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May 2010 · 773
Kerry Hickman May 2010
Boys are great
they say what they think
think what they do
say when they want you.
Boys are fun
They risk life and limb
just for a swim
Drink like fish
Eat the whole dish
Boys are interesting
they sit and twiddle
Opposable thumbs were
invented for them.
Yes I think I'll stick with boys
May 2010 · 1.0k
If music be the food of love
Kerry Hickman May 2010
'If music be the food of love
Play on' wrote Shakespeare.
Have you listened to Jacobean music?
I think he must have been deaf.

'If music be the food of love
Play on' I say
But not classical, country and western
Drum and base, rap, blues or  heavy rock.

'If music be the food of love'
I'd rather starve to death.
May 2010 · 1.7k
The coffee
Kerry Hickman May 2010
The coffee you gave me was expensive,
I know because it came in a cardboard cup.
Only the from the best coffee shops
Do you get such luxurious containers to hold your beverage.
In a working man's cafe you get a china mug.
No cardboard cups here. They wash them themselves you know.
No trees were injured when making their coffee.
It's not good enough, it's too cheap.
No. Coffee must cost the earth to warrent cardboard cups.
Thank you for paying so much for my coffee.
May 2010 · 817
Kerry Hickman May 2010
I thought you knew you were not my child
I thought you had enough information
The hair on your head is not mine
The eyes in your sockets
They are so different from mine
Your temperament is upity
Mine calm
to someone

— The End —