The good side of me wants to give you a gentle handshake when we meet,
the bad side of me just wants to let you know "I'm the man!!"
The good side of me wants to know your what's on your mind,
the bad side just wants to know, are you naughty?
The good side of me is interested in every word you say,
the bad side just wants you to shut up!
The good side of me wants to tell you how nice you look,
the bad side wants to know how nice you look under those clothes.
The good side of me wants you to feel warm and cozy around me,
the bad side wants the devil to come out in you.
The good side of me wants to spend real quality time with you,
the bad side just wants to spend time with you during half-time.
The good side of me wants to make sweet love to you,
the bad just wants to bang the hell out of you!
The good side of me wants to express tender loving feelings afterwards,
The bad side just wants a cigarette, then roll over and go to sleep!
I promise to be good when I am bad.