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kerryondarling Feb 2014
your words **** me
and not in a bad way
in a way that the sharp pain of them
is almost
a d d i c t i v e
like a
d r u g
i want to take your words
and inject them into my blood stream
i want you to flow through my body
i want to be filled with your words and stories
because even though your words are a
k i l l e r
I am already dead
kerryondarling Feb 2014
I want to tell you everything
But as the words try to slip off my tongue
And get past the pearly white guards
Hoping to slide off my lips with ease
They are fighting an uphill battle with the lump in my throat
And as I try to muster to confidence to tell you 3 simple words
I can’t
And they repeat themselves in my head
Like a broken record
I love you
I love you
I love you
But you will never understand how much
How much I love you
And I want to tell you everything
But sometimes
The lump in my throat wins

— The End —