiting for the time I meet her and we can laugh together dancing in the rain we will last forever through the hard times and the pain hand and hand we will be there for each other and never leave the memeries behind we will carry them till the end of time and I know my true loves is waiting for me some where and Im waiting for the time I meet her and we can luagh together as were dancing in the rain and when we have are deathly depart we'll always have each other in are hearts
Nov 2015 · 488
shadows of my silawet
kevin kilby Nov 2015
shadows of my silawet as I ride on by with no regret It's just a reflection of my true self as I ponder life and put nothing on the shelf everything is wonderful as I ride on my horse in the summer night afraid of nothing because of the moonlight just let me be in the shadows of my silawet as I ride on by with no regret and let me remember who I really am and never forget as I ride in the shadows of my silawet
Nov 2015 · 293
language of the heart
kevin kilby Nov 2015
I try to see the good in everone but sometimes it's hard when life turns out to be not so fun I hate to see heartache in a child I hate to feel lonesomeness in a womens eyes I hate to know that a man has ben defeated by his pride and it makes me sad that the ones who are old don't get there last rights before they die only god can mend the spirit of man kind many speak the language of words and the mouth is were it starts but I was made from god to speak the language of the heart
Nov 2015 · 477
bhind closed doors
kevin kilby Nov 2015
behind closed doors there is evil in ever room and the truth of that person is unfereled the real identity  of the soul is there when no one is around and only the devil hears the sounds face to face isn't were there found but behind closed doors is were there bound
Nov 2015 · 331
puzzle piece
kevin kilby Nov 2015
I am like a puzzle piece by piec I grow it might take me time but soon enough the picture will be shown I am like a puzzle piec by piece I grow whe I'm ready I'll let you know time is a test by all it will be learned  but I'm just a piece that trys to fit you'll see me shine once that fire has ben lit the world is filled with things I will forget but it's just another piece of the puzzle I will get
Nov 2015 · 824
red rock of cody
kevin kilby Nov 2015
red rock of cody how you shine red rock of cody your all mine from the north fork to the south fork to the winery were I pop the cork your special in my eyes I hope the spirit of the west in you never dies o red rock of cody how you shine red rock of cody your all mine my heart is on your mountains my spirit is in your lakes cody you always give and never take let me be for ever in your loving embrasse o red rock of cody how you shine red rock of cody your all mine
Nov 2015 · 305
kevin kilby Nov 2015
love is always there when your feeling lonely and despare love is never impatient or distant love is always persistant love  puts others first when your in need love heals it never hurt when you can't seem to go any further the kindness of love pushes you over so be loving and caring so all the love can be shown by giving and sharing
Nov 2015 · 263
old days to new
kevin kilby Nov 2015
as new days become old and summer end and it begins to get cold we think of joyful days and the memory that stays we find reliving a smile or
a cry it seems that just yesterday someone got married or died the days of old become new agian maybe we might reunight with a childhood friend
or maybe a mistake we made we try to fix even if its the fith or sixth time goes in an out but the time we spend with family and friend is'nt waisted there no doubt
Nov 2015 · 286
kevin kilby Nov 2015
told by strangers in the dark watch were you make your mark in this life whispers from people that you don't know be careful with witch people you go don't take the path that is well traveled said the one who stay in the night and he say to you to make your own light engage in what is proper but show you true colors at the same time and always say whats on your mind don't twist the ways of the world to fit your own ambitoins and don't do things for mere ignition take time in what you do for your pay so you can be hired another day but be aware of the one who says lets spend money and just have fun don't live by foolish lies and the last words the stranger spoke he said don't be alone when you croke
Nov 2015 · 959
haven't seen a sunrise yet
kevin kilby Nov 2015
I traveled a long way to see a better day but all I found was loneliness and dismay I poured my heart out to those who wouldn't listen to what I had to say I came to Wyoming to brake horses and maybe steal a heart but since I ben in cody I haven't seen a sunrise yet all Ive had is misfortune and regret I was held up by gun piont on a shore of a river bank I tried to help a kid to learn but his anger made my heart sank  there was to much wild in him to tame so I left that ranch and hung  my head in shame I seen buffalo and the hot springs I seen the north fork and what the called weather brings but since I ben in cody I havent seen a sunrise yet  theres hard times I can't seem to kick and wounds I can't seem to lick I would pack up and leave if I had a chance it's not like the movies filled with gun smoke and romance I wish I never came and theres nobody to blame but since I ben in cody I haven't seen a sunrise yet
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
cowboys life
kevin kilby Nov 2015
a cowboys life is honest and real nothing fake about the ride nothing fake about the feel you can tell a horseman not only by the time in the saddle but the stories he tells and the ringing of the cowbells no one knows how far a cowboy has to rome to find his home but his heart will be in the saddle and he'll tell you finding your soul is half the battle
Nov 2015 · 346
burning embers
kevin kilby Nov 2015
in the twist and turns life brings my soul still sings for the promise of hope and love god makes my spirit sore like a dove tangled thoughts turns my life upside down but jesus turns it all around when I'm blind from truth and lost my way I sit and pray for a better day he always makes things better  then they were even when I feel angry and deterred
in the depths of my heart is were he dwells and he saves me from the fires of hell
