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Kenny Brown Mar 2012
Ominous notes are spewed from the *****,
Shaking the chandelier.
“It’s a syndrome he suffers from, one of being half-reared.”
The monotonous metronome ticks at allegro
While the all too sure foot taps andante.

Entrancing sweet air surrounds that ever-thinning hair
While I chew on half of a pear.
Wear and tear quickly begins to take place
While I erase the ink on my page to make space.
To make space for answers to these overwhelming questions.
I’ve never been much of a winner in this race.
And I’ve heard pace is the key,
But I have no such interest in locks.

Oh yes I’ve got golden goals,
But not the type of gold the count uses for bitter revenge,
Gold more likened to The Idiot’s investments.

Thetis by what mind did you dip only my fingers?
At sunrise my left side malingers.

Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jones I’m a sales representative from corporate united
Can I interested you in a genuine grin this evening.
Oh…that’s fine, I get paid just to ask.
But regardless, I could really use some conversation at the moment.
Would you mind ministering me with melodies?

I scrape the insole of a misfit pair…
Staring and staring at the ground waiting for it to shake.
Trembles are a sort of comforting contagion.

Oh it’s long been cold enough to build fires,
But I’ve only just collected the wood,
And I see no value in conversing alone outside,
Splitting the options with a razor, the sheets are more comfortable.
Lonely days bring still shivers multiplying,
My skin’s grown thin, all my warmth radiates out.
Oh I should have been a pair of scuttling claws…
The salt water is purely a majority,
My spirit is displaced into phytoplankton riding waves.
There there are no graves,
No cremation or consolation.
Just rest.

My I’m tired, I’ve toiled and tilled till morning
And still haven’t seen sprouts.
The bull in my chest shouts and I’ll I want
Is to wring it’s neck.
I’m tired of walking amongst bloodsuckers and
Angry hordes of minotaur’s.
I’m tired of constantly treading over manmade floors,
And walking down the hall
Only to find my destination…a steel locked door,
Then having to implore upon the janitor.
I’m tired of dancing all the time,
Just let me stand in silence.
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
The departure of the swallows took place on                                
My birthday this year, winter began.
They’re beautiful birds aren’t they Chris. Grasp the hand slowly.
Oh and it’s mild weather we’re having isn’t it?
Just splendid for a chance to wander through the forest.

Every man’s got a field to plow but where will I harvest              
When my niche ran south just to sit amongst the rats
And converse through the evening about Ivan’s insecurities.
Edward, grasp me quick and sever me from society.
Sip from the spring, grab a loaf and run cause
I’ve grown reckless and thrown off my yoke.                              
This young man is naturally far ahead of time,
That’s from the nurture of his hard of hearing mother Catherine.  
Where do I rest where do I eat, the dust in my mind
Is subjected to a sweeping repeat without being collected.
A slow rise, I hate taking off the covers but this night I walked
Without them yea I was nocturnal negation of Shadrach.
And boy you’ve taken far too long to deliver the paper!
My coffee’s been hot for half an hour and cold for two.
(Tap on the window) Excuse me which way is Beersheba?          
Now I know you know so please just bare with me and listen.
Yea yea Jason get out of here I know those tricks, I’ll
Get there some day and when I do it’ll all be worth it
Don’t you dear try to break my ankles. Hey drop the razor
Little boy you can’t shave yet and November is approaching.
Nothings equal to this and everything I’ve ever know
Makes perfect sense now, the explanation is certainly
The longest. Where have I been all my life,
Were you hiding under the desk waiting for an atomic
Bomb to drop, no I was just sitting in the subway counting
Change when the little black girl came up to me and
Asked me for two dollars so I gave her four and somehow
Five turned back to nine, the paper transported, my split
Identity got sewn back together and the cosmos is on my side.

