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Mar 2014 · 1.5k
Races of World of Warcraft
The trolls are funny and have secrets untold
The blood elves well they just get trolled
The taurens are peaceful and kind
The goblins are quite hard to find
The orcs have a mighty roar
The undeads of a thirst for war

These are the Horde we all know and love
The next ones you see beat the ones above

The dwarves are are born to be hunters
The gnomes are sick of the punters
The humans build great cities of gold
The night elf leaders are kind of old
The draenei come from far away
I guess the worgen have to stay

My writing is done and I bid you good day
The end is done I have nothing left to say
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
M – Making Bowser pay for his diabolic plans
A – As chubby as a small pig
R – Running through tubes
I – Is very friendly
O – On his first of 100 lives (Still)
Mar 2014 · 3.1k
Pokemon the Series: XY
There is a boy Ash Ketchum
He has a buddy named Pikachu
They came into the Kalos region
So ash can try to be a Pokémon master
They landed in Lumiose city
Where they met Clement and Bonnie
He tried to challenge the gym there
But got kicked out because he had no badges
He’d saved a Garchomp
Because team Rocket tried to control him
He then went to Santalune city
Where he met viola and Serena
He challenged the gym but lost
Because of the moves viola’s Pokémon had
Then he trained with viola’s sister
And her Pokémon, Noivern
I only watched, like 3 or 4 of the first episodes.
Mar 2014 · 583
Flappy Bird
1… 2… 3…
Goes a bird through three tubes
4… 5… 6…
There he goes again
7… 8… 9…
990 tubes later…
Uh-oh here comes Mario
Mario shoots fireball at bird
Bird dodges it
Bird flies through the tube with Mario
1,000 points! New Record!
Let’s go for – Oops!
Game Over…
Hope you guys loved it! :D

— The End —