Nov 2015 · 330
holding my self together
kevin kilby Nov 2015
I'm holding my self together piece by piece but the love of god will never sieze my mind is lost in bad memorys that never seem to go away but when the pain subsides thats when I get my pride and gods decency and protection   guide me in truth and away from fright and leads me into the light
Nov 2015 · 374
give your self some time
kevin kilby Nov 2015
when you have mishaps pick yourself up by the boot straps when your feeling down and you hit the ground keep getting back up until you reach your goal and jump high enough to miss the holes life brings live honerably away from frebuluse things when life gives you lemons bight the lemon and embrase the thrill of the chase  run fast and hard to win the race  and go for who you really want to be set your sights high and let your spirit be free
Nov 2015 · 481
kevin kilby Nov 2015
happyness is the sun on your face or a love ones embrass it's sweet and kind and always has others in mind happyness is finding the oyster with the pearl happyness is finding that right boy or girl happiness is the corner stone witch life is built it gives no pain it gives no guilt so try to find it when ever you can and make it your friend till the end
Nov 2015 · 400
in the mist of trouble
kevin kilby Nov 2015
in the mist of trouble I find peace cuase jesuses love will never cease when I'm low he brings me up when I thirst for forgiveness theres always mercy in his cup how ever far I rome from his grace I always long for his loving embrase He'll always guide me in truth and light and protect me from danger and fright for ever let him be at my side becuase with him is were I get my strength and pride
kevin kilby Aug 2015
can you tell me how you feel because I don't know can you tell me how to empathise because in me it doesn't show I am trying to bridge a gap that seems to never be filled people say your agsagerating and if you want to change it's in your will but I can't change the way god put me together the storms never go away it's just ment to be wethered I am trying to be adaptable to  societies demands but I am only one man autism is stitched together like a quilt there are many shapes and sizes and can't seemed to be mended and are anger turns to guilt we are few and some of us cry out to be understood and some of us can't but wish we could theres no answers to the mystery of the disease  all I ask is that you listen so you can see
Jun 2015 · 495
lost raven
kevin kilby Jun 2015
in the winter night flew Elisha in the blizzard snow after that they said don't shoot elisha he might be there on the branches down below and when they when hunting in
the winter chill it gave the rancher a scare He said I raised him from a
baby he was so smart he drove me crazy  one day I went to my sons house he was a priest and we went to a monstary all the priest were in a hurry to see this smart raven one of the priest held him up to give a blessing  but he dropped him on the floor but he didn't say never more never more he flew up and on the wall there were pictures of the priest
and young elisha never ceased he found the picture of the priest that dropped him and pecked at the picture  and flew out the window on a branch lim I caught him and said elisha i'm sorry that happen to you and he loved beer so I gave he some brew one day there was a storm
and I had to get the cattle in were it was safe and warm elisha tried to catch up with the herd he was defoted and relentless bird but poor young elisha couldn't find his owner and poor elisha became a loner
the rancher cryied but he always had hope that elisha was alive and the next winter came there was no one to blame that that raven was gone and when his son was old enough to hunt he told his son the story and siad you were this black had I wore when elisha was around and he would sore you were that hat to remind ya so you don't shoot elisha
based on a true story
Jun 2015 · 259
sewn by god
kevin kilby Jun 2015
I am a man with a face legs figures and hands the world around me I embrace but only with gods grace sometimes life gets rough but gods love
makes me tough I can only live on him alone he is my king that sits on his mighty thrown through him my words are like gold with him I am stronger and bold despite what people will think my faith will never be extinct through the troubles and tribulations through time god has always ben there for man kind  he breathed life into this body and created my sole and because of him I am whole  he guides me through life with his staff and rod I am a man sewn by god
Jun 2015 · 298
kevin kilby Jun 2015
life is hard and unforgiving sometimes it's impossible to make a living doing what you love sometimes the only thing that will pull you through are the things that are honest and are true like the things that bring you hope like a rainbow after a monsoon or a brightly lit full moon or seeing a iris
in the snow or seeing a cardinal in the dead of winter perched  on a branch so low these are the things that brings me hope  like when people are so kind when anger makes you blind and you don't know witch way to go these are the things that bring me hope you have to fight to do things right like giving to a stranger that can't give back or fixing a relationship that's Ben broken and cracked these are the things that bring me hope life is sometimes hard and unforgiving sometimes it's impossible to make a living doing what you love sometime you have to push sometimes you have to shove to make it to the top you
have to keep on going and never ever stop these are the things that bring me hope
kevin kilby Jun 2015
certain touches go through me like knifes and I can't look you in the eyes but I'm just like you I bleed red and my eyes are blue I just see the world In a different view but that doesn't mean I can't feel too epathy is different for me I feel it and I know it but I don't know how to show it I am like a square peg trying   to fit into a round hole but blending in is good for my soul the sounds of life make me cringe that is when I become unhinged can't filter out vioces choose my own choices I wish there was a way to show people I still care and even if you don't see me in a crowd I am still there

— The End —