Oh extra large I know what you’re talkin about.
Out there I walked through walls let me circumvent
Iron and brick with a gaseous coronary torrent.
I’ll eat my own heart out with one gentle bite
And smash that lime against the wall at your words.
I grow tired…
I need to get out of here I need to get out of here.
Through the yellow hallways around the corner open the green door.
I want to be on the top bunk so I can see the son rise,
After all that’s me don’t you know, genetically Japanese.
Get down from there!
Like a monkey? Okay!
I am the greyhound come to eat the wolf, just let me out.
These feathers are not clipped yet you can’t do this
(As long as I know right from wrong I’ll be okay I’ll sing my song)
I’ve seen them do it on TV just follow through…
**** the wrong force broke, just gotta set this straight.
What the hell are you doing kid?
I don’t know ask him.
And then he said tighten the bolt it’s gonna fall apart.
Yea the center cannot hold.
Gophers are amazing creatures you know, it’s not easy to tunnel under ground.
But if you’re not a gopher don’t go down the hole,
You might get lost.
I took a trip up to Lake Placid last summer, my kids loved it.
I’ve been holding my breath for five days now.
What’s this muscular leprechaun doing in my way,
If I could get those keys off your belt I could probably **** you.
Try it and I’ll break your head.
That’s a good idea, maybe then the light
Will finally be turned out.
Try repelling all of the moisture from your cells
Well now I guess now I just need to wait for my pants to dry.

Opening my mouth for a female will corrupt me.
Okay stapler I hear you but this is serious now,
Almost time for Vinny to come south. I have no need
For ink anymore check the flesh tattoo it’ll spit out a seed.
Stick that tranquilizer in me, I will remain tranquil and awake,
While I stare at the wall and connect unseen signs with familiar phrases.
You’re dreaming kid, no I’m reopening the wells of my father.    
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher,
Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin.
Hey have you seen this kids coat?
It’s far away but you can find me where I wrote.

Sear me sear me I see it coming anyway
Wait wait wait, I take it all back.
This one is about going insane, partially narrative, but mostly the thought process. I don't even understand all of it.
2.2k · Feb 2013
A Quick Right Turn
Kenny Brown Feb 2013
A quick right turn is accompanied by a shiver
Which just might balance the quivering intestines.
It is best friends, it is best friends…if we
Keep our eyes focused on the same horizon,
The locus is only half forward, half circled,
And it’s almost as if this river is natural..
It’s almost as if it’s course was cut before it’s spring was opened.
The salmon drive stealthy…relentless to the pressure,
Thinking that in conflict there might emerge something fresher,
Fresher than telephone calls with Alice
As she faced the looking glass
Or the crass manner of reaching for
An always-empty chalice.

But the shiver in itself was enough to explain his expectations
And the gaze of something greater gave him visions of creation
Shelter from the storm
Her silhouette has him splintered
Splintered in hope and doubt that the fates beat the furies
1.4k · Mar 2012
To You
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
To you
Who can be all that is good on earth
Not with romance
But just a smile
Tailored by Hephaestus
1.3k · Feb 2013
Kenny Brown Feb 2013
I’ve been scratching my eyes out, trying to give them to the sandman
I’ve got a master plan but I need a hand for support
This is no retort, nor the beginning of something great
But I ate the fruit and let it’s juices poison me when I caved in to flee instead of leaning on the stronger side of me, traced by a journal entry
Centuries before one third had wounds infected by war
I’m trying to keep the door open that has a hold on all of my motion
No faith in magic potions, might as well drink up
Or give up the cup and lay parched and alone
These are home grown problems, seeds in my pocket
Heart in a locket and I’m fumbling for the key before all chances pass by and hope ceases to be
It’s the clear water I’m after, this tap releases murky
Work the bad knee, no wheel chair present
I’m the pheasant getting shot down by a starving peasant
Hit the resin for a light head full of dread
I’ve rode spirits down roads that Rome built, don’t come crying to me when the rest of the flowers wilt, or your foot slips cause the stilts are giving out from underneath
The air’s lethal better keep an eye on your breath
And cherish what you’ve kept cause it will all pass away
The mental inspection said not safe to drive
Still I strive to pick up the passenger in my dreams
The one who leans on another but used to call me lover
I’ll hover like a hand for a thousand years
And collect my tears so you can shower in them
This is a rap
1.3k · Mar 2012
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
Leave now and never come back,
Make your way down to the grimy grotto.
See that looking glass in the corner, go ahead,
Pick it up and stare, Is it the six-winged seraphim
That you’re facing or ****** victor under the pile.
Climb the ladder, but pocket the overstepped rungs.

Trace the line backwards and unearth missing links,
Hmm the consistency is barbed disorderly.
Run, run by my side faithful friend as Prometheus
Steps on the vehicle for tomorrow. They will say,
Oh lord what happened, a ******* Samaritan.
The more recent blackness is overtaken by the
Distant marooning of this celestial being,
After swimming desperately to the island.
Once we reach land I’ll grab the pistol out of
My pocked and pull the trigger, point blank to the
Back of her head.
That shot took a year and
A half to exit the barrel.

Can you hear me down there, it’s been about three
Maternal cycles since I climbed up on this web and
The reflection of the sunlight burns my eyes.
My stomach’s got eight legs and fangs what’s yours like?
Excuse me where do you keep the ether?
I’m familiar with it’s presence being on the threads.
I walk like Easter Island shoreline in a cage.
I walk like living liquid frozen stiff on stage.
Shhh, quite down, listen close and make eye contact,
You’ll hear the speech impediment
Of a boy with a slit tongue, covered in too much skin.
Treading over clean floors after trekking through mud
Is dangerous, you might have to clean up after yourself.
And we all know how that one hates to work.

Why did you eat that when your mother told you not to?

Then callused skin grew soft and the sun began to rise,
I’ll slap you right now, look in the eyes of the wise.
Walk into the council meeting and personify it’s order,
Your ****** is so good it’ll take divine intervention
To open the canal. It’ll even shine in my throat,
Pass the billy goat and locate the proper vocal chord.
Tippin the pH scale with that step, doctor please.
Throw out half the goods and follow Basho.

Joints stretch during slumber.
I peered into my atoms, threw out the
Electrons and picked up a cow tongue at the
Local farmers market.
1.3k · Mar 2012
Something Like The Seasons
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
These days are desperate times.
Persephone wandered too deep into the woods
And the earth has produced only miscarriages in the second trimester.
I’m full-grown curled up in the womb and it’s lost it’s warm.
I’m a child curled up in the womb and the walls are worn.

I swim at the junction of Acheron and Cocytus
Desperately trying to reach the shore,
But the currents far too strong.
Growing furious, I spot my family paying the fare
To board the ferry from Long Island to Connecticut.

I am torn asunder and the pieces dissolved
Into the cold morning air like evaporating dew.
My eyes fall upon a bright red bird, flying in a gyre,
Singing praises to it’s open wings, above a pyre.
The wood burns, carbonizing the soil to start the cycle
1.2k · Feb 2012
I Have Crooked Teeth
Kenny Brown Feb 2012
When I bite you you’ll have a crooked cut.
When I digest food it’s crooked.
Even my limbs are on crooked
In my crooked joints.
My fingers are crooked
And so are my toes.
My skin is stretches
My Tongue is twisted
And my lungs are lopsided.
Title is first line.
Kenny Brown Feb 2013
I walk the swamp land with saliva dripping from my jowls,
My brother howls at the crocodile ripping its prey.
It’s been a long day on the hunt for dry land
Where moss is elevated three feet to escape the gripping hand
That keeps us grounded in the moisture
While our tongues crack like a surrendering oyster.

It’s murky;
Opaque with sediment.
Caws and cackles, rattling drums
The search for firewood, four broken thumbs.
But um, we’ve just completed a circle
And still the sun is setting.
Time is permissive
1.1k · Feb 2013
Summer Fever
Kenny Brown Feb 2013
It’s funny how the warmest months cause the most shivers
And when light waxes the grain withers.
I’ve seen Demeter with arms so white
They would cure the night colds,
But the morning flew by with leopards leading me
Down a trail that’s only wide enough for two.
Is this the hallowed path I should walk?
Or just some child’s guidelines drawn in chalk.
Leopards stalk
Which is all that’s left when the fruit is eaten

Hobbits feet feel weak on black sand
Ravens beaks look strong with an empty hand

It’s an annual sense of being suffocated by pressure
Earth is above me going forward
I’m frigid
Children dance for the solstice
Three summers past I first wrapped the cast

Now it seems as if this will last till day’s stop
But the last leaf is inevitably bound to drop
906 · Mar 2012
The Bird
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
The bird soared
Through Amazon jungles,
The land of one billion Towers of Babble.
Offspring, the finest nature can produce
Of which this creature
Often found herself.
Scavenging through every niche,
Searching for a meal, to
Satisfy the growing
Life deep in her bodies
Labor only led to more labor.
Each day following
Every second dedicated to protection,
Eventually the goal was reached:

This new life was convinced,
To live for flying, and singing,
Thunderous praises to nature.
Opera house of the air with
Opulent tones. Leaving a shadow
Of beauty in the
Such stakes left his
Soul open for grace. Then
Love. Not romance, but
Liquid appreciation of the
Living and dead. Seeing
Each thing living, or non
Entrenched in one air, an
Endless omnipresence
Eating, digesting, producing;
Mother <3
904 · Mar 2012
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
Call me the great American Sweede
I’ve clearly got it all.
But son, sun, little miniature mouse
My gloves don’t even fit right so..
You’ve gotta search cellar house.

A merry rise builds off a muscled fall.
So watch and learn; success is failure.

Flee this game of fetch at once,
Banished from his house while constructing persists,
My lord accepts all gifts, but, stolen shingles.
This guy can’t catch em at all ash, just a fresh flicker.

Ts’ whut happens win ya work dog units.

Wipe yo feet in De Spain!
But take them off in the next hemisphere.
Keep snopin around Charlie and get linked to the chain,
Burn through to leave that mark and
You’ll flee through the dark again.

Well it all comes down to this brother
Is there one looking glass in dark dwelling?
Or do your eyes always fix on another?

Make cinders of sleeping pieces and blow up the pawns.
Suckling from the breast of success doesn’t always bring one piece.

Go ahead of me dawn
Try to stop this one at the root
Or it’ll pursue you

Red skies coat brown guys with beauty in white light eyes.
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
The sun slowly sets and the streetlights turn on while
I sit at the kitchen table, trying to take one step away
From the fire and brimstone storm next door.
Sitting next to me is my father and a saltshaker,
He douses his roast beef with it and digs in ferociously.

Last night while I was standing on my front lawn a man
Wearing blue jeans and a grey sweatshirt approached.
He had a friendly demeanor and dragged on listlessly
Whistling a familiar tune, difficult to place.
Walking right up to me, the mysterious creature put his
Hand on the back of my neck and we began to grapple.
Struggling to keep my strength I was thrown to the ground.
His force couldn’t keep me down for long, I got him under me
And pinned him down for a short minute until he mustered
All his strength to push me off and we were on our feet again.
Eight hours passed and one had not overtaken the other
Until with a slight twist he popped my right leg out of place.
I said thank you and proceeded to sit on my front lawn,
Injured by myself.
Kenny Brown Feb 2013
Well girl if you’re stable at overflowing
Just please let me coast inches
I need to sentry how this is growing
There’s a tugging at my sleeve, trying to lead me in a cave
With a slight incline so not even a torrential wave
Could splash safety
Yours or mine
While our synergy matures like wine

It’s in the print of the design that I come across a constant need for repair
Bring tools along the way I swear ruts bend your axles
Bending backwards can’t twist your posture like her
Fur is soft on the skin
In a race the fox always wins
Reach in to the frothy mixture and pull out a piece of the picture
Even though your centered in a fixture a foundation is hard to find
It especially distorts the spine at night
When the light can’t distract you
From the visible glow she radiates
Strong enough to contract you
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
Can you feel the winds blowing?
Can you feel the moon pull the tides?
No I really can’t.

I walk down a dirt path through a certain wood, alone,
Wearing courage…and folly, for the Laestryogons
Are of another land, far from here, where Pythos slithers,
But that’s of another matter, another matter completely.
Regardless, recant and reiterate [here you must leave all wariness
Behind, all trace of cowardice must be extinguished.]
Well I relinquish my stronghold over to the others.

It may be insidious to some but I must ask,
Why the stripes, why the stripes?
They did not unify all different types.
The apple is useless after it ripes.

I think I’ll sit and drink tea till the sun sets, and repeat.
And when I’m stretched out, stretched out thin
I will sit and gaze and grin,
At a passing cloud, a squirrel, a tree,
At the warbling from the aviary.
Kenny Brown Dec 2012
Walking through the desert like I’m led by Moses
No exit is seen
Accompanied by an entrance too distant over my shoulder for the number of steps           ((taken)like my dignity when I nod along)
It’s clearly been foggy for a while around here
The status of not too worried is half successful in covering up the truth
We are used to purgatory
It’s practically a birthright

Wandering is an inescapable theme because it’s an inescapable reality
Crab walking on the floors of silent seas
844 · Mar 2012
Three Queens
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
Four turns…
Four turns point down within these boxes.
Tail bitten chased by following red foxes.
These lovers leave ***** trails through the sand,
But good friends extract tattoos on my lonely souls hand.
Please, please captain help me wax my earnest ears.
Crashing on the rocks nightly reaps woeful tears.
And yea it’s beautiful music that draws me near
But where does the soul go at the conclusion of yet another year.

Three queens…
Why do you bring me here?
Why do you suddenly appear,
Out of air with songs so clear?
Now I’m lost without a seer,
And can’t hold a trace of what is dear.

Bowman of the woods rid this path,
Of harsh kings evil epitaph.
And let me not follow in a fools wrath.
Artemis’ hand leads the chart at last.
Ensure stern sister that I do not break fast,
And spend my days limping one way dragging a sore cast.
So the pieces left do not shatter.
Internally ingest information attempting to make the mind fatter,
Meanwhile every movement causes clatter.
But can even one remain sane without a stain.
Surely mother nature could do without acid rain.
If it came to the choice of not a single more day of pain,
I’d still choose love.

One pair…
Running through a great deciduous metropolis
Good goddess hanging by my side there’s no stopping us
Immune to infectious wounds pouring out blood and pus
Even joyful alone with strangers on a late night city bus
In these short days it’s far from all I need
What’s the point of getting chest beaten with golden greed
Just take me to that luscious garden
And I will sing loves long lost pardon
812 · Mar 2012
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
How this little misses causes me to misses
Her sweet little cheek kisses, so much I’ll never really know
And if I could have the whole world right now,
All I’d take is one day with you tunneling through mounds of snow.

Toys, toys, ouch I stepped on more toys.
I guess I’ll take LPS construction over a hundred boys
Causes me and Jaron are the only two for you
It took at four years but now you always say I love you too.
A dedication to my little sister.
LPS= Her abbreviation for Littlest Pet Shop, a toy that plagues my home.
Kenny Brown Feb 2013
You fell asleep on my chest today
With my boring words leading you by the ears.
I carry a sponge in my pocket for your tears
But lately I’ve been using it on myself more.
Words shatter when they hit the ground
And I realize that I didn’t mean them
But it’s too late because you’ve already stepped on the splinters.
First blood can’t be drawn without a close second
In quarters such as this.
A kiss is like anti-venom
But I don’t want to be the snake
For the sake of preserving our garden.
Some diseases aren’t caused by microbes;
My lobes have been whittled to an edge
Or maybe I was born with an obsidian brain
Walking this extensive prison searching for my shard.
I will use this curse to guard the hearts of Aztec infidels.
Fate is like spilling alphabet soup to see what it spells.
I cast spells with unkind words but there’s no divine intervention,
It’s me who carries out the prevention of progress.
Distracting the problem by removing her dress
Makes me feel better and worse at the same time.
A tight grip leaves little room in the palm.
Kenny Brown Feb 2013
I’m sorry but I’m out here hunting hearts and I don’t consort with the enemy
There’s a vein you see and it needs a constant supply of oxygen

I’ve been boxed in with candles
All I know how to do is ramble
But when I find a place to call
Home and a hand to call world
That I’ll delicately handle my
Course of thought falls right to

Sorry, I’m below the surface
You can join me, and I mean you not them.
If you’re here just keep steady your pen.
749 · Mar 2012
Day 11
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
Why, oh why
Must this sky be kept grey?
Dreams tunneling deeper pushed from the light
And clear thoughts mixed awry.

Double digits aint a blessing friend.
Double halfway near the end but I hardly even see it.
Day 11 of what is it you can’t even recall?
Oh Christ bound fast in ******* filthy cell,
This is how the angel fell.

Sing me a sweet song.
First you’ll have to turn and tune that tickled tooth
I don’t enjoy an off key worker bee.
But what’s wrong with me?
Would you like an honest opinion or a real one friend?
That lady’s lackluster list leads to no end
So I’m eternal
No just shut up and keep that pathetic journal

How to paint a landscape through riveted steel window screens.
Well there’s three trees two and one of a kind
At least a dozen boring bushes caught in my mind
One connected building opposite, white with orange and gray
And a whole bunch of people moving.
All while Buddha sits.
Hard Times
742 · Mar 2012
Day 12
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
Let the rage flow
Work with flower
Every cowering minute
Brought closer to dough.

But what if these rolls get burnt?
Well no one listens in turn anyway so why would that be a surprise?

A bike locked miles away,
Kept safe from skies gray and vultures prey.
Out of sight it’s safe right?
You tell me I’m home;
Isn’t that where it should be?

Flex the calendar or rip it in half,
But demon don’t dare try impressing on my ends.
Interesting info through chartly graph, but,
That ***** worth a little less than all I feel.
Got it wrong again sir thoughts are bad meds are real.

Sharpened bars out of the sight of cars.
I’ll get licked to fly through em
Or cut both feathers off then juice to mars.

Please call me holey.

Recently relating more to the apple I drink than bite.
One got annihilated then synthed,
The other just fell from the fight.

Do I need this?
Cause it’s starting to-seam/split-ike
My blood is merely monster food feeding this
Gore machine that’s every shade but green.
725 · Mar 2012
Where To Lie
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
Bleed out the need
Shriveled tales unravel the raw.
Nothing else can cover the truth I’ve seen
And man what’s in between these faces?
A million other places,
But none suffice.
A Christly passion for the red of all
But with the greed of hearts is where men fall.
No signals strong enough
To chase down this love profound.
Cracked eggs shells move on in form,
Souls cannot help but flee from the wrong warm
And the cold is born.
Inception of this sort creates what becomes worn
So where to turn in light of grease
And sparks.
Caves of old have made their mark
Filled with bones that marrows escaped,
Fell through the cracks
With stripes on the back.

For now there is no forward
Progression halted by an unhealthy obsession.
A self-defeating demon meant no harm.
But even cellular shrapnel
Rips the walls
Of four chambers, water falls
And brawls.

The competition of a thousand Oarks.
Craftsman with inward direction,
But one bird above with thoughts
Of projection.
This woodwork dies quick,
While Richard grows richer.
Kenny Brown Mar 2015
Great with a couple pieces missing,
I think their tied to my toes trailing behind in the deep snow.
Dooon't weep don't weep.
God isn't mute she's just not speaking right now
& that's okay
Everything is frozen
Nothing is over

We wake up to the smell of burnt coffee and stale beer
It's a new year
And i'm hearing static in the grape vines of paranoid minds that jumble lines and fumble over mines like "it's cool, i like my feet ******"
Muddy muddy muddy afternoons
Lets clear this debt to our projections of the future and settle down

They sleep now

I drink an endless tea cup researching the prescribed method for sewing two moments to one palm and tattooing remain calm on the other

We danced in the garden, danced with beetles & birds & one soul and i'm glad you didn't see it cause your hole would be twice the size of mine right now

Was that me?
Were those my hands sitting in a tree cutting vines to tie together clever lines and mixed wether into a raft to sail until these mountains of burning plastic are all behind?
Out of sight...i must have been but i can't sap anymore, or feel the chlorophyl running down my fingers.
Out of sight and the smokes still here
Out of sight

Now where did my pillow run off to tonight?
Rest your head on this rock when you need to.
I know you haven't been tired this february, but you will be & when that time comes i want you to rest your head on this rock
This chest
I'll be laying in the sand ready for you to open me up

Code me, i'm a program waiting for the enter key
But who are you?
That face has changed
Weight lost and knowledge gained
More and less alone than we feel

A pale mist settles on my chest hair while I lay in a morning field there's nothing to worry about
From holes, mice scurry in and out
It's scary when i shout without intending but now the airs hair is warm and alive and the ending of that rain is over
That reign that impregnated the headlines and airwaves
That reign that tied us to benches facing away from each other and the truth
That reign that kept us creeping through suburb streets, passed midnight, passed freezing, passing one last American Spirit that slowly kills us and drowns our voices in sticky tar
That reign is over for today

I know it's your play, but i refuse to play the priest whipping his own back under a lone candle
I can handle this if you'd stop making me doubt myself
The most kindhearted criticism is a catacomb cataclysm that becomes the only thing to demand you listen

I was just just fishin
Didn't mean for you to bite

Who is right?
Who sat up to write all the ways he was wrong one night until the morning?
Sorry that it's so **** long haha
Kenny Brown Mar 2012
Sometimes all it takes is a change of light
To question your identity.
And if hollowed hammers could be held,
I’d certainly make a better me.

— The